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' ,„_,;,�',�:- <br /> — . ,-r�'b* — _._" «��-�--- <br /> _�,_. •.�ra�. — <br /> ' ' ��i ���� <br /> � <br /> o��t»�r.,ena11 ttr nnlnlect Iv endixce thls 7iu�i flaed end en�dhrr�cu�ity rx�w t+r h�re�tl�r Mk7 b'/8+*rolK.My or T�untm+�n suth mds� �od mr+n« <br /> rs M�y a MH1M o�IhM�may In tMw a�b�oM�Ir bectN�cx�dMwM�no No nnNtfY Mr�in conlwr�d upixi or fMlrr�f tu Trua�e a B�rnN�c+�ry N uM�nW�t <br /> q�ncelufiv�qf�ny a1Mr r�m�dy t»rem«by f�w provdW a p�rmMNd.but erth a1�M be cumu4►thM�nnA nhnu W In�wfcMt�an to w�ry dMr r«n�dy <br /> prvin h�.�urMw a rww a h�raluw�xishnq at 4�w a in rqu�ty a by siaeut�.Every pow�r tx rsmeQy(xowShtl unAM lhu Trust ONd to Tru�ttM d��ry <br /> or b wlNCh�Nfw d Man may ba n1AMVnN�ntilwd,ma�y b�oxrrcMwf.concurrKMIY�x k►dM��th'.hom hma fo tkn��nd a ufl�n M n►�y br dMm�d <br /> �rpad,Mt by Trustw or&nafk�ary rnd Mlher ol tham m�y purws incon�stent rnn��.HaThk�p h�rmm ehatt tH co�r�hwd iu poD�ng B�fkwY <br /> . ------ -- KOfl1 MNtM1Q�t1N�CMflCY 1lIdQmMt tlfli�nN ihe�tuYitx W iiW 8w:�n�i Wi.��wria..�i.�...1..11:...1 t.�1...: —_---_. <br /> 1 t.TMt18/'ER OF Tf1E�AO�ERTY:ASEUYPTNNI.If�M a any part ol th�Prop�rry a Inlur�nl M+ntMn Ia�oW.tnnMarnd a ollrernr ca�wy�d <br /> hy T�us�a w+thout Bin�:f�c�ary'a par wnnen conaenl.exclud,ng(a�Ihs creatVxi ol a INn a�ncumMxrmn nud�xdm�l�M�h�s Tnm!DMd,(b)a Ir�tM <br /> 6y op�rat�on of law upon th�Aea1h ot a Trusta who Is a p�nt I�nant a(c►tho ynni M any I�ra�ahakf Inlmmol�i MxM(3)yNUS a bs�whaeh doM r►o1 <br /> cpnt�an o�Nwn ro pur thsae.such aclwn�s a brnacti qt Ih�+�ugreemenl.and 8sn�twuwy PJMinHcary'�«:pu��111M wm�Ncur�d by <br /> tlHS Truat Deed 1n ba fmmeduteYy due and paywte.praxfed.lwther.Ihla Trust Dead 6H�nt!c:�tuy'4 opiion.fx decl��d�mm�drMfNy dw��d <br /> _�Tr��tor is a partnersh�p and any interest in the panneral+ip ia sold or asafgn�d by�ny mnnnn wh�t�var.rx(2)�1 ih�T�uitsx��a corpontwn <br /> �� u�d a Vensinr ol the ma�a�ty slock orvner8hip mterest�n Ihe caporatwn occurs,or Ift�'fruetot corpnrsfinn m�nyrr m arry furn�wili�Y�wilkn'CwyGrHfa� <br /> a enhty.Hsaehciary shall have weived such opuon lo accebrate it,prior to the aal�,uansler a coe�vny�nCe.�»fiCl�ry and th�pn�an lo wham 1M <br /> Property is to be r.dd or van,(erred reach agreement�n wriUny that Ihe cnxht ol such person�s saUrtecttxy to Henehclary and Ihat Ifw inteuet payWN <br /> on the sumn SM'ured tsy thfs 7ru5t Deed shall be at such�ate as Bene!�c�ary shatl requbst. ��� <br /> 1..AGCE4fEFNTiON AlPON DEFAUL7:AEMEDIES;SJLL.E.The lalure by Ihe T�usta,tn make any pfl�mRnl or Iq perfqrm any of the terms arxl ttxWdinr+a <br /> of thlf Trua[C�aed.a th0 lerm5 and cooddions of!he Note.a any rentewals,moWt�cat�ons er lxlR�l&1pnR 1htl�eAt,a ths fa�lur�ro rnaka paymtnt M any� <br /> other Indebte►dnass,prwr or subsequenl lo thls Trus1 Deed,and secured by this properry. � — � e ahail bs a DrNCh�nd �-r. <br /> — °—--� dafauH a!th�w Trust ita�E and the @_ne!���+y may Aec�are�A�+faNt�nd may declare aU sumo cecurqrl herohy Immed�ate�y due and pnyaWe and 1M,, "r <br /> same ahall thereupon bec�me due and payablo withoul{xesentment,demand,protast or not�r.e of any Mntd,provided.Trustor shall h�ve any statuttxy°�"��— <br /> r►ght W cure the d�fauR bef3re any not�ce ot defautt and demand Icr sale may be delrvered to tAo Truatett.Thereafter,Benetn:�ary may dellver to T�wlea��+-�r <br /> 0 whppn decleration of de!ault and demand for sale Trusta agrees and hereby grants that lht3 Tn�9tett shall ttavo thn po�eer ot oate ol Ihe Property snd�'►t�- <br /> il Benef�ciary dec�des the Pruperty�s to be sotd d shalt dapos�t wdh Trustee th�s Trust Oeed ond�hu Noto or notae and anp ethar dacuments ev�dencing 'i� <br /> ezpenditures s�:suretl hereby,and shall delrver Io 7rustee a wrdten not�ce of default and olecUOn ro cnuao tho property to be sold,end Trustee.U tutn�/ <br /> = 5hall prepare a Simdar noGCO m Ihe form requuecl dy law,which shall bo d_�!y fi�ed tor�ecord hy Trustea. <f'd� <br /> (n) Aftur thp lapse pl such tnne as may be reqwred Uy law following tha recordaUOn q}Notico af Dotault,and Nolice ol Qe1nuR ani NWice of <br /> Sale havmp been gnen as�equ�red by Iaw. Trustee,wdhout demand on Trustor,shall sell thq Praparty,if nct rc+d�zemed,fn orte or mare <br /> _ - parcels and�n such ordar as Trustee may determu�e on ihe dato artd tha tfmo and ptttce des�t�nated m cald Nntice of Sale,pt public euCliun <br /> accorCmg to law. <br />'�a eu�a.�e <br /> (b) V1hen Trustee sefls pursuant to tho powxrs herem.Trustee shall apply tho proceedtt o1 tho sate to paymont ot tho costs and expensas of <br />=.��i!� exerusing Ihe power o1 salo and of the sa�e.includ�ng.without hm�tation,attorney'a ten�xnd tho paymunt of Trustee's Fees mcurfad,which <br /> Trustee's Fees Shal►.not m the aggregate exceEd!he followmg amounts baso0 upae tho amount cecuretl heteCy anq remttmmg unpmd at <br /> tho limo scheduie3 lor sala-5 percentum on ths Jalance thereot:and thon to tho dema m suhparagraph(c)m the order thero stated- <br /> (c) After paying t hn items specdied m subparagrapn�Gl d the sale is by Trwtoo,or if thrt uale I�pursuant to Judiclal la:eclosure.the proceeds <br /> pi Sale shall be applied in the lollowmg ord�r <br /> ':'':,% <br /> (1 j l;ast ul any evidence ot tdle prpCUrad m connection wdh such sale and af 3ny revenuu transter leo reqwred to be paid; <br /> (2)All ohBgarons secured by�his Trust Oeed: _ <br /> i�� (3)Jumor trusc ciE+ads.mangages,or other I�o�.�h:::iers; <br /> (A�The remaine£r,il the persan legally enhtled thoreto. c. <br /> t3.APPOINTMENT OFSUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Benel�c�ary may,irom nme to time,by a wntten inatrumont oxecuted antl acknowtedged hy Bene(iciary. �"�� <br /> ma�led to Trustor and recorded in the county o�countie�in which the Property�s Iocated and by othurwiso complymg w�th tho provis�ons ot the applicable ��� <br /> �;-�_. <br /> IawS ot the Stato at Nehraska subsbtuto a succossor or successors to the Trusteo namod hewin or acdng herounder. �,�,- <br /> 14.INSPECTIONS.Beneticrery.or its agents,represon:atives or employoes,ere authanzed to ontor c�t any reasonable time upan or Ir any part of the ��� <br /> Pro for tho ur e o�ms cbn the same and for the aroose of orformm an of tho actc�t�s aulhorizal to paAOrm urtC v tho terms of tho Trust Doed. �� <br /> Perty P Po� Pe 9 Q P 9 Y O�i:� <br /> 1G.OPTION TO FORECLOSURE.Upon the occurrence o'a�y breach anA upon tho declaratio�of deteult hereunder,Benefic�ary shall have the aption Q'��� <br /> to(oreclQSO thia Trust Deed m tho manner prov�ded by law icr thir!p�oclnsure o1 mortgugos on real property �Y"" <br />. �,`Gfr ��r' <br /> 16.FC��KBEARANCE BY BENEFiCIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT a WFt[liEA.Any forehearance by Benefi:.iary or Trustea m exertisin�any r�r�.'�`or remedy _— <br /> herounCer.or otherw�se aNOrded by applicable law.shall na�be a warver of or procfuda thu exorc�se of any such r�gh±ar remody.L�kewlse,the waiver '_;a. <br /> hy Benehc�ery ar TrustQ�ut uny detautt ot Trustor under i��s Trust Oeed shall not 6o daemod to bo n tivaiver ot any otl�cr or simdur detaults Subsequently " <br /> occurring. F`' <br /> ` .p�_�;�� 17 l4GNHFICIARY'S POWERS.Wrthout aHechng or releasing the hability ot tho Trustor or any athor person liabin tor tho paymant of any obligat�on •• <br /> ��'%>i," hare�n mentiontxf,and wrthout atfectmg tn�hen a�Charge ot th�s Trust Deed upan any part�an of tho Property.Benehciary may,trom tlmp to time and ��:�, <br /> r withcut nodce at the request of one or mor�Trustors.(�)relaase any per,on liablo,pQ oxtend ar renow tha matunry or altar any of the term3 ot any such <br /> obligations.(tli)grant pther mdutgentas.(w)rolease or reconvoy.or cause to bo reloesod or reconvoyed at any tlmo at 8onetiaary's optton any pareol �i��,,� <br /> ar aIl of the Proporty,lv)tako or release any othe►or addd�onal secunty for any ohllgetion herein montionod,(vi)mako soC'r:'nonts or other arrangement8 ? ' <br /> '� w�th Trustor�n relahon ihereto AII Trusrors shan ho�o�ntly and severall;�obtigated end bDUnd by tha eGfons of tha Benehciary or any one or more Trustor <br /> as st8t8tl lo thls paragraph. '� <br /> � �5��` t9-A►41'ORNEY FEEB.GOSTS ANO E�:%�CN9E8,i hQ Beneticiary oi flis Trust Oaed Ig entttled t0 4��(caympnt of attornoy's focs,costs and oxpenses '! <br /> � o�provided m this Trust Dcsad.excep'as othorw�se proh�h�ted by law <br /> 10.3iCCONVEYpNCE BY T1���57$6.Upon wnnen re��ast at Benehaary and uFon�^�yrr,enY bp Trosror ot Trusteo's tees,Trusroo sha0 reconvoy tu f� <br /> 7rustar.or the person or persons iegalty entit�edthoroto.H�*.��aut wcfrranty.any part�un of the Frop�r;y then hold horeunder.Recitals in such reCOnvoyanCo <br /> of any muttors ar facts shall bo conclu�+�f�rool 01 the truthfulness thereaf.The grantou in nny recnnvoyaaca may be destntrod as the pe�son or persons <br /> ..Y 6 �egally enhtlad the•eto" <br /> ' ,�"-;X' 20.NOTICES.Except�or noliees.demartds,roqu05ts ar olher eommunitations r¢qwrod undat 3pplicu?�'v law to be grvon m another mannar.whenover 4 <br />- 8anul�ciary,Trustor or Trustco o��es ar sorvns any nn:c_�.��n�luding,�v�thout limrtut�on,naUCt�of dafaull and notico of salo),demand�.�equost�or other <br /> commumcaLOn w�th respr.ct to th�s'frust Deed.osch��d�nobce.demand.reque^_t O�OthU�CtlmttlWUCfILOn shall bo in wrdmg und shaii bcs eNeebvo enly <br />'- d tht�;amu��del�vered by personal surv�ce or�s mai�ed by cortd�cd mad,postago pr3pu�d.addtesse�i to tho set lorth at thp bogmmng af thu � . <br />_-1 Trust Oeed Any parry may at ttny limo thango�ts addres�for Such not�tns Dy Ct����'2��ng or mamng[o me otnar parry nere�o,e�s aioresa�d,a noi�cc�o� _ <br /> sucN ch�nga.Any noheo herCUndor shall bo deemcd ro havo hcen yivon to Tru;tor or BenoOc�nry,wh�n givCn m Iho manner designated here:n ; <br />_r� 21.RE4UEST FQA NOTICE.Trwto�and Benel�t�ary heroby requsst a copy af uny nouco ol dolnult,and a copy of any rtoUCO of salo thereunder.Be � <br /> F' ma�!ed to each persan who�s a parry hereto m tho uddress for such parson Bot toKn�n IMU lirat parngraph ol this Trost DeOd ! <br />:.h i <br /> �1' ??. GOVERMiNfl LAW.Th�s Trus1 Ueed sha�!bv govemeQ by the la�ws uf tha utate dt Nobracka. I <br /> � <br /> 23 SUCCESSOq9 AND ASSI6HS.Th�s Trust Oecd,and all term5,co�ddiony nnd abligut�ons horom,apply to and muro to th� beneht o►and bmds i <br />- 011 p3rl�£5 hgret0.thB�r hpug.legatecs,de��seas,personal represenfatives.suctes°o�3:tnd aSS�gn!; The term Bonet�ciary"�hall mOdn tho cwner and i <br /> � holder o►tlie Nure.whether or nul named as Nenehc�ary hero�n <br />'.` !, . <br /> � .: <br /> . � <br /> ,.,.-.„ , ') <br /> a <br /> } , <br /> S. -. . <br /> , .. <br /> �, <br /> ,:.�. � ;� <br /> ,,.� � � ., <br /> , . ... .�,......., . . . ... .. . .._......_.. . <br /> .! 1.. <br /> � •�n^-� o.e-.....�..»^T'�'+ e..L�•s .-. ��.drhJ`. ....,. '��1M L,. .Yly...M •. .---- --- -- - <br /> �1 ` - � _ll..� .. . .. ..... ._. . . _ .. .. <br /> . .._.d�... <br /> »r.y.: <br />