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_ -- T=_ T- - r•irz—. :—�.=^',� ''ShT^si;. '�:�i��-� �(F •-- ��...t�cl.iSb�i —_ _^f,i: .•7��'•. , . .. 'G°c - r l . r. - <br /> ._ . _ __ _ . .. <br /> � . . . :�s t� ;�. :.s., .t:. �! � f , ,. : ,:; �: <br /> . _ . � �.,.�r;.,e.: , , . '•- .� �. <br /> . ... . . �, <br /> , . . • , �u. <br /> � .,y,._. .�. _ <br /> , , aw�+... _...y 'Y <br /> L � i 'ti <br /> Y� - ' ;�-ti T � -� <br /> :>. , , � . .-'-..,_._.—_ <br /> TO�EfHER WITH eU the Improvementa now or her�aRet erocted on the prcperty. und oI1 oaAements. oppu�tenancos, nnd � _ <br /> � 16ctums new or hareafter e paA at tho property.Ail replaeementa and oddltlona shnU also bo covered by this Socudty Instrument. „ Y <br /> A!I ot tho torcgoing la raTenad to In lhlu Secudty Inatrument as tho'Ptopclriy.' <br /> � �� 80RROWER COVENANTS thnt 8ortowcr Is lewtutty sol�od of the astato hc►eby conveyoA and has tho�Iqht to grant nnd �' • � <br /> � convey the Pt'operty nnd thet tfie Properly 15 unancumbtsted, exeept for eneumbrences oi rosord 8ortower wartanto nnd wili • � <br /> ' datend gen�ra►ly tho tiUu to lho PropeRy ngainat atl dnlma nnd damands.aubJocl to nny encumbmnces of reeord. ra <br /> 7HI8 8ECURIT1f INBTRUMEtJT combtnos untlorm eovenanto tor �ational use und non-unHorm covenants wilh Iimitad , ��g; <br /> vurintiona by judsdtcllon to eonutituto a unfiorm aocudty inatrument covering rcal properiy. , • !�� <br /> UNIFOAM COVENANT9. fiortower and Lender covenant and aproo as tollows: . � r_ <br /> - 1. P�yment of Prinaipai and interost; Prepayment and Late Charges.eorrower enau prompty pny wnen � <br /> duo tho rtncipal ot nnd IntE!rost on ihe de�bt�ridenced by the Note an d any prepnyment und late eha►�es due undor iho Note. .' <br /> 2. �unde tor Texos and Insunneo. 3ubJeet to nppAcabto taw or to a wdtten wuiver by Lender,Bortower shaB pey � � � __ <br /> to Lertder on tnp duy ennnthty pnymente are due under the Note,un1H the Note is pald in tuil,a sum t'Funda') for. (a) yeary , ,� <br /> texes and asaossmenta whfch rtwy ettnin p�fotity over thia Securfty Inshument as a Ilen on the Property; (b) Yoart�r ie�sehotd ` - , <br /> I payments or ground rents on tho Properiy,it any; (o)yeady hozard or property inauranee premiuma: (d) yearly tiood Insuranee , �• <br /> premtums,if eny. (e)yeady morigage ineuranr.e premlums.N any: end m any sums payab�e by Bomower to Lender in nccorde�nce � <br /> with the provblona of paragr2+�h 0. tn Ileu of the payment of mortgage insumnae premiums. These ttema ore ca�►ed 'Escrow ( . <br /> ftems.• Lender may. at onK time, coltect anc!hoid Funds tn an amount arot to exceed the maximum amuunt a tender for a � <br /> - tederatly retat�d martg,zge �oan may reQule+=far Rartower's escrow mccactet uRdec ctie t'edrt�aL Real Esta;e 3ottlement Paocedures <br /> Ad ot 1974 as amendred 1'ram tima co tim�. 12 U aC.�2801 et seq• ('��$�'�'1. �nless eno2Prer ta►v ihat upp�les to the Funds I: <br /> setet a tesser amourtt 14 go. Cesrder msy,at any Ume, coilect�nd Rotd �w.acE��n ao ecrt9ar�e rtot to exceed the Iesaer amount. �' <br /> Lender may m�thnato ciao amount ot Funds due on the besis aP curtent data and reasoa�ltrt�¢stimates ot expenditures ot future <br /> • ' Eserow Items or oNeswtse in accwdanee with applicable law. � . <br /> ' Tha F�rtds sRa7 @a held in an insdtuBon whose deposfta are Insured by o tedaral ag�cy.InsWmentatiry,or enUty(inc[ud:ng ;. <br /> • Lende►, H Lendes is sueh an instiNdon)or in any Federai Mome Loan Bartk- lc-�eder sha�apply the Funds to pay the Escrow , <br /> ftems. Lender may not eharge Bortower tor hoitling and appryfng tbe Fareds. anrtua,y anatyrfng the esaow eccoun� or ve�iyfng !� „ <br /> the Escrow items, unless Lender pays Bortower Interest on the Pan�bs ared a�5ca�°-Q taw Aem�fts �e�der to meke such a � :; <br /> ,�•�, oharge. However. Lender may require Bortower to pay a o�e�time charge ter an ineA�gendRnt real estate taz reportUtg service '��;. <br /> used by Lend�r in conneclion wlth this Ioan, uniesa epplicabie iew provid�s othenvise. UMess en agreement �s made or � :'.�,. ' .� <br /> ,; a.�.i•, ' <br /> applicabte law requkes interest to be paid. 4mrder shail not be�equired to�tay BoROwer any lnterest or eamings on the fands. ,;,, .._. ;;; <br /> ,,, .:,; <br /> Bortower and Lender may agree h writirtg. E�cnever, that interest shaU he �aid on the Funds. Lenda shall give to Borrower. , ti,.,;:_:_ <br /> wtthout oharge, an annuai accoundng of iRe�unds, ahowing cred�ts and debits to tt�e Funds and the purpose tor which eaeh I .x`:;�;�<`;�; <br /> , debft to the Funda was made. The Funds ere pledged as additlonel security for al��Icabia law.lende�shatt ceount to Borrower � <br /> It the Fund� hetd by Lender exceed the amounts petmftted to be hetd by app <br /> tor the excess Funds In accordance with the requirementa ot appMcable Iaw. If the amount of the Funds heid by Lender at any } , ` ,� <br /> time is not sutfldent to pay the Eacrow Items when due. Lender mey so notily Borrower in writtng.and, fn sueh case Bortower � � ' <br /> shaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the detideney. Borrower shalt make up the defictency in no more than � . C•�,.y-`:� <br /> tweNe monthy Lender's sole discretion. ' �� <br /> Upon payment in tull of ali sums secured by this Security Instrument, lender sha11 promptly refund to Borrow�any Funds i -- �` <br /> .. � vu,�.a Q..±Fwy.t end�:prior to the acquisidon or saie of the ;,, ----_�, <br /> Resd by tender. if�unden Neua�raph 29. Lendtt st�aU ac�:::s�s_..__ <br /> •� , P'dcngaAy,shai appy any Funds hetd by Lender at the flma ot acquisiNon or sale as a cxed'rt against the sums secured by this ( .., ,: <br /> ':,�,..,%• ; Seacrity InsWment. i�"' ���;�i� �,,t <br /> 3. Applicadon Of Paym�ntS• Un[sss applicable law provldes othervvise, a� payments received by Lendev under ; 1���•��4,r�,�'� � <br /> 1�;� Waragraphs t and 2 shail be aRp.iad: first. to aay prepayment charges d�ee ur.der the Note; second,to amounts payabte under i . <br /> paragraph 2:thUd,to interest due:tourth,to pancipal due:and tast, to any�ce charges due under the Note. , •:';��� <br /> • � 4. Chafg68; L19n8. 8orrower shall pay aA taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributebie to the ..`r•',: :�•;� <br /> Property which may attain pdoRry over this Securily Insuumeat, and Ieasehoid payments or ground renis. N any. Borrower shatl ���` „ f,� <br /> ' . I pay these obOgeUons in the manner provided in paragraph 2. or H not paid In that manner, Bortower shall pay them on time ;F y - <br /> � 1 d i r e c t l y t o t h e p e r s o n o w e d pa y ment. Bortower shali prompUy tumish to lender ail noUces of amounts to be paid under thls <br /> ' �, paragraph. If Bortower makes these payments directly. Bortower shall }�rompUy tumish to Lender receipts evi den dng t he :;�� <br /> ; t,_ . '' payments. ��. �, <br /> ���!'. �'�� Borrower shall prompUyt dlscharge any lien which has prfotity over this Securily Instrument uniess Bortower: (a)agrees in ��.,�.�. <br /> `•tj�_.;,•_ '`�\ ,'� wrRing to the psyment of the eCtlgaUon secured by the lien ?n a manner acceptabie to Lender. (b)contests in good taAh the : <br /> ,R•, ,( � 6� by, or detends against en?oroement ot the tien fn. Ieg�i.�*�ceedings which in the ler.der's opinion operate to pre�eat the � : ; <br /> �'"�;,��'. ��;, ento�ent of the Ifen; or(c) secures hom the hotder ot 1he Uen an agreement satisiacto*,�to Lender subordina9ng the Ilen to � '•,;�, '; <br /> �� this Sc�curity Instrument. if Lender determines t7+at any part a°tTe Propert�r �s subJect le a lien which may attain pdority over thfs � '• " •. ,l•. <br /> �� ' ' •. <br /> �rity Instrument, Lender may gNe Bortower a notice iCtr:tBy'ng the tieR 3o.^.awer nhal!satisfy the 8er. or tnke one or more ot p ,`r :., <br /> . � tS�2 actlons set torth above withtn 10 days ot the giving of^otce. . . <br /> !,`, .,� I 5. H2¢8td or Pr��avQy Insurance. Bortowe*s"al:keep the improvements c.r. cxisting or hereaftet erected on the � „ <br /> Ptoperty insured against Izss 5�fire. hazards induded wn�.- the term 'exlended coverage' and any other hazards. InGuding O <br /> � floods or flooding.for whic'� �ender requires insurance. Th�s insurance shaM be mainialned in the amounts and tor the perlods , _ <br /> thet Lender rev,uxes. The insurance cartier providing the insurance shall 2:e cfiosen by Bcrtower subject to Lenders approvai w <br /> wh�h shall aoL tre unreasor.abry wfthheld. It BoROwer fads to main;a�r =overage desc�ibed above. Lender may. at Lender's � •• <br /> . a�tlon,obtain coverage to Ia��t�ct Lender's�ghts In the Property in ecec+�tar.ce wflh paragraph 7. � <br /> . , AN insurance poiiaes a�d renewats shall be acceptab�e ta Lender and shall inc�acte a standard mortgage dause. Lender , <br /> ;4 s-aU heve the right to hold the poiides and renewais. H��n�zr requires, BoROwer s�a. promptry give to Lender al1 rer,sipts of <br /> paid premiums and renewal noUces. in the cwent of loss. �i�:�-�wer sha!1 give prompt not:ce to the insurance carrier arc: �ender. <br /> Lender may make proof of loss H not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> Untess Lender and Bortower otherwise a�ree in writ'.ng, in:urarce wrszeeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Praperty the restoration or repair is economip!}� teasihle and tender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or <br /> r�:2J Is not economicatly feasible or Lender's security wa�y��ya lessened, the insurance proceeds shatl be applied to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not th�r �le. with any excess pafd to Borrowec It Bortowet a�a����s the <br /> Property, or does not answer wdhin 30 days a notice ftom Lender that the insurance carrier has oHered to settle a c+�:�. then <br /> Lender rteay wilect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repafr or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured 0y Nis Security InsWment.whelher or not then due. The 30-da� �.'nad wdl begin when the rtm�ce is given• <br /> Untess Lender and Borrower othervrise agree in wrrtmg. any y��:�c:�on ot proceeds ta �rrr�al shall rtot �ctend or <br /> �ostpone the due date nf the monthty payments refer�ed to m pa�agraphs t and 2 or cnange the a�rcount of the Rayments. If <br /> under paragrapfi 2f the Rroperty is acquired by Lendv. Borro�uers right to any msar��w poiiaes and proceeGs r�u'�ng hom <br /> damage to th� Pro�rty D�or to the acquisition shalt pass to lender to the extc-nt ot the sums by this Secunt}+ irs7ument <br /> • immediatdy pr�or to the ac4uisitio�. <br /> � u._ n�.....�... R....n...m�'c 1 ngut <br /> ! �. 61.,�L�l�QC�/. P'P93B1Y8[IOft. Maittienan�v $icaa �dcia�o.aiv�� v. o.o . ...�..�. .•..••_---- - --- <br /> � A��iliC�i4�D; l.��S@Ik�lle�S.Borrower shaU �ccupy. establish. anQ use the Praperty as Borrower� principat reS�QenGe wRhm <br /> � sbdy days after the wecutfon of this Securrty �nstrurrtent and shaU contu+ue to ocu,py the Property as Borroaers prinapal <br /> i resFdence tor at Ieast one year afier the date of oax�pancy. unless LenQer othenrise agrces in wriDng. wh�cfi consent shall not <br /> be unreasonah4y vrithhe'.d.or unless e�tenuaUng arcumstances Pxist �vfl�ch are bepond fiorru�vei�contro�. Boaower shall not <br /> � destroy, danaga or impair the Property. alow the PropeAy to dMenorate. or commrt waste on tho PropeAy 8ortower shaU be �n <br /> detauR i4 any forteiture action or procYedin9. whether avd or cnminel. �s begun that m Lepder's good tarth judgment cou�d resu" <br /> m forfeiture ot ihe Property or otherwise matenaly impair the(ien create��by th�s Securrty Instrument cr Lender s secunty�nterest <br /> , ci7i5�7G�'191� �':: : •S � E� <br /> I <br /> :.y�f <br />