• x.-=.
<br /> ._:__ � ' "_.. __ '_. __ ___ . __ .. _ _. -.�.� -
<br /> �F, •-�J� —
<br />..__.___ .—_ ���_ _���.� .__
<br /> i7.Trwr�hr of the hn{Krfy n��e llenedcisl�Mere�in Biwmw.r.I���I!,tir any p�n n�iht �tY tfr sny iMer+eii In it
<br /> -- — i�+udd ur enn�kmai I��r�(�h�ne�ir��) ic�crw�i�9orn,wrr i�r�ld��r ir�ferroJ�rxi H�,m�wer ia nrx o n�tur�l p►nwn)witF►rxii
<br /> Lernier'. prior wiitten cunreot, i.a►des�nny, �.t i�, up�iu�►, royuirc imn�liue pryn�en� in full uf wll nunu �a:urat by thia
<br /> Security InslnemerH.However, �hls c�tic�+ah�ll rxM be eaerciend f�v I.encbr iY s+�trtine fr pn►hibited hy ted�,�nl I�w n nf�lwe dNe
<br /> c�f ahis Securi�y In�trumcnt.
<br /> [f C,et�der exerciva thie nption, l.ender�11�ive Bonvwer rwHit�r nf ircelnraUon.Tlx notice stullp NV�C t�Od[?�11l)l
<br /> ;. leas than 30 days trom the d��e the nodce fs delrvered ar rnrlled wlthin which Bc�rrowcr mutit pay dl isu�ru ra:ured by this
<br /> ..--- ------�-...�-- :-- �--�-- .�.�i�.A22t� !-t::aut�nt.Cf E�rtn..,Cf r.^.11.-�.��+� �r� � r 41� � ��-�. '�� n iw y� �� L � f
<br /> _--.. __ _•�th�-c.._m.s nvr to thc_- sr^_tF n nf th;., -nc -• I__r.� _r m. In � * m rr��+� _�_.
<br /> petmitte�id by thia Srcurity Inatrumertt without furtFie�noticx ar dertwnd on Sorrower.
<br /> � 18. lbrrowa's Rl�ht to �tdn�te. If 8umower mats cectYin ��ur►ditions, &�rrower slwll have the right tu have
<br /> enforren�em��f this Serudty Instr�menc diewnNnuai a: mry time prlor lo th4 rnrlier of: (s) 5 days(nr such�Hhtr perird as
<br /> applicable Isw may spocify !or reinetaterritnt) beforc �tl� of the Pr+openy pursunnt ro any powrr of sale wntainod in this
<br /> Securiry Instrument;or(b)entry o�a JudgmKnt cntorrinE this Security IaYtn�nknt.Tha.�e c�nditiuns are that Ei�rrowtr:(W)pnys
<br /> Lender all 6umv whlch then would be'�!!bt �Mdes this Security Instrument and the Note as if rw a�:celeration had cecumd; (b)
<br /> _.� c►�*es any defsUlt of any other covrna�2tg ur ag!Ytmr_ntv; {e) pays all expenses i�.:a�rcci in �nfo�cinF thi5 Sex;urity Incrrtirrxnt,
<br /> including, but not limited ro, reasonable attameys' fccs;a�x1 (d)takes such actton as Lender may reasonably roquire to agsure
<br /> � thet the lien af this S�cu.:ty�Ir•�tni.-�:nt,Lender's righcs in the Pmgerty n�x1 Borrower's abligation to pr�y the sums secural by
<br /> th.is S�curity Instrurnertt sha11 cnntinuc'unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borro��•er, ttjis Security Instntment at►c1 the
<br /> �.� obligutians secared het�by siull remrdn full,y effective as if no acceleration had occurr�. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> '�. not apply in the cnse of acceleratinn under puragraph 17.
<br /> — 19. S�k dF Note; Clwnge at I.a�n Servker. The Note or a partiul Interest in ths Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instniment)mmv he sold one or mare times without priur naticc to Borrower. A s:�le mey result in a change in thc entity(known
<br /> -� as i�a"L.oan Scrvic�r')that callccts nionthly paymsnts dua undcr thc Plote:nd this Sceurity Instrun:�nt. Thore a1:,n ma��:,ors�
<br /> �.r n,iorc chnnges of the Loan Scrvicer unrc7ated to n salc of the Note.If there is a change of the Loa��3ervicer, &�rrower will be �
<br /> givcm written notice�f the change in accordanes with pars�grnph l4 above and applicable law.The notice will state the narne and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and die address to which payments should be made.7'he notice will also contain nny other
<br /> :;"• inforn�ahon required by applicable law.
<br /> --"��j 20. Huatalous Substame�.w. Aorrower ahu11 not cnuse ar pem�it the presence, use, dispovn9, sturage. ar mlease of any
<br /> - --==" Ha•rardous Substances on o�r in thc Propertv, 8urrowcr shall not tlo. nor alluw anyonc clse to �o, anything affccting the
<br /> = Property that ja in violation n.f any Environmental Law. 'fpe preceding two sentencec shall nat apply to the pr.sence, �cse,or
<br /> _ �' st�rage on the T'rop.�rty of sraal�auantities of Hazardous Substances that are genen;ty recog�uzal to be appraprfate tc�normai _-__�-'`-'_"`
<br /> -::;i;;;y�■' residcntial uses and to maintenance c�f thc Property. ►�"r
<br /> =-:;n; Borruwer sh:ill promptly glve Lender written notice of any investigaaon,claim, dem.�nd, lawsuit ur other action by any _
<br /> "::�j�. governinentul�r xa�latory flgency or privntc party involving thc Property und a�iy Hazardous Substancc or Environ►ncntal L�w —
<br /> --: of whieh B�rrawer h�s actu:�l �cnowledge. If}ionower learns,or is notified by any �overnmentnl o•r re�ulata�• autharity,that --
<br /> . ..--. .. - -- --= iu�jr icii3Csvd}vi vutci icuKV'iBt�QR O way iidZLuC�iiS ,uvSi�lCc Si'aC�tiii�t�"�'CF'.Tij' � 3Ij'.a�"aL:.�&:iiv;J,TCSiiili3�f��� _--..
<br /> -.�.��
<br /> --: }�'--' aa,a u iS iS�CiSis ��
<br /> ,��,�,�; a�t necessary remecli�l actions in a�cordance with Emironme:�1�1 Law. -
<br /> _ � As used in this pa�agraph 20, "Hu�xrdnus Substances" ure those substances defined as toxic or hazandous substances�y
<br /> =''�� Environmenta! Law and the followin� substnnees: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or tax�c petroleum producu. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents, mat�rials containing asbestos or fomuzldehydc,and raJinac�ive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragrepl� 20. 'Enviranrnental Law" nkans federal laws ;u�d I:sws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is located that
<br /> relste to health.sxtety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIF�RM COV�NAfVTS. Borrowcr and I.endce furthcr covcn:uu and agree as fol(ows:
<br /> 21. Acceler�tton;Remedi�.Lender shall give nodce ta fMrmwer priur to accderatlon following Bi►rrower's breach
<br /> ot pny rovetumt or pRreement in thls Secority Instrument (but not prlor to accele*�tian under pwr�gr�� 17 unln�v
<br /> Applkable Iww pmvides otherwlse). The notice shall specify: (o)the default; (b) the action reyufred to cure ii�c defwult;
<br /> (c)�date.not le+.w ttwn 30 d�ys ttom the dAte thr�x►ticc Is Rlvrn to Iinrrnw•er.by which the detaWt m�st be curcd;and
<br /> (d) ttut tallure to cune/he de[ault on or be[om the date s�Ylflc�l In the nuticc m�y result in uccelerutlon ot the sums
<br /> secund by tht�tiecurlty Instrument and �le o[tl�e�perty. 'fl�c notice tihall further infarm Bormwrr of the rlRht to _
<br /> - retnKtate �her acce!e��atlnn �nd the right to brin�; A cuu►K Actlon to �ssert thc non-ex(stencc oi a defautt or any other ,�._
<br /> efefrnse of fk►rrnwer to acederation Ana�sste.if the defautt Is not cuc+ed nn or be[ore the dnte specifiecl in the nolice. �,:
<br /> I.r.��der. at its optbn, msy ret�uirc imircedlate paymettt in full of ull sums u�cured by this Securitv lnstrument withnut __
<br /> [ottixr demand�nd may invuke the powcr o!sulc s►nd any other nmedies permitter! by npplicubtc Icw.I.ci�der sh�ll be :r
<br /> mtttled to rnllect all tx�ue!f incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided[n th9s para�ruph Zl, includink,but not limited =:�
<br /> � to,reasonable atturneys'te�and cost9 of t(tle evtdence. �y,;:�,�:
<br /> �--�-° = If tl�poK•rr nf sixle Is invoke�l.Trwtee shs�ll record a �wtice of de[ault in each cuunty� in which any purt of the �•
<br /> �Y•.
<br /> _ Pmperty is locuted and s1w11 mail coples of such notice in the manner presccibed by applicuble I�nw to Borrow�er and to �+-
<br /> _=
<br />