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<br /> Til(iF.Tk1ER W!"T'H all thr.imp�nv�mcnts n��w or hereefier c�xctat n�►the pmperly.und ul!u��cirxnts,a�pFwrtr.nanccs,and
<br /> fir,tum rxi�• oc hercettrr u p�tt ut' tfie pniperty. All replarrnxnl. aiki addiliu:n tihuil eiso tx� uuv�r�1 hy �his :ircuriry
<br /> Instrument.All nf Ihc fureguing is refrral tu iu this Scxurily Imlrutnent�.r the "Prn�riy."
<br /> BORROWER CUVENAN7S lhwt&irrnwrr i�,lawful(y ticizal of the cstate herrhy convcyai urxl haK the tight lo grant and
<br /> ranvey!he Prapetty arxl that the F'roperty iti uneucun�hr�al, exccpt tiir e�kuuibrancrr of rrcnrd. &�rruwer wamints smd will
<br /> defend genenlly the tide to the Pmprdy ageinst all daimx aixl demandv,sut►jxt to rniy oncumbr�nces cif raorcl.
<br /> ��- ---_- 'FH7S Si�f!�HITX INS'1'RIIMFNT i•umhinr;iu►itiiriu cnvcnunts tiir nutiun•rl usc a�xi non�un'stiam�•uvrnants with limitcd
<br /> variations by jurisdi:ticm to cemsUtute x uniform sacuri�y instrument cavering reul praperty.
<br /> tJN1NURM COVENAN'fS.&►rmwer atxl IA►xlr.r covcnant at�d rgrx uti fallnws:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Principsl aryd lnten�t; H�ep�yment and I.Yte Charges. FA�rrr,wer til�all pmn�ptly pay when due tht
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt r.videncrxt by thn Note and any prepayment wxi late chsuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. 1F'undr,for TA�res xnd I�wnnce. Subj4�ct tn upplicablc law�r w n written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> __ __ I.ecxier�n the day monthly payments are due und��the Noic,untll the Natc is paid in Cull,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeurly txxes
<br /> arrid assessments which may attain priori[y over this Security Instrunxut as a lien on the Proprrty:(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ar ground rents on the Property,if any:(c)yearly hzvard or property insunu�ce premimns;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> if any;(r.)yearly nwrtbage insuran�c prcmiums, if any;and(�any sums payable by Bonowcr fo Lcnder, in accordance with
<br /> the pravisions of paragraph S,in licu nf the payment of mortgage insierancc premiums.Thesc items are called "Escrow items."
<br /> ixndrr may, at any time, collcct :►�d hold Funds. in an amount not to excecd the maximum amount a lender for a federqlly
<br /> relatai mortgage laan may require far Barro�vcr's ucrow account under the fcxier�t! Re:il Estate 5ettlement Pnxedures Act of
<br /> -- - -� f974 a5 amcndat fram tirnc tn timc, 12 U.S.C.. Section 2L•Ol ct sey. ('RESPA"?, unless another luw lhat applies t�th�Fundc
<br /> --
<br /> seG� a lesser amount. It se, Lcndcr may, at uny time, co1(cct and hold Funds in an lmount not to exceec!the lesscr amount.
<br /> Lender may estiinste the amount�f Funds due an thc basis of current dnta and re��.sonabie estimates of expenditures of futurc
<br /> Cscrow Ieems or otherwise in accoyclanee with a�pficable law.
<br /> The Funds .r•hall be hetd in ar► institution whose dcposits are insured by a fucieral agcncy, instrumcntality, or entity
<br /> (including l.endcr,�f l,ender is surh an in�titutionl or in any Federal Home L,i►.ui Bank. Lcndcr shali appl�•:ne Fr�nds t�i pay the
<br /> — Escrow Items.Lender may not char�e&�rrower for holding and applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the rscrow account,ar
<br /> verifyin�:ihe Escrow Items,unless Lcnder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and:tpplicable law permits l.ender to mnlce�ucl�
<br /> a charge. Hc�wever,I.ender�nay requirc Borrnwer to pay a unc-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting zcrvice
<br /> uscd by [�c►der in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless :xn agrecment i� mnde or
<br /> applicatrie l�w rcquires interest to ix paid, Lender tihall not bc required ta pay Burrowcr any intcrest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> —_- S:;:m�cr;ss:�L��r ms;�t�i��r'sr=no, hn.yny��r, that i�itrr���t ch:�ll h,•naid�n the Funds. I.ender shall eitie tc�Borrower.
<br /> - --- without ch��r�;c, an unnu:sl accountiag uf tho Funds, showing rrcdits und dcbits W thc Funds and thc purpnse for �vhych eacl�
<br /> debit to the Fwi-rl�;was made. The Funds are pledged as addition�il s�tiurity for all sums securcd by thi�Security Instrument.
<br />�°"s"�� If the Fwnd:i hetd by Lender exccal the umnunts permitteJ to be tield by.ipplicable law. I.ender shall account to Borro�ver
<br /> for thC excess Fu..ds in accordnnce with die reyuirements of applicable law. If the umount of the Fund�held by[.ender at uny
<br /> timc is not suffi�ient to pay thc Escm�v Item��vhen Jue.Lcnder may so nntify Qurrowcr in writinF,und, in such case Borrowcr -
<br /> - shnll p;iy m l.cnd�:r the amount neccssary t�i muke up the deficieney. Borrcnver shall makc up thc dcficiency in no more tha�i --
<br /> twelvc montFa[p pxiyments,at Lcndcr's sole discretion. �,,.
<br /> - U�wn p:iy�rnnt in fuU of all sums �ccured by this Scruriry Instrumcnt. I.�ndcr shall pramptly rcfund to Bornm�cr :u�y ^
<br /> Y['"
<br /> - —---- Funds held by L�nder.If,undcr paragraph 21. Lcndcr shnll acquirc or,cll thr Prnprrty.L�:ndcr,prior to the acquisition ur�.�le ��_�
<br /> of the Prop�:rty, shall apply uny Funds held by Lender at thr time uf acyuitiition ur tiale as a credit against the sums secured by �;'-_
<br /> �,._
<br /> this Sccurity Ir.itniment. ��•
<br /> 3. Appllbtntinn of Paynients. Unless sippi3cable law provide+uthenvi�e,ull paymentti rcccivrJ hy L,ender under parngrnphs e`�"
<br /> �--° 1 and 2 sha15 b4> :� licd: lint,to an re a ment char es duc under the Nute: ticconJ,to:nrn�unts � ablc under �ra ru h�: ����
<br /> PP Y P P Y F P'Y I�' S P ���_:i
<br /> ° third,to inu:re�.t �ue:fourth, tn principal due:and last,ro any I.ite diarges duc under thc Notr. �._�.
<br /> � 4. Chaxge�:Liens. Borro�vcr shall pay aU taxcs,a�.tiu;smcntti,rhargc�, tinr�and imputiitiuns attributablc to the Propeny �,�;_„
<br /> which may ntc3i�priority ovcr th�s Sccurity Intitrument. and Ic:ischold paymem,or ground rents, it�any. Bormwcr tihall pay �=-:_
<br /> these oblig;stcc:�u in thc manncr providcd in par,i�r:►ph 2.�u•if not paid in that manncr. Burr��wcr tih:Jl pay them on time directly ��
<br /> to the p�;rso:i ov:ed payment. Barro�ver shaU promptly furnish to l.cndcr all nutires uf amounts to he paid undcr thiti parngmph. �'�'�`'�
<br /> ,_,..
<br /> If Boimwer mak��s ttiese payntents dircrdy. �rrowcr tihall promptly fumish to Lsnder receipts evidencin€the payment�. `-��T
<br /> f���•
<br /> - Borrower�hall pramptly diticharge any licn whirh hati priority ovcr thix S�curiry [ntitrument unl�.ti Borrower: (al agrcc�in c,:
<br />- — •i`
<br /> - _—
<br />