� T ri... . _."TAR���:
<br /> � ��•' • —_
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<br /> 94-�oSO�4 _
<br /> a�li�:ahle law�rwy ,y�uc�f y fiK tein:,tat��ncrttj F+etiirc+ak uf Ihc k'n�prtiy {�u�.uaut l:�w�y �M�wrr of srlti �•u��tai.�h,i u� thlti
<br /> Security Inrtturt�eN:ur(b)entry of ri judg�arnt er►lixriny lhis;►�ti�urily In�uunK+it. '17xr,s:cu�kliti��m u�e Ih•ra F.Aan,µtr. (:Q
<br /> prys l.enckr a!! +umr which �hen wnul�! he Que un�kr thi� tiecurily In�trument atxl thr M�de �� if tw :xcektxtiun had
<br /> ixcurntil;lh)cures any cklault ut';n�y�Nher e+�:rttwil.r�K agrcernents;(c)puy�all expr.n�e�i�kurrrd in�nfon�ing lhis Stxuriry
<br /> InFuwnent. inclwiing. but na limj�ed u►, rru.+wnrblc atturneys'fas::uKl(d)uJces tiuch uction us l,enckr mry rcar•��ably
<br /> reyuir�tn uswrt: that tt►e lien of�hih Security 1nMcument.l.endee'c rights in the Pn,ptny:uid Borrowec's ot+lipatic�n tn pay t�tC
<br /> - - �--- ---- ------- �WItK Mnu�c� 6y (iuw ;�.d.�ij ��l,�i��i:�:«ilI :a.«�: L';::lUr::� l[I:Cr_.':a"•1 [rr n rrin�b�sPV�wnt h�� FZ11fInV+�r'C, lH�K �:w'urj��• .,_...-
<br /> �n,u�urrrent and the nblig+�tion:wcurnl hereby shall ermain fully effxuve u+ dna xceleration hwi occu�l. Huwever,thiy
<br /> right tn rcinwle �hNll ttot upQly in Ihc easr uf arceln�utii�n wxks paragraph 17.
<br /> �l�,g��,i�IMe;CbsnM u[I�n Servker. 'I'tK Nnte ar a{uutial intcretit in thc Nute(together with this Secu►ity
<br /> - tn�tnMnenU nu� M sald c�ne�x nwrc times witMwt prior noti�x ta Burrowct. A w]e may resutt in u changc In ttx entity
<br /> - - (knuw��s liat~I�wp Srn,iixt`1 ehnt cnllects monthly pay�axnts due unckr the Note alxl this Security Inatnurnnt. Therc aJ��
<br />__- - may ix�x�e or rr�txe etutrges of the l.c�an Sereicer unrelated to a Sale of'the Ncxe. IF there iti a change��f 1hc I.uan Scrvic�:r,
<br /> � k3urrower will ba givrn wuttcn�tutiwe uf th�:chac�ge in arrord�uc with}iarsgc�ph 14 zbuce»nd appl3c:�bl�law. '['tM n<+tis� ---
<br /> wil!siate the natne and;rklres+e�f ttw:t�w I.uan Servicer�nd the address to which pTyments should be made. 'flte notice wiq
<br /> — :dw rontsin:+ny other infum�atic��required by applic:able law.
<br /> I. Zp, Hanr�dou�,Substatx:n. Hcxruw•er shxll not cause or pennit the pawence,use,dis��osal,sroragc,er rele:��of ariy
<br />-/,, Hazardc�us Sub�t�nce�on or in tM: Rnpeny. Bortawer shal! not do,nor�Ilow anyone elu:to do, anythine�ffccting�hf
<br /> r". propecty that is in violation of u►y Nnvimnmental Law. The preceding tw•o tien[ences shall not apply tu Qtr}�rese:ue,u�,or
<br /> storoge cxe the Prt�perty of smtdl yuanticies of H:rcardor�s Substances that are generaqy mcognir.ed to be appr��priace to nonnal
<br /> - resi�iential��s�es:snd ta maintr,i�anc:e of thi;P►��erty.
<br /> Borrow'cr tifiall promptl;r givc l..ender written notice ot any mvestigation,cl;um,de�nand,lawsuit ur ur�ierr.:a:�.i�ui f�}�k��y. --
<br /> govemmental cr«gulatory agerxy ur private party invols•iag the Property and any H:izardous Substancr, or lEnviromnen�t�,t
<br /> Law ot'whir.h Barow�cr h�rs actual knowledge. If EnrreK�er Iearns, ar is nalified by any go��ernmenta! nr rcgul�c�vy
<br />-. auUwrity,thnt any removal nr other ren�diariQn uf:u�y HazarrWus SuhsWnce affecting the Propertp is i�er.ess:iry,B�nuK'r.r
<br /> ,ha11 promptly take all nece�sary remedial actions in xcordancc with��avi.ronn�ental law.
<br /> As u�ed in this parrgr.iph?0."H:uarduus Subst�utces"ate tho�c sut*�tances defined as roxic or h�:tardous�ubstances by
<br /> Environmental iaw and th+:following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other fl.�zrrmakle or toxic petrolrum prodmcts,toxic
<br /> pesticides and taerbicides,tiolatile �oh�ents, materials containing a,hestas or fotmal�behyde_ and iadioactive materials. As
<br /> ux�l in ihis p�rrgr�{�h 20,"Environmr.ntal Law"me:��r fe�lcral laws and llws of the jurisdictian whcrc the 1'ropecty is tocated
<br /> . lfL1l RtI7lIC[OIICAIlI1.�;:sfety or envirc•nmem�t rrotctition.
<br /> _ PION-UNI t�ORw!CO'/GYANTS. Becmwcr:utid Lcnd�er fu[thcr co��tnauu and agmc as follows:
<br /> - 2!. Acodention; R�e�eclks. Lender slwll��e ncNke to �rower prior to acceleration folknrdug Borrower's
<br /> _ w�:�r�.�e.�g�n�n1 nr Av�rrment in 16'LS SCCItrIA!f In61�'tlRl[IIL lbltt f.tOf Dl`I0�[O AtCCItlYIMO IIqlIP.t Q2tS9$I'a]9h 17
<br /> ' � �s�e�s appllc�blt lawpmrides otlxrwiscl. 7'fre nMinr�U apeclfy: ls►)the deisult«1 b1 titc actic►n aquintc�f lo cure the _
<br /> defiWt;(c)a dstq nat kf�s than 30 da�s[rom the dxte the rn►t�ce ts gi�en to Borcowcr.by wWePu bha dk'f'a��lt must be --
<br /> cumd;and(dl il�t failuirm to cure thc d�ef�ult on ar before thc datc spcc+C�ed in 1ha ncNice may result iai flcCeleratlon oP
<br /> the su�s secured by th�Security ImsllcvvDn�nt ancl�le of the Pru�eaty. Tde ncNkY shstU Nr3hc�r dnfona�BorroN•er of �_
<br /> tbe rip�t to rc�stwte aftta xccekrxtfoA amd the right to bdng p eourt actk►n to a�sert th4 sN►mr.rl�a�nee of a default or ___
<br /> any ot�rrr ekfc�se of Bo�-rov►er to accelerYtbn And sale. If thc detault�ti rtot cu.recl on ur bc�tore the date speciCxd in ._
<br />_" the notice,Lender at its op�tioa�mxvi cequlre immedlxtd pnymont in[uU nt el)�a�ms saYUrRC1 bp this Secu�ity I��strumrnt �:��;_
<br /> � Witbout further demauell und may inr-oke the pnNer of sak�iecl anv other remecliw�; pcirnaiUr_�by applicable law
<br /> — Lender sfWl be entittecl to colle�K all expens�s incurred in pursrrie� the rcmedica pro�idtd i:4�this paragraph 21. ���'=ti
<br /> ' inctudieq�.but nat IUnited to reasonable attonaey�s'[ecs�nd ca6ts of titk evidcnae. -.^,;
<br /> � If the power of sA1r ts inti�oked.'[lrustre sMxll recrlydl a notic�c�f deiault in eaeh eount!+1ut���ich any part of ths � • .
<br /> � Proprriy is{orated and nhaJl majl copies of suc!►nc►t�c+e ie the manner pr�scritxd by�ppli�hle ls�w to B��rrrew�r xnd to -
<br /> �, t������p��Ixd by applicable law .1(ter the time requlrcd by appli�6le Ian;'[YtL�l,ee�tu�l!p,iac�ublk i. ,,.:"
<br /> ' nMke of sate to the per�and in the mannc.r prescriM.d by Ap(�1i�61e IaH: 1Y�tvtfe.KlUtnut demAnd on Borrower. r
<br /> �• sha!!geU the Property a�t puWic auction to t1w hiFhcst bidder at thk�ime�nd ptacr and under Slse tcrms designated tu '
<br /> the notkr,of ss�k in oor.or more pArcels ancl in any order 7lrustce d�.�trr�nincs. 'IYw_Vtet m�iy perrt:,tm+x sak ot ull or any !
<br /> ::� pareel pf t6e propertti by public a�u�ouncement at the time xnd plRCe of any preria�a�ly scist�lut�d sale. Lender or its �
<br /> -_ • dr�tree msy purchar�c thc Fcoperty at anti wk. � .
<br />_ ::..x;�,_;, l;pan�+eceipt o[�w.yrm�t of the price bfd.11rustc�e Sh�dl dcliver to the purrhiuer'lY�n�!ef's deed con�eyinK the � ,
<br /> ���•°° Prope�ty. 'Chr ncita�fs in thr 7tvstcc's dcul�6ull lx prima facir er•idcnce of the innth nf fhc�.Ealcmcnts mude therein.
<br /> ���'Y-�. 7�ustee shal!a Utie roc��eds of'the�Lc in the follnwin�order: 1:►)ln all c�urLs:utd c.r.pca�PV cr.�cxercising the power
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