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<br /> . +t� ., .l v t',Z+L�] � „ y. . �PFr hy • 'r�t' y�, , �.��. q5 i, ��. -�,.,.� #e` r T.J�,c� ;t ti S �- rf$ rF`
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<br /> �-f�f���t'r•�S'f+ `'r;' ('�f�rr'f}� . �� Y���j,•'t.��.'r.. , t':���� �r ���7pf� -h �� t`YI'. � . .. jh�Sd � f�r f��� S,l, a
<br /> 1 F``�`n� Jr,, �' .N��.�;rJ1t`��.f `� 's:t S��J� -J:'.+<:!: , s �i.ilMt��'```�T �i•1„bl' . �. _ . . •iFf'tj ' - lj S�fi` . �..�_�
<br /> �. .�"-�f�;`�fr�'�f��rr������c , uSi. .o. p,- .r, . r '��; 1 + �itk,;;•�. . . jt�iY i,f_ �; . . _�
<br /> �.,f ay 1 j"�`'�r� �1W' ,�tY�tic .;,., w��1q
<br /> ' . . � � �I. If...Y� I 1LS1 `I � '}. . {
<br /> � � ..+ �_ . .v J�h' .. . . . - . � !. _-_
<br /> . „ . . �?!: .• U I �f '
<br /> �, . . . � y` � . �. � - -• -- -
<br /> Y
<br /> •
<br /> . / .....u��.��u��..�
<br /> j�. � . . : � ... ...........�.....__........ .... . � � 1_ � .��.
<br /> . _t�IR�! . _._...__. _A'__.._..�____._...,... ._ '^.
<br /> �
<br /> o . 16. Covenenis t ro an/aase of ap cs In�Tiust P pe�ty,o�any po on thareol.t whether such�lpA e/a now'or h rel eftei!n exls�tenc�• � �.
<br /> wlth raspa Y
<br /> (a) Accopt or Rermlt any prepayment,dlscount a edvance paymont ol ient herounder in excess af one month, .,�•��.,� y;
<br /> (b) Gancel o�terminate the seme,o�accept any cence!laUon,terminaUan o�sunender thereol,ar pe�mtt ony event to oacu►whlch would
<br /> ° xcur thereunder to terminate a cartcel the samo,oihsr rhaa te�m�nado»fa nonpayment ot rent, � .
<br /> ,,, .
<br /> (c) Amend o�mod{!y tha same so as to reduce the term thereof,G►a rentef psya�►e the�ur,der,o�to change e»y renewel provlsJOna . , __
<br /> . �., thersln contalreed, ' ' _
<br /> • - (d) yyslve any default thereunder or breach thereof, � � ' U. �
<br /> � (p) ti/ve any consent,tivalve�or app�oval thereunder or teke any othe�sction!n connectlon therewlth,or wlth e leasea thereunde�,whlah _, ,
<br /> � vrcald have the e(lect of ImpaUing tho value of fhe tessoPs tnterest mereunde►o�the Arope+N aub/eat thereto,or of tmpa►r►ng the _q_
<br /> pruHfon o►lnterest of Beneflc►ery ther�eln,or ' _
<br /> � ' (f� Sell,asslBn�pledge,mongage or othenvlsa dls�wse ot,or enaumber its lnterest rn any satd ieasa or arry rents,issaes,profits Issuing —
<br /> -- --- orads►ngthereundar. ::-,, �J� . .: . ^'�`
<br /> ' f7. 61/eiver o1 SYahrte ot UmitaUons.Tlme Is of Nra esseaao in af!ot Tiusro�s obllgaUona end dudes hereonder,and to the extent pennitted .
<br /> . 0y taw,Tiusmr wslves aU present or fiiture sPahai�s�9l.rrsitatlona v�Hh respect ro any debt,demand or obliga8on seca►ed hereby and ,:,, -
<br /> en�►ecilcn or proceeding/or the purpose o9 em'a�rcing this Dasd of Trost or any rlDhts a�remedles coMeined he�etn.
<br /> ag. qs,tgamrnt af�aposlts,ln the everrt canstc�sctlas�of imp�ovements!s cvmtemplated by the loen evid�Maed by the Nofe secured
<br /> feQ�aby.�s add�:cnsJ secadty therefor�.Trusta�r hereby trensfers antA as5i3ns to�eneBclary.att dght¢+P�o and inferest to�rry Ac�d aU
<br /> an�ai�dapv.ci,��by or on lrahaM of TaestQ�►viti�any city,caunty,putr".c Qady c�ageRSy.seni2arY dist�ict.�!ity cem�8►+N.�
<br /> an�v oYbEr body o�agency,tmr tR�inst�patian or to secune tho Installatlon of any ublity 0Y��rstQr,partmining to PR0 Tncst 6r%�ee�y
<br /> � 19. Gmr�uation or Partnershlp Esciste�nce.Ol rrustor is a ce�ara&on,gerteral pa►d+ershlp.er Ouen�srD pavtaership,it rritl do t�l things If
<br /> � nec�ssary to P►eserve Jts corpaate or part++ership existanc�,as the cese may be,and aPD PgPtts and privileges unsldv the/aws ot the �
<br /> � state of its IncorporeUon or organ;zation. �
<br /> � 2p, Fptb3arence by Beneflclary Not a Waiver.�ny�orbearare�a by BeneRclary!n exerclsing any right e�Pe�rredy hereunder,or oUrerwlse
<br /> �ttaded by applicab/e 1aw,sheU nnt be s►�a:r�r o/o�p��eclude dre ezerclse ot any such d9ht or rem�'� The Aracu►ement of
<br /> 1 insumnce or the paymeM of texes or the dls�cPrarge o/liens or cha�ges by Beneficiary staall not be a waider of Bene�dary's�lgM to
<br /> �" accele�ete the meh�rity o/the Indebtedness. „
<br /> � 2t. Remedles Cumuledve.All remad;es piavl�ed In thls Deed of Trust sre dlsBnct and cumulative to any other Rght or remedy undar tl�(s ,
<br /> Deed of Trusr�r aHorded by!aw or equ'rry.�nd may be exenclsed concur�ntly,lndependendy or successlvefy.
<br /> 22. Successors end Assi9ns Bound;Joint and Seve�al Uabllity;Ceptlons.The covenants an�agreements hereJn contalned shalt�:�+d. and ,,,fi,,,;;:.`
<br /> the►Ights he�eunde�ahall fnure to,the�espective succeasors snd asslgns of BeneBciary.Trustee,and Tiustor.A!1 covanants a�G .' .,
<br /> agreements o/Tiustor shell be ja3nt end several.The capUons and headings ot the paragraphs ol thls Deed ol TiusB�fa fo� ;;�..';� � �
<br /> ,�i:• ccnvenience onty end are not ro be used ro lnterp►et or deflrne the prov/slnns hereot. notice to Trustor provided fa!n this
<br /> i�;;� 2�. NoOtce.Except lo�any notice required urts�nr appllcable lew to be g1�en In another manner,(a)any r��:.�r�—
<br /> •• �t;:;} Deed of?'iust shafl be given by msfling sa�c�"rotice by ce►tlNed msl��iei'um recelpt requested addressed to Tiusror et fts ma!ling • =;�
<br /> `'�%�� addreas set lorth ebove or at such other add�ess as Tiustor may deslgnate by noUce to Beneflctary as prov►ded herein,and(b)any
<br /> .'r.,= .'= :,n�;c�Fp San&ifclsty ar Tru:tee°heil!re giyan by r.e�tified meil.retum receipt requested,to Sene9iciavy's and Tiustee's rnail/ng = _—
<br /> ���'a'�' address stated hereln or to such other address as Beneil���ry or Tiustee may designai�by nodce to irusra ss�rru-+�ed hera7rr.Rr►Y ,
<br /> �:-'t arotice p�ovided 1or!n this Daed o�Trust shall be dasmed e�have been glven to Trustoz�ene8ciary or Tiustee�v�r.riven!n the . � �
<br /> ,. �,,�1+ manner designated hereln. i
<br /> 24. (3oveming d.Aw:Severebllity.lhls Desd BP Frust shaU be govemed bp Utco taws o/the State of Neb�aska.In the�venf any provislon or �� -� �
<br /> clause ot this C�9ed of Tiust confllcts wh"��ppficable law,such conflice s*af!not aNect other provisiors�f this Peed of Tiust whic!^�an ��.
<br /> ��given eflect w(tl�out ihe�o::fticdng p�ovisions and to thls end the prowsions of thls Deed of Tiust are declar�d P�o�e severabl8.
<br /> ' 25. Events oi De/aufl.Each oi e�e'alfowing occu►rences shall consUtute an event of detautz Orereundei(herelnaRer callca an"Event '',� ," •":� .�.'�
<br /> of DafeuB"): � �/ �
<br /> (a) Trustor shall/all to pey when due any principal,interest,or princlpe!and lnterest on the Indebtedness. �
<br /> (p) My wananty o�title r»ade by Tiustor here(n shal!be unbue, � �. �
<br /> (c) Tiustor shel!Jalf to observe or pedorm eny o/the covenants,agreements,or condidons in U�is Deed ol Tiust, .
<br /> (d) Any representa8on or war�enty made by Trustor on any financial statements or repo►ts submitted to Beneliclary ay or on beheH of � -�i
<br /> Tivsto�shall prove lalSe o�materislly misleading, � ; ��
<br /> , ��':;;:t (e) Tiustor shap fafl to peAorm or observe eny of the covanants,condiBons or egreements contained irt,or binding upon Trustor under �
<br /> any twilding loan agreement, securiry a�•eement,loan agreement,/inancing statement,or ar+y other agreement,rnstrument or I
<br /> .�;�...,;� document executed by Tiustor in coR^�c°:on with the loan evldence�.'by the Nofe, ,
<br /> Y,;:�. �••' '` (n A trustee,receiver or ilquideror o!the��ust 9�ropeM o�a"Trustor sha��be eppointed,or any of the credito�s o►7rusior shalf file a
<br /> •!' � '� �� peGilon!n 6ankruptcy a�z�:�st Trusta,cr!or the reo�yanra6o»o/Tiustor pu►susnt!o the Federef Bankruptcy Cad�.a any similar
<br /> �'�'%'''�� '• '' lew,whefher fedetal or s7a:e,and lf such prder or pet�7ron shall not be discharged o�dismissed withi»thirty(3Q1 erays alter the date
<br /> ,' �t�.�.ti; on which such orde�or pe66on was Hlaq. •
<br /> �;:.,�� (g) Tiustor shall file a pe66on pursnant ta"%"�Federal Bankruptcy Code or any sim�la�law.federal or state.or ii Tivator shalf be
<br /> � ''•'� adjudged a bankrupt,oi be declared:.n.s�lvent,or shall make an sssigrtment/or the benefit of a�s'.'".as,or shaU edmit in w►iDng its
<br /> inabfl'rty M pay its debts as Ihey beco�ee due,or shall consent to the appointment o/a receiver of�!;or any paK ol ihe Tiust Pr+operty. ,
<br /> (�) final judgment for the payment of money shall be rerdered against 7rustor snd Trustor shall rrot drscharge the same,or ceuse it to
<br /> be dlscherged,within thiity(301 days atter the entry thereo%or she(I not appeai therefrom or trom the order,deciee or proCess upon
<br /> whlch or pursuant to which seid�udgment was granted,based,or entered,and secure a stey ot execution pend(ng such appeal,
<br /> (I� therelnl Sn any man e oeway,wher?�y�al�arily oryl nvo►untan�y.b�rtaut the wnt ttenrco sen h�!�Q eficiary beirrg first had aY;nter�st '
<br /> � obterned,or ` � � •
<br /> ,.: ,
<br /> , (j) If Trustor is a corparaf��:�c�a.anership and more man�r1ty percent(50%o)ot the snares ar�enehcia�irtteresrs�n such corporatlon or . '
<br /> ��,.•:� � paRne►ship,as the cas�m:y ae.shall be nansfened or conveyed.whether voiunrar�ty or rnvatuntanly,w�thour rn�wnttert consent ol � .•.,,.
<br /> ,��'�� ,�' ��•`�• BeneSc�arybeingfirs!�3�a�^�c??�rpd. i • �
<br /> ' '`� • � �^,�e occunence of an Event of De/ault,or any hme th�e��:,`��•.Benelic�ary may.at its opdon, '
<br /> ' 26. Accete►atior+ot Oebt:Farec'os��e �::c• Y
<br /> , ' •.�.'� declare aiI the fndebted�°ss s�c��e�'^W•eby�mmediately due and payable and the same sha:� C��er•�terest ai the defauft rate.r/any.
<br /> � • set torth in the Note_ar ot.sav�rse at me nighest►ate�•armitted by taw,and.�nespectrve o�urract^�r�Qnefrcrar��exercises said op6on,d
<br /> , may,at its opbon aa�«r s='3 s�le discrehon,wrthaur a^y+tunher nobce or demand to or uport tr�stor,do orre cr�.�r=•�of the foilowing:
<br /> ; ,;,,�;.., (a) Sene6Ciery may Enre'upon, take possess�on of.martage and operate the T�ust Property or any part the�coi`,m�ue repairs artd
<br /> aHera*ions and do any acts v+�h�cP�Berte`�c�ary deQms p�ope�ro p�otect the secunry thereol,and erther wrth or wrthour takrng
<br /> . �.:.,, ..,..�..a..,...i,..�e.�nv�t,ra xrr.4 unaad.
<br /> Pp$„�$$tp/l.iR!t5 OWII RBmB.SU@�9t Of OIh6Nd5B GORQCf 3nQ�NCBiYB�Hnta��aiue5 8�i�N.ww..............y......._�__. .
<br /> • � and appty the same.less costs and expenses o�aperaron and col/eckon.mcludrng reasonabie attomey lees and 8en�fiaay s
<br /> 1 costs,upon the Indebtedness secured hereby and�n such o►der as Benel+c�ary may determ�ne.Upon request o�Senel�c,ary. Trustor
<br /> 1 shall assembfe and shallmake avadabio to BeneR�+ary any ol the Tnust Property wh,ch has been removed. The entenng upon and
<br /> teking possess�or+of the irust Properry.the col:�ctron ot any rents. �ssues and p►ofrts,and the app►rcaUOn thereo!as aloresa�d.shai�
<br /> • nof cu�e or wa�ve any delault theretofore o�thereafter occumng.or aHect any rtonce o�detautt or nohce of sa►e hereunde�or
<br /> inval�date any act done pursuant to any such nohce.Notw�thstandrng Benef�crary s conhnuance rn possess�on or rece�pt and
<br /> applrca0on o�rents.�ssues or profts.Benehuary shalt be enbded to exerc�se every nght prov+ded for�n mrs Deed of Trust or by�aw
<br /> upon or aker the occurrence oi an EveRr oP Oefau�t.mclud�ng the rrght to exerase the po►ve�o�sa�e Any of the act�ons�e�erred to��
<br /> this paragreph may be taken by Oer+ej5c+ary at such hme as Benetrcrery may determ�ne wdnout reyercl to tne adequacy o�any
<br /> secunry fo�the lndebtedness secured here0y.
<br /> (b) gena6aery shal►, wrthaut regart7 ro rh�adequacy ot any secunry lor the/ndebtedness secured hereby.be enhtied to tne
<br /> � apporntrnent of a recerver by any caurt havrng�unsdrehon,wrtnout noace.to take possessron o�.protect.a�d manage Me Trus�
<br /> Prope�ty and operate the same and co9ect Me renis.�ssues and proh[s thoretrom
<br /> fcl BQ�Qh��srY may trnng any acnon m any coun o�competent iunsd�cROn ro�orectose th�s Deed ot Trust or erforce any o�rne
<br /> Covenants Aereol
<br /> 1 �. .__ - -
<br />