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<br /> — -� - ---� 'C(XiF'1'HFR Wf7N all the lmpn►tiertxnt. now oc tsereafter tratod on the}xr►peny.wxl uU cx.tirnkn�r,appunuwK.e►.
<br /> �d tixturcs r�uw i�r t�etr.�tftCC a part of ihe pn►per►y. A!1 rcplw:en�nts and aikl�tiuna+hall a7�a t+G cuvrted by this Cca:urily
<br /> Insuument. All of the fore�oing ic rcfertc4 to in this Secarity Instrument u the"Propccty."
<br /> HOl2RUW�R C'UVENANI'S that Banowes is lawfully xiscS uF thC e�tute htrcby can�•c�.-d anJ hati tiK right���gnnt
<br /> u�d ecrtvey the I'roperty nnd tMat tfie P�openy is u�encvmbercd,excxpt for encumbnnces of rocard. Hcxsowa warnnts and
<br /> will citftnai}r,rnert�lly the title w the F'►Y►petty againu alt claims and dertu�nds,subjoct to any encurttMance+of trrexd.
<br /> TI{I5 S�CUkCtY INSTRUMEN'I' rombines unifam covttw�ts fnr national u.sc and na�•unitunn covenants w�th -- -
<br /> limitai varintions by jwisdictiai to constitute a unifoim seciuity instrument covering oeal�xoperty
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT5. �airowcr and Lender covenant:u►d agree as i'ollows:
<br /> i. Pxrsent ot Prhxipd�nd Intere�t;YnpRyroent aad Late Cb�rge�. Bomowcr shxll pmmPdY{�aY w�hen due the
<br />= -- principal of:mJ interctit on the debt evidenced by the Note and:►ny pmpayment und late chsrbes due unekr the N�xe.
<br /> - — 2, Funds(or'I�+xn�nd Lisurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waicer hy Lend�r,Bnnawer shsll psy to
<br /> - [,ender a�the�lay i�►uiidily paynknts arc du�.und�r thc Nou,nniil thc Note is p�id in Pull.�►snm("F�irxis")fr,r. (n)yearly
<br /> taxes.u�d asxssments which may attain priority ove.r this Security Instrument as a lien an the Property:(b)yearly leuehnld —
<br /> - paymcnts or gnwnd rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly IuL�ard ur prop°rty insuranc�prcmiums; (d) yeerly flaad
<br /> t insurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly mongage insumnce preniiums, if any: and (� uny sums payablc by Bomower to
<br /> 'r Lender,in accordancc with the p+ovisions of p•rragr.+ph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage imur.uice premiums. 'fhes�
<br /> - ieems am called"Esemw ltems." Len�icr may,at ar�y time,mllect and hold Funds in an amount not ro exceed the maximum
<br /> �n amount a lender for a fedcraUy related mortgage loan may requirc for Borrower's escrow xcount under the federal Real
<br /> � „- �stnte Settlsment Proceciures Act of 1974 as amcnded from time to time.12 U.S.C.�26t11 rt srq.l"RESPA'7,unless anaher
<br /> J;��� law that applies to thc Funds seu a Iesscr amounG lt so,Lender may,at:uiy time,coIl�xt uiKl 1�uld Fu�ds in an amaunt nai to =
<br /> :� exceod the lesser amounG Lender mny estimatc the amount of Funds due on the basis uf cumcnt data and masanablc
<br /> esumatr.;af expenditurcs af Puture B��crew ltems or othenvise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> 'The Funds shall be held in an insritution �r�hase deposits:uc insui�cd by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entiry
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an ins�tutionl�or in any Fedcral Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escmw Items. l.ender may not charge Borro�ti��for holding and applyirg the Funds, annually analyzing the eucaw
<br /> u. account, ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays B�rrower interest on thc: Fvncts and applicable law pemu4s -
<br /> Lender to make such a ch:uge. Nowever, I.ender may requirc Bon�ower to pay a one-tune chuge for an independent real
<br /> estate tax reporting strvice used by l.ender incotu��¢tion with this loan,unlesr:�pplicable law providee.othecwi�e. Unless an
<br /> zgccement is made or applicablc law rcc�uires intYrest to be paid,Lender shcill not bc rcquirccl to pay Borrowcr any intcrest or
<br />� camings on thc FLnds. 8orrowcr and Lendcr may agree in writin�,howcvcr,that interest sh:ill be paid on tt�e Funds. Lcndcr
<br />- shall give to Borrower,without cl�srge,an:mnval accounting of the Funds,sho�ving crcditc ar,d debits to the Funds and the
<br /> -_ —_——__n;�_ �,�,n�fnr whirh rarfi dehit to the Funda was m�uie. The Funds ate pledfied as addition.!s�surity for all sums secumd by
<br /> this Security Inswmcnt.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed tls amounts permittEC' to be held by applicab7r t�.FV. Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower#'or the excrss Funds in accordance with th::requirements of�ipplicable 6aw. If the umount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lcndcr nt:ury time is not sufficicnt to pay thc Esc�e�v items when due,L.cr.dcr may so nodfy Borrowcr in writing,:u�d,in
<br /> such c•rse Botrower shaU pay to Lender ihe umounF necess:uy to make up the deCcir_ncy. 6orrower shall make up the —
<br /> deficienc�•in no more than twclvc montlily pay:ncnG,,at Lender�sale discrcuon. ��---
<br /> Q7�on paymeni in full of all sums secured by [his Sccurity ilnsuumcnt,Lcndcr shall promptly refund to Bonower any _—
<br /> �_�
<br />- Fmids he7d by I.encicr. If,under para�ra�h 21, Lertder shall aec�uire or s�ll the Properry.Lender,prior to the acquisition or _; -
<br />- salc of thc Properry, shall apply any Funds hcld by Lcndcr at tha timc of�csSuisition or sale as u crcdit against thc sums �
<br /> secured by this Scc�rinr F.nwwment.
<br /> � nts. Unless a licablc law rovidcs othcnvisc. :ill payments reccived hy L.cnder under �,..�.
<br /> 3. ApplLcaBon o7'Payme PP P
<br /> parrgraphs 1 and 2 shall be applic:d:^irst, to any prepayment chargcs due under the Note;sece.nd,to amountc payable under
<br /> ; paragraph 2;third,to intemst due;fou:'�,to princip:il due;and last,to any latc chargcs duc under thc Notc. ��,�.
<br /> ' 4. CNart;es; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all t:uces, asse�sments,charges, 6nc; :u�d i u wosirions uttributablc to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over this Security Inswment,and lcasehold paymcnts or gmund rentti.iE any. Borrower ���
<br /> sh�ll pay thcsc oblioations in thc m.u�►ner providecl fin par�graph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrowep 4h:ttl pay them on
<br /> ^ tirne direcdy to the person owed paymcnt. Borrower shal!promplly Pumish to Lender all notires of amou..zs t:•lx paid undcr
<br /> : this pani�raph. If E3orrower makes these payments dircctly, 8orr�wer shall promptly fumi,h to Lender�eccipts evidenciag r
<br /> � a�'�� the payments. �
<br /> �..:.��::..._.
<br /> �• z-.. Dorrower shall promptly dischatge:u�y licn which has priority ovcr this Security Insuument unless Borrower.(a)aGrees
<br /> �,ti'��'�+ f
<br /> �+:<.�'_ in wridng to the paymens of thc obligation scxurcd by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lcndcr.(b)contests in good Caith thc
<br /> ,.:.�
<br /> �^'°`°�=°-' licn by,or dcfends.tgai^st enforcement of the licn in, legal proceedings whizh i�thc LenJer�opinion opemte to pmvent c I
<br /> 't'���.:.'� enforcement of dic licn;or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien an agreemene satisfactory to Lender subordinating thc licn `
<br /> �`'':�''' ' to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of the Property i�subjcct to a licn�vhich may attain priority '
<br /> �� '"�� ;'�m� �� ovcr this Serurity[nsuumenG Lendcr may give Borrowcr a noticc identit'ying thc licn. BorQCn�Ner shall satisfy the licn or take
<br /> '�"`�""'"' "' onc or monc of titc actions sct fotth abovc within 10 days of the giving of nuticn. �
<br /> s�r-*-';- •
<br /> ti� ..=• S. MAZArd or Property Insurancc. Barrowcr sh;ill kcep thc improvements now exisun�or hereafler crccted on t ie �
<br /> �>'�•`�'�*� Prope�ty insuncd against lass by firc,hazards included within the term"extenc3ed covemge"and any othrr ha�:udy,including
<br /> ,.r.... ._ ,.. .: I
<br /> a;`��`�°='���' tloods or flaoding, for which Lender rcquircs insar.ince. Thi� insucance �hall be maintained in the amounts and for [he
<br /> .���• . '{�
<br /> f� , Form 3oza vr�o �r,�.cr:,1 h r�l,�«,
<br /> ic�:`;ts:'..':�"'.l. ;
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