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<br /> ��r �f�'"Q�7
<br /> lq PR01EC1 THE Sk1:UH�1 V lM iH15 iflU6T UEEU,THU5ii7ii HEHtBY l:(1VENAN(5 ANp A{3HEES AS FOLLpWS
<br /> 1 rA�YlN7 OF PAINfCV�I.ANO M1YlMYT IruaWe►haN pwnW�Y WY�wn Jur Ih���n[��MI ut ynd�nl�rretil un Ih�u�tirtfl�clM�a�idM+tOtf hy
<br /> th�Nol�.�nd�Ji alh!M r.hiktpw�d 1�aa prowd�A m th�Mol�.�nd ltN pru�cip�l t�f ttM�MM�NI on uty Fui�w�AdvbtlGlM lwcur�d by tMS Trusl DMd.
<br /> -�----- ,.a,�.a..�...,pM�•��N�M��u�o�u ttM P�opa�ly herehy conwryed and
<br /> - 7 wll101ilM 11 Ur �I�kt. ��urlW i►Ir�+�u«y,......:...J{.....«__�J tt;;_=�' -- -
<br /> Iw th�rqht lo prwnl NnA,�xxivrY tM Propwty,IM P�q�y ia h M�n4 cMir o1�u I�+F N�xJ�ntur^W����;t�pt lisne n[rr nl r�cad.�nA Trutta wN1
<br /> wanUnt anA t11M�rK1 lhl�IAib IU ihA P�opNty i1ga���1 a�l c1liYny au�d dMn�ntl�
<br /> �.MA111TENANCE ANn►GtaiMl�NNMCE WITN LAMff.T�u�lcw sMll ks�the F�c�r�y in SI��K�+�r�rM co++dd�ai and sh�u nM canmd re�q�a p«rm�l
<br /> �mplwimMl d tlNsiicMntKiti M ttN Prapwly and sh�►H complY w�lh Ihu pranaMns cil any Isss���tMf T��sl(hrd�s on a�N1iMwld.NO�M(XCnMR�lnt naw
<br /> or 1NUwHw e�ec.bcl upnn 1tIN F'�upe�ly ehall tH:�IlMUd.renx�vdd a d�mxd�slMtl w�thaut Ihn p�w��ttun r.txfs�sil af 8lts9iKUry Truetor sh�ll Comply Mnlh
<br /> NM I�ws.ord�nar►cea.reqid(illons.cownants.corv.tit�onn anA�e�IrKiwrs aMecung tlha Proparty anM nW cummd.suHM a psrrmt�ny x.t tn h�dane in a
<br /> i- 1=— upon tfN PropMty�n v�7lt�ir.x�of any lew.aAMance,ragut�tKtn.coven���l.�u�KLtK,n r�r tWir.cAOn-l ru�lar bhell rmm�inle w rRStore prompl!y utd�n[lood
<br /> wpiima�hk�marm�x 71ny�Yr�ro�ernent nn ths Prtperty wlikh m�y L+!•�{mar,J�M o►ciAbtrcyxd a�d I�ay.when hi:e.all cte�ma Icx labor pxbrmed and materwla
<br /> furn�eh�tl thwalor anA iof any aderdlwn!Ihe+oo�
<br /> 4 IMWNANCE.i�•ra�1��r.at d��K►wnut.wdl maml�in wdh msurprs ap{lrove+d by Eie+nnl�:�nty.msau�nco w�ih respRCt to Ihe�mprovemenis�nd per�rtal _
<br /> 1xo�tY.canat�iuur�thn N�c�perry.aqrnsi k�ss�y IW e.bytdniny.t�nado,tind rnr,�x peid.rny hardrA�cv�txed by stanAard 9xtanded coverage mdorserrxxit.
<br /> m�n amount xc}unl tu at IbAH aas hundred ps�cenl(10�°4)of the fu�l repinr.emrfnt value Iheraol an4 m3uranr.e ag���st such alhgr hazard3 and m such
<br /> _ amo�x�ts as�s cuslumm�l�•carned bY awn�rs an�'operators ol s�R�iar{xnpMrcs or as F3�nn�KUry inaY►eVwra(a�ts prdect�an.Trusta wll comply vnth
<br /> �-- :,,i.,^h G.::�:rC�uu:tmRM:ir:�ELtwb!'�twy m�y Irrwn dmelo hr�te reUUESI for tAe p�otot��on by msurpnce of IhN�nt!lres(S ot lhe toSpBChve partieS.All i�surance
<br /> po4c�C.s mamtninnA puteuant to th:s Tmst[)eetl shal!nama 1'rusta and F�nolic�ary as�nsured,as thelr respocUVe mteresta muy nN�,rer.a�id prav�o that
<br /> �hHe pe np canceK��Kn;y moddkation wdhoul a1 best 15 day5 W�wntlen noi�l�catan lo t�u�lee and 8e�el�;�ary may proCUra such insurance m accordan�e
<br /> wrth thn�xoti�vans o1 pa�agraph 6 hcticrol T�ustor shalf deLver eo Bene6c�ary th[�ongmal pahc:es u1 msuranr.o an4 renewats Ihereof or memo copres of
<br />- such pol�nes and renpiti::ly Ihrieol fadu�e lo lurn�sh Such�nsuranc�oy Trustor,or ronnwals as reqmred hereundor shalt,at tho ppt�an ot Bene'�oary.
<br /> - conaUWte a cM1auR.
<br /> 5.TAl(ES,ASSFf6alAL?1T6 ANO CNARGES.Trusta shail pay a,l t.�■es.asskssments:�n0 Wher thtttr�:..mcludmg,wuhoN��m�talan,hnes a�d irnposrtans
<br /> - attnb�taqte to ihp Pmpnrty a�xf leasehdd paym2r is a ground�enis,d any,b[�fora ine same became pa�mquent Truslor shell promptly Imn�sh to DenBDc�ary
<br /> _� all nOl�C8SOI3tn10unittiUpe und¢r this patagrepb.and m the6v2nt T�ustOr shall m0ke payment tl�ret�:y.7wstor shall promptly 1urn�sh l0 8enot�c�ary rece�pt,
<br /> ev�dencmr#sucfi p1y•u0nts husta e hall pay all t.ixes and assessmcnis wh�eh may ti�iov�ed upu�8enehc�ary's mtecest herem or upon th�s Trust Oeed
<br />'; wdhout tet{ard to i�n���nw thet rndy 6B enacted�m{w5�ng payment ot Ihti whnle or any part ihereot upon ihn RCnBhciary
<br /> - 6 ADDITIO!!AL I.�li1VS AND PROTECT60N OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURiTY.irusto�sha:i mako aii paymenis o�mtere,t and pnnc�pal an�payments
<br /> - oi ar.�;otf�u�ch�uflp5,tieos anq expenses contracteQ to be pa�d to�ny oxisung or s�Gse�uent lienho�der or Oenehciary,under any ex�st�ng or subseq�ent
<br /> ����u nenwr benc r.la:ms or eharaes wh�Ch
<br /> ` mertga�9 or truf!donA bufcue!he date they are detmquem or m aetaun.ano prompiiy par as�Cr�:..`•�.y=•-"!-••°- - � -
<br /> _$. rpay�HCp�tCiZP lhB:�s.�unty gtlrltEd hCrr�n II Tiu�tor fads to mako any such payment qr fads to pe�form any of Ihe ce�E�e�con mo cred Nh cn nz':-�.�
<br /> n�this Trust��arA.c��+�e Note relerretl to here�n.or m any pnor or subsequHnt trust deod.or�1 any adion or prnceed•� `' ' 9
<br /> aNects Benot�c ar,,'s.7ter��i+n tha frog�rty.+rr�••ymg,but�ol hm�ted to.em�neni domam proceedmg,,proceed�rgs w�ofving a decedent,nouce et sa•.0
<br /> .�. by Trustee,nm�ca et cl�ttault by Trustee.mortgago torec:osure act:an.ar d"frustor fa�is to pay Trustor's debts gonerairy as they became Cue,then Benel�c�ary.
<br /> at 8enet,c�ary s opSK�n a��d w��hout not¢e ro or demanU upon Trus�a ar.d w�thout reieas+ng Trustor trom nny obi�gatwn hereunCer.ma�m�ha s;r:h appearancos.
<br /> - d�a`�u+ss such ssmn.nd take such act�n as�s necess.ary to pro;an C3enot�c�arys mteresl,mcludmg,but not bm�tod lo.tl:s5crsemer.l c're::�iv�abte attorney's
<br /> feas.paymont,purchuee.eontesl or compwmise ot any encumbrance,charg�or I�en.eniry upon Iho Property�o make repairs cr d�;larat�on of default
<br /> under this T�u51 p�and.In Ihe ovent that Trustnr shati ia�C to prouire�nsurance or to pay taxes.assessments.or any other charges or to make any paymonts
<br /> m any ezis?mp a uuUSequert lienho�tlers or ox�stmg or subsequent Cenehciaues.Benehc�ary may praure such m,urancu artd make such paymont,Gut .
<br /> sha!I not ho ob:gn7aC to do so Ar.y amounts d�shurseJ Vy 8enef�aary pursuant to this Parag�apt�b sha11 beco ne tl hlereof,and sh311�ss O�ntCtestrlr muthe
<br /> - 6y tt��s Trust D�D�I.Sucn amounts sha�l be payable upan not�ce trom Bencl�ciary to Trusror reQuesung paY 4
<br /> da:eot d�sbu7cEmont nt ihe ratC payahio Irum timu to timoon outsland�ng pnncipai unCer the t�o!�uNass paymenl of�nteresf at sucl�ra::uould be con[r3ry
<br /> to appl�cable!ae•,vi ahich event such amou�ts shall bear mterestat tho h�gh¢st rate perm�ss�bic+urtder appi�cablo iaw No�nmg contametl m this Paragraph �- __
<br /> 6 shal!reqw�u[v.=,gS�cf2ry b mcur any expense or take any aci�on hereunder _"
<br /> S
<br /> "��-
<br /> 7.ASS(W�fIM49Y�'�3F RENTS.Bcneficiary shatl h�.y iho nght pmver and aulhcnty dunng Ihe contmuanco o�th�s Trust Deed ro callect the rent:.sssu6s
<br /> , and pral�tS af Ihn PropEtty and ot any pa�sonal property located thercon w�ih Ur wdhout Idking possession ot thct p�operty aitected hereby.enp Trustor � `�_
<br /> �.; hu eP�y absoletuty end uncondd�onally ass�gns all such rents,issues and protds to BonetiC�ary.Benehc�ary,navfover.hereby consenls to iho Trustor's �i���.
<br /> ` Co���'tias and rotention ol such rants.�ssues and prohts as t�ey accrue[�nd h�come payabte so long as Tmstar�s not.at such tune.m tle�aWt w�th respoct ,,
<br /> ' to paymont of J.ny�ndebtednU55 SCCUred hereby.or m thn perlormc�nte ot any agMBmant hereunder Upon any such defnult.Benehc�ary may at any Ume. �;;�,
<br /> ,� edhe�in��nGn,dp agen�,or by a tecewcr to be app���:?tl by a court,tinthout noUCe and xdhout reg3rdto the adBqctcy ot any secuniy for the mdBbty±neSS •�.,�;.:
<br /> heroby seturud.;al entor upun and take posses5:an o�ihe ProperiV o�any part th°reol,and m its awn name sue(oi or olharwise cailect such renta.:ssues '�r.�.
<br /> - and pro(AS.�nr.`.ttlmg lhose past due and unpa�d,an�app�y tne m:ame.less costs and axpenseS ot operaLUn and collec4on,including reasonablo altcmey�s
<br />- - .�.,.. Iegs.upon[mp mtlebtetlness se�ared hereby.ancf m such orae�t�s 8enehaary may detorm;ne:�t�!pertorm such acls ot repai^or prOICCUon a5 may�e I .
<br /> ^ � y part IhereAt�:�'such rental.term,and u� �•�'condrtwns as rts �
<br /> " , naossary ur�:raper to canserra:�°�•�aluo of tho Property.{e) eas�'''�e samo or an ,
<br /> • A��.'�' , �udgmont rnny:.�c'ato.ar termmate or ad�ust tho torms and c ondd�Ons of�xisUng�aases.UNess Truata and Benel�ciary thereof�aSr�C o'.'^arwise m wnung, i
<br /> . ���r, any appl�Ca:,a�i�.�?MS.is5ues or protds[o any mdebtedne55 securEd hn�ehy�h�:^ot oxtend or postponQ thu aue dato ot the mstaqment pay.rt nls as I
<br /> ' prowdud m e.:.:a s��c�missory noto or change tho amount of sueh inst»nmonts Yhe�Menng upon and takmg possess�on of the Property.thcr cct:c:cUan i
<br /> • ' � � of Su�n ronin,�ssues and protits.and Iha apphcatwn thoreof as aloresa�d,shull not waive or cure any default or not�co ot dufaWl her¢undBr or moahdata I
<br /> °.•,� �:...
<br /> � �y�� �r.p act dnnu pursuant lo such nohr.a Trustor a�so assigns to de:�8l�ciary,as furihDr seCUrdy for tha peHOrmanco of the obhg�UOns Securetl hereby.all
<br /> „� p;upncd runin and all momBS whith may havo bec�n or may heieall�r 5e dapoS�ICd�vdh sa�d Trustqr by any IaSSeA o�the Property.to s�cure tho payment
<br /> •R-+, of any rent Gr damages.or upon detsult m the pe�rormUnce ot any ol iha prov�s�ons horeoi.Trustor agrees to dehver such rents and Ceposds to Benehuary.
<br /> .�. De��very 4t+�btti�n notice ot Henohciary's exerc�se ol tho nghls gra�tud harem,to any tontint occupy�pg said premises shan bo suflinent to reqwro sa�d
<br /> - ,�• �unant to pa;�nnt to the 8en�t�c�ary unt�i iurther not�ee
<br /> 8 CUIW�IIIAHATION.11 hUe to dn�p3rt of the;'ro;�r�1y shall be takou�n coi�domnauon prcv:eedmg:�.by ii9ht o}cm�ncnt dcmain or sin�lar action ��.
<br /> I
<br /> Sha!f bo tiUld under lhreat of conCemnaUOn_all ativu-�s dacnagus aind procoeds aro hereCy pssi3ned and shall be p3id io Beni'•.�.z�y�vho 5ha11 apply j
<br /> �;.�_.���;�_:; r � Such�ridrdU.ddmagus and�:rocee�ts to tha Sum ;ec:�f•�b) 'n'S 'rus�Det3c:.W�ih Ihe exC055. '�any, paid to Trustor It Trustor�eti-_�•�es any not�ce or i
<br /> -'���• .�• oU�e��nlnrmt�t�oa regard�ng SLLCh 1L1iU�1:.or prncce".�'gs.:�ustor s��.+li y�vu p:�:r.p•Nntten not�r.e thereof�v 8enefivary Benehciary shall bo enUtiud.at
<br /> ���j-::"'=� ,i;op;,p�,to:.rAr.menca.appcar m nnd p�osecute m�rs oun namueny such ncudn q•;aroceodmgs antl shall he entiUr.d to�nak�any tompromise or:G*.��.ment
<br /> a"-.s.y�,-.'::u-..•
<br /> - `�'�- m cOnauC'•L�•�tv:l�any si�ch adion m (�ro�cedinqs
<br /> _ .y�• 'Fi.,��-
<br /> _ - �..wr.�_-.�.r:r�aa�— �;tpii�av:�uoiv:,�u�:::.'.�.�.
<br /> :^i�.- • 9 �UTUI�E AOVANC'F5.Upun ieyuesl o�Trus!or.Benclic�ary at @ene��c�ary's oplion,pr�or to reeonveyar��e v�i��a�.�• --
<br /> '-i . �aR�.,''�+�.�'�`� luturo�d�•ances to T�ustor Su�h futu�t�:tdvan�p:,,valh mterest IliurCO�.shull ho sceured by�his Trusl Oce6 when pwdented by promissory notes staling
<br /> ;�` ' ` "�'�''• ihpt sa.J nalas ar0 setur•:d heropy,prmided 1ha1 at no Ump shall the secured prmc�pat and luture ddYlnces.nui mtludmg sums adv;tnced to protect ; �
<br /> s � K,_ ,`�� tho setu�d�• !�xr.eed t�vo hunAieA percent 1200��►o� �ho ongiml pnncipa�a+nou��ts secured hrreby
<br /> •' .� � Y::t."_ I ..
<br /> E�.Y��
<br /> ":�„ 10 Wf:fltF.Di�S FI�T F.XCL'J::{YE.Tru�tco anti BeneUwary,and each o�thctm.shall bo ontA�ed to enlorcn paymeni and perfqrmancf1 et any�ndebMdncss
<br /> Q' ur ab'.�}ti:�'rrs c:QCUred hCreDy end to exercisa afl nyh1S antl poweis und6r[hi5lrost Dccd ot under any oihcr agmement execuled�n conneUion hcroNdh
<br /> �'�� . �,
<br /> � j,n'�.,,sr•.� or��n��ir,nG�urN ar here.dtcr m 1nr�u. notNi�h>�and�nq somo or ali ol the>such mdebtcdness and obl�gai�o�s S^CUred hereby�nay noiv or hem.:ittcr be
<br /> `�""'F,��' atherN�:'�'s�.�cu�ed wheihui t�y morlgaye.t�usl dced.p�edgeJ�cn.�ss�gnmari o�otherw�su Nenhu�tnr�accepta�ce o1 th�s T.ust Dr•e�d nur�ts entorcemen�
<br /> ��O� '�,- v nC;hC•L cn�nt.�ct�un or pur;u.�nt to tnp pnHCr ol sale or uther pcmers her�m cnntained.shall pi��ud�c s�o��n any m,�nner aBec1 Tniste�+''.u�Be�mhc�ary s
<br /> Sr�� � ' r,ght'.�aa!t.:ae cUO��w en�urt.e.iny qihu scumly now ur here:ilicr heid hy Trwteo or Br.nehc�ary.4 O���ng,igreed th,i�T�u;leo�nd Benpf�c�i�y-ancl�ar.h
<br /> .�., ... .. • i „
<br /> � ' �,. _ . .
<br /> : • . ...
<br /> . , , •
<br /> :'�. .. � . .'"__""..... . � .�I�. . . . , .f.r' . ..., .
<br /> . . .i.. . -� _'�—���r (�,,�''•.��tt' '- + " - .. . ..— - ..-
<br /> �-�: . .
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