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<br /> �a;n,rnt�n�:�.: ir� I��n�rr F+c rri{uiml, ��t Ihr npti+�n i�f 1 crklrr. if irwirtyrKe iu�utaixe cuv�r�<lin IFte�un.W�u �x!frr It�e pc��c�i
<br /> �ha� Ixn.frr nyuircr)provid�vl h;j rn in�uter�pprnsc�l hy I�c�Klrr u�tulo�Irx•unk,+vaU.ht�+�MI i.�d�lri�k�l. 4i��ii,�w�r .hrll �w��
<br /> the pmniurru�royulrni tu mdntYln in��ri�{x�e IniwruxG In cltecl�ur la pru�•Idr w lu.�ir+enr,uniii ilx�eyulrrnKni Irn eiw�ngr�c
<br /> inxuruk�e crx1,►in�•�r�nl�n��r wilh rny wriuen a�ramrn�he�ween F3��rruwer�r�l I�cr►Jcr nc�lirwbir I�w.
<br /> 1. I�'lion. Ixnctcr ur it�r��nt nuy �►,�ar«���wni�����r�C�U���,��a n►,.rxr�inm��f thr 1'rn�xny. I,r��lcr ahrll givc
<br /> i�,rrnwrr n�wice M11hr Iii�+e„(��r prl��r tu�n Inr{xYilon+�iCying re�n�l+le r�u�e fur 1ha iiu�per.ilun.
<br /> :C. �'..::-� --::.�:r�;;, •�;� �,r�....-.I, ��i'����N RH'AFII��r �I��un fur dunwucs. dircct nr c��n,ryurnliul, in rrnux��i�,n :+hh any
<br /> 4yiiwlemiuui�m ar��her laking ur any pMn uf thr Pn��xrty. «r fur cnnveyrnre in liru��i'co�xlt�mu�N��n.ure brrchy ur���yixtil xrtd
<br /> .hull t+e pwid a�Ixixter.
<br /> In the event oF a«►tal taking of Ihe Prupeny.thc:pr�xe�tr�hull Ix�pplic�l to ttse sumti�ecured My thi�t:ciuri�y Inti�runxnt,
<br /> whether or nat then due, wlth uny exces,pui�! ta{3�►rn�wer. In the evcnt of u prrtial wking uf the Pn�jxrty ir►which the fnir
<br /> murket valuc uf thc Pm�xny imm�xliately hefore the taking iti cyuul to or grcutcr thrn thc am�iunt of the s�tm��zcuc�l hy this
<br /> S.�c►►nty Instrunzent immaiixtcly btfore the taking,unless.6arruwer a►xl Le�xier othervrise agtee in wriu�ig,the tiums u�uttxl hy
<br /> �his Sec:urity Instrument shall ix: reeiuced by the amou��t of the proceals multiplied by the fall�wing tractiun: (u1 tht te�tni
<br /> anxwm of the wums securai immediately tx:fure the taking, dividal by(b)thc fair markct�•a(ue of the Property immediataty
<br /> beforc tiia taking. Any balanr.c ShaU be paid to &�rruu�cr. in ihc evcnt of a partial takinb of tha Property in which the fair
<br /> market vnlue of c6e Property immedi�uely beforc thz takinF is le.;s than thr_amount of the sums�ecur� imcneciiatcly bel'orc the
<br /> tnking, unlcss Borrower a»d I.cnder utherv�i++�a��rcc in writing or unless upplicable luw othenvisc prnvides,thc proccstits sliull
<br /> be applied to che sums securesf by this Securitv bi�trument whether or not the sums are then due. _
<br /> If ttie Property is ab:tndoned by Surruwe,,or if,aftcr r.;,tic::t�y I.en�+er tu L�onuµe��h:�.t rhe cnndemnor offers to make an
<br /> award ar settle a claim for darnages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days at�er th:date the notica is given,
<br /> Lender is authori•r.ed to rnllcct and apply the procccYls,at iu option,cither to restontian or repair of the Pro�rty or tu the sum;
<br /> secared by this Securiry Instrument,whether ar nut 2h;n due.
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Borro�ti•er r�therwise agrec in �vriting, any applicution of procerds to principal sliall not extenu or
<br /> post{►�ne t1�c due date of thc monthl�� ��:ymer.ts referred to in�a�a���aphs l and 2 or change s�:amount of such paynxnts.
<br /> I l.linrrower Not Released;ForbearancF By Lender No�a Waiver.Eitension of 1Cse time for pay�ncnt ar mcKiil��.�+tion
<br /> of amorti�ation nf tl►e;;i�.ns secured hy this Secu•rity Instrument granted by L:n:ier to any succcssor in interest of Borrowrr shall
<br /> not operate to release a�e liability of the origina�8.�nower or porrowcr's surcessnrs in intcrest. I.endcr shall not bc rcquircrl to
<br /> commence Qraceedings ugainst any successar in interest or refusc to extend time fur paym;ni or otherwise modify amonization
<br /> of the sur.is �:a�red by this Sccurity Instrum�nt by rcason of any demand madc hy th: ��riginal Borrower or lic+re'�wer's
<br /> SUCCf55i1iS IO Ii1TCt�tiT. 7�11y io�ircai.ii�Cc uj% iri ic:u”: iS:XLf�'1�:na `-!Ri !!°cht nr r(!nl[Y�v S�I.�U nut he a w;tivcr of or pr�.e3udc thc
<br /> cxcrcise e�f a�ny right�r remedy.
<br /> 1:. Sucecssors and A.�.si�;ns Bound;Joiaat a:»d Severul i,iability; C�,signers. The cuvenantc nn:+ y��::crnents of this
<br /> Sc�curiry iastcumem shall bind :uid [�enetit the successor. atxi .aa�igns of Lender and Bern�wer, suh.jcct to the pr����isinns of
<br /> paragr.iph 1�. Borrc�wcr's cuvcna��ts and agrcements shall hc joint and scver.d. Any �;arrawcr who co-signs dii� Serin-ity
<br /> Instrument but does not exeeute the Note: (a) iti co-s►Sning tlii�. Securiry Gi�trument unly to mortgagi,grant and convey thnt
<br /> Battowcr's interest in the Property undcr thc terms i�f thiti Sccurity Instrument;(b) is nat penonally��hligutcd to pay thc wms
<br /> sccured hy this Sccuriry Instrument: and(c)agrecs that L.cndcr and any other Borto�ccr may agree to cxtcnd,m�xlify,fonc�ar or
<br /> make:�ny accommcxtatium with regani to the ternis of thi,Security In�trument ur the Note�vithaut that Borru��•er's a�ment.
<br /> 13.L<►an Chxrgei.If thc loan securcd by thi,Scrurity Imtrun:cnt i„ubjcct tu a la��'whicl� ,cts maximum loan rhargcs,
<br /> and tlrit law iti finally intcrprctcd ui that thc inrerc,t ur othcr I�rm char�rs rollectcJ ur to hc rolhxtrd in cunncction with thc
<br /> loan exceed the permitteJ limitti.thcn: lal any wrh luan diargc tiitali be r�du�ctil by thc amount nrrc+�ary u�redure the cl�arge
<br /> te�thc pcnnittc�J limit;:md(b1:uiy �ums atrraJy c��Uccted from Burrrntier a�hinc�xccal�til�xmiittcd limits��•ill bc rcl'unded to
<br /> Born�v��cr. L.c►xicr nuy cl�oosc to m;ilcc 1�1l5 �C�UII�I h)' (C�IUCtllt: tlll' principal ua•�d unJcr thc Notc�or by making a din'ct
<br /> payment tu &�auwcr. lf a mfun.l rcdu�rti prinripal, thc rcducti�m �vill ln trcatcJ as ;► partial pmpaymcnt without any _
<br /> prepaymcnt charFc u�xicr the Nute.
<br /> l4.Notices.Any notire to&�rn�w�cr providc�l far in this Sccurity Intittument�hall br givcn by delivrring it or by m:riling
<br /> it by first class mail unl��ss applicabie!aK•myuires u�e af anuthcr mc�h�xi.The nutire rhall bc directed N the Property Addr�ess
<br /> or anv ather:eddreti� Borro��'rr designatcw by noti�ti ta l.endcr. Any nuticc tu Lendcr �hall br givcn by fint cla�s mail w
<br /> Leixier'�.►ddr�tis�tated hercin or any ��Ih�r addre�s Ixrtdcr de,i�;natca hy nutir� a►Borroucr. Any nutice pruvidcd t;�r in this
<br /> Sccurity Imerunxnt sh�ll bc dccmal tu h:►cc bcrn�.ivcn to 8om�acr ur Lcndcr��ficn Ei�•cn as pn�vided in this p�ragr�r`�.
<br /> iS.Go�ernin�; I.aw; Sr�en+bility. Thi� Security Imtrunxnt �hall h� go��cm�til by fitiicral law an� thr law uf the
<br /> jurisdicti�in in�shich die Pmpert}• iti luratal. !n the evrnt that any pruvi>ion ur dau,c uf thiti Scrurity In�tnimcnt ur the Note
<br /> ��nflicts with applicable law.tiucli rrnflirt shall not aftcct utlur pnrvi>i��n.ul thi�Sccurily Intitn�mcnt or thc Notc which ran bc
<br /> given effect with��ut the��ntlictinc pmvision. To this rnd the pmvitiiom i�(tl�i�Securiri• Intitnuttent aud tlie Note am dedamd
<br /> — to be sc��crab!c.
<br /> l6.l3ttmoner's Copy.Borrov�er shall be givcn unc.t�nfornud cupy�,f the Nutr and�,i this Securiry InStrunxnt.
<br /> _ Fcvm 3028 9190
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