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<br /> ------ -- - 5. lirrard ur 1'�u�rrty I�ue�r,nee. Iiursr�wce �hMff kc5rp the intj�r�vmirni� iHiw �a1t11n� nr htreaAtr erac'tod �„t the
<br /> - — Pn�perty inwroJ�rirext iUan by fi�r., h.rrarda snsfudr.�i within�hc ttnn "extendec! cczv�n�e" xnd eny ather h+�ar�s. includieq
<br /> fla�ds a�(tnodin�, for vuhich i�tt+der roquic+es inwrrncr. 'C'his ira�ur�noe~hi11 be rruintained in tfit u�wutWS ud for the penod�
<br /> �hnc Lxixier re4ui�rs.'1'tee iraartnca rarrkr{+mvidiry,� tlrs irr�uru�cr ah�ll !►c cF�n by Bc�rrowcr subjoct ta I�endar's Yppraval
<br /> which ih�ll not be uniraanbly withF�dd. It Bioet+c►wer fall� to m�inuin aove�ra�e doKribed abnve. l.rnder may, �t L.a�1e�'�
<br /> opt�an,obeain coven�e oo pmtuct i.crder's righta in the Pmpcny in aoamfurce witfi prrynph 7.
<br /> 3�,-- _ _ �� _ �,.,., i....+..,
<br /> A1� itnuWUxe poflcles u�d cCtl4waltl riiui't nt ln747CF�i+KJk iu [.c�wic. �...� w..11 ��.�I...i.. .. .I.�.w:,...'. s:.::::�:y__•._..--• --.---
<br /> shetl Ft�ve tlre ri�ht to hald the policia and rceew�l:.lf Lender roqulra,flcxrower�11 P�A�Y tive to C.a�der dl reoeipa ot'
<br /> paid praniuma atr.f ra�ew�l ratkxx. In the event o[Ic�sa,pncrower xh�ll givt pnxnpt nutioe to the insuru�x carrier�d lxoda.
<br /> L,emder rrwy make ponof oC loas if not mde�xanptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unlcxc t�nder ud�lormwer a�tre�wise�ra in writina.inaura►�ce pn�ceali sh�l!be appliod to r�estoe�tbn�r rep�ir o[lhe
<br /> propeny darnagmi.iF the rcstontion ar rcpnir is economlr.ally faaible and[.axier'a sa�rity ia nat les.+crial. It the raaorat�oa�r
<br />- — repslr i��at ocrHkxnically fasible cx�.�erxkr'a sa.�urity wuuld t�le�ser�sd.ihe inwru�:.s proxals shx11 be nppiied to the�:s.�
<br /> arcurcd by this Security Ir�tnrmrnt, whetlKr or not then due, with any exoas pefd to Bormwer. If Bortowa ab�ndcrb 11r!
<br /> property,ur does ncx�nswer within 31l days a rwtia frcxn I.ender that the inwcanee carrisr lu�offuod ta satk x claim.tt�ea
<br /> - I.�nclu may colixt tt� insurance p�abals. �.tncler may usc ¢he proaads ta ne�ir or rratorc the Property or ea psy wr�
<br />— secu�vd by t�iis 5ecurity Ins�tnima:[,wltNl►cr or raG thn►due.The 30-day peri«i wilt bcgin whrn thc natice is givcn.
<br /> (lnkas I,erider and Borrower otheiwise agree in writing. any apQlication of�eJs to principd �t►dt not ea[Gxd a
<br /> p►�stpone the due d�te oi thr, m�mthlp paYments neFecnx! ta in paragraphs 1 snd 2 or change the aenuunt of the p�ymcnts. If
<br />- - arnJ�r parngr�ph?.1 the Prc�Qnny is acquimd by I.enrfer,Borrower's right to�ury i¢uuriuyce policisx ena proca�ds rcwl�icg i�rm
<br /> �ir�nage ta thr.Pmperty prior to tho xcquisition sh�ll pass w L.enda to the extent of the sum��urod by this S�ntrity Itatr►u�r;M
<br /> � i:iurrodiatt�t�kn:ic r to Uie actquisition.
<br />' b.(�'�paenc9.Pr'�watbn.INaintm�aee arni xM�t�ectbn o�Li�ae Ih+npaity:Borrower'a I.wn Appiialiar:Lar�M�hi
<br /> t�arrower shall xcupy,extstblish,and use the Propeny Js t3.�rrower's pr�ncipal residence within sixty days afGer the exa.vtiome of
<br /> = �.'�is Sa.�urity Instrumcnt and shall continue te eccupy tLr�£�lroperty as Bomuwer's pr�ncipal rcsidiuKe for�t lenst.a�e yeu afla
<br /> th�date of accupancy,unless Le�der otherwise agrees ir.�writing, which mnsent slull not be unnasonably witAl�eW,or unlat
<br /> extenuating circum�tunces exist whic.h aro beyond Bornower's control. Bomawrr shnll not destmy, darnwge ex impir tho
<br /> PropMy, allow the Properry to daerioraiGe,or�mmit waste on the Property. Bormwer st�all be in Aefrwlt if aay furfaturc
<br /> xtion or procading. whether rivil or crim;nal,is bcgun that in L.endsr's ga►d fisith judgment cuuld r�sult in forfeitu�e of the
<br /> - Property or oths�iwise m�rerially impair the lien crcated by this Security Irutnimeni ar L.ender's security intaest.B�mower miy
<br /> •'--
<br /> rure such a detault and reie�tate.as provided in para�u�h 18,by eausmg tne action or p�oceeding cn be disminsui wii;i s i�i,uqs
<br />� itu�t, in Le��der's gaod�fait4 determire:�.i�*-n, precludes forfciture of tt!y: Bormwer's interest in the Property a.•�xher mMaitl
<br /> x'� impairmcnt ot the licn creatod by thi��ccarity Instnunent ur Le�r3�x's��urity intercst. Bormwer shall also bt in default if.
<br /> Bc►rrower.during the loan application process,gave materially falsc ar inaccurate jnforrnation or strtements to Lendtr(nr faihal
<br /> � to pr+ovide L.emder with any c►�terial infomiation)in crn:nsction with lhe loan evidenced by the Notc. includiir�,but�w�t limited
<br />_ [o,�presentations coneeming Bomower s crccu�ane}cf the Properiy as a principal residenee. If this Socurity inFtnimerit is on t
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall comply witl� a!i the pmvisions of the leasc. If Borrower acquins fee title to tht PeoQerty. the
<br /> leaschold and the fa title shall not nx-rge���less I.ender ngrax to the►ncrget in writing.
<br /> 7,Protectton ot Lrntkr's RE�;b�s inn tthe I'roperty.If Borrower f�ils to pedonn tlu covenants and agreemencs aontaiaed in
<br /> e�is�ecurity Instrument, or:Tiere fs s;:gal proceeding.•.hat may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Propecty(suc1� ai a
<br /> �roceeding in bankruptcy, F�v'�ate. far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce 4avs or regulations),then I.ender cn�y do and
<br />� pay for whatevcr is ne:ccss�ry to pracec¢ the vulue of the Property and l.ender's sights in the Property. L.ender's�ctions xrry
<br /> include payi�� any sums securc�d by a :;:en which has priority c�:er this Sec�+rity Instrumcnt, appesiing In caurt. pxyiug
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fecs and enterin�o�ehe Property to make repai.s. Alt��ough I.eixler may wke acxion w�dcr ttiis patygr�i
<br /> 7.Lender does n�nt have to do so.
<br /> - Any amounts disbursed by Lender under tiiis ��vagraph 7 shail bxome additional debt of Borrower socural by this
<br />- Security Tnstru►nent. Unless Borrower nn�:I.ender Agree to othcr tcrms of paymcnt,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> "�4'�.• date of disbursement at the Note rate uncl shall be payable. with interest, upo�n notice t'rom Le�xier to Bonower requesting
<br /> ;:>>.
<br /> T .,•;„� paymr.nt.
<br /> S.Mortgtge Insurance.If Lender requirod moTagage insur.ince as a condition of making the loan sccurod by this Serurity
<br />,.�'•� ;�.�: ��;��,�� Instrmnent, }3omower sha'1 pay the premiums reqeired to maintain the mortgar.� �nsurance in effect. If, for any rcason, the
<br /> '�"•��}`'' mortEagc insurance covera,e required by I.ender lapses or c�;ases to be in effect, I3�mowcr shall pay thc premiums requi�+ecl to
<br /> ,��'�'.�;:'
<br /> �;� o4tain ca��e�.�:�e substantially equivaler.t•to the mongage;insurance�reviausty in effect,at a cost substantially equivulent to the
<br /> �,...;-.•:�:
<br /> „�;t��� wsc to Bonro*�::r of thc moitgage insu:n:ncx previously in effect, 4i�m an altemate mort�age insumr approvcd by I.ende.:t. If
<br /> � �-�';=•.:�:��� substantial{y equivalcnt mortgage insurance covcrsge is not availablc,Borrowcr shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> .�..._..__....
<br /> 'y;�L�kt��;'' onc-twclfth of the ycarly mortgage insurancc premium 0eing paid by E3onowcr when thc insurancc covcragc�ngsad or c to
<br /> ' �'�'��:.:"';:' be in effect.Lxnder will accept.use and retain these payments us a loss reserve in lieu of morxgage insuratice. Lass reserve
<br /> �,r-,:,:t. ,
<br /> • ,i: ;t , ' Fnrm 3028 9/80
<br /> � �rr. :i%.
<br /> � �y� .'T ••-'„ Pp�3 0l 6
<br /> .ei'S`�id;�r;�a't.
<br /> ' p�Ys t�.�,(s�.
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