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<br /> _ _ :.._:��.:.�—,� ` ' . . f � � ���°` �:�.�'���►` �
<br /> - — < . � � , . . . , ., .
<br />_ -�—_ - . .P?���Y s:s io�er��3�a�Yhe a�on o�i.etades,£f�a�gaga.its�v?�cas�(In t3�c a►r�a�it a�1�'�i�s.p,ca'�.:` �`
<br /> �.
<br /> �nat I:endar,amg�i�+)lr�vkad byr an i�suiea aq�mval-bg,�iicSar:�;eiu�.�nv.�i��and�S obtai�ed��Bo�rwe;��i�����. .
<br />� � :. tt�e pxcmastn`�rnqnimSr to�aiaits�n murtgAga'X�ut�ance.i.�e�ct,vr es�gmtcidc�t.�ass c�ro�s.imtii t�e 4�ti�far.tk�E$r��
<br /> , . . #.�Cu�cn�in�_�vtth a�y�vaittea.�gtoem�na�w�i B�m�r:r a�tt0�:k�es'ar appiirab2e�aw. . , `�.� .;.�' r� �� ..
<br /> �.Ya�oc:t�s or its ag��!mafc�ieuan�bit emriss ugon anil insp�i�s;a�,tl�a�upeety,.Lsc�dr�r sta�i,[�ixe ,� °
<br /> -- Boi�+ower max�t tt,se ti�e af er p�iii.cm au.iaspestia�i s�afying.[��aable censc for tHe � ;�o: �� : � , °�:. .:.�� ;. . .
<br />-- --- 10�Co�ta�r;;Z4ee p�sa3s of a�f awarQ trr d�im f�r dasna�es,d�rect us�a�qsie�tia3,,�i�wu�axiva'w�t�:� �
<br /> _ -- - . oandc�on ot otHer.tnSaing qf as�gaut u€the Praperty,or for canv�}�aace i�n liea mf candemnatian:a�hcr�y'as�zgnad a�d . .
<br /> ' s3�11 b�Qaid ca f�er. � . . .
<br /> - — - : ..�sttteevent ota`tc�l t3ki��g o�tite�-ty.t�e�stsait iszey�►}ir��rtt�e s���r il�ts��,' -'.
<br /> — � ' WII�1��.iF�i�C31�ilie:ifiii�tt�i s5�8�a's yoct�-tti�'' av .'��^c�',s�i3�-a�-LRai�"'�"t��"w�. tfF�::'�'.�`-'-�'��' y
<br />�` ' �3if��Z V3�IE@ O�1� t�Sl�l 6CfOY2 thC !S t0�OF t�latl t}lE�IIQI b�[�fi:�5u�• t�S'
<br /> ���[�t� y , f3ki�� &�IR� g�dtCT '�j�:
<br /> _ $�Altityf�IASSI4IIlC41 t�dtillLlj►6C�OI�t�fB�D$.`i1i1�C53�4WEt SIII��Pd'Ot�IEAD�SZ SgiC2 III Wl3t�ti$s['11C 6IIi�1&SEt�tDa�3jI •
<br />-- t�8 S�Ct1PitSf�1StitlpiCltt S�tS��17E�l�tt�bjf t�2.S�t O�t11C p31Q00fCQS lAll�hjf�if,f�j1y tBtB fO�OWjII$�OI�: (�)t�S�A�
<br /> _ - amarmt of the sums sotvus�d immed'mteiy 6efo�th�ta�ing:divMed by(b)tl�fsn�t amdc�value o€ike F4operty irm�diatoty. • .
<br />- bef��e tbcs tatdrfg.Aay b�Iano�shaU he pmid Eo Bormwer. in the�vmt of a pai�a�tak�g of tIte Pcapeaty ia whic�;be Eeir� "
<br /> mardcei value of the PEUperty i�ately bef�the taking is less tii�n dz�aa�u�uf tha s�ns s�u�ed imme�aiety 8efii�� ' .
<br />_- ta�Ing,anless�anovrer and I.eader.athe�vvi�e ag�in writing os untess applicable tatv ot8erqvi�e p�+uvides.tt�p�:i�:•
<br /> - be ePPlied to the soms sew�d.by this Se+writy Insl�ttteat whether or nnt the sums are ti�due: � .
<br /> _ --- tf the Pcoperty is abeaQunsd by So�mwer;os i�.after uoti�e by Leader to Boaaaier Wat the oondr�aor.c►�ts ta�8n.
<br /> - awand or settle a ctaim for damages,Borroarcr f8�7s ta t�,gand to Ixader within 30 days aftea the dafe ciie notice is;�� . �.
<br /> _-_- Leader is ustt�a�ized to coll�i aud agpSy the prooe�ds;at its optio�either to restorati�or rqsair o€t�e Praperty or Lo ti��; .
<br /> -- —_� ses�ued by dus Secutity Inst�umeni.whether or not thea dae. ' . � ,=�.;:'
<br /> -- -- . QWess Le�lder_ead Barrower otherwise�ree in wrIting, anY�FFU�ion af�mee�ds w prinppal shal[t�ot e�'o�' , .'�:_.
<br /> -__— �-�-�-�---�---pesy�tpone tlie due daie u�the�mn�hly p�yme�s-referred to-in Para�Phs-1�nd Z or cLange the amou�of sudi.LzaX�s• . • •
<br /> ---q��"" 11:�oraower Nat Released;For�rance By Lffid�11iot,e Weiv�Extensios of ttse time for paym�¢�r mndifir�tion . :
<br /> -= y��.�.:�, .
<br />� -- �°�� of amnrtira6on of dte su�as secared by�th�s Saeurity Iasuumant g�mRted by Lx�der to any sttaocs.�nr ia int�o€�shaU
<br />:,�_. '��;-'��,.' ! cwt operate to release the liab�ity of the prig'wa]Bormwer or Borraaec's samessois in iateaiest Le�der SI�i�,6e r�'r�to
<br /> ��, - �;�;���a � _._ __ oommeace.PmoeedinP,s aF�inc�.any_snooessor_ia jnterest or rcfiue�extend�ime for paymeait or otlteravise�y untu.�ass
<br /> `�. i ° .-y�,�.�,� , of the snms sexvrEd by this Seauiry Inst�ument 6y mawn�of any,demand taade by the origiaal Bori�i�?r�:�,Hn�isiwer's �
<br /> '`�r�:,Fkr.-F i ir t si;. suooes5ois in imerest.Any fo�anoe by Lender m eaencising any rigflt or remedy shal! Qot be a waivr�?i,�'�"r¢�s�tiir�.the '
<br /> '��,�}f,rt+'u'"`�r::>•..�.:_ _. ' ,�7•.,,'�.' ,F"s�' r
<br /> �,,��}��.:.;�:;;'�:;,� eaenciseafanyrigMorsemady. ; ,':. '' ,,,..,:,��. :,�,,..;;i,:;..
<br /> �` `. . . �.�c�ois and�1.ss3g�os Dauad;aoiut and 5eve�a!!�{dsit�ty►;Ca�s. The oo��is aad agreemerQ�u�'i�is
<br /> ;{f�;, -'�'.'•.",�.�,�tiY,-`,�i,:�J' .. �,. -
<br /> ,; .,•:;.;����<;: Senuity insuumenl s6atl bind and �eaeft the sucoessors and�r.:�s�of l.ender and Bormwer, subject to th�e provisi�is of
<br /> ;`%,;.`�:.-;�-`: ,", " QaragraPh 17. Bom►wer's covenants and agre�ts.sha11 be joiat and severaJ�.,Any Borrower wha oa-sig►s this Security ' "
<br /> ,.. _ . `:,''.._:':-. _
<br /> Fjr���a.,; .:-:'°' =,,�`�'� ° •, 3eistnunenl bat does not execute the PIate:(a) is co-sS�ing this Security Inshn�t only to mo�tgage;gtant and oonvey th�
<br /> 3#�t:•Ya?:":�.__::;:.j,i-:::•�: ' tgag ,
<br /> • :�'r::; . ::,..::�; �= ' 'Bomawer's intesest in the Propeny under the temis a�qhis Sea�rity Inswment:(b)is not peisonally obligated w pay tlts sums
<br /> ���:;����.�.�,.;:�,..,. S�'��. p s
<br /> . .=::(�...��,,;,;;,•.,;�5�;�j�,s ; secured by this Secudty instn�ment:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borroa+er may agee to extend.modify.forbear or
<br /> � � . :,.�,�;y;,, ; malce arry accommodarions with regand to the terms af this Secvrity Inst�ment or the Note aithont that Boriower's oonsesu.
<br /> -�'"' "� � ��• ' . !3.Loan C6aiges.If the loan secured 6y this 5erurity Insuument is subject to a law which sets�rdximum toan charges,
<br /> ' and that_law is finally interpreted so that the interestor other loan charges collected or to be oaltected in oonnection with the
<br /> � . �� ''-�-�'`�`�° loa»exceed the pennitted timiu.then: (a)any such taan charge shall be redaceA b the amount
<br /> •:,:;��:.
<br /> Y necessarY W reduce the diarge
<br /> . . ,:,;�+.;,;.h��'•;''� to the Qennitsed limit:and(b)any sums already collected from'E«,Yrower which exoeeded pertnitted timiu arill be refunded to
<br /> .."r;�r�.��'.-�
<br /> ,; ,. }��.;e�r Borrowe�:y Ii�der may choose to make this refund by rednciu�13r.�principaf owed ur.der the Note or by,making a direci
<br /> .;..,�:�,��;ti,.'
<br /> e:
<br /> :.{;...'''� - payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.,the redu�ion will be mcated as a partia! p�pa�ymsnt witlmut any .
<br /> . . � ��"��`, �•.�repayment charge under rhe Note. •
<br /> �Y '� � 14.:�Iottces.An r��ii�:.to Borrower rovided for in this Securi Instrument shall be ven deli�� `"� it ar b mailin
<br /> :..��s''�•,:, . Y . P tY 8� bY � Y 8
<br /> _ ' ' t�•�7�j�.,, • ",� it by first ctass mait unless atiplirabie�.,�v requires use of another method.The notice shall be iiir�ted to tiiC�propesty Address
<br /> _ � •:;�;:�,���4'� or any oths�address Borower d�,i�;��s by notioe to I.ender.:r�ny aotice to I.ender shalf`�ra given by first class mail W
<br /> -'-` "'`:::•�>�%�'; � 'S �' 'i.ender's address stated f�..."2in ot�aa:y��tPier address I.ender designates by notice to Sorrower. Any notice pi�vided for in this -
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> f�,},t=;..:.....".:,�.:.`•;.;._:.; � ' :"Srcurity,lnstsumer:t s[��L L'����med to have been gitcas t.0 Borrower or Lender:when given as provided�in thik�iaragraph.
<br /> thi,.
<br /> ��;��;��;::. •:_ : d��!C�-�resuing_��; 5everability. This S�n"ty. tnst�ument shall be govemed by federal law ahd the law qf the �
<br /> -' •, ', ;: �;•. • . •.�;�ci.s�3.'rceic�_r,i"n which the Property is located. In the"ecr:�rt th��ny provision or clause of this Security Instmment or th�ntate =
<br /> • � , ' �carftiw�^;�i�i applicable law,such conflict shall not affe:t cnhex�Sruvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which c�n be -
<br /> . � �,��iveti ef:►�t without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security instrumenf and the Note are declared -
<br /> , .. :_ � ._ ' t:�be severable. -
<br /> ; •_ _ • 16.Borrowcr's Copy.Barrawer shall be giv��ne conformed capy of the Nate and of this Security Ir�trument. _
<br /> _ . �� . .. . _.
<br /> ' �,�r.rtr;`��.� ' . ivrm3028 B/90
<br /> � �:_K.,4�;.� ` pagoeote - .
<br /> � �, ' ��i�fi�1N���' � ' • .• ' � � � -
<br /> _ y`M. ! • . ' , .
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