<br /> • , ,' _ - :;�;:-,
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<br /> faOTIF1�CATIOM OF tj�E OF TRUST l3E�D
<br /> TO S��UA�PEAFQRYAMC�Of OdL�dAT10N '
<br /> T��und�ra�qned h���6y acknowl�dq�d�ed und�ralar.da ih�t Ih�doCUm�nl fa b����tu1��d by th�ur►daslp+t�d i��IrYq 4Nd�nd no1�
<br /> r-�•t�+�• +r��h�t�h•�nWM PI•+1�fi(�Mtd�!!Mf In IA�UUa�t1�RA�tflvNtAR Fuh�{111111�1111y 11111�r�N nqhta Nnd obhp�UOn�lo Ih�trustar 1h�n N
<br /> mortq�y�in iM�v�nl ol�drl�ult or Ureach ol oblipalw�.
<br /> ONed��d e�ecutW an Ih�__c�tS--_•- -d�y o( __,,1-cy,�L�. __ _.._.. . - - ----•-- - -- -- --- - .19 �`�- ,pnQe
<br /> �o e��cu��on ol m11 G jy� d� IJD�P�� 1�11RI+L9� A N�hCee,lcti �,P"':. -
<br /> / � ^�
<br /> --�'- -- �---�Pait�s�--- � - -_J�iMa .
<br /> - �� . r - -• - • u
<br /> � Y t!. � Ceneral Paurtr4er � . �
<br /> �' ' TRUST flEED
<br /> , Partner
<br /> THIS TRU:+7 DEED ade ihia�1�.---d y af ��•�_G__.- - �Q �=-�
<br /> tJ�en Farme, � t+Ta'�raeka P ah3p-�= T.�ria-�:�i —a� �,
<br /> E3��eher�d ard�li�5:_ ��:
<br /> by aed amonc� 1 _�IKi_i�C�7�-a��tld_�Lrt�tl3,t� [7c191)�_H�0[� W #!
<br /> +NIiOiT f�Ip�I�tltJ NtiJidSa IS _ �ByO ��t ��g �/ � �i��`-� �� . ..-.
<br /> (harein"Trustor°�:and �1� �k dClGl T�178t (70�T1y
<br /> whose m;�,:;ng address�s p 0 �'x 6155, Li.ncol.�. NB 68..ri0i'i
<br /> (hero�n"i�us►ae'):and �3� �ni IriC" — -- _
<br /> whose ma��+��g eddress+s �n�rk � 1�@Ci 2�27 ��� ZCK� St.i �i�Sti�.tf�ai I1E ��1 (herofn"Ber.eS�o��ry")
<br /> FOR VAi 1::4!2LE CON3IDERATION.Tr�,ator�rrovocably grants,transfars.conveys and asn�c�nn to Trustee.IN TRU ST.WITH POWER OF SALE.
<br /> lorthebenulil;l�dsecurdr o_lBeneliciary.underardsub�ecttothetermsandcondiuunsofth�aT�cntDeed.ihelollowmgdescnbedrealproperty.
<br /> located m +��� —County,NebrASka:
<br /> � w.�+� nwrror (�,t3:1 of S�-��tion Thittv'-th�.^e� (�3)�� Toimehip t3ine (9) tso�h.
<br /> Range F.leven (11). Weet u� thc3 6th P.M.. Eial.l (7ounty� t�b�afca. F.aCCGEPT the WeaC �ae
<br /> tha�3ce� L�orty (340) fe�t of �he Eaet OnQ �aueand se�►e� I���c'+ed Fifty-�itao (1,752) feet
<br /> of �e South Six A�mdced Sevent7�--three (673) feeti thAZ+eof.
<br /> '�OGETHERWITHallafchetoitowfng,whethe��owurrnedo►heraatteracqu�rod:rent�,profittt.royatltutn.incomeandotherbenefitsderivedlrom _
<br /> the real property,all 1�laaA�or subleases covormg tho rcral property or nny poftion ths�r�oi:nil intore�ta,nstete or other ctatms,both�o taw and m
<br /> equity in Ihe reel propnrry, ail homesteaA ezempt+ons wluth uro heroby rele3eoci 3ttd wslved:alt easemenls,rights-of-way,tonements. _
<br /> hereddamenls,all ou and gea nghts and protits,water righlr,all rfght,UU�pnd fnterost of Tru3lor,in einJ�a eny land ly�ng wdh�nthe rfght-obwey 0�
<br /> any streat or highway ad;am�eg tht rQat property:any nnd aIl buitc':r.gs,liztures,improve�monto,nnd ttppurt9nances now or hereaRer ereeted -
<br /> Ihareon or heleng:ng thereto.(heroin referred tu as"tmproroment"or"Improvements"►:a�d ctny:�nd olt awards mada tor the tak�^g':f umment
<br /> domn�n,or by eny proeeedmgor purchase�n heu Iherno�.of tho whnl�or any part rf!h�real prap�erC/.All ol thaforegoing ostate,p��cpErty and -
<br /> mlortlsl Conveyed fo rr�siee hereln Co�l¢tlivofy rofen otl to as tho"Property° '
<br /> FOP THE PUIaPnSE�J�SECUflIN(i. '
<br /> `. j
<br /> �
<br /> �a)The pay:�iert chrnie�fedness etv���:c��d hy Truslor's n�'e or go3ranteo("Nolo'�datad __,S.c,�.,��—�? ._ - - — �9 �'y-- • ;
<br /> o .kaivsaa�vr a�t7� 11t/lt'Y� ----
<br /> ' m ttlo Pr�ncrpal sum cf `��' ��tC��U 1�fr.[rri�'c.iia aaa�+u.saw .a _.....�..� Doll3rs i
<br /> �e____L?.5e�•� —►.to�ethtrw�lhfnterestatlhoratoorrateupruv�:ledlherom,andlhepnnc�palund�ntc�estnnany
<br /> luture advancES ev�denced by promtssory notes or guaranteos slxt�ng Ihoy aro secwed hnreby,and any and all runewals.mod�l�talions and ,
<br /> eztens�ons thereol.DatApnnc�pal and�ntorest Dem�paya6te in uccordance w�th 1ho l8rmu sUt'��th there�n,wh�ch by Ih�s reterpnce�s made a part
<br /> nereot
<br /> Ib)The pednrnianca ot vach agreemoM anA Covenanl ot Truslu►herem containod;and
<br /> (cl The paymant ul ervy sum or sums ol maney wh�ch may tse hereatter pa�d ur�dvHncud by lhe Benefic�ary undtsr tAe tc7ms of th�s Tr ust Uoed.
<br /> tOyElhe�w�:h�n►erESt thRreOn et 1hC rale provided in thE NUiC
<br /> Y:
<br /> .. _. _. _.. ___ .. _.�:_�.��:� �. ��- - �
<br />