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<br /> � . ' _ � :i'?��.yQi�j�f#�'�}'`_ ?: (� i`s�i�jlFe,� ,��'�!}� � �It���rt�r �1' � ;�.f . �i� f.S.);, yf__—_ ,.d� ;i I t ��� ;r�r-r.%Sl l�.;� l/ii��µl , •��'-� � IY � -
<br /> •Jt.! , ��- '•i';�` � - ,.a �- � S: i ,. �b;''�� �.., r Y �- �tr.:r. `f--
<br /> .. , f- i. . -�:Sl�j. j`.:: .� - ' �'. ' , , lVi��ifr ..�:?. �r i ��c
<br /> - .. . ,..� . - _ - � r,;,{:r::�i:
<br /> , -��-�yLl�,,..,n.... � .. � �
<br /> � . r"d!�'"'...-- . ,
<br /> .�..
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<br /> ......_..�. . . .. .. , ' ' ��� �.
<br /> � 17. Tr�nsfor of the Pro 9rty or a 6onefielal IMerest tn 8orrower. If ail or any parl of the Propetty or `
<br /> , p ��
<br /> " any(nterest in ft Is sotd or trnnatened (or it a benc�lictai intarost in Bortowot ia soid or tmnaterred and Borrowar Ia not o nntural
<br /> person)wlthaut l.under's pder wrltten consent,l.undm may.ut fts optton,require immediato payment Ir►tuq ot att auma securod by ��'
<br /> �i
<br /> „ thia Soeurity Inotrumcnl. Mowcver, this optlon ahnU not be oxercised by Lvndor M exercise la prohiblted by bderet Iaw as of thm �. ,
<br /> ' ' dnta of thl� 3eaudty Inahument. � , ••�����,'�
<br /> � If Lender exercisas thi8 optlon, Lender ehal� gNe 8orrower notice of acceleratlon. The noUce sfinli provide a po�iod of not
<br /> • , lesa than 30 deys from tho data tho noUce is depvered or malted wlthSn which 8ortower mu�t pay ati sums secured by th{a �.i
<br /> ' � . Sacutlty instrument. If Bortowor tails to pay these eums ptior to the explrullon of this period, Lendm may Invoke any remedlos
<br /> . permrited by thls 8acudly Instrument without NAhat noUce or demand on 9ortower. ?
<br /> ' � 18. l�Arrovaer'a RI�M to Retnstete. it Borrower meets certaln conditions. Borrower shalt hare ihe �Ight to have
<br /> enforectnent af this 3ecutity Inatrument dtsconUnued at any Uma prior to the eadier ot (a) S days (or euch other perlod as �
<br /> ap�yee4le lsrr rteay speclfy tor retnstetement)hAt�re sa►e ot ihe Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this 9ecurtty � •
<br /> � Inatrumenx or(b)entrY ot a Judgment eniordng this 3ecurity Insuument. Those condiUons ere thet Borrower. (a)pays Lender att I
<br /> � sums whlch theri would be due under thla Security Instrument and the Note as B no accelereUon had ocarred; (b) cures eny �
<br /> , defauft of any other covenant or agreements:(c) peys ail expensea incurred in entordng this Security insWment, inGuding,but �
<br /> not IimRed to.reasonable attomeys'feos;and(� takes such acdon as lender may reasonabiy requtre to aesure thet the Ilen of S
<br /> thks 3scutity inshument, Le�ders dghts In the Property end Bortowers obligation to pay the sums sewred by this S�cudty
<br /> Instrument shail continue unchranged. Upon reinstatement br Bortower, this Securtry tostrument and the ob►igattens s¢c�red
<br /> hereby shfl41 tc�nalr►tu4y�P¢e�ivo es H no acteteraSon had ceettered. k¢ia�rer.tRfs�ighY Yo relnstalv seeatl not aPRM in tP�o case
<br /> ) oi accelerattc�cn nu�der�?,r�4h 17.
<br /> 1�. �� �g �p�m9 �ppg�p�9 mg p,��p $�p!ya�P, The Na:� er a a partial interest in the Nlote (togetAer�vith this
<br /> �rr'ty leisOrurnent)�rtay @e so:d one or mare times wilha�t Rrior noUce to 8orrower.A sa!e may resuR im a change in tho enUty �
<br /> (imo�m as She'Loan Servleer')that co0eds monthy paymeents due under the Note and this Security �nstrument TPi�re o�so may �
<br /> • � be one or cn9ra chars9es ot 2he Loan Senrke► urtrc�kite� to a sale ot the Note. B there is a change ot the Loan Servicer, � :i.::!.,� _
<br /> Borrower arJ Ca gNen written noUce ot th�:change in aceordance with paragreph 14 above and appllea�le taw. The notice wili � ' �.: .
<br /> �;";;{�t;yr .. ,.
<br /> • sfate the name and address of the new L�n Servicer and the address to which payments should be rma�e The noUce will also � � ,` :.,�,,,
<br /> conteln any other iniortnaUon required bY a�g5cabie iaw. ' .'.e•_ ,��`?i�;:::`
<br /> 20. Hazsrdous Sa�stanees.B�rtower ahai not cause or permit the presence. use,disposat,storage, or release ot � � �.i,;°,�„ " . �
<br /> any Hazerdous Subsfances en or in the F'roperty. Bortower shaU not cEo, nor allow anyone etse to da,anything attecting the i :'.�`�:;"
<br /> Properiy that Is in violatlon of any Envirommental Law• The preceding t4vo sentences sltali not appy to ihe presence, use, or � ;';��i;�
<br /> storage on Eh� Property of smell quantides of Haxardous Substances that are qeneraly�ecogn@ed to be eppropriate to normal ; � _
<br /> resfdenUat uses and to maintenance ot the Property. S . �.:':.,, --
<br /> BoROwr¢r shall Promptiy Sive Lender written noUce of any investigation, daim. ��mand, lawsuR orother acdon by any � ;�.��;• �"�;.�•:
<br /> IgovemmPn4�i1 or regulatory agency or prNate party InvoNing the PropeAy and any Ha�r4aus Substance or Environmental lew of I �+;',�,,,'.' ' ,{j�
<br /> + which Bareamrer has acWel knowiedge. If Borrower leams, or is noUfied hy any govemmentai or reguiatay authoriry, that any i �?�j
<br /> � remorai w �t��a riis�dtaiian o! any Maza►dou� S�1bst^nr.� aHecting Prc�=c6y is necessarv. Borrower shali prompty take a1 ^___�i
<br /> � necessary remedial aWons in accordance wllh Envlronmentel Law. j {
<br /> As used in thls paragraph 20, 'Hazar�ous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or�hanrdous substanees by � . ��
<br /> : Envlronmental Lew and the following subatances: gasoNne, kerose�e. other flammabie or toxic petroleum products, toxic ; ,•,: �
<br /> � .� pestlddes arid herbfddes, voatile solvenls, materials containing asbestos or tortnaidehyde, end►adioactive materiais. As used in � r s�" ;;� .��
<br /> '''�� � paragraph 20. 'Envlronmental Law' means federal laws and Iaws ot the judsdiction where the Property is located that relate to � ',;�:��°r:,'� `':> � ..
<br /> �+•��
<br /> i �,,,.�. ,� �� � �%
<br /> health,satety or emironmentel protection. l �-; ���' ���':��;s::
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender turther covenant and agree as follows: � •; :t.�, ,��
<br /> ',"• 21. Accelerallon; Remedies. Lende� s6�a80 give notice to Bonower prior to acceleration S �! �' �%.
<br /> '�;,' � fottowing Borrower's breach of any cove�aan4 �r agreement in thts SecurKy Instrument (but not f'�,:•.:.• ,; ' �.���
<br /> �� prior tm mcceteration under paragraph 17 uro8ess applicable law provides otherwise). The nottce � :'`� : ' , -•±
<br /> �'•� shalt s�nec�iQy: (a) ffie defauit; (b) the action requtred to cure the default; (c) a date. not tess than :
<br /> '' i;���•� 30 days 4�mm the date the noti�e is given to Borrower. by which the defauit muat be cured; and
<br /> .. �,
<br /> ,�,:•::;;,, � � '� (d) that tailure to cu�e the defauR on or bafore the date specifled in the notice may result in .
<br /> ' `' � `�" acceleration of the sums securod by this S�curity Instrument and saie of the Praperty. The notfce � �. � •
<br /> "��'�•ti`�-- � . shall further inform Borrawer of the right to reiostate aRer acceteration and the �igM to bring a �
<br /> ' �t�;�`' cou�t a�3ion to assert the non-existence of a defauit or any mti�er defense of Borrower to • • �
<br /> accelmr�tion and sale. If the defautt is not cured on �r 6�efore SD�� date specified in the notice, . • S;' ���
<br /> �'�' I.endev at its option may �equire immediat� payment �w futt of a�0 sums secured by thts Security �� , � '•'��'�
<br /> ���:' i Instrum��t without further demand and Rn�►y invoke tP�e power c�f salo and any other �emedies ,
<br /> ?�:�,:, , � permi4ted by appltcab�e law. Le�der shall ba e�4itled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing (�
<br /> '•s' the remamdies provided in this paragraph 21, inc(udir��, but not limited to. �easonable attor�eys' .�
<br /> `)�. fees an�f casts of title evide�ce. S
<br /> ; ,-�'. �� N ttoe power of sale is invoked. Truatee shall record a notice of defautt in each county in
<br /> '�� which any part of the Property is located and shail mail copies of such notice i� the manner Q �
<br /> �� .. preseriiasd by applicable law to 8orrower and to the otheP persons prescribed by applicable law. �
<br /> �'��.; ARer t�am 46me �equired by applacabte taw, Trustee sha11 give public notice of sals to the persons
<br /> �� ? and in St�� manner prescribed Qvp�A�piicable law. T�aa�it�II, without demand om �orrower, shalt se10
<br /> tb�a pv��parsty at public aucti�n tim QPee highest biddeP �4 4he time and plac� auna!under the te�ms �'
<br /> • � • c2�signaZed in the raot(ce oE saU� ua� one m� more pars�ls anc0 uco ��roy orde� Truetee det�rmines.
<br /> �;,�.'�� Vcustee may postp��e sale of dll �r a�m� ��r��t of tlne Proper�p my public announceuaom�uft at the
<br /> ' '�'• �� ;•t time a��cd �place of any �SQeorboar��ly sc7�etlwG�d sale. �mwc�er mr i¢s desigw�e may paaa�Dnase the
<br /> ,. ,: .
<br /> .' ..'i,: Prop�e�P�t any sate.
<br /> . U�mrv �eceipt of payr�eru4 a� the prlce bid. Trust�� shall deliver to tOne �vrchasmr T�ustee's
<br /> �e��t convevina the Proaec4o►.The recRats in the TrusQee's deeaD shall be Fsrlma facie ��vu��nce of
<br /> 4�9 trai4h of ttoe statemer�ts made therein. Trustee shall ap�Og/ 4Pne qroceeds of the sziV� in tE�e
<br /> �iG�xriw� order. (a) to a�0 c�sts and ex�et�ses mE exercisiro� QUoe power of saie. and tPoe saEe.
<br /> � incla�di6w�q the payment of tP��VUe,siee's f�es ac4adaEUgy euo�oo�r�tD. enat to exceed three
<br /> � 9b of the principal arinount af 409e
<br /> . � noYe at the time of the dectaration of de4ar�0�. awdl veas,��ea�9e at�mrney's fees as permitted by t�ur.
<br /> ' � (b) to a{I sums secured by this Security Ins4ra�uv�@u� �u�� (6) awy excess to the person or persans
<br /> Iegaliy eMiHed to k.
<br /> .. c 17, a -•S C � 1���
<br /> F�;•5�"tG �i93;
<br /> I �`,'' �
<br /> � �
<br /> ,. �
<br />