<br /> T.+r�
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<br /> 94 --,.-----
<br /> 'f1'Xl£'y'HBR�MCfH ell the impnivem'�u no+�v or hehoalte�'are�t�d�in thia propartv,and a81 .+Wd
<br /> flxtur�s now cx t�erpRor a p�,Pt of thc �ttnperty. All re�l�rxrtte�Mi +nd add�tion. �hall alau !x wverud by ihia Srxwlq
<br /> , leelrumwit. AI!uf t'!K+(as�oi�y 10 t�efie+mnd W in thl�Security It�tNmenl as the'PrupenY."
<br /> �ORRAWSR COYHNA[�1'�t6M Borr�w�r i�Irvh�iiy wlyd of tbe a+rau henbY oo�'qwd�nd!w tUs r1{ht w�M sid
<br /> oort„+y ebe Ptop�ty and d� Ih� Property Ia unuw.amberod. eac�t tot errumbrsrra uf reco�d. BonoweP w�enr.0� �d will
<br /> M!��rnd�relly dit dU�W d�IhoMrly�pinM all cl�lrtr nd dwtrnd�. wbj�1 w wnf'anc�b�of raowd.
<br /> �'►�tv apf't tqtTY IN�I ILAPNT nn.nbfnn unift,rm�venant�fur n�tiixal use �nd oon-unitorm rnvenrnte wiih limiled __
<br /> varialfcxw by)uri�ictfun m s�omdtula�unifc►nn�ecurity instrument oovain�ral pmpertY•
<br /> UNIPOAM COV�IVANT3. Borrowet and t.ende�+wv�nant and qr+em u fol�awt;
<br /> 1. Payrner/ uf PrMi�pNi �1 lni�rsst; Hrtp�ymeat �nd tate Chrr�u. Horrower yhdl p��Y WY whan Jue tAe
<br /> principal�uf,�ux�intere�t on the debt evidern�ed by thc Nae rnd rny�Yment u�cf late c}iar�es due under the Noce.
<br /> ?. NA7w3r tor Tuces Nad I�rurnma•Subjoct tu a;►plicahle law or tc�a wr.ttrn waivsr by Lr..nckr. Horrowar shdl p�y to
<br /> 1�nckr nn�he day mor�hly paymenty are duc under the No1e,untll tik Note is p�id in full,n sum("Funds")for: (al ye�uiy tua
<br /> and e�esamenta which m�y attain priority over this Savrity Inst�uma�t as a lien on the Pmpecty;(bl yearly laeehcld p�yma�u
<br /> or ground renls on the Pn►perty, if any;(c)ya►rly�hazard or propercy insur�ncx prcmiums;(d)yarfy flood inwrana pre�ruumR,
<br /> if any; (e)ytarly ►trortgage insuranec prcmiums, if any:an�i(� any sums payable by I3orin�ver to Ixrxler, in s�ccorcL�nce with
<br /> tha provisiona a�f puragraph 8,in tieu of the paymrnt of mortgoge insurana premiums.7he�e tterns urc call�xl"E�rcrow Ite�nu,"
<br /> L�xiex rnry, at any dme, colloct and tr�ld Funds in an amount nat to exceod the m�cimum amount a Ierxkr for a focierally
<br /> relatal mortg�e loan may requicie for Darraµ•er's escmw acrnunt under the fedenl Real Extate 5ettlement Procadures Act of
<br /> ��Iv�a 7uicetKill�S fiUi�i iiiik'.t8 iitik'„ =2 U.S•C• S:ci�or. 2b0!et st�. ("RE�Z'A"),nnlecs nnnther luw[hat�plies to thr Futrls
<br /> sets a lex�er a�nount. lf so, [.er►cicr►nay,at any time, calleci and i�old Fnnds in an amount not to exceed the:lesscr arnount.
<br /> Lenaer m�y tstimate the amaunt of Funds due on the bacis of current data anct reasonable e�timates of expenciituras of future
<br /> L�scmw Ite�r�s or utherwise 9n eccardanc�witl�applicable law.
<br /> 'fhe Fur�is shall t,e�eld in an instiwdm� w}mse deposiis an insured by a fedcrul agency, instninxn►aliry. or entity
<br /> �i�ncluding Le.nder,if L.rncicr is such an institution)rr in any Fedetal Hume Loan I3a�,k.I.ender shNll apply t�c�'���xis to pa��tho
<br /> +�'x.�►nw ItemS.l.ender may not charge Borcawer for���1Jing and applying the FunGv,annually analyzing the cscrow aa:ount,or
<br /> t•eriiying the Eai;row Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on thc Funds and applicable luw permits Lender to m�lcc such
<br /> a cha�gr..EI::,vever,Lendcr may requi� Borro�ver to pay a onc-time ehargc for un independent re�!cstate tax reponing service
<br /> use+tl by �.E:nd9r in c�nnpctian with this loan, unless applicablc ]nw pmvides othzrwis�e. Uniess an agreemcut is made or
<br /> Appltcabl�law requir��s interest to be paid, [.cnder shall not be required to pay k�rrowcr any interest or earnings on the Fumts.
<br /> ��„a;.:,��v'.:.a:l� ,�,a;;z�:�in�U�t':no,hn4yryFr, that in[erett shal! 6e Qa�d on the Funds. L.:ncler shail give to Barrower,
<br /> wiYhout :hFtrge, n�i nnnual aecuuntinb oF ct!e Funds. showing cr�9its nnd debits to the Funds and thc purpase for which each
<br /> debit to the Fund�w��s made.The Funds rse pledgad us aclditional security for all sums secured by this S�.�curity Instrument.
<br /> It the Funds held hy 3.ender exccecl the arnounts gerinitted to be held by appiictsble law, l.r.nder shall a;count to Borrower
<br /> �'or the cxcess Funds in aec�rdance with tlie requirements of applicable law. If the amount of thc Funds hetd by I.cnder nt any
<br /> time is not suificient to pay the�scrou•Itenns when ciue,Lender may so notify B,,�rrower in writing,a�tid,in sueh case&�rrower
<br /> shall pay to I.cnder the amount nccctisary to make up the deficicncy. Borrower shall makc up the dcficicncy in no more thtm
<br /> twe(ve�nonthly payments,at Lender's u�le cliscretton. _
<br /> UTwn pnyment in fuli uf atl sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument, L.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr. If,under paragraph 21,Lendcr shall�cquirc or sell thc PrapcRy,Lender,pric,r to tlsc acquisition or r�ale
<br /> �f the Pro�rry. shall apply any Funds held by Lemier at the time of ncquisition or sale:ts a credit against the smns sec:ural by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. Application ot Paymen�5.Unless appllcable law pmvides otherwisc,all paymcnts rxcivul by Lcrxicr under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall bc:applied:first, to uny prepayment ciiarges due under the Notc:sccond,to amounts payabie under par.�graph 2; _
<br /> thin7,to interest due;fou�th,to principal due:and Inst,ta any late charg.:s due under the Notc.
<br /> 4. Charges; Ltens.Aarrower shall pay all twxes,:tsscssments.chnrges, firtes and impnsidons attributstble to tho Property _
<br /> which may attuin priarity over this Security lnsttument, imd leasehold payments ar ground rent��, if any. Barrower shall pay __
<br /> those ebligations in the manner provicic�in parngruph 2,ar if not paid in that manner, Borroa•er sludl pay them on timc dit�cctly v
<br /> tu the per�on owctil payanent.Bonower shall pramptly flunish to Le�nd�r all notices of amounts to bc paiJ undrr this paraenph. _
<br /> 1�'Borrower makes thesc pzyments directly, Borrowcr sfiall promptly furnish to Lender reccipts cvidcncing the payments. _
<br /> Rorrower shall promptiv discharge any licn whi.h has priority over this Securiry Instrument unlcss Borrowcr:(a)agrccs in =
<br /> �vriting to thc payment of the obligation sccured by the lien in.�mnnner acccptnbie tu Lendcr: (b)contests in gnod faith the lien �;
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement uf the lien in, Icgal procecclings which in the L.crder's opinion operute �o prevent the
<br /> cnforcement of thc licn;or (c)scwurc�from the hnldcr of the tien an agrceinent satistuctory to L.endcr subordinating thc lien to ;
<br /> this Scx:urity Instnamerst.Ik Leader detertnincti thaC 1n!/pan.of the Pmperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over ,�
<br /> thix Security Instrument,I.cndcr may givc Borrowc:a nutice idcntifying the lien. Aon•ower shall satisfy tl�:lien ar talcc one or ;-.
<br /> more of the acdons set forth above within!0 days of ti�c giving of noticc. '-```
<br /> Form 3028 �J/DO '
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