�� . .. ( ..� . ... , . �'_..--_
<br /> -� '*L _ O�I� ' ,�..
<br /> =+7 . _
<br /> � .�',�.'•.71�._ _ ____ _--- — —
<br /> — — g,q,, 1(lS4'�4
<br /> --. - -- �!r.rirxlr�h.wl I,ertdtr reyuircr. Thr. insurx��:c camer pnyvi�in� the iu�iunncc shali be cMarn hy�Kruwcr subja:t w l.cnderL
<br /> _ �ppn►vd w•hkh slu�ll�x►t 1�unreas�x►rbly withhrld. It 13�xrower[ails tu m��ntein cuverxpo drs�s:nt�od abuvr.l,erwkr mry,u
<br /> � L.rndCt�i�liem,ntM�in r.ovcr�gc�o{mtect Lcndery rigtns in�he Property in accurd+u+cY with pars;rsph 7.
<br /> A!!lnsurs�Rr•n pnlicies rrni mxwalr+h,�tl hr s�re�waMc In l.ender and stull nxlu�le a stuxi�rel rr.atbaKe clwx. Lender
<br /> �lull F►�vo tt�riphi tn hnld the{x►1lcies aed�rnewals. If Le�der n+yuircs.Barower aiWl promptlY 6ive ta l.endtr all�;arpp�
<br /> -- . ��f paid�xcrniumx rn+1 n-ne�vnl rxnires. In the�vent r►f Insx,Borra+ver siull give prnrt►pt natke 10 tfie insur�nce c�rrier and
<br /> _ �--- _" LxIM�CL Ix�MiU�niMy u�wi.0�M.wd ui��.w.�i�..,:1�...u..�.�;.u:�.:i�.*i���7fC:'::T. .--- _.
<br /> � UnkK�I.a�xkr+uxf titxn►wer aher�vise agree in writinQ. inau�e procoods�II be applied to rc.staatian or�ep�ir of
<br /> U�e F'n�erty dpmeged, i(tF►r �+est�xatiun i+r rcpair is rccx�cxnically fcasible ami Lendrr's securiey i.nat f�ssened. If the
<br /> rrnurcatk�n�x rc�ir ih �wit cc�xwsnically fcn�ible or Ixnckr�+ocurity K�ould be lessened.the insuranse pmcred.�shall br, _
<br />� apc►lied tn tlM �tun� ties:un'd Ny this,ecurity In,tnim►�nt. whelher cx not then due,wi¢h any eacess paid to&MUwer. If
<br /> - 13ixmwer at►AntliH�w �I� 1'n�►rny, or d�►e�nut fln�wer within 30 days a ncHice fmm i.endtr tt►at thc in,u:�ance carrier hax
<br /> ufiercd tn�x.11ln w r.lxim,thcn I..e�xler mxy�allect che in�unu►ce proceecls. L.coder may use thc proceeds ro rr.pair�x rc�tnre _
<br /> -' a_�= �Ne 1h,r�rtty or to�ny�um�sccuir.�l by d�i:�Sctiu�ity lii�,trunxnt.whc.h�rr or nczt thea dua. 3he 3!!•dny period will t+'gin wlxn
<br /> thc rwticC i���j��cn.
<br /> Un1r.r�l.e.ncicr ami lit►►rowrr c►�tMnvitie;�grce iu writin�,any applir,ation of procee.ls to principal shall nW eatend or
<br /> � � �xntJ�►nc tF►r.dt�a dHtc iii thm m�nttdy paymeuls n�fear.d to in paragreph.1 and Z ar change the unount of lhe payments. lf
<br /> �'"' u�xler par:+�:rnpli 2f thc Profx rty iti ar.quire�l hy Lenrlrr. Bormwers right tu:u�y insurance policies and pcnceeds resutting
<br /> 't�, fn►m ct�ma�:e tn�I►n Pmpett��prior In�hr acquitiidon �:hall puti�ta L::nder tn Ihe extent of the sums secureA by this Securin
<br /> Instmrtxnt imntcdlntcly prior to�hc:u:yuisitiun.
<br /> - _ 6. Uncup�or.�: Prcscr�•atic�n, Mainlniance und Pruterlion ot /he !'mperty; Borrower's Lo�n Applicatba� _ -
<br /> Le�!�eholds, ITumnwer�hnll�xcupy,etilrbli�l�.and ur.i che F'rc�{x�Ay ac Horrou•er s principal:rsidencc wiQiu��irty day,aft�_
<br /> the exccutitHt of thi�Srcmity Instnmiont and tihall crmtinue tn cxcupy the Panperty ati Bomower's principal residence for:ut
<br /> l�:t�t cx�c �rar a(ter the dnte of c►ctupancy, unl�:r.s Lender otherwi,e agrces in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> .
<br /> ) ,
<br /> • onual. Borrower shall not
<br /> unteaux�atdy w•ittit�eld,or tmlw��extenuating cii�un�:�tances exitit�titri�h arc beyond Borrow�ers c
<br /> dr.titn►y,dumeFc or impnir�hc l'�n{►crty,allow 1hc PropertY to deteriorrtc,or comtnit wa+te on the Piroperty. Borrower shall
<br /> �� t►e in de�fa�dt iF any fori�itune aciinu ur praceedin�,whc�her civil ur criminal.is begun that in Len�er's good faith judgment
<br /> �W�� �tip�� �� (�rlci�u�u{�t�c Ifinperty or athe��vise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or
<br /> L.er►cier�tiecurity intere�t. Bnrmwcr may cure tiuch a default and reimtate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the:tetion
<br /> ,<{ or procceding to t►e d(�uiin�ed�vith a niling that,in Ltnder's�oocl faith detetmination,ptrcludes forfeiture of the Borrower's _
<br /> z intetrtit in th� Pro}►�Ay or othcr �natenal impai�ment of the li.n created by this Secunty Intiuument or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Hnmc►wer +I�t�ll al�u t►e in deLiult if Nc�now�er, during the lo:in applicauon process, gave m •eTea�ly false or
<br /> inaccumte infc►lmation or stntementc to I..cnder(ar f:tilyd to provide Lcnder with:uiy material informauon)�ii c�i�:r:citon with
<br /> ' �J;'—= ':� :� �:.;.�w,i� h� ���• N��tr. inrludin��, hul n(�t G111IICd fo. repres:n�ationti conceming Bormw•cr's occuFancy of�he
<br /> � Properiy�.s a{rrincipal,rctiidence. If thiti Serurily Inatniment iti on a lca.�ehald,Borrawer shall comply with all the provis�ons
<br />: ?�; of the leaw. If Norri►wa:r acyuircs fce ti�Ic to thc Pir���eny,the IcaKlx�ld attd the fee titic shall not merge unless Lcnder agrees _
<br /> �`.. to the mcrgtr in w�iting.
<br /> '��' 7. P��oiccttnu o!'l.ren��cr's Ri�hts in thc Property. If Sorrowcr fails to perform thc covenants and agre�ments
<br /> ` contam:d in Ihifi Securi��- Inswment, or there is a legal proccedin_ that may tii��ficandy affect L.ender's rights in the _
<br /> �;� Property t�ueh aF a proceeding in bank�vptcy.prob�ur,for condemr.atcr•n or fodcimrc or ro enforce laws or regulatiam►,thez =_-_
<br /> f Lender may du aiid pay for whatevcr is neeeti���ry to protcct Ihe va[�:r uf thc Property:snd Lend,:r's rights in the Propert�•_
<br /> I.ender�a�tim�x may inelude p:�ying any�ums tiecureJ hy a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument,appe:um�
<br /> in covrt,pnyan��La�onahk attomeyti'tecti and ent¢ring on thc Pmperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take action --
<br /> undcr thifi �t�+ fi 7,L.ender dncs not h�vc to do sc�. �-"`
<br /> P� •�P s.�:.•�
<br /> = Any.unm_in�s disbuned by Lender under this p:uagraph 7 ,h�11 become addition:il debl af Borro�ser secumd by this
<br /> ,'� 5ccurity In�.tn�ment. Unlets Borrowcr and I..cnder:ittrce to other term�.�f payment,thc�e amounts shaU bear interetit Gum dt�
<br /> date of dir�b�r4ement at the Notc rat�and �hall t►e payablc,witli intcrest, vpon notice from l.cnder to Bor[�ow•er tequestin_ ��";_
<br /> �_.-
<br /> n� : payment.
<br /> 8. "+lortgx�c I��suwancc. If Lcndcr myuitrnd mortga�c incurancc a�a cundition uf making the ln.v�►�ccured by thix �-
<br /> � ��.,} ;�:• Securiry In�tmment.Bonawer tihull p:+y the pmmium�reyuimdl to maintain the mortgage inwrance in effec� If,for any -�_;
<br /> ;, 4 '°����•�,; � • rc�. thu mong:+ge intiur•u�ce cover.�ge reyuirecl hy i.ender ]apses or cea�es to be in effect. Borro«�cr .hall pay the ;��
<br /> iy�;,, t ,5 pmmium� t►xquired to obt:rin coverage .uhst�uttiaUy' eyuicalem to Yhe mortgage inwrance pn:viously in effect, at a co,t :
<br /> �,� ;�•:...,�;��,�;, �ubtitantiidl��e�yui�:ilent to the cu�.t to Aorroaer of the mon�:�ge imL.�7ce previou+ly in cffect.from an altemate mortgare
<br /> �hr;;`. '•''�•;e�;t ',:• insumr a m�•ed b Lender. If�uh,c:uni:illy c��uivalrnt muRga�e imurancc cavcrage is not available.Sotr+oa•cr tihall pay t.�
<br /> �.,,��.��.,,}�*, PP Y
<br /> ''!;.•t: k r.,_ Lender each month a tium e ual�o onc-n��rlfth of U�e yrarly mortgagr insuranrr pmmium bcing paid by Burrower when the
<br /> � �;,,s, !:l:..'l•. �
<br /> ;�,�''� i.naur.inre cuverage lap�.ed or ceatied to be in effect. Lcnd:r will urcept,uu and retain these payments a.�a lu,�re,erve in lieu
<br /> ,�: � ��..:,...... ' �
<br /> ;'��;.'�y�::;�,,`, of mart�nLu insurance_ Lu�ti rc�en�t pa�•ment�mu�• nu lon�.cr be reyui►rd,at the option of Lender,if mortgagr insurance
<br /> t . coveragc�I:ti r.tir amount cind for the period that l.i�r�der n�yuire,l pn�vided by an imurcr approced by Lender again becomes
<br /> availab3c:�d:::oblained.Bomm�•rr�h�dl p.iy the p�rmium,n�yuircd�o maintain mongage in�ur.uue in rffect,or to provi�:<i i
<br /> "'' ' lo�s resetve,until the mqttinment for mort�,�gr in�ur.uue end.in accordance���ith any uritten agreement bet��een Bormtiti�r ,
<br /> ,,I`', v.'• I
<br /> , Y and I.cndet ur applicablc I:+w. � ,
<br /> " � �ti"�: �'' • 9. Inspection. l.ender or itti agent may makc m.�.�unable entrirs upon:�n�ins}xctions of the Property. l.ender.haN i
<br /> , ...:. .
<br /> '•:�'. gice Borrotvcr noiire ai the time uf ur prior to an in�{xrtion�pecifying rrationabie cause Cor the inspection. �
<br /> .,y''
<br /> �� �•'�`, 10. Condemnation. "fhc proreed+of:m�•award or claim for damageti.din:et or comeyueaUal,in connection«ith ano•
<br /> �'r, ,'i��� � � .
<br /> �y,,•`.' .ti tim;:lr t',indy •fannic�1wi!('nddk 11ac l'ti1PI1R111\�Tltl'\1F.VT-l'mb,�:�Y o:crum, 9;90 �p�¢e t,lr,f�.,:.,�
<br /> ._�`-, f�cu Idn Bu�:ne�e FcRm.�nc.■
<br /> �...i�; , .. - . �.
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