, -r.
<br /> 9�4�0:�00�
<br /> �. lfiomrd nr i'r+►�r�ty In�ura�ece. liurr��w�r �hall kcr� she linpr�ivcmrnt+ n��vi cRi+►inQ n� h�rcnRcr crrcteA nn tht
<br /> Pr�nr_r1y innurnl ug�iif,t lu.. hy� fire, hui��r�t� iix:ludr�t wllhfn�hs tcrm "r��cixlyd cuvcruge" aix! xisy �Hhtr huinnir. incluriin�
<br /> il�Mxl.,�r I1�Kxi1nK, fur whict�Ixtulrr reyuire�;n.urarke.'�hi.In+ur�tx:e+hrll be mrin�ainai in Ihc w►KN�nlw wixl fiir tix Sxri�d�
<br /> tfw� I.cixlrr rcyulrc.. �l'Fwr inRUrw�K•e carrier prn��idinR Iha inaurarke shall tx ch��xn hy &�rniwcr .ruhiu�t��� I,etrder'+N{�►n�v�l
<br /> wh�ch �hrli �xK tre unrc�w�nrn�y wl�hheld. It li�►rruwcc frilH w nnintyfn ��weryYe drvcrlhal rtx+vr, la�xkr uwy, rt l,sixler'+
<br /> i��i�►n.�+h1�in cuvsr�pn t,i pmlcct I.c�xler'.rigit�ti in tt�C Pn��xrt}�in ncami�nct wi�h ��cragaph'l,
<br /> :.!! ii::.ur...._ p:sll:l:..:iid r.:t:_.:ai:. �.l��ll h_ »�rcFi::!�t_t1T I.:rdrr�r.a r.ti�ll i••.�".}.... •t�mi�r•.I ic•.,��b.,o,.�..,�•. �,.,�.�•r ,_
<br /> �h�ll h�vr�hc righl tr hald Ihe p�llcir�wixl rcnewal+. If l.erwJrr reyuires,&im►wer xlutl pram�ty gfve tu Lcrxkr�!1 rr�eip� of
<br /> �wW prcmiurnv wcv�tc�xwul n��ticcti. In Ihe cvent aif loss,fi��nawer shall give pmmpt r�,tice t��1hr in�uruncc rurricr�ixi I.ender.
<br /> I�rxler n�ay makc pnw!'uC lu�v if�k,l nwdc pnnnpdy by&►rrnwrr.
<br /> Unless Lcnc1,r:uxl Ii�irri�wcr�itl�erwlsc agrce in writing,ii�tiuiunce pnxeeds sh�ll t►e up�lied to restorution ur rcpair uf the
<br /> Propeny damagal,if Ihe restoration or repair is cconomically fcusiblc ai�i[.e�xler's scy:uriry�s iwt I��,ser►td.lf the rc�t��rutiun or
<br /> rep:tir is�tut�.�conomirally fe:s�ible ur Lxnder's��curity would bc�lessin?d, the insuranre pr<tcettlti shnli he t+�+plir.rl t�Ihc aumc
<br /> securc�i 6}� this Security Instrument, whether or nut then due, wkh any exces.r• nuid w sorrower. If Borcnwer ubu»duns the
<br /> Property,or das not unswcr witl►in 30 days a noticc from L.cilder that lhe insuruncc canier huti offer��l to utde a ciairn,then
<br /> Lencler may collect the insurancw prncceds. [.cixier may use the procceds to npair nr restorc tlse Propcny or to pay sums
<br /> secured hy this Security Instrumcnt,whcther or not thcn due."flie 30•day perial will beIIin wiien thc nolict ts givcn.
<br /> Uniess I.ender suxl Borrower otherwise agree in writing, :u�y Applialtion of praceeds ro principal shall �xu extencl ur
<br /> post�ne the dne date of the manthly paymcnts referrc:d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cha��ge the amount of the paymrnts. If
<br /> urxier paragrap6 21 the P�operty is acyuired by Lender, Borrower's right to:u►y insuraiF;:e Ex�liciu�:u�u��uxetl��c�utliug 6an�t
<br /> da�nage ta the Property prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Inscrument
<br /> immufiatcly prinr to thc acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocupx�xy,Preservetion,Maintenar�ee and Protectiun of the Property;Borrow•er's I.oan AppllcsiNor�;I.eusehotds.
<br /> Burro�ver shall uccupy,establl�h,nnd use the Property as Borrower's principal residener within si!cty days after thr exetution of
<br /> this S�:curity Instrument und shaN continue ca occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Ieast une year after
<br /> the dAte of occupancy,untess l.ender othenviu�agm.es in�vriting, which cansent sh:ill not bc unreason�bly withheld,or unless
<br /> e.xtenuating circumstan:eti cxist which arc beyond Borrowcr's control. Bonower shall not dcstmy, damage or impuir [he
<br /> Prop�rty, ullow Qhe Aropcny tu Jeteriorate, or commit wastc on thc Pr��per[y. Borrower shall be in defauit if a;ny forfeiturc
<br /> action or proceeding. whether clvil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good faith jud�ment could result in forfciture af the
<br /> Pruperty ar otherwise materially impair the licn crcatcd by this Security instrument ur Lendcr's security intcrest. Borrower may
<br /> cure such u uaiiiuii iui�S cCiu�iaic,u.�N�uvttStuS iti�iu�a�;idNi1 �o,iiy idN�ti��;i�ic aCtiui aii N;:x;i.i�iib Iv�:di;ti��ss:..�w:tlt a rs;l::ig
<br /> that, in Lend�r's gaad fnith determinatian, prectudcs forfeiturc of t�e �orrower's intcrest in thc Property ur othcr matcrial
<br /> impairmcnt af the lietr crcated hy this Sccturity Instrument or L.cndcr's security interest. Bonowe�shall also be in default if
<br /> Bnrrcewer,during the loan:tpplicatiun pracess,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statenunts to Lender(or failcxl
<br /> tc�prcavide L�nder with r�ny mn�erial informatian)in conneciion�vith the lo:u�eviden��ed by the Note,including,but utot limitcd
<br /> to,representations concerning Borro�ver's occupancy af the Propeny ati a prinripal residencc. If q�is Security Instrument is on u
<br /> lwsel�old, Sorrou•er shall cumply with all the proeisians uf thc lease. If Bottow�r u�yuirc� fec titic to thc Properiy, thc
<br /> leaschold and the f'ce titic shull not mcrgc unlcss Lcndcr agrces to thc mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Protcetlon of Lcndcr's Rightti in the!'roperty.If Bo�rowcr Failti tu}xrfurm[hc covrnants and agrccnunts containcd in
<br /> this Secarity instrument, or tliere is:s Iegal proceeding that may signifir.uitly affect I.ender'� rightti in the PrnExrrty (such a�n
<br /> pruceeciing in bankruptcy, probatc, fur condemnation or forFciturc ur to cnforce Isws or rcguiation�), then[.i:ndcr m:ry do and
<br /> pay for whatever is rtccess��try to protcct thc vuluc of thc Property and I.ender's rightti in the Property. Lcndcr's artions niay --
<br /> include paying any sums sccurcd by u licn which has priorit}• ovcr thi�, Scrurity (n.trument, appcaring in court, paying r
<br /> ri:aeonable attomcys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make rcpairs. Althuugh Lcnder niay take action under this parngr.�ph G
<br /> 7,�.�ndcr docs not havc to do so. p'
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lend�r undcr this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Bnnowcr securesi by this �-
<br /> S�:curity Instrument. Unle,s Barrower nnd I.endcr agree lo uther tcrmti of payment, thesc amuunts,hall be.�r intere,t frum the --
<br /> date of disUurscmtnt at the Notc ratc :u�d shall bc payablr, with interrst, upon n��ticc fmm l.cnder to Borm«•cr mquesting `
<br /> pay meni. =
<br /> �.Mort�Age Insurance.If I.�ndcr rcyuire�i mortgage insurance ati a condition of mukin�,the luan sccured by[his 5ecurity _
<br /> Inscrumcnt, �rrower shall �ny thc pnmiums rcquired ta maintain the mongage instirance in rffert. If, for any reason, thc =_
<br /> mortgage insurance cover�ge teyuired by Lender lapses or reases to be in effect. Bono�vrr shall pay the premiums�rquirccl to n
<br /> obtain covcrage substantially cquivalcnt to the mort�agc insurancc previausly in c1'fect,ut a rost tiub.t:uuially cyuivalcna to�he =
<br /> cost to Borrower nf the mi��t�age insur�nce previously in rffect, from au alternate mnrtgage insurer approvai by Lender. If =
<br /> su�stantially equivalent mo:t���e tnsurance coverage iti not available, Borrower sha�3 p::y to L.cnJer each month<�sum�qual to _
<br /> onz•tw�tfth of the yc;►rly �n�rtgnge insuruncc premium bein�paid hy Bt�rrowcr when the intiuraucc covcr.�gc lapsecl or cra�cd to �';
<br /> be in effect. f.cnder wil)accept,use and retain these payments as u lass reserve in licu of mortgage insuronce. Loss reucve �'
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