„E,. r�;��:.i';:r . ... .. ._ :.r_.
<br /> �'�” 10':(D�i
<br /> payrtrnts rn�Y rM I��ngcr hr re±quirod.at the��p+inn n(t r�rr,If �m�tRege i�uur�,�e mvenge fin thr.amount a+d tor the pa�od —
<br /> t�at L,nnder reguir+�a!pnivided by !lt 4fl�l1ICY 11pQfOVt6�ly LGIIdCf q�nin hea�mea avdtable n�d i�nt+uine,rd.Borrc�M►�ii l�ry
<br /> the promiurn r+eqe►irai to mainuin matsa:e insuneaa in eFfoct, or to provide�lots r�ae�ve,urnil thc reyui�avent fnr mocy.�e
<br /> inwranoe e�dn�n acooedanca with xny wripen asrxn�betwan Borrow�er�ad L,endor ar�pplir�bk I�w.
<br /> !. l�ellu�. Leader cr iut a�eat �ny mrke rarooable entrim ujxx�a�l inspoctiuns of tho Properly. l.rndet' rhrli give
<br /> 8orrorrer naticc rt tt�time of or prior to a�iaspeaiva sQecifyin�raiw+isble c�uee for the inpectioa.
<br /> i.�.. l:w..'�".:.:•,..:.�•�•.».. �:2'.'. ��.=�� �f••^••�••��T'� �'r�loir� �n••f1�m�a�S, (�l�Mt flf ('n�w11�MiN�, im m�nection with anY -
<br /> ao�demo�tian or od�er nicin�of auy pact of the Propnty,or tor convey�noc i:i lie:ei uf condantntlon.ane he�by+wiYaad md
<br /> shall be paid co L.e�rkc.
<br /> In the event of a tc�W U►king oi U�Pmperty, the procetdR shdllx repplied to the sums securod by this 5ocurity l�utrumrt,
<br /> whethet or not tf�a�due.with�ny rxcs�s p�id to Hcirrower. In the eveot of a paRiaf tsking uf thc Property in which the fair
<br /> muka value of tt�e Property imrr�iiatety befon the uking i9 cqwl to or grcater than the�nount of the sums socurcd by thia
<br /> Sec�urity Insirumeni itruixdiattly before ltx ta4ia�g, unless Borrt►wer rtxl i,ender othetwise agree in writing.thc sutns savrod by
<br /> Ihis Secvrity instrument alhall bo raluc�ed by the anaunt of the proceods multiplitd by the follawing fraction: (a)the toW
<br /> �unount of the sums savrod immediucly befon the talcin�, di�idod by (b)the fAir rru�rket value of the Proptrip imrtrdiately
<br /> txfane the taking. Any balance shall bo pud to Borrower. In tt.e ovent of a partial taking of the Property in which the faie
<br /> muket value of the Property imrt�iiatcly before the taking is l�s than the am�unt of the sums stcurod inunediately befoce the
<br /> tating,unlas Borrowec and I.ender othnwise agree in writing or unless applicuble law othemise pcovides. the ptneteds shalt
<br /> be applied to the sums securod by this Security Insuument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> [f lhe Property is abandonai by Boemv�rr,or if,;u'cer�wli�z by Lc�iuei tu Bc,.iowc�th�t ttk,condcrsuzos offtr' to make att
<br /> awud or setde a claim for damsges. Borrow'er fails to tespond tu l.ender wittiin 30 days ufter the date the notice is givan,
<br /> I.ender is authorizcd to collect and apply the prac+�s,at its aption,either to restormion ar repair oi thc property or to the wrr�s
<br /> secuce�d by this Serurity Instn�ment,whether ur not then due.
<br /> 11nless I.ender and Blorrower otherwise agroc in writing, any application of prncmds to principal shal! not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due datc of 1he monthly payments refcrred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t3r;a.�aunt of such�yments.
<br /> 11. Bornower Not Reka�ed:�orbarana By I.ender Mot p Waivtr.Extcnsion oP the time far payment or modification
<br /> of amortiution of the sum+se�rod by this Socurity Instrument gcanted by�..ender to any successar in intemt of Borrnwer shall
<br /> not operat�to rcicas�:the liability of thr original Borrower or Sorrower's succcsu�rs in interest. Lender s4�a11 nat be requircd to
<br /> commcnce proceodings against any successor in i�terest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify arnortilation
<br /> of the sums ucurod by this Security Inswnxnt by reason of any demand m�de by the orisinal Bonuwer ur Bor�+nwer's
<br /> SUCCl..'CSOiS Ifl 1tILCIGSi. I°ltly IUTilCdtutttz`vy i.canici iii c:.ciCiSii.�m'Sy i3giii i3T i��..."'�.� �:i:.�!i:.^.;�°.8::'3�!`:C!4f L�i�r�rin�in fhr
<br /> exescise of any right or remedy.
<br /> IZ, Sumessona and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severnl LiYbility; Co-signers. Thc cavenants and agreements of tt�is
<br /> Socarity Tnstrument sha11 bind:ind benefit the suocessors und assi�ns of Lender and Borrower, subjc�.-t to the provisions of
<br /> paragra�sh I7. �ormwer's coven:tnts and agrtxtrxnts shall be joint and several. Any Bomnwer whu co-signs this Security
<br /> Instnunrnt but daes na execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only�c� znortgage. �CdtU All�CY�11.•ry�that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under thc temu of this Security Inst�ument;(b)is nat n�:sonally obligatcd to pay t{ze sums
<br /> secueod by this Security lnstrwnent;ared(c)agroes that Lender and any other E3o*r�u•�r enay agree to extend, maiify,forbear or
<br /> malce any accomnwdations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrumen[or t�ie Aiate v�itlzout t�at Borrower's ransent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges.If the luan sexured by this Security Instniment is subject u� a I�:w which scu maximum loan charges.
<br /> and that !aw is 6nally interpreta�so that the interest or ottier loa��charges collected or to he ralle�:ted in connection with the
<br /> loan exeeed the pertnittal limits, then: (a)any sueh loan charge shall be reduced by the�a:x�unt necessaiy to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted fimit::►nd (b)any sums alrc�dy collectcd Tram Borrowcr which exceed�permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> iiottower. Lender may choose m make this rcS'und by reducing the principal owul under the No:e or by making:.t direct =
<br /> payrnent to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partizl prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided fiu in this Security Instrument sh:l1!be�iven hy�delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class rruil unless applicable law r�uire�use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address =
<br /> or:u�y other address A3o�YOwer desi�nates by n�tice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal! be gi�•en by first class mail to
<br /> l.endcr'ti rddress stated herein or any other addr�ess I..cnder d�5ignates by notice to Borrc►evcr. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Sccurity lnstrumcnt shall be deemud to havc bccn �i��en to Borrower or Lcndcr wh�:n�iven as providcd in this naragraph. _
<br /> 15.G�vtrning I.aw; Severability. This Sex:urity Instrument shall bc govern.cl by fedcral law and thc law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propetty is located. [n the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instniment or the Note
<br /> conflicGti with applicable law,such.:onflict sh:ilt not affect other pmvisions of this Security instrument or the Note�vhich��an Ue
<br /> given effect without the eonflicting provision. Tu this cnd the provisions of this Securin•Instrument and thc Notc:�re dcclarcd
<br /> to bc scvcrablc.
<br /> 16.Bormwer's Cupy.Borrowcr shall be given one rnnformed copy of the Note:u�d of this Security InstrumenL
<br /> - Fonn 3028 9/90
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