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<br />_—_—_— —_—_— 4^` . . � . . . . 1` 'i . . . . . . ��� ������ _
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<br /> --<.( . . : `�.i.!'.:: � '.: . � . _ .
<br />—_ — —= a`C `t � . �•,�• ,
<br /> - ,S,.`.Ks►r�r�i ur.Pco�t1��;��r�oROwc.r ahail bcc�p�e img�vr�a��i;ii c�Y�ir�st�ng�or��creaRer crpe��.on tRa
<br />— _- �. gro�3bsur�d t�raanst,tst�:�SS+:��.;�ir�cEuded�witttia�s�n't�ten�i�d>�Y+f�9'dj$4.�aaad auty other�a�is.i�tct�ding
<br /> - -- lta+nds cr f[oodir�.far s��ii:6���r�a�,insura�ee.T�fsis i�,sura�t�she41 ba '^�rd�ii��B;in 3be�rn�nts a+tt�f�t�perfads
<br /> v- . ,�rai E.ender requires.Ths in���itreit��qretep(#tmvirl�r�ti�a:�u�oo�Atlik6►s?s�'t���r t�ute�avv�r st�bys.�7o Lchdar's sgptt+�+t+1r
<br /> � wt�ic3i sha11 nat h��u,t�as�anaa��yr withh��t.,If B¢�:r8x�s�,f�ti:to e�i�rtltutr�v,�e des�tibed ebasccs.ie�ec�sty.at fi.er�dee's
<br />� option.obtni�eoY�e`to g�+oteCt I.e�tt's rfgfi6s in ih�3P{c��i r.�oor4anc¢wtt`D par,�gragt�y.
<br /> _� -- - - AII insaaanoe.potictes�d:ren�wais s'hall be��e3ptr�►iTt`t0 E+813�Cf iliMS SIt�U �aC1Y(TC A��tE6Ttg3$C CIitUSC. �der
<br /> _ -_- - sha!!have the right sa 8�ld the�policies aad cenetw�ls..if 1:c�ttrr�quir�s.�orrowet si�11 pra�tlY f�i+r�to l.��xier nl!ceteipts o�f
<br /> _ ' paid p�miums rst�.��a1 natia�.I�the eve�af toss.Eomoi�r st�l�is��irco�s�pt ie�tice co tDe jnsura�c�;c�t:er�cud I�end�s: . . -
<br />-..
<br />__ � _.. .
<br /> — - - . . . . . _._ _ _ . _ . _ ._.
<br /> - .Leadef may m�.;;e.�tsaaf of Eoss.if t�t�made gioml�Y�3'Eort��ve�r. .' .. :. � _. �__--
<br /> Qat2ss Fi�►dxr�.Bi+iTii'•i7ircii�i ''se agrec�ii3 vuYitiAg.insU�SO ps�.��ts�t,�1:�tA��tv resFara#iarf ar rqrair tx`t� ; _
<br /> ' ` �P�Y���:if tbelr�ti�c�ia��r repair is eeonomic�lty fe�s'bt�:�n�_fsea3�ts`y;�t+�tiiy is aut less�ned.ff t�a resforation or
<br />-_ rspa[r is oat c�ans�aii►io�lY C�ilu�r I.ende�s seauity wout�be lessen�;';����yiva�e P�voe�ds`.tuitt b�`apPlitA to the suma
<br /> ' - serured by tb3�.�fitY Tns�n�ient,�vhether ar.nnt tben dua>cvith.an}r:�xe�s(pa3il to Borrar�ver:If��o�r ab�ndons the
<br />�_ PrapertSr,or ckies i�rR answer wit2�in 3U da}fs a natiae fmm�dcr tl�t,th�_isnvrnaae carries has affered tt�set'tte a dairn.then
<br /> :`> �nder rmy ooll�the iasur�ioe pirabeeds. Lend�a�i�us�;thr prucee"s7s w iepair or cestnre tha PrflPetty os,ta pay sums
<br /> ��-- .. ' setiued 6y thi�Sesvrity It�ment.whether or aat tt�n;�;cta::��30-day�peciad n�iU b�ia wkean the notice is giteaa:..
<br />- :�t _�..: ` Un4ess teudCS�and Borrow��othe�wise_agree in.�rrit(f�g..ntq•.appiicatioa of pmcee�s w p�iaci�al shall ast,estead ar
<br /> "- .Fostpone the du�QAte otthe monWty piyMsssts refenad�fn;�•Pamfimpt�s l aasd 2 or cbexage th«aax+unt of the payme�ts. If
<br />���< R. ,�.� unsler pata$raPh Zj.tl�Pcope�ty js.uoti►ufb�:�j�•t.ender.Bano�ver's d$lif�En�any ujsur�e pnucies aaa Pmoeeds r�Itiag.from•
<br />� � �,-�,. a t ,
<br /> ,�.►F�;�';?'= • damage tn the Pragertgprior•tp:tl�a�oqm�ibtati sliall pass w�I.ender ta ttie exter�of�ttwa s�as secQndbY Wis Sewrity Instcument
<br />�,%f��� :,��' � im�iazeCY Prior to tke ao�nti#it�f�n.�. . . . • ' • �;: ` ':�
<br /> �,-.fi��. �"`� .
<br />�;�i�,., ; �.,;�.�:; , 'a.�P��9.���i'lblainte�►mtoe aad Pr+ol�AIon of the Fc�op�ty;�prra�ver's Laan Apglisat€an;IRUSehatds.
<br /> __-- -;nu-.
<br />��t;:�-�::-:--:-�_-�_. Boaus�rer shaU ac�g establisti;a�ase the Pcoperty as Bormwer's '�':` sesidenoe a�itbin " aRer the eaeWtion of.
<br />.�.4.�':J.�"r v.�:. ��...t _'"' '_ ""__ ____ "" _ __ _ "" _ '"'_ ' . ._�--�.._ _.._......
<br /> )"��: '' __.__— .: .. :.� � 1 .
<br /> •. •_ __._
<br />�„�.,.:...�.. ..� .... ,,, ; r� . this Security I�t and s�all oonuinue itt ooaipy'tSefiivpecey a�.�oi�oarei s pnac�pal�fienoe for a�Cleast""en�-yrear�after
<br />_'-�'_ - 1 �. �..': •"-- ' s the data of oo�p�-incy;unless I.ender otbxi�visc agrees'in writin�.whid�oun�ent shalt not 6e uttteasonaf�ly withhetd,or w�Jess
<br /> _:�;•�.,.`..; .
<br /> -
<br /> � •:- .
<br />_, ,,.; .. .
<br /> .. ::��,.�.�,-;'�:� ���`-�! exte.nuating circa�ri�stances exist.wf�ich are 6eyond Eoiroair's co�ml` Borro�ver shal) not desdruy. dama8e or ' the
<br /> � •.-. ,.y�r:�c, . ••,' '- ., _
<br />- �.-G.� :�• �, i Pmperty. aliow tbe Property:to deteriorate,or commit wa5-te on tlis Pcapetty. $otrower s5a11 be in defaul[if aay forfeituie
<br /> ��_,.��:i:;,,.�.,:,r..� . .
<br /> - :. ,•.�-..;;�;:::,.r: I.� : action or proo�[itsg;whet6er civit or crimimI.is-6egua that-in Lcnd�'s-'�aodfaith jadgracni.coiitd�suit in forfcrtur�bf itte -..
<br /> ��� `' .,.. �..�,`,2 ' PcoPeng or athetsit�se materiully impair ths ti��ted by this Se�uity tr�si�ument or Lender s secwit�interest.Horrower may .
<br /> ��� ��,,y���,� Sr` `J�,` eune such a defaul3:�ud.reinstute.us provi�ed`iii paeagraph 18,by caasiag tth�actton or.pfooeodirig to 6e dismi�ed urith a ruling •
<br /> -u��,,Z�����t
<br /> <<S�N-..��¢,.�::,;.;;: tha� in Lcnder's��iod'faitb-d�emvnation, precludes forfe�ure of t(�Earrower's'ia�est in the Property or nther macerisl _
<br /> '•'; �`'" impairment of t�e lien created•6y.this SQCUrity Insaument or E.eader's secvriry intEr�ct.Bormaer shaU.also 6e i�i.�xtefault if .
<br /> ,:!�_v',t-1... ,..,�ti �e
<br /> - ' . Borruwer,durtng sfe�loan applicaGon praoess.gave materially false or�uate infomiaarion or statements to I.�{or faited _
<br /> � � ' ` to pmvide Leudsr s�ith any material information)in conaection wi�t8ef�as�evidenced by the Note,including,butnot lim;ta�. � _____
<br /> � . , • to.representatinor?conceming Borrower s occupancy of tha Propect�as:agr�ncipal msidenoe.[f this Security Insav�ent is'�ij�s�°;:: -
<br /> lea�tceId, Bo��cc`er shall compiy with all the provisions o�.�e fease: If Sorrower acquires fee ritle ta the L?i��ert3l,`i�e•�: —
<br />� • ' lesqefa�id and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agcei�-t�the merger in wridng. . ;�'•. s:. �:` °---
<br /> ' � ; �.I.:, 7.Protecttc�aa oP I.eader's Rights in the Property.[f HumrNer fails to perform the mvenants and agreemea�ucrtitained�n _
<br /> . • • _ �. this Seeuriry Ic��ent.or therc is a legal praceeding that may sisni�,�ntly affect Lender's rigE�ts in the Pmperty(sue6 as:;�".�:. ���—
<br /> ; . .:. --
<br /> "'.. .. ;•:_. prooeeding in bar�picy.probate, for condannation or forfeitute or tu!'!�sforce laws or iegulations),tfUen Lender may dQ�;;:: __ _
<br /> � '-p.:•. pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and L�aider s rights in the Propecty. txnder's.actions.majr :'.�,' ��--
<br /> .,;�!`,.°:r;1.:� , . e��—��--=�-`
<br /> � - "�<'.�.;,d��.� �. inelude paying any sums se+�c�d by a lien which hac prioriry over this Secauity Tnstrument. appearing in.c.nt�¢., paying �,.��_____
<br /> . �,.�:y,� ...,.,,: ::.a' •
<br /> , ,, reasonable anomeys'�ees and eatering on the Propeny tn make repairs.,�(though L.em�.�r may take aciion w�derifris puagraph �:• _-`
<br /> • . 7.Lender does t�¢fiJiave to do so. �' .�' ` ' ==__
<br /> ��;'. � _� Any amaucta.�iiisbursed by l.ender wtder this paragraph 7 ��.�•L�me additional debt of Borrower secured by'l�i+as �' . ��;,:�:,,
<br /> t-" - Securi [nstrum�r�,ilnless Borrower and Lender a ca•��er ter�r',�4'� ayment.chese amounts shall bear inter�est from iivr.,� - �°-=
<br /> • ... , ry 8rce P . ��{�;_:=--
<br /> • � dsic of disbu�;�:.:t at the Note rate and shall be payatrP�:�cviih interest: upon noiice from l.ender to Borrower requesting �-=:�.;'�;•^;_,
<br /> . . . �:•. -- -
<br /> __ _ . .. payment. � � •- ^' .�,.�—`".-
<br /> ' , ,;! , 8.Ma��a�arance.If Lender required mortgoge insurance as a condition%ti r��Scing the lo�n secuced by this Securiry ;; ' ''-
<br /> : ;..
<br /> • -_ �_ '; `'<'`;j � Instrument. Somnter shall Qay the premiunu requircd to maintain Ih�'�7ortgage inr,a7.r,.nce in e1`fr+ct..If, for any reason, th�. . • .'%' , �',:s;,:_�,n_.
<br /> :;;=�`;,�.�`;':°'.{��'.`• mortgage insuian+x coverage,reyuircd by Lender tapses or ceases to 6e in effect. �crr•icar�s'.::d!�,�}-tfie premiums required to'�. , .. � .. . ', �c.. :-
<br /> " �... :'��.�5�,lq�ti�F (;�,{ � . , r � i.�..� � . . .�n. -
<br /> �• < '�y��;t, r •..; •; abtain coverage subsfanlially:.�uivaleni to the mortgage insurance previaaxly in eff"���. :t a cost substantially equivalent to the , ;-�^�;�,i;:,'�,'�-�
<br /> .,,:,���{t,, t hS�%;. ,.,,
<br /> ' .' �,.�it'' " ;'` i wst to Borro�Ler of the mort a c insurance' reviausl in effect, from an altemate�n�rt c insurcr a mved b Lender. If � Y,�.,.�,;; , .
<br /> S S P Y �8 PP Y . i.��1`r�r
<br /> ,� ; �:a?<,��:..1..
<br /> �i� � � � substantiaUy equi��wtent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bormwer shall pay to I.endeT each month a sum equal to . : . ,:;
<br /> ��<.�: �._ �`� i one-twelfth of ifi,e 3�early martgage insurance premium being p�did by Barro«er when the insurance coversge lapsed or eeased tcs�. ,
<br /> �- z� . , be in effect. Len:fer�viU accept,uce and retain these pay�ments as a k��.c reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. 1.oss reserve�., ' '
<br /> . � . ,' :I fortn 3028 9f90 : � . .
<br /> ;., . ,
<br /> Fz�o 3 ot 8
<br /> �• . . . .�:�� � �� " 1gi.
<br /> ;.Ik_�S,_.
<br /> _ •.�y�`{ • , ' �.
<br /> �t / ,•' . -r-*^a-•'-�--^-°-+„---�______._.._..�._............ . . . ._. . .rt � , . . ;, . ; � _ . .. .. , .
<br /> . �n� �'iJ.;: .�s . . . ... , . : - -_. ._ ,��� `1i ,. �. • � -
<br /> � , . ., . .;�::, , ;t;i}.•��' , .
<br /> ' • . . � . . . • . • � � . �.i-.{���' - . - . .
<br /> '�� ' . '��'�Ff1t'-, .
<br /> i�• ' - �� . • � � . . ...;y1�c"�� . . - . . . . .
<br /> :t . �,. . . . • � . . .. .
<br /> '�ii - , -. . . , . . , , � . ' � . �9i;�,i • . . � , . �. , .
<br /> '' �'; . . , ' . . • ' ' ` ' . . .. .� . . . . . .� . . : � . '. _ . .
<br /> �} .�# ." , . .. . . . - - . . . . . . _ . . . . .. . .. .e .. . .,
<br /> .� 'i� ' ' ' . ' . . ' .. . . . , , . _ . , .. . . ` ' . � . . � ., , '
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<br /> a . . ,� . .. . . . . , . . . . . .
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