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<br /> S. �IYY'11 Of' �1�/Oft� lMY'lrC�. BWTOrM��f i1Nll � (IM 111�1fV1'�ttl�nt� WtM 0�Of �� ofl (�Mi
<br /> Prop�nY Inwtnd y�i�w Iar by �In. h�racd� iacluded withln th� w►m 'o��meKkd ca�ory�" wd wq� atbr Iw�M, iacdx�if�
<br /> Iloodt or Aoodlty,for whkh lwrod��t�quinK ire�ot�nce. 'Thi�inrur�noe�tul[ b�rnd�MaMwt In Ih��ouols�nd fw lbia¢trlo/�
<br /> ihiu l,etrler requlra. 'Yl�e� imurmoa c�utier pmvldlty 1�e I�wuranoe slwll be cl�aen by enrrawer wbjxS to l,a�rlat`� �ppe�ovd
<br /> whkh �II nol M wW�olMbly +vidflwiW. If Norn�w�r hW b nri�win �vice�e dMCtlbrd �bow. L.NId�t ewq�. M L.wdw'�
<br /> _-�---•--------_--,_, ' ��r,tion.obUun cnve»�e tn prutect i.ender't ri�tht�in thc PmDortY in�cccmfa�x�c wkh p�ryroph 7.
<br /> ---- -- ---
<br /> AU imu��a polieiea t�d r�new��lylt b�e�o�epi,�bk to L�ende�and �IWI Inciu�d�a un�rd tuoni�p claxre. LMda
<br /> yhall have tha ri�ht to hnk!t!w pullcia aod re�ewd�.Yf l�e�xkr reqvirot,Borrvwer ehdl Pranpdy�Iva w L.onder dl r�oeipts ot
<br /> p�id pra»luma and ronewa!notias.In tl�o ev�t uf lo�s,Borrawrr�hall�ive pron�t rotke to the inwrnnce c�rriec u�d L.ender.
<br /> I.eodar m�y rrrlue ptcioFof las if not rnwe P�mpt1Y bY Bon+owtr.
<br /> Unlcas I..ender erd Borrower dherwix tjre�in writing. in�urutice p:+ocaed�sha116e rp�plied ta reatuntfoa a rep�ir of the
<br /> property danuRed,if the�etoratian or reQair ie eoonnmically fwible ud Lerder's aecurity ia�wt leYSC+ned. I(the ratontion or
<br /> rc,p�ir e:not economjcally fasiblt ur Ixnder'a s�aurity would be lasened,the insuram.�e prooeeda sludl be Mpptied w tln wau
<br /> secuted by thls Savriry Instrument, whether or not thcn due, with any exc�as p�id to Bonower. If Borrowa abudonc the
<br /> Property, ar does not x��xwer withln 3Q daya a notice from I.eider th�t tho insurana cacrier hps offeroci to serile a elaim, than•
<br /> I.er�der rrny collext the insuruncx p�vceads. Lender may ueu the Qroca�do to �ir or reature the Yroperty or ta ppy dumv
<br /> — seceirod by this Security Inahument,whether ur not then due.The 30�day period will begin when thn notice is givcn.
<br /> Unlese I.ender atd Borrower oihenviae agcee in writing, sny applicrt�on aF pr000eda to principat shdl not extend �r
<br /> — — �ns.,�„�t!x dsee dstz of 4!r_ s�!+nth1Y �Yrxnts rr.f�rnxt �n�n�nenigrnphF 1 and 2 ar ch,mge thc xa�unt uF tha patymaits. If
<br /> uuder p�rsgraph 21 the Property is acquerod by Lender,Bumower's tight to any inEUSUwe poliaies ancl procoala rcsultina from
<br /> danygc to the Froperty prior to the acquisitiw�stu�ll pass to L.ender to dto exte.nt of the sums atixunod•by this Security Imttument
<br />_- irrunodiatcly prior to the acquisitton.
<br /> b. Otxup�acy,1''iresa�ation,Mainteaaaoe and Pt+�tuMion o[qu Propert': Bwct►xer's L.oan Applkatloa; Les�seho�Mla.
<br /> Borrower shall accupy,esta6Hsh,�uxt use the Property rrs Cxarrawer's prtneipa!n;s.'ic�ema�:within sixty days ufter tFve execution of
<br /> thia Security Instruir�eut and shAll continne to occupy thc F'toperty as 19orrowcr's prinripal resjdence for at leavt ona year afcer
<br /> thc date of o�xupancy.unlaes IAnder other�c?se agras in writing, whi4li �nsent shall not 6e unrcasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> extenuating cixrumswnces exist which are beyond Borruwer's conY•rol. Bonower shall not destroy, dsimmage or impair thz
<br />' __ �'ro}xrty, aliow thc Properry ta deteriornt�, or comrnit waste on the Property.F3nnower shall bc in defaa(t if any fodeiture
<br /> — artion or Qroc2e�ding, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could rasult in forf'eiture of the
<br />- _ = pr��.rry�r r,�},rFwicr m�cPxerlly imnair the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's�urity intere.st.�3prrower may
<br /> - - cuTC such a defainit and reinstixtc,as pn,vided•in paragraph 18,by causing the xction or proceeding to ba dismissed with a r►xi�nb
<br /> ,' �� thnt, in Lender's good faith deterrnination. precludes forteiture of the Borrowcr's interest in the Property or olher material
<br /> impairnient of thc lien crwted by thi9 Secvi:y I�nstrumcnt or Lender's securiry intcrest. Borrowcr shall also he in defauh if
<br /> Barrower,during the loan applicadon process,gave materially falsc or inctccurate inforn�ation or statements to Lc7�Jer(or fnilal —
<br /> _ to provlde l.endcr with any mnterial infortnation)in connsction with the loare evidenceci by the I�Iote,includinII,but not limited
<br /> •- to.representattons cunceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a princlpal residenee. if this Security instrument is un a
<br /> leasehold. Bc�rcower shall comply with all tho provisioiis of the lcase. If Borrower acquires fee tidc to the Propaty. tho
<br /> lcasehold and the f�e Nde shall not mcr�e unless L,endcr agcxs to thc merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Proter.tion of Lender's Rtghts i»the Property.If&,rn�wer fails to perforni the covenants and asramcnts containod in
<br /> - this Sccuriry Insttutt�ut, or tk�cre is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> procax7ing in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or revulations). then[.ender may do and
<br /> - — pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value uf the Property and L.endei s rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> i�rolude paying :sny sums Sccured by a lien which has priarity over c6is Securiry instrument, appearing in court, paying _
<br /> re.asonable attomey�' (ees and entcring on the PropeRy to makc repairs.Although L.cnder mny take action under this paragcaph =_
<br />- 7.I.ensler does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amount� disbur.sed Uy I.ender under tl�is paragraph 7 shall b�ome additinnul debt of Borrower secured by this ___
<br /> Security lnswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from thc a__
<br /> date of disburse:nent at ehe Note rate and shall be payablc, with intcrest, upon notice from L.ender to Borrower requcsting ;�—
<br /> paymcnt. �i`:.
<br />- 8.11iurtgsge Insursroce.If L.ender required mongage insurnnce as m m�dition of making the loan secur�d by this Secarity r'?�''
<br />-� v�, �� Instrument, Horrower shall pay the prcmiums requirc� to maintain thc mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any rcason. the
<br />- � rnortgage insurance coveragc rcc�uired by i.ender lapses ar ccases to bc in effect, Borcower shull pay the premiums rcquired tn ��,.�r'
<br /> , j`;?
<br /> , , obtain coverage substa►dially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect,at a cast substantially equivalent to the �" +:�:
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mort a e insurance reviousl in effect, from an raltemare mort a � insurer a rove,d b I.end�r. If F�'`''�
<br /> 8 8 P Y � B S' PP Y ,:;:•
<br /> " substantially equivatent moct�age insurance coverage is not availuble, Borrower shall puy to Lender each month a sum equal to '`�
<br /> �, �1;:�•� Y Y 8 8 P S P Y � P , f:����.
<br /> one•twclfth of the enrl mort a e insur.�nce remium Ix�in uid b Borrower when the insurance covera c la s�,d or ccased to �
<br /> � ,.;. `�•��''�� be in effect. I.ender will accept,use and re¢a'sn Hiese puyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgag� insurance. Loss reszrve �'�•%
<br /> �y .��w
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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