. ti. � _ -.,��e�1sx , e��qqwrwp�4xqn f- f Y �. w. ,,,, I , . � c . s`�. ...�c
<br /> i`�s..�- �� �y�" !. - . Sa .2'I S�� � .iu,�• �.-
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<br /> .r..... :'.y '�`�a� � x � `Ti9• (Y � � . . . r 'r
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<br /> ' -r.r. ' _ --t�" i t ' , ;^,a� :
<br /> s` T' _ . t? -r �n� S�f�v.tct. ;v, ,' -....,�. W4 � • _'" — _ �°_�"°�`�' _ -------�
<br /> _ ' _ l. 4 .,.L':_� �..,�i"��Y-ia�r- -_ - _ - - .
<br /> ' .�v.l�� . . __ _
<br /> . _. '_E� ' _ '_ _ . ' _ ._ . —_ - -
<br /> ' r � ' .•� �j _' _ -__ - .. _ . . . _.. . . ♦ . _ . _ . _ - ' . . . . ___ _—' ____ _ . _
<br /> 4 'N� . � ` . . ' ' '
<br /> �... i�'���{.y_Z"�r.� • . . - . ' . . � , , . .- --__
<br /> _y. pt y��ce���V�r. � , ' . . � . , - . . . . ,• .���� �.T _.
<br /> ytc.*:t.w . , ' ' • • Ep � -___
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<br /> �� �iz.
<br /> E. , periods that f�ertder sequSres. 'Rte insuraace�car�i�rpmviding the lnsuranse shall be dwsen bg$onawet su6Ject to Lender'� �
<br /> ,'�,� -° ""� '��= approval wb�ci�shn91�tot be wneason�oFy v�it�+cet� 1f�msovrer faifs.to maintain coverage dsscribed abave.t eadar may.at , ��:s_,�,__:_-____
<br /> ;" {a r;tr,y�� ��, . . —
<br /> `�: l�nder�bpaan,��taF�coverag�to prote�kl.ead�r's rights in t�e PrapertY in aceaidance vdth puragrap�r 7. �.�; ----
<br /> -- `��;� A!!tnsuraru�poHcfes and renew�Is shal�be nccepiable to�.ender anA shall incInde a standard eaortgage ctause. Leader _ ---
<br /> ;� ` y=:i s k 'f ' � .— —
<br /> �' ��� sball have tAe�t ta hold the polici�s and�rtewaLs. [f 1rar�der tsqutres.Bo�ruwer shall pmmPttY give co Lender all receipts �,
<br /> ' ���-s �;,����' of aid urns sud ceaewat natices. Ia the event of Iosa.�3ormwer shali�gtve�rompt nodce tn tiie insuraaa carrIer and ,-�--�,. —
<br /> - 4 7 .. - '
<br /> ` ,`�,r ` t,'(� Lendp er. Le�nder may make proaf of Ioss i€aot made promptiy by Borrower. F l "'� Y'�,
<br /> . ��- ' , ` '" Unless Lender and Borrower otlterwise agcee in writing,uasurance Qaoceeds shal�be applied to r�storation ar t+epair of �,�,� ,-= n --
<br /> � . ; the pcoperty_dama�e,d.if tbe tesLOr�ttan or tepafr is eranomically feas►'ble and Leader�s security is aot lesseaed if the
<br /> � res4atation nr repais is flot economicalIy feasibte or Lender'�secacity wou�be iessenec�.the iasnr�ce proseeds shal�[re + �f ti� -? -
<br /> �r .y,,.ss � .fi. ,
<br /> .: r ��� ;.,- app�d to she sums secu�d D5+tbi�s Security IrLStcamens.whetl�er or nat thea d�arith aay e�ccess paid W Boanwer. If � << , :
<br /> -y Soiravrer,ab�edons the.Pt�gerty,ar does not answer�vitkan 3Q days a notia:fmp�;�er.thai the insuraace camer has � ��• �,.,�,,
<br /> , - � x, ;r;�. ar restOre 5 f
<br /> .f�z s�;.-:. aff�t to s�t2�a c�ai�:�h�R.���nay ccltect the iusaraIIOe proceeds. Lend����;��c3te piocxeds to.�+epair ' . ,..
<br /> "`r �''�- ' .�L�*�aty ortu QaY stu�s��tEs�'r�.,��ecusity Tnstra�eo�ahe�eras cnos�r�1u:;-'�tz�-�"��P�ad ar7i�girs when : .:�.-...�„Y ���rE r "-
<br /> v - � .. � : ..;.:... �{;�;r�...: r..
<br /> F''Q S� r� . ,..l5 V'�., --
<br /> f ��s u �,�r;.;. � � ��m?�'�.gi . ��;: ; a�ar�eh�nse ia vaimn an �catiou of ` �#s'to principai shall not extend ar ' `
<br /> ;,�?,��s I.�d�2�,1Eii�i a�C & Y aPP F�,
<br /> f��,�,�`,�,,�,�:.��1 • ,. Fas�arns.the duc date of tt�5��st�iy payments referted to in pamgtaphs 1 art�2 or cl�ge the amount of the payments. If , �` —
<br /> !rr'::��:`�4��:�'1. 3 , uader paragcaph 21 6�e Ptogerty is acqmred by Lettder,$mrower's right to any insumnce policies and pi+ocetds msuttu�g . u�`
<br /> . ;
<br /> fr�dfa daznage.ta t6e Plroperty prior to the acquisition shall pass w Lender to the eztent of t6e sums secured by this Security ..s.;,:,:,a,,, , ,�, �_
<br /> ,� =�._. � . . In.stnanentimrmediatetypriottotheacquisition. � , r_}._
<br /> t . " 6: Occup�rasg, PressQryatPon, Mafmtensace and Protectlon of tt�e Yrapertyt Borrower's Loan Appltcation, � _ .
<br /> r,��y�t.:_t� ;f ;�'t';�, t.eusetiotds. Socrower shall occupy.esta6lish.and use the Ptoperty as Borrawec�principal residerzce within sixty days nfter , �� ' _
<br /> ' ;"�'�`;,,,`'"•'" . the eaecenioa nf this Securiry Inswmcnt sutd ah�il consin�m occupy the Pcogerty as Bomawer?�principa!residertce for at . �,,;,- . .•.�"Y- -
<br /> • ji l `
<br /> ' Irust ane year aftes the date of occupancy, �nletis Lertder atherwlse �grees in writing, which canseat shall not be � ..• '�
<br /> ' unrcaramaDly withheld.or unless exteauating circumstunces exist which at�beyond�orrower�contrut. BaRawer shall not � � `.�
<br /> ...
<br /> . ,
<br /> `� x- ' :����� '.. ;`:.�,- destroy.dam�e or imQair the Propetty.allow 1hc Pr++perty to deteriomte.or cmmmit waste on the Fro ny Horr+nwcr shall _ -
<br /> � � • �.. �
<br /> . � 6e in deCmuCt if any i'o�tcuure aciion or proccedir��;w#r�tirer civil ur criminat.is itegun that ia Lcnder§�oad f�ith judgment -'L�•`��'.,,
<br /> • , cewld cesult in forfeiturc of the FropeRy or othenvise materially impair thz: lien created by this Security instrument ot , ; ,,•��
<br /> • •��.���.. Lenderk security intercsl. 8or�ower may cuni such a defautt and reinstat�.as pe+ovided in paragraph 18,by causing the action �• �• :""'�� --—
<br /> :, � gr ptocceding to be dismissed witti u�u16ns tha�.in Lender's good faith detertnination.ptecludes forfeitum of the Bormwer is ;'•,�:�,.:�.:�°�, �='�� .
<br /> ' � ��.�, , '.:::�i.: . .. ...
<br /> - � � `">� ��.•' • interr�st ia the Propertye a�othc�materiai impairment of the ticn creAted by this Secunty instrument or Lender's security 4��`'���.'.��kk�: ��'�-���-
<br /> ,�.� ,"... ..�l�r........;'-
<br /> � • iut�resR Bor�awer si�alt afso be itt default if Barrower, during [he loan application process. gave materially false or � �?�'-�" ___
<br /> '�. ..r•,:�:v'c;'��•��'i:,'";;'; iaaccu�ate informatioa or statementg to Lender(or faited to provide Lender with nny material infomiation)in connection with `: '.."f�, . ,
<br /> � t�;la/;�.,.y�.;,,:,. !�,
<br /> _ .,r;.� . ;•,,,,,.�:�, the loan evidenced by the Note, incladin�.6ut nat limited to. representation.s coacerning Brnmwer's occupancy of the . ;..��
<br /> , ,� '' � PYuperty as a principal resideace. li this Security Instrument is on a leacehold.Bormwer shalt comply with ali the provisions +' , . ; ' '
<br /> ' ,�+' _. '; o£Uis.�ease. if Borrower acqaaes fee titte to the Ftoperty.dse ieasehold and the fee 6tte shal!not merge uaiess Lender agtees � , �:`
<br /> -� �`. : � `. `'� totheme�gerinwciting. :: ,,,,:`£� `. ,;;
<br /> ,�, �:r ,:�:>�
<br /> � ' �����"""i' 7. Prta►v�tr'um aB Eieu�er's l�igQuBs im tDe Property. If Bolrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreements �•,;: :���;,•,:•.rs�� ::,.�'
<br /> , : , . rontained in tf�is Securiry Instrument,or thece is a legal pmeeeding that may significanUy affect Lender�s rights in the :i;.;�•.':.>,�::`:;: '",:-.. �
<br /> .' . Property(such av a proceedin�in banlwptcy,probate.for condemnaaon or forfeita�ce or to enforve hvr.s or regulations),then - •��=.
<br /> ••�: , ,:`.: �r r + ti'• •'.
<br /> � `�•-;� �� � • ���� Lender do artd ay for whatever i.s necessary to protect the value of tAe Pmpercy and I.ender�s right�in the Property. t;:. -��>;:�<,',•. _:
<br /> _ _..::•,•,';r:::,.....=�:__-,-';.. . �nder�s a�ionsir_a pinclude a in an sums secured b a lien which t�as rioa over this Securi Instrument,a eann k:^�'3�`°;_�.,�~.l:� . .
<br /> , - Y P Y g Y Y P LY t3' PP � ... ��
<br /> ''' � ' ' in court, a ise rzasonable attome s'fees and enterin on t he P r o e eo m a ke r airs.A i t hou L e n d e r m a t a k e a c t i o n �!';:``��'��^>� '
<br /> 'c„``_ '` •`,; under this y � ?,I.ender does nat have to do so.� P �F zP � Y , F_;, . .r:: . .
<br /> s..,;��s,. .. P�� :..,,,.�• :
<br /> - . `'° : -. � A n y a m a a a t s d i s b u r s e d L s g t.e n d e r u nd e r this ara ra h?shatE t�ca�e add:co,.-ial debs of Borrower secured b this :`':�'`-,',, °�� •,',' `r .
<br /> `��:,:,;:.:�;;':���.•,��.:{, I..;�;.;; P S P �..,z Y ,���,.,.;�:,. ..
<br /> : � ;:.�.•..�:,:�y,a�;7�: ;,.�;,� .;:; ' SECarr.ty Instrutt:en� Unless�cr�v�er ana Qxnder agree to oiher terms of payzrter.e 4�anounts shall bear interest from the :�;;�,��=G',,; r %.,+t�dt�". ��
<br /> -" �` ,�.���f�.sbn►sement a�the�c�rate and sba11 be payable,with interest.upon r.+�ic�;�:��L.ender to Borrower feyuesting ,�n,�t�� a��=
<br /> {1 rj� :' . .., . paymen�. .. ,�{:
<br /> � . . , r��rr{ �� :
<br /> :�,.<, •,tir.,;' 8, l�i[ac�tge Insuranee. If Lecdee required mortgage insurance ac a condir�it�af matci.T.�.�e loan seeured by this m��' ° ,•4�fia�,
<br /> �>>'t �! : Securiry Instr�ent.Bomower shall pay the premiums�eyuimd to main[ain the mar►ga e ins,;r;crax.ia effect If,far an ., .'i;;`: .".`,%,:':�`�•"°f�`
<br /> . ,.`,,�,.:..� . :.�. .. � g y , ,�� .,. ::. � r�s'�1:�§:�f`-.
<br /> : reason.ihe mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to �.*e in effec�;florrower tihall pay the �: •,: , • .:..,•,�,:<<.;•„�.
<br /> ' '•- :'%`'�`• i ' miums uired to obtain covera e substantiall e uivatent ta the mon a e ina'ura cc reviousi m effect, at a cost ` �.'?il;:.•`:•�,, �--•
<br /> �� � � P� �1 S Y 9 � 8 n P Y � ��
<br /> � �' ��'���''"",�.,.� . substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower uf the mortgage iasurance previau�l::a:.�effect,Gom an altemate mortgage � ` . .� _ •�.
<br /> ,.;,�•. :. .,
<br /> ••'°.� r• � , '. insurer approved by l.ender. If substaniially equivalent mortgage insutance coverazz is not available,Borrower shall pay to ;,;�r��
<br /> ,. ..-.�.. . ;.:�;`�._-:
<br /> ''i;J',':;�, ;' . , , Lxnder eacn rQUnth a sum equal to one-twelfth of ihe yearly snortgage insnrs.:e premium being paid by Borrower when the : . _
<br /> ''���` ,`,.�'.;,%;'';. �. �:��' insurance crnenae lapsed or eeased to be in effecK. Lender will accept.a��,��rztain ihese paymen�s as a lacti reserve in lieu � ,. '� �� `,_��.
<br /> :',�` �c.;r��;��,'-�-•.,. �� of mortgage insurance. Las.s reserve payments may no longer be requir�:•�_at the�{*,::on of Lender,if mortgage iasutance. • ,
<br /> .� , �";:s%"•'
<br /> ':• �' �� •° wverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an in.=,r=r approveA by Lender agaen L�ecomes �'' �
<br /> j '},4`�;�'r��i:.•'•:';:;`r'!',' avaiia6le and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain r.v:n:�::�e inxurance in effect,or trt=rr�vide a _ � .
<br /> �..�,�j�.,;�:.;,,:,,�•i;���s;��� � ,
<br /> �:�,:.:;, :' `' � , ,. loss reserve.�t"sl the requircment for mortgage insurance ends in accor�ace with.��?;a•rinen agnxment between Borrower • . . ..
<br /> -;,,��.. ...,t��'.;S`;�'::;"c;i.�' : .
<br /> �,;;, ' �:�,t:,., �. . . andLendercrr�plicablelaw. • ,. . .
<br /> :: ,5;.s4;;,;:..�� ..
<br /> ;����,••• 9 Iaspectlon. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entri.�.cr��and_hs^ections of the Propeny. Lender shall . . . ,
<br /> `� '';��{��?"�'r�'�``-�' ` give Borrower notiee at the time of or prior to an,inspectian xpecifying�.:,���aat�te c�a����r the inspection. ; . •
<br /> •�:�'.:'�s�;;��„` 10 CoRdemnnaon. Tftr prbceeds of any award or claim for damz��--:,direct�c a�nseyucntial,in connection with any •,;.,,;,J ;
<br /> ;'a.�.;,>'--:.. .. : .
<br /> � 'r ' Single Family»FBanle Muw'Freddie Mnc UNIFOR31 I.�tiTRCMEPiT--Unifortn Covcnants 9/90 Ipa�c 3 nJA pagesJ.
<br /> -.G • far.a latra Bu�nw Fa�.lar./ ,
<br /> -'.���' .. � ' ' to(hdreCAQ:lAON'.�30U:i930PAA81&79tJti1 • , ' .
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