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<br /> �—
<br /> -^r_ . .. .>:,, : . ,,,�)�k�.<.� . �o». -eeH;c��.:-��'T.C. - t� ''4n . -•---� — - �ti� � . .- . -. .. - -- � --- . _--°'-. �:
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<br /> � . . , '/-� ' � ��
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<br /> , , .. ., . _ �
<br /> . ,r�Mi„yX,. • - ...__.�...__.. - ...�
<br /> ' ' , 6onowcr may c+uro euch a delauA and rc7�atete, an provlded in p9rapmpA 18, by eauoing!Na aottan or procoodN� to bo '� . �`
<br /> �. °^}' dfomisoeA w�1h a ruGng thst,in Lendcsr'e �ood taltb detotminntlon,practudas toNetture of the 6ortower'e interest in tho Property or ,
<br /> :� othar mAtctiat impsilrmant a41ho Qtn rer�t�d by ihl� 8ecudty Inotnimont or l.ender's a�rtfty trrte�ont. 8ortawer ahall a�so bo M „ �� �
<br /> d�faah li 8ono�ver, du�ing tho loan appIIoaUon process.tiava matetlnUy(Aloo a►tnaecureto Inlom+aUon or stetemenis to LendEr(or . �
<br /> ttlleeJ to provlde Lendar artth any rrtaiMa�Intormatton) in wr►neallan vulth tNo laxn ovldeneed Dy tho Noto. Inctud.np, but not � ;
<br /> Ilmtted to. rcprFSSentattons concemtng Borrower'o c►ccupxnay ot tho Praperty �o n prtndPe� ro�tdeneo. tt this 8eeu►Yty . , '�
<br /> Inatrument ts on a Iu�aehold. 8onower ahaU compy wUh e� !ho proristons at tho loaov. if Borrower acqutros fao tltlo ta tho
<br /> Property,lho tessohofd nnd the too ttUo shaU nat morpo uninso Lender aprcea to tho merfler In �ttlling. .• `'
<br /> ° , � 7. Prot�ctton of LondQr's Rlghta in the Propori�l•It Bortowor taus to pcvtonn tho covenants and apmsmcnts • ;�
<br /> contalned(n thia Sewdry Instrummt. or t�ere ia c► lopal proceading that may clQn�tfeanty attect LEmdm's etphts In tho Propaty � • --
<br /> ; (auch tts e ptocee�ig itt bankruptcy,prob�to. for eondQmnatEan or tortciNro ar t�entoree 13ws a rogulattona►,thcn lender m�y
<br /> do end pay for whetover is nocessery to protect tho valuo ot the Properiy and Let►der'a�ights in the Property Lendsr's nctlona _
<br /> mny Netucla paying any eums ssasrc,�f by e Ucn whleh h9s prke�iry over thls 8ecudty lnauumen� aDOeartnp ln aouA. Payin9 _ -. --, _
<br /> ' reasonuble attomoya'inos end enterEng on the Properiy to mttke repafrs.Although Lender msy lsice actlon und�thia puragmph
<br /> 7.Lender does not hnve to do so. '
<br /> � My umounts disburaed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaq become addlUonal debt of 8orrower seeured by this Soarity
<br /> , ; InsWment Untese 8onmver and Lender egree to other tertns oi payment, these amounts shn0 bear interest irom tho data ot
<br /> i distrtus�neent at tftR Rtoto rate and ahaV be payabie,with intcraat,upon nottee hom Lender to Borrower requesting puymen�
<br /> � �, Q,�ra.��� U�e�4o�8T1ce. fl Lender required mottgage insuranee as a condition of maktng the Ioan seatred by tbis
<br /> � S�Rtstrum4vr�,@armr�es shaU pay Ute premlums requlred to n�a:et�tho mar¢g2qe insura�ce in ettect.M,tor any reasan,the
<br /> rtaaaPg��ca insurartco oev�g���r¢ai by Lender Iapses or c�ses to�e is�¢t2ec4.Rorrower shail pay the premiums required to
<br /> � • obtain eoverage su4st�etia[�r e�civa�en4 to the mortgage ins�c�co Prevt�vslY t�¢S'tect, at a c.ost �ubstandaUy equNpient to the
<br /> � � .,� cost to Bwrower Q1 ERQ PRQ7�Q,�.$3 IffiB67"c�PIC@ Q(6VE01lSI�I M@H@Cl. hom an dZcsrrato mortc,ry�q¢insuser aPPmved by Lendet. If ,
<br /> . substantiaily ega�ratss►4 rttortg,aga lnsncraveco eovere�o is eot avaqabte.Borm►v¢�r sPeaii pay to l�dzr ¢ach monih a sum equet to • . , . .
<br /> �
<br /> � orte-tw¢2fth oi the ya�e[y�rtert��iro�aranca pr�nimm being pald by Bot►ower whcn the Insurance a:or¢�apa Capsed or ceased to
<br /> . be dn�teet. Lender wili accep�use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in fieu oi mort8age Gis�rance. Losa tosetve t
<br /> pa�vmereL's may no longer be requUed.at the opUon of Lender, it rrcartgage lnsurance coveraga(in tP►e amount and tor the pedod n , _
<br /> � ' that Lender requires) provtded by an insurer approved by Lender agatn becomes availabie arnd is ebta[ned. Borrower sQe�f!P8Y ;;
<br /> `��,, the premiums�eryu�to mNntain mortgage Insurance fn eifect,ec 90 provide a toss reserve. unhl the req�trem�t 4or mc�cgage _
<br /> _ insuranee ends!n accar�ce wlth any wKtten agr�eement between 8otrower and Lender or epplkebte law. •
<br /> 9. In8peCtiOm.Lendet or fts agent may malce reasonable enLies upon and inspections of the Prope�/. lerid¢r sha[��ro �`�, ,
<br /> Borrower notice at the Ume of or pdor to an tnspectlon specily�ing reasonebie cause for the Inspectlon. � ` -
<br /> 1�. Condemnation.The prmceeds of any award or ciaim for damages. direct or c�seq�aenUa�.in connectfon wY1h cu1Y �; '��., � � �"
<br /> �:i`�•"r oondemnaUon or other taWng of an,y psrt of the P►opeRy,or for conveyance in lieu oi cond¢maatton, are hereby ass►gne�und I-• '`�
<br /> �';:`�� sha9 be paid to Lender. I ' .'�'`'��
<br /> � �n the erent M a totai taking ot the Properiy, the proceeds shall be applied to the aums seac�ed by this 3ecurity ',- - `u��
<br /> . ' �r�:�' : Instrument,whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Bomower. In the event of a paRial taldng of tC�e Properry in whtch ': 1'' . F. 1
<br /> .:,�;:•.•;���
<br /> - --•�i the u±4r markat vatue ot the Proaem: ��vnediately batwe the taWng fs equal to or greater than ihe emount o41ho sums secured ; ,
<br /> - •{t�;:,._:.�i('' —__ _ '
<br /> ��tir �: � b thfs Secu Instrument immrdia:e� before the taking, umiess Bonower and Lender othernise agree in wnm�g. the sums
<br /> ' 1 .:1,1... y � � , '
<br /> securem by 4hls Securlty Instrument shell be reduced by the amourc4 ot the proceeds muitfplied by the tollowtng iracdon: (a)the
<br /> ��:.�j total amount of thce aasrns sacu!r¢d immediately betore the taldng,dlvided by (b)the tatr market ralue ot the Propetty immedlately � '�� i
<br /> ��;i' betae the taidn g. Any ant��sfiat be peid to Bomawer.in the event of a part:�.lalcing of the Property�n whi�h the fair market ;„• ��
<br /> ' , � value of the PropeYty immediateiy betore the taking is less than the amount of 4[^a sums secured immediately trctore the taking. , � ' '
<br /> � unlesa 0orrower and Lender otherwise agree in wriNng or unless appAcabte law othervvise provides. the proceeds shall be .��;�;`���,
<br /> 1'`� .
<br /> � applkd io the sums secured by thls Seeurity InsWment whether or not the sums are then due. � ''r`
<br /> � B the Property is ebandoned by Borrower,or N,after notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor oNers to make an ���f�"•,c�� .
<br /> 1 , ,�,,�fy,
<br /> award u sedle a datm (or damages. Bortower tails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days afta the date the notice Is given, �{ ,
<br /> Lender is autho�ized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Rs option, either to restoratlon or repair of the F'roperty or to the .�
<br /> sums secured by thls Secu►ity Insbument,whether�-r.ot then due. � " ., >,-��
<br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower othervVlse agree in writln�, any applicadon of proceeds to prindpai shall not extend or i �•. .
<br /> postpome the due date ot the monih�r�ayments referted to!n garar,raphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of such payments. � ����'�'.�
<br /> 4 9.Borrower Not Relea�ma3; Forbearance Bgv 4.��+der Not a Waiver.E�ttens,an oi the tlme for payta�2n7 or I
<br /> medtllaation of amaUzatton of the sums secured t+y ifiis Scvxiriry fnstrument grented by Lender to any suceessor in interest of i
<br /> Sonow�r sfial n¢tl operate to reteas�t�e iebility o9 the odglnai Bortower or Senowers successors �n interost. ?ender shall not I .
<br /> ,_ be res�s�iJeci to cemmence proceedi�gs against any successor in interest or reluse to extend idme for paymant or otherwise `
<br /> Im¢�i°� nma��izaUon of the sums seaured by this Security Instrument by reason ot any demend ma¢7e b�r the ortglnai 8ortower or j
<br /> � ';�"' • Borrowar's successors in interest. Any torbearance by Lender in exerdsing any right or reme:�� shall not be a wawer o! flr ; `:i,?�1;z:t� _
<br /> ��,'_.� �`'•� predude the exercise ot any dght or retnedy. ; . ' �;`:`��`.•.
<br /> . ��`�<<� '' � �• ,f"�
<br /> ,,;:j�,f�;,,;; 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severat Uability; Co-signers. Tr�e covenants and , :�;;,+l,...�;� . -
<br /> agreements o(this Securiry Instrument shaN bind ar�d benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and BorQOw�r,subJect to the f ',;s,.;?;i,, • _
<br /> ' '��' • provisions ot paragraph 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. My Bortower who co-signs this ;�^ � , •'
<br /> {���i'' Seairity Instrument but does not ex�cute the Note: (a) is co-sgning this Seauiry Instrument onty to mortgage,grant and cenuoy � � '';•ti:� ��
<br /> �. �:�; :"� that 9ortowers interest in the Paoperty under the terms of EPn�s Security Instrument: (b) is �ot personaly obligated to pa�ine � � ' ��
<br /> . sacros secured by this Security Insfrument: and (c) agrees tnat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. ma�ity. �
<br /> tor�aar or make a^� ixommodations with regard to the tema�s ot this Seairity InsUument or the Note without that Borrower's W �
<br /> conserot �
<br /> ��. L�1ro ��us�1'geS. If the loan secured by th�s �curity InsWment is subject to a Iaw which sets ma�dmum!aan
<br /> ,.�:�•„ chc-zrc��s.and that law is finally interpreted so that the interc�t c� other loa� charges coilecee+l or to be coliected in coerecec::o� � � �• .
<br /> �i- ..�.", witLh 4tse loan exceed the pe�miE1:�1 amits. then: (a)any sucPr :�a� charge shali be reduced Ib{the amount necesaary to i�aux r►�
<br /> �'''n'�` the charge to the permitted �i,n1, and @) any sums atready coliected from Bortower wh:ch exceeded permitted limrts w('d be '
<br /> refunded to BoROwer. Lender may choose to make this reiund by reduang the principal owed under tRe 6Uote or by rt�aking a
<br /> ' � direct payment ta Bortower. H a reiund reduces p��ndpa�. the reduction wiil be Ueated as a partra! prqoayment without any
<br /> � '. piepayment charge�cnd�the Mote- •
<br /> t14.NCtiCe&My notice to�orrowa provided for in this Security InsUUment shall be gnen by de{:venng it or by ma3ng it
<br /> ty t95:dass macl unless appfccable Iaw requires use of another melhod The notice shatl be directed to the Pirop�ly Rddress
<br /> or 2ny other address Borrower desie}nates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender sha0 be given by first class mai to
<br /> Lr�Ger's adc6ress stated h�ein or anY othe addre�s Lendtr designates by notice to Borro.v¢�. Any noDCe provided for m this
<br /> , j S2turity Instrurt:ent shali be deemed to haue Ueen gnen to 6ortower or Lender when given as provided m this paregrapn
<br /> � 93. Governing Lavr. Seve�a�:l6ity. Th�s Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal le�v and tne law ot tne
<br /> � jurisdtction in whfch the Properiy is located. In the e�ent THat any prorisio� or dause of this Security Instrument or lhe Note
<br /> con�dg with app�cabte law. such confTe2 shall not aftect other provis[ons of this Seauity Insburrte�t or the Note which can be
<br /> . � giren Effect without tfie cont�cting provtsion. 7o this end the prorisions of this Sewrily Instrumeni and the Note are deGared to
<br /> t�e severabse .
<br /> i 16.90ROw81''S COpy.Borrower shail be grren one conformed copy of the Note and ol th�s Sewrity�nstrument
<br /> ci�T6 U!3 t�I?h Fa;� 7 :•5
<br /> �
<br /> _ ?C.it
<br /> f . _. _ . _ . __ ._ .
<br />