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<br /> �,,.__��.f• wudemication or ot�ta&�g of any part of the Ft�erty.Qr fe��nveyaace in liea of w��emna��an,�i�e��igne�and � ;�
<br /> ��`�-+��4,�� r f ._. sba]}6e paid W Lender. . , � . . ` `� `l_'"ti
<br /> '� °�� . � ,Ta�e event of a total tatang of the Pmpe�ty.the pr000eds shall hc applied to the sams secured by this Secwicy _ --
<br /> .-.,.-,.ri°�'�<'�����,. In�uument,whether.ar aot ihen due,witb any exoess paid t4 Bomawes. In tbe event of a pastial�ng of the Avperty in ,�;r��.�.�
<br /> '�� t ,��,;J�- o�hich the faaT marliet value of th�.Pm�ertY immediately befoie the mking is equal m or greater than tlae amount of the sums •,;''�, �
<br /> ��`�r =�;. � � := �- sccaud by.tfis Security(nsE�ument immediately befoie dce taldng,unless Bmrower an8 L.ender otheivuise ag�ee in writing, - _
<br /> '� ,f�. the s�uns sec�ued by tl�is Security Instrumeat shall be�oed by the amount of[hs procee:�ls muttipHed by d�e foItowing �� �.:
<br /> �i•.' •`°•'. �` :%' Sa�ction: fa)t4u�wtal amoant of the sums sec u n e d i a o m e d i a te ly b e foie t h e t a l Q ng,divided by;�t►18he fair market value of the .� .. '' .
<br /> � ` �..,•.�;;: :.�ty itnmediately;before the rnl�ng. Any 6aiauoe s4�all be paid to Bonower. In t&e ev�iYt of a paztial tuking of the i � �::
<br /> _,�= 4 _.a- t� r -- ;•- . _-- —
<br /> � ,�m a�ut�ti�e f�market vatae of the Prope�4y immediate�ir�for�th�.�g is•i��n t3ee as�it Qf ttte sums. � . ' ' ---
<br /> '`�r r� ' ���e�iately befose the taking.unless Borrowes and Le�-s�rr�'�r�ree ui arriting.br unless appllcable taw ' , �
<br /> :�==��,e��+ �� `� the��T�n�es,the pmceeds shaItbe agpiied to the snms s�6p�tt�is Srcfuiry Insuumeniwhether or aot the sums a�+e ! " ,_-
<br /> ,`. Q
<br /> �zu�t�ff! 4' ^r p 1.,. i�lCll�ii�, ::'• . ' •: ti F�� �, `w
<br /> ,`.:'°s`.
<br /> f , If the 3�hiperty i�'abaadoned by Biinower,or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower that the candemnor offers to maka �,f,j}�'.�.,,._��N`��'�-
<br /> ,3 �^ -. , aa award or sett�e a cisim for damages,Boimwer faits to tespond to Lender within 3Q dsys after the date the notice is given, , ..-
<br /> r'`. Lender is a�hori�d to coltect and aPPIY tlte Pm�eeds•at its oprion,either tv testoradon or repatr of the Pmperty or to the �� -
<br /> • ; , ,;�;''•`� '°� sums secttted by this Security Insvument�whether ar not theu dus. ��` i -
<br /> ��:.�., ,"��"`::
<br /> � • '� .'",:�'... Unless I.ender aztd Borrawer otheiwise agree in writing.any application of proceeds to princlpal shall nat eatend or '+;�` :. .:
<br /> � postpone the due date of she monthly paymeau referred to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or c h a nge t he amaunt o f suc h paym e�n t s. • . _', �-•x�.z:+���;_
<br /> �", II. Ba�ower Not Reteaged: Fo�bearance Bq Lender No!a Waiver. .F.�ctension of tiie tirtte far payment or ___ � •
<br /> — �� modificarion af amorti7atian of We sums secured by this Securiry Insuument panted by Lender to any•successor in interest _ �`�..-�-
<br /> ' '.�•=�
<br /> —��-;� ;"'`.` • of Borrower shall notoperate to telease the lia6ility of the original8ortower or Borrower�s successors in interest.Lendec ,, ;' '. ,f, -.- _
<br /> � � � shafl aot be cequired to cummence proceedings egain3t any saccessor in interest ar refuse to extend time far payment or +°.;.` °� :'��_;_
<br /> �� � otherwise modify amartizztion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument 6y reason o f any deman d ma de by t fie a d g€n a 1 �r �,r �, `,
<br /> d;:1:,� ,,;` ' ` Borrower or Borrower�successars in interest. Any forbearance by Lend�r in ea�encising ang right or remedy shaU not he a ^ .,� � .i ,-�
<br /> ' �'�'"•'�� y�' _.. . : waiver of or preclude the exenise of any right os remedy. � � � , -
<br /> �
<br /> - �- i��Su�ors and-As�igns$ound:�oin�sad Severa}I�iabilIty��Go�signers. The covenanuand.agreemenu of.this _ � J ,:,� �,.�.
<br /> __ ' Security Insuurnent shall tiued and beaefit the successors and assign4 of Lender and Borrower.subjert to the pravisions of �,..,t..;.." ,; ,. ..T-�
<br /> — "'.;',�.�`:'�. ara h 17.Borrower�s cavenants and a ents shaD be 'v'u�and severaL Any Borro�ver who co-sigr►s this Secutity ;;`�'rr,;;.:: ••�' �°---_-
<br /> — P S�P �m S s,•,,... •.. "�_;�::.-
<br /> �• � " • In.strument but does not execute the Note: (a1 is co-signing this Security Insmiment only to mortgage,grant aad convey that . �.,_ ., .4 .��
<br /> = .�;:.' ,�� �:.,',.- Horiower�s interest in the FropeRy under tbe terms of this Security Insaumen� (b)is not personally o6ligated to pay the sums , _ :;��.
<br /> - -.- • secuied by this Secwity Insd�vmenr,and(c)agrees that Lender aad any other Bomnwer may agree to extend,modify,forbear i:-; � . _-
<br /> os make any acoommodations with regard to the�erms of tius Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's ? ' ��':�r > •_
<br /> �:� ' . ' , oonsen� _: ,'�� �� ' �• ,
<br /> �..' . . 113�.�,oan�. If the loan secured by tl�is Sec����unent is subjecc to a taw which sets maximum laaa. �� , �, �
<br /> ��at Iaw is fma1J mte seted so that the interest c�,�loan charges collected ar to be co3lected in conua�.7�n . , `�' :.
<br /> '!� ,_: ... _ chat�...'. Y� rP � � . ,,
<br /> r�t . with cf�a i�ti.'exoee�the permitted limits.then: (a)any suc�t�•rlh�rge shall be reduced by the amount neoessary to c�tua� ,� .:,� �
<br /> ' ` the c Y�the nnitted limi�and{b)an sums alread colles:::�s�from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wil�� • ; , � � �+-'%'
<br /> �,_ ;."�'. : -: : • ha.�� Pe Y Y .
<br /> �'�'. refnndd�:o Borro��er. L.ender may choose to make this refund�:s�.�cin t�e ci owed under the Note or b makin a ,: �:•�� � .�. ���! ��+`' ' •
<br /> g �► P� Y. � ,c.;; `� • .
<br /> ;:'r:::..:i .�' direct lray�nent to$orrower. If a refund teduses principal.the.����tion wilt be treated as a partial prepayment without any ' •,'.,._... •�a..: . =�"•, �. �,�.:;
<br /> . . .�. �. piepay�n.ent charge under the Note. • � ', ' .;`�r
<br /> - -�� ----•�--- - 14. Notices. Any notice to Sormwer provided for in�k4�ecurity Instrument sh21i.@�given by delivering it or by � + �„� v;:
<br /> ' � mailing it by first class mail untess applicable lau•r�uires use o�another mett�od.'ii�e notice shall be directed to the Property .;�':. '�•
<br /> . ' . . � Addtess or any otheE-addmss Borrower designat�fa�;rotice to Lender_ Aay r.otice to Lender shall be gic�n by frst class t._,..;;" � r ��"��
<br /> • ". . ' mail w L�ender's address stated herein or any otheradd�ess Larder desigs�ates�.•:�otice to Borrower. Any nasce pmvi d e d for '��� � �vr�-
<br /> : � F . � in t�is�;uity Insmiment shaU be deemed to have been gic�! to Borrowtr or l.cnder when given ac provided in this • . , ••`''� " ��r
<br /> . -'. �. ��;�..�:����..
<br /> ..,''�:; �":_` .. P��"'�..�i.�. � . ' �� . ' .,�-�
<br /> � Il�.'•�n��r�ipg Law; Severability. This Security instr�--r�s�at!be govemeci by federal law and the law c�. � -��`. ., .._L_
<br /> :,�js;;;,. . .`��.�� • . • ju' � T�r;�at�.*.he PropeRy is located. in the event that any prdvision or clause of this Securiry Tnstiument or the:�c� . �. ��• ,•_' �_-
<br /> ����?r .•.-. �� :�_ .:: coafliets rviits ap�li,�:]51�law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nate which cz� � " 'f �..•—
<br /> �;:,,;.• . •.• , , ,
<br /> •�-��• � ' be�c+en effe,et wii:�rrt the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Insuument and the Note are ~''�y' �
<br /> };t � d�f;,�t�be severable. , ' . , = ���
<br /> ,4��. • .II� Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given ane confoancd copy of the No[e and of this Secarity Instrumen�. . �. �_
<br /> � Il7. 'itansPer ot the Property or a Beneticta)Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Propeny or any inteses:ar. , �.r:s.-
<br /> � it is sold or uansfert�ed(or if a benefccial interest in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Borrower is not a natural peison) ,'" ,��. ;�.�y��•
<br /> . ' ' .' , ' .wishout l,ender's prior written consent,lxnder may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of a9]sa:ns secured by . .�,r•.�_'���_��
<br /> � � • ' t:iis Security Instrumer►t. However,this option shall not 6e exercised by L�-11.2 if exercise is pro6ibited by iedzraJ taw as of , � , ..�°'
<br /> � • the+�`:�,of this Security Instn�ment. . '�
<br /> - - %f L:eader exercises this option,l.ender shall give Borre•.;a�ra�?ice ef a:celemtion. The notice shall provide a peeaod� � • • • '�
<br /> ' � - not�c:ss�:.han 30 days fmm the date the nntice is delivered or s-.;��u�x3�i�`i:�A;�sich Borrower must pay all sums secured�}'tfi�s , � ; � .' :r�
<br /> ' � � Secu:ny InsmunenG If Borrower fails to pay these§ums p:ioT to t'�e exp:ratian of this period. Lender mAy invake a�y . • ��"•
<br /> � ��-.�• ' remedies pennitted by this Security inswment without further r.ai:e o-dernanu on Bormwer. � . •. • . ._ . ���,
<br /> =�`'• • � 4�3. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. if Borrower meec:.�K�a eon;�itions, Borrowcr shall have the right to h�i•� � . �:
<br /> ��.}.., .� " er.fo~a�ent of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any si�z prior tu ti�r:earlier of• (a)5 days(or such ather peaad�� ' • �� . �!
<br /> : , ..: j . , ,,:.
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