�.. . . .,� _
<br /> � , �'�. . • . -
<br /> � .
<br /> , .
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<br /> �—W���= _- i•�xrclemnata�ix�Nher tykinR of�ny�►rt i�f Ihe 44op�rty.��r fcx�:vrwryarKe in lieu�rF c�MxkmnLl►�K�.ur hercM ur�i�ned and
<br /> ,helt be pcid a Lrnkr.
<br /> tn d� event c�f a total takzn� of dre Propeny. tlrc proc�dx �hall be a�l�a1 to Ihe�urtu .oruoed hy tb�e 5erunty
<br /> Ir►ytrwnent. wi�rtFKr tx not 1l�en due. with u�y ex�rrs �wic!to &xrnwer. I�t the evrnt oC a,�Ata!tkkinB.�r �r���,r �n
<br /> wiiicA the fair n�rkrt valae of ths P1�perty inunaiistely befae:�he takin�!n ayw! w or�reairr thri�he�mouNt d�he wad
<br /> ,ecueed Hp thi+Securiry lnstrument imm�diuely before the Ir►ing.unkas H�x+orver and l.rndrr�hhrnv�ne agree in wrilin�,
<br /> —�----.,_ _ . . . .. ,.
<br /> —� -- uMC auu��xzwoW uy i��ru.aaud�I� �r�uY��ici�i �iw��iti ��uw�aai uy �iR wrwlwn ui (iw� N..w.w+ ���u:.�yi...0 i.� ::.. �ww....v;
<br /> frartioo: U)�he taal emount ai the wma secwed�mmedia�ely before ihe t�fcins,divi�ied!►y lbt tAr fu�rnute�vah+e uf�f►t
<br /> i'rofxrty immediuely hrfo�the qliin6. Any hafu+re rhall t+�p�id tu E�xmwer. In Ihe evsnt of ��wtid I�kin�uF tht
<br /> • t'roperty in which�Ix G�ir muriet value of tFrc Ht�prny immnlutely hefcx�e�FK tukfoY i+It+� tFw� Ihe��unt uf Ihr wql� —
<br /> kcured immediatrly hefn� the takin�t,unkx.� B�xrt►wer rnd Ixnder cxherwene r�grcr in writing ur unkns applkaMe law
<br /> '-- '�� odKrwi.c pawiJex,thc�txrecls+hal)trc appliect to thr+um+�rc:uml6y thi+ie�urity Imtrurnent whelhcr�X rxx tht+um�urr.
<br /> then due.
<br /> —� H�[i1e f'[�1trty i��hutdunCd iiy Botmwer,otr ii.•WftKr nWi:e by Lxtxirr ti�Bixn�wrr tiial inr urnlcuu�uc�riTc��lu n�u�,c
<br /> an�wud or yeuk a tilaim fur damage�.Bormwer f�il+to rc,p�x�d to l.ender within 3l1 days afte�r thc date the nu�KC i.�ei��rn. —
<br /> �.��� L.ender ic autlxxizetl w collect anci appty the�m�cenl+,aR it+option,eitfxr tu tr�turati�n ar rcpair�►1�t�r Hr�ierty ur In ttx:
<br /> �:,; wmx securcd by thit Ser�uiry tnst�vment.whether ar rxx tPxn due.
<br /> '�'`• tJnle�s Lender aixi Borrow•er aherwix agree in uriting. :u�y applicatiix�nf praceedr tu princi�l �hall�Nx extes�;1�x
<br /> .�•.
<br />- - paKtpone d�e due date of the monthly payments rcfcrred tu in par�graphs 1 anci:.ar change�hr s�mrwnt uf Such pxymrnt�.
<br />� 12. �rower Nut Rekased: Eorbtrra�ce BW I.a�der Mot a Waiver. Exten,iun uf the �imr f��r paymrtst �r
<br /> = .+�s mocl�c�ior�of a�nortizatia�of the sums x�urcd by thic aecu�ity Imlrumrnt granted by Laxirr lo any�ik�c,.�K in inirre�t
<br />"''�� of Bortower shaU rwt oQerate to�xle:�se [he liabiliry of ihe�xigin;+l Bcxrower or Bcxrow�r; succr�uin in intere+t. Ler►drr
<br /> - stwl!not be required to commence proceedings againu:u�y succeswr en intercet or refu.se to ettend tinx f�K p:►ymc�at �x
<br /> c,therwise modify amorti7ation of ihe�ums sccumd by this Seturiry Instntment by rcascx�uf any dem:md m:ulr by the�i�rin:d
<br /> -_- � 8ormwcr or I3omower;�ucceswrs in int�rrst. Any forbeannr.c by Lender in exercitiing any right or c�nxYly�h:►11 iu►1 b4 a
<br /> ,�- �;-^—� wairrc of or preclude tha exeirise of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> !� Succes�sors ana Assi�ns Bouu�;Joint 9nd Se�eral E.Iability;(:o-signers. The covenantti and agrecn�enit�trf lhis
<br />".;,�`� Stcanry Initntmcnt shaU hiiid and benef t Ihe succrstors and�csigns of Lender:uid Borrower,subjn;t to ttx procitii�►ny of
<br /> puagraph 77. Borrowers covenants :uid agrcemxY��s sha{1 be joint and se�•eral.11ny Borruwer who ci�•>ilens this S:sarity
<br /> �T' Insuument but does not exewte thc Nde: fa)is r;a-signing thiti Sccurity lnstnttrent only ta monrage,gr.+nt and com�y that _
<br /> Bor�uwer's intemst in the l'roperty undcr the Gertns of this Security Intiwment; lb►is not personally�ibiigated to pay the:�ums
<br /> r, xcurcd by this Security Inswmenfi and!•:)a„�nes that Le�nder and any odxr BoROwer may agree w cxtend.nx�iiy,furbear
<br /> a or mak�uny accommodations with m��rd t�a�'�r:terms of thiti Security [n�uument or the Nute witMwt that Boir�tirer;
<br />�t���:�011e� �-�ncwnt
<br /> � � 13. I�oan Charges. If tlie le:rn.���:*��tti ehi�Security Intiwmcrt is subject to a law which �etti m:ucimum Iu:�n
<br /> tm :� charges,and that law is finaUy int�c�env;�4,r ct:at e'�c:interest or other loan c(targes collectcd or to Ik collectcJ in ca�iacctiai
<br /> with[!ti:6aan exceed Ihe pertniitcd[a�r.t�,�'?e�: 1ai any s��ch luan eharge�ha11 be mduced by the amount neretitiary an rcduce
<br />_ . ; the et�a:,�e Io the permitted(imi�and 1b)a�j��z-*as alrcady m?k,�:ed fr�m Borrower which erceeded pemiittcd limitt.will he
<br /> :. f rePurided to Borrow•er. L,ender msy choo.e to r�;�:ihis reiursd'��mducing the principal owcd urtd�r thc tiotc or b}�;nakirt�a --
<br />�=�?��;5` di�ct payment to Bocrowee Ita refund redaces�^r:ncipal,the rcductiQn wi10 b�treated a�a pariial pmpsyment u;Atuin ariy --
<br /> ! prepayment charge under the Note. -:_—
<br /> 14. Wotias. Any nouce to Borrower provided for in this Security la��ument shall F+e gi�en by dcliverin�: it or by '''=•
<br /> �/.Y.
<br /> mailin�it by first class mail unless applicable law myuin; use of anothe:method.The neNice sh:ill hc:directed to the Property ..
<br /> �� Addrcss or any other address Borrower desiLenates by notice to Lender. /!ny notice to Lender sh�ll be gicen b}•tir�t clas, C'.`��
<br /> � mail to Lender's addms stated heiein or any othee address Lender dr_signates by nntice to Somower. Anp nutice proviilcd for ��%���-
<br /> '�' irt this Security 6�.sUument shall be deemed to have been given to Bomo�c�r or Lcrtdcr when gi�•cn ac pmvi;fe�� in this �•�r�-'
<br /> � P�S*�Ph• Ac
<br /> gra
<br /> " IS. Coverning Law; Severability. 77»s Security Instrument thall Ix goven�d by fedcral la�s• anci the 1au� of tlm �+-
<br /> juri�+��t.:tion in which the Property is locaYed. In the evcnt ihat•�ny provi�ion or clause of thi,Securit��In,trumcnt or tlie N��tc �"'
<br /> ca�il;�:s with applicable law,such cr�ntlict shall not affect uth�r�:�ovitiions uf thi�Security Imtrum�nt or lhe Nute+�hich ran �!�''"
<br />_�'� be given effect without che rr:t��scng provision. To this crd�`�: pro��isiuns of this Sxunty Intitrument and the\ute am ���' :
<br /> declated to be severa�l.. ' `
<br /> ' 16. Borrow•er�C��t i:�a:T�wershall be ri�.en onc confarmed copy of th=Notc anJ of thi,Scc:unty Imtntmcnt.
<br /> � l7. 7lransfer aFt�he l�'ey�ertW ora Beneflcia)Intere�t in Borruw•cr. If a11 or any part of th�Pio�ny�ir:na�•intcrctit in ' ,
<br /> it i�;sold or u�nsfermd I��T if a bcae'.icial interest in Borrower iti sold ar tramferred and Bono«��r i�not a n:cr.urul �knoni I
<br />__ y;r ,;,,, �vithout I.�ndtr's prior�xri^er�rr�s�^t.Lender may,at its option,reyuire immedi:itc paymcnt in full uf all tiumr�ccu�Ld ��} '
<br /> this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not bc cxercitied by Ler.der if cxerci�r is prohibited by fed-r.r,i11:1W J�Ut f
<br /> "�����' the datc of'this Secrsin�Tnstrumen� :
<br /> �'"�"�• If Lender ese2ises this option.Lender shall givr Borrowcr netice of acceler�tion. The notice�hall pm��ide a}x:riod of �
<br /> � •��' not less th:u�30 dn��s from the date the natice is delivemd ur m:ailed w ithin«bich Borrowrr must pav all sumti�ccuncd b�•this
<br /> �' ���� � Secur•_~.Instrument. If Borrow•er fsils to pay these sums pROr ta the expiration of this�xriod. Lender meq• invu6.c c:ny ;
<br /> ,•g•-,,,,`• :;- remcdieti permitted by this Security Instrument without furtl�cr r.r�ticc or demand on Borro��rr.
<br /> '�"�`�;" IS. Borrower's RigJ►t to Retnstata [f Borruaer mre[s certain cnndition�;, Borm�ver .h.dl ha�r ihe right to have
<br /> ' �� , enforeement of thfs S�curity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to thY earlier uf: (a►5 d:tyti lor tiuc't othct period a+ �
<br /> • •R i
<br /> ;'�'•� E�:,�1� SingkEu»dy-Frnnk\ixiFreddie�1xC11}�OR�11VtiTRl;11F.�iT-•1'ndurtn('mcn..rt. Y91J rj•,i�rJ�:/h��.��,'ru
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