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<br /> - - _ L�udar.'s.'prIbr esrrlu�n cons�i. L�ader may. at�€"ts opti�rt�•t�t��r{�tr►tqd9�trr��!fi�1t+Afl diilf�f a!i Euffis�R�,i�gr„t�i�_ .
<br /> , 5r�uiil�;�:�Ioasves.this opttcns3�mna be�r,�is,c�i aL�s�cr iY�x�r��n�&I��tedPiy f�emI faw.�.b�s€t@e:darc� -
<br /> aF.thi �ty.� . . ; , : :; : << < ,.. �
<br /> :i - : ��der exet�is�tdis apti�Lends� pve�o�rnvxr u�tino af�r�eiimt�w�.��tic�stzall vfde n�eri�d.+�f nai.
<br /> u� s
<br /> = f . tass�n 30 days trc�.��a�;:��s° dtvx�as,m�ilt�:a�itt�ilt:a�itt���i�mswer must p�p�¢ums ser�3 by t66a�
<br />_ .,��Securiqr EQS�r.r.�f Sarn��vrr,fa#Lt„tcr..�n:ws�ior w th4 e�ir�t�tm:nt d��`�&�a�'E�der cuay igaol�e a�►mntedi�s�
<br />-_,� pezmiu�by this Se�r�ty �.�vj. uotccee er dem„^.nd a��o�ui�n.: �� �.�S,,� '
<br />�� i� sa�swer's:R�E ca e arf earro�rec �e�'ts crrrnia,.c�iNmn-�,,Bpir�criy,�r s1�.v�mve efle ri,�tst ro tr,nre
<br /> �`•��: � ' m€arc�meat of'ti�is S�ri tos�.s[�mena discantimx�d at imy.tim� ',.
<br />� ry Piiaa°ta�ti�ct�i1tn��F.,:��r daqs ttt�suct�ad�r 'od� . _ _
<br /> 3� �rt
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<br /> __..
<br /> ,, --
<br />= S�araty ins�uneat:or(6)ea�Y of a judgmsna enfora�sg this Securit+�,Irts�amt�2�e�nditioas are.�ut Enrmwer:(a)P�Ya.
<br /> n
<br /> - l�att sums whir]�t�woutd be dus uader•Wis S�i��insm�meat r�c9�4it��Ia��s if ao sooe€�tifla h�oor+3rro3:(b3
<br />- cun�anY d$fantt of anyy ot�er ouvenants or a�ab,� fc�p�ys ail.er.�en�:incvired ia eaf�g this�riry Iass�u�eet.
<br /> - induding,6ui aoi limited to.reasonabie auora+eys fees:2Ad�(dD ts�c•s�:�n as�ier tnay e�ro�i2biy reqy.3rv W RSO,.A..
<br /> t1�t:1I�a tl�a of this S�urity Instni�t. Leadgr's rig6ts in tbm Ftaprit�:aasl$�wer's obGgatioa to pay tft�sume sesu�zd 6y
<br />= this 5�sarity ia�ita�t shall �ue anc6an�ad. Upoa��dntsnt3.6��,'�om�wer. thi's Seauity [�rert�sud dte.
<br />�-------- oblig�ians se�vted[ie�eby s4�all remai�u fuUy.effe�tiv8 as if no aecetemtibn.fia��.00au:ed.Hawe�r�,th�dg�t to reiastate sh�It �
<br /> �....:.�,��-..; 4 nut apply in ths c�se of acode�ation uadrar pa�a�mpb I7.
<br />��r� : � 14. Sa�e ot 1�'ot� C�e af Laan 3ervtoer.The Nats ar a pattitst��iri;iit�in tt�c Note{togeihet with it�is 5ec�ity
<br />�,���?�'��'�� Instrumeatl may be sold otie or moie 6m�witbout paor aotiae to Batm�vss A sst�s�r,rzsult in a�han�in the e.ntitgr(i�own "
<br /> __�-'•g.,���'� ' a;the'Loaa Servicer')that oollecfs mantttty payments duc vaQer tbs Nate an�ihis Secur�ty+Im.un�nie�.There aL�may He one
<br />--�a,,�,h{�,�t�`� � . S vi
<br /> ��.: , or enoie changes of tt�Loaa Servicer wuelat�tn�sate of the Naie.ff eh�ne.ts��d�of tl�Loaa Senieaor.Bor[ower will be
<br />�CYCPI�S-Al7 F j � :• �
<br /> ��4��_�;��s;-.. ; � g'cven writter nome of the change in accari�apr.e sviih paiagrdph 14 abovs�uod��i�cabte law.7Yie notioe wU s�ate the name azW
<br /> -- `�:'�'`� :xFa'�;`` adstress of thc aew Loan S�vioer aad the�to wfiich paymems shau�d+�ie.made.The aatioe wilt atso aantaiu si�r Qthec
<br /> �.�`:��:����,�:�r , • �
<br /> .
<br /> _ ;_
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<br /> �-.,, � --�-�- `�� - ----. ..
<br /> _ .1n�ian raquired bY apPlaca6ia �- � �`
<br /> : =•��A►: r�S�.:Ha � . �-disp'osal•� g Y
<br /> �.;,.�'t�s�"�;Y;;�`!'`• :; �pr�oiis Substanazs on or in thc Somna�er s�iaU'dm� aIIo oa�etse w_do anyttting al�Ctirtg the .
<br />�e�^„_r..�:_.�,, ::;- PcoPerty+-: da,.nar, w auy .
<br /> :n..:. ,_�;4::. . �,�,�Fio�ty that is inn•vlalation of an}r,E�vimnmettltd Law.7�a pmQ�tlhtg.tt{v�(s�tenaes shall�t apply,��tlis�cese�e.use.ar
<br /> --��t;;,:=`,t=�',;::.E,:` ;;;� swrage on the Frtl�si�ty of small quantiti�s of�N�stdous Sub�umues tha3(�aiai:�genersllY�f����aP�Priate to Qar�aal, -
<br />�--.+:�•.�::s:�.��": .. _.�°.' residential�ses aiid;tt�maintenance of the Prop�ty. ;":�.:" " ---
<br /> _�.s�.,.��� -
<br /> �:�{,'u,:�r,c,�: ..`:';`':..--;: . . Borrower.sT�all PromPUY�veLenderwritten aotiee.ofanp.iniesti�stiob..c(aim. demaad.lacvsuit or.oiYterat�anby any
<br /> �`j..�'F.��/.f4'.. iJ:`� �..•
<br /> �'���:, ..�•�f���.: ,';'�,�:"; : govemmental or c�egulawry ageney.or private party Invalvit�B ttto Pmperty and a�Ha�cdads Sn6stanoe or Farvicam�aita!Law
<br /> ''f-`.j�!,,i%�'�-�?i Y:'=•�:`'=s _ • of�Vhich Bamower has acWal fmozvledge.If Borronar icams.ct�s i9 ROtifled.by aIIy gov2m*�.ma!pr t�a�2Ory a�prjty,t�i —
<br />�'�;:'`-'�<{��`;:;'` '``�':� �` removal or other remediaRion of an HaTandous Su w sIzall take
<br /> - ' . ;:a} , ° , anY Y bs�atuasifa�Iag�ing�E�aperty is nece�ary.Barrfl er P��Y
<br />���+';s.�r;s; .;,:. .�;'�:�'�` �`:..'i;:> all neoessa�y remedial asoions in accordanoe�vitb:"Environmenf�li[ta}v:.. .;;�. .,
<br /> �',-� `�' ;� t k ,j�-, � ° As used in this paisg�aph 20.'Hazandoiis$afistam�s"a�thnse�st1b�i�Ces.defittod as to�cis ar�dous sabssraAOes by �
<br />��', '...��;:..,, �;�,�+ : '�S.a . Fa�vironmental Law and the follawing substu�s:° ga�nlins, k9rosene. utit�flammable ar toxic p�aleum pruditcis. wxit
<br /> .� ,<:,,�;'�i(�;,�;`:,'�'' ;� . p�pd¢s gnd herbicideg,volatila s+oivems,miti�if�s rnnunniti�a�bestos or�ormalde4�yde.and radiaaruve matetials.As�s�d in
<br /> � �`r�'s' �;�;;`;� '`�. ' t6i��p�grapH 20. °Environmenud�La�" m�i;s�federai�isi���_ai���laws of the jurisdiqian wRere thc Pavperty is t�ted tdat
<br /> • ,-'��:;ti;';,;``,'�s,i': ce�a2��to he21t1�.safety or environmrntal prot�c�jun. , :
<br />-.��. �- .
<br />,1,�:;,::. . . : :f`:,. �� .�. NON-TJI�IFQIUvtzCOVENAN7'S.BomatiY�.�d Lender further�co�enant.andagreeas foltawa: . , --
<br />- , . =:��. 21.Aaceieeat[on;Reme�ies. l.�der stissU:�sse riotice to Borro��r•"p�to accei�at�on foIIovPF�ag Borro�-et's br�ch _- _
<br />_ of any covenaM or agreement in tLLs Se�rEr,� lastr�ent (but aot prlor to atx�leraHon ander puragraph 17�2�
<br />