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<br /> :, lnsarunco prem�ums,praund re+nts,and a!!oth�r charges whaisoc�ve►levled upon o�assessed,placed o►made aga�nst tha Tiust , , _
<br /> ' pippatty.TIUStOI IURbA/AQ�Q9S,upon wr/don roquost 4y Bertollclary.ro prompty detive�ro 8ene/fclary all recelpts br h►e payment ol
<br /> ' BuCh ChU�Q08.�►usto�ilkotV!&O ng►sOS t0 pAy flU texB8,nssesr.menis and other cha►ges lavled upon o►assessed,p/uced a�mnda _
<br /> . o�atnst,a�moesurod by,thts Dood ol Tiust or tha r�r.adaUon heraot � ,,,
<br /> . ,' . ' S. qppUaAtlnn o1 Paymenta.AU pnymonta roculved Dy BorteAc�ary as ro any debt.Asb!!ity or obltgstlon owed to Benellclary dy Tiusta ��
<br /> ' may ba nppJlod by Berteflclr�ry to the payment of tho Indebtodnosa a ta any such other debt,Nablllry or obllgallon,M ony o�der o� L
<br /> mnnne�01 epplicatlon�rhlch Benefic�nry,fn It8 nbsoluto discrotlon,daams appropdate.Unlesa othonvlae e/eated by BenaAclary,any ,�
<br /> such paymont shai/bs deomod appJlod li�st ta the paymont nf eny dobf,liab�lity or obllgatlon oMer than the Note. -L•
<br /> 8. ChAfg�B;tJens. Tivator wlll keep the tiust P�opaRy lroo!rom ell!lens and encumbrancas whlch in�ny way may,fn the/udgme»t o/
<br /> � Banef�c�nry,have pda�try ovo�or(mpet�rna sscu�ty ol rh�s Deed ol Truvt Dut Tn,ate�naed not discharge eny saah�ien so lang as �•
<br /> com st suaAl en b�appropnate e�ai p►oc'eed/nga eNecrbveto p�event the enlorcQmenf o lhe lien e d thfe fass of a y lnite�s�ln alfllth ��p'
<br /> Y �
<br /> paAOf the Tiust Pioperty �
<br /> � 7. Hazard Insursnae.Tiusror sheli keep the buUdings and omer�mprovaments now axJSting or hareafter eroctsd on the Ticrst Property .,_
<br /> lnsured bylnsuranca carrters sadsfactory ro Benaficlary egafnst loss by Nre,harards inc1uded In the tem�"extended coverage"and
<br /> such other hezards,casualdes and conUngencles es may 6e iequlred by Bene6cfery,in such amoynts end la such pe�lods as mey ba
<br /> required by BeneBclary. The pollcy o�Insu►ance shall be in fom►acceptable to Benefia(ary,provlde that th9 same may not be
<br /> !� cancelled or modified wtthoui 6fteen(15)days p�ior sv►Pttert notice to Seneficlary,and shalf have losa paysbla provlslons!n favor of and ,
<br /> a in Mrm acceptable ro BenaNclary.All premlu►»s on insu�ance pol�cles shall be pald!n the manner provided under parog�aph 4 hereof
<br /> , � �r,H aot paid!n such manner,by Tiustor mak/ng payment et least�rRaen(15)days prior to the dua date,direcNy ro the lnsurance
<br /> �srio�,Be�naficiary shaft have the�lght to ho/d tbe pollciea and►ertewels tiiereof and Tiusto�shall promptly lumish to 8enefialary aU
<br /> � r�enewal aeubaes end sll pald premlum recelpts received bylt.!n no avent shell 8eneficiary o�Tiustee be held responslble fo�letlure to
<br /> �ay lnsurance premlums or for eny loss or damago�►+sing cut o/a defect!n any palicy or a�ising out of any failure o1 any Insurence
<br /> cvm,�any aa pay lo�any toss or demage insurest ago^.in�sN o�to�f ta'ture by Trusto�to ellect the insurance requlred hareunder.In the event
<br /> ofloss,Y�sta shal�give prompt rra2te by ne�:!ro ePro im,sur�e eGrr�r end BeneBciary.Beneficlary may make prooi of loss JI not � �
<br /> ' • �' 0 made prom/.Uy o�in p%�ar ta.rn 2+,y Trusror.f�.r.�'.yYeS Q�«�ur�;v,�2und areH and aU refunds of uneamerl prem/ums ere hereby .
<br /> .� �'�� �� ess(gned to Beneficlary�s add'r6onal security!or tJea p�aymsrr?o�t�r�fardel�ce�eess.!n the event o/Beneficiary's exerclse of the power �
<br /> � �' of aele contained hereln,or in the event of toreclosure,e�l rrghL Cr�e ansl iar�rosi a�E�ustor in and to any insurence pollcy dren in lorce �
<br /> �l� shall pass to the purcheser at the bustee's sale a►breclosure sale.!n case a!I any/oss.tha�nsurance proceeds mey,at the optlon ot I A
<br /> Beneficisry,be applled by Beneficiary upon the lndebiedness,as any paK the►eol,and in such order end amount as BenefrGary may I •
<br /> determi�e;or sald insarence proceeds,st the optlon of 8eneflciary,may eithe►6e used!n a��'��1ng or restoring the 7rest ProQerty ,
<br /> pa�ah�r or totetty destroyed ro a condtion sabslactory to 8eneficdary;o�sald fnsurance pr�qs.or any portlnn thereol,may be
<br /> �eleased to Tiusior.Un/ess Beneficiary and Trosro�othorwise agree in wriling,any such app:irz��un of 1ns�erance P►oceeds shall not
<br /> extend o�pastpone ths due date of the Note,o�any lnstailments called lor therein,or change tha amaac�i�0 s;ach Installments.ll the . ,
<br /> Tiust PropeRy Js acqul►ed by Benefic►ary purstrant to the exerclse ot the power of sele o►othe�lo�eclasur�,a11 a�yht,tltle and interest o/ i
<br /> Trusto�in and to sny Insurance proceeds payable as a result o►damage to the Tiust Property paeo�to Wra$a'a o��acquisi6on shall pass • : _
<br /> to Bene9isiary end shal!be app►!ed first to the costs and ezpans�s.incloding attomey/ees,�resu��ed in coliec6ng s�ccPn qr:a�ceeds,then � -;�
<br /> !n U►e ro►anner and!n the orde�provlded hareJn. �
<br /> s, p�,.�,,�����M�r�►pRanr.p ot Tiust Prope�ty.Tiustar will keep the buildings end other improvements now or h2r�arle►��¢cted on . 1,�i
<br /> the Tiust Property in good repab and condftlon and wt1!not commd o�pemrid wastm,will nOt atte�d19 des�gn o�Sir�aL7ura�chrsrdi.tGr ` _� —
<br /> Constltutirg eny building now or he�ea/ter erected on and constittting the 17rost Property wlthout the p�lo�written consent o9
<br /> Beneflciary,w111 not do any act or thing which would unduty lmpair or depreciate t�fie ve/ue of the Tiust P%pe�y and wtU not a6andon i •.� ;
<br /> t h e Tau s e P r o p e�t y.;r u s i o r w i f l n o f r e m o v e a n y fi x t u r e s c o n s d t u t i n g th e Tiust Pro pe r ty unless the same are Immadlately iepla�ed with I ,�;
<br /> Iike properry sub/ect to the lien artd security inieresf of this Dee�of Tiust and ot at lesst equal value and tKility.Tiustor►vili cvmpty with �
<br /> a!1 present end luture ordlnances,�guladons and requlrements�►any govemmentai body wh.;ch are appllcable to the Tiusl Prope�ty �:
<br /> and to the occupancy and use thereoL !f thls Deed of Tiust is o�a unit in a condominlum or e planned unit�avebpmenL trustor shall � ; •.:
<br /> pe►lom►�11 of Tiusror's obiigatlons under the declarations or covenants creating or goveming the condom,nic.�or the p/anned unit � ;���r�
<br /> devefopment,the bylaws and reg�,�ations o1 the condominium or planned unit development,and the constituant documents.
<br /> 9. Inspa�ua.n.Beneticiary or its agents rnray,at all reasonable times,ente�upon the Tia�t Aropeity lor the purpose of inspec8on. '�
<br /> • BeneEi�ra�/sha0 have no duty to make such inspecGOn and shal!not be lisb/e to Tiustor or to any person!n possession if;t�nakes or i
<br /> � ` falls t��ake any such lnspecbon. :
<br /> � 10. Prot�ction of&ec.rrr�, :''Trusior fails to pe►form any ot the covenants and ags�ee�ents contained in this Deed o/Tiust,or il any ac0on .
<br /> � or p�aceeding!s ccmTenced which does or may axlveisety aHect the Trusi F•caerry or the interest ol Trustcr or Beneficiary therein o�
<br /> the bt�o/Trustor thereto,then Bene6ciary,at its option,may peAarm such convenants and agreements,r�c�se such appearances,
<br /> dafe.ntr against and invesGgate such ac6on or p�oceeding ar.d tAKe such other action as Beneticiary deer»s necessary to protect its ,
<br /> inte��st+r.cluding,bat not limited to.disbursement ol reasonaD:e n^=1_aey fees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs.Any
<br /> amounts dlsbu►sed by Beneficiary pursuant to this paragraph��,w+th interest theieon,shap constitute Indebtedness c'T�usror �
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust.Unfess Trustor and Beneficiary agree to other terms of payment,such amoe:�+'s sha/;,�e aaya5le upan
<br /> notice lrom 8eneficiary to Trustor requesting payment thereo%and shall bear inte�est from the date ol dis�ursemenr a�the default rate, '
<br /> : i!any,set lorth in the Note,or otherwise at the h�ghest rate permitted by law. Nothing contained in this pa��g�aah sha/!requl�e '
<br /> ' � Bene"lw+ary to incw any expense a teke any action he�eunder. Tiusro�inevocably authorizes and empowers BartefiC�ay.'�enter upon
<br /> , •�' . , � i the Tv;.�st Aioperry as Trustor's a,q�r.:a►+d,in Trusto�'s name or othervvise to pe►lorm any and all covenants and agreema�'s fo be
<br /> ;,,. ` � � peAo�m�d by Trustor as herein prov�ded.Beneliciary sha►1,at!ts opdon,be subrogated to ar.�encumbrance,lien,clalm o�clemand ,
<br /> :�� and to all righis ar•U sscun�ies for the payment thereol pa�d or discharged b;�9enel�c�ary under the piovisions hereol anr.�any such
<br /> , subrogatlen ri�:*^s s'�ail be additional and cumula6ve secunty for this Dee�m`"•:�st.
<br /> f 1. Condamnatlon. T7�2 pioceeds o�any award or claim for damages.direCt cs:c°sequential,in connection with any condemnallon o�
<br /> other taking of the 7rt�st Property,or any part thereof,or lor ccnveyance in lieu of or in anGcipa6ort o�condem»a6on,a�e h.e�eby
<br /> assir.^.:�7 ta and shall be paid to 8enehciary.Tiustor wiU file a^t��rasecute.in gvod la�ih and with duE diligence,its claiT"•��any such
<br /> award:,r payment,and will cause the same to be collecied a.ac'paid to Beneficrary,and,should rt fai!to do so,Tiuster��-e���cably
<br /> � autha7zes and empowers Beneficiary,in the name of Trustor o�otherwise.to 61e.prosecute.settfe or compromise any s•rw"�claim and
<br /> to collact,receipt/or and ietain the proceeds.1!1.tie'��st Property is abandoned by Trustoi,or,aRer noticf cy Beneficiar�ro Tiusfo�
<br /> that the condemna aHers to make an award o:settla a c�aim lo�damages. Trustor ferls to respond to B��^e�c.a�y wiihln thirty(30)days
<br /> eRe�t�~�date such r,otice is mailecl,Benefic�a.y�s authonzed to collect and apply the proceeds in tha ma^^s��*d,cated*��4in.The
<br /> . pr�E:is M any awa-d�r clarm.��, a±ter deducbng all ieassr.aD:e costs and expenses.�r.c'�rd,rg atte�ney tees.wh,cr^��r have
<br /> kea:e i^cuned�y Ber.eliaary�a^t^���v�lecGOn thereo% at ms s�:�lrscreiron of Bene�rcrary.�p releaseC fo TrUSte�.apai P�::s
<br /> '" ' resla�aUOn 0/T�:s',?r,�,�eAy,or applied ro the Raynrer.t o!thp�ndebr�dross U��ess Bene/rCrary and Trusta�ot"enwse a5��e+r•vn��cz
<br /> any such apS.'�ra^:rr..�/proceeds to IndebteCrtess srrarl not exter,d ur gr�s[�r.:�e the due d8te o/the Note cr 1ra�aymenf cl a^�
<br /> • lnst2:ir.2nts ca"�d(0�thereunder.
<br /> 12. Tr�stav Not Re/eased.Extension of the t�me tor paymcnt ar rrad:frcatron o�any amortrzabon of the lndebtedness grar.!e��y�2re':c.ay
<br /> ..r r.....w....,...t T...���v'e a.s�.�aee`ve�n
<br /> to dry successor rrt interest ot t rustor snair nor oa��ar�io�e�szc.,�,a«y rr�ar�rm�.��m%'mu`::.;j... ....�..�.....�- •...--_. _________ _
<br /> rn:e.°est.Berrehpary shall not be requ�red to comm once praceedmgs against such successor or reluse to eztend e�r�ro��ayment or
<br /> orirenvise modify amort�zahon of the lndebted�ess by reason of any demand made by Trusto�and Trustor's successors
<br /> rn inte►est.
<br /> J3. Finanpa/IMo�tnatron.Upo»request o/Berteficrary, Trusro�w�11 prowde to Benel�aary,w,mrn nrnery(90)days of ine crose of each hscal
<br /> � year of Trustc�r,the ConsoLdeted balaaCe sheet and statement o/e8nnngs of Trustor and any and al!guar3n?ors et t.h�!^de6tedness
<br /> . s�tcu�ed he►eby,if any,artd will provrde and debver to Bertehaary such other 6nanaal�ni`arma�on and.n su�h manner as Benebc�ary
<br /> • may►easonab/y request hvm 6me to bme.
<br /> 14. Financral Covi,?nants.!n addrtron to any othe�hnanc�al covenanis of Trustor made�n any other agreement.mstrumenf or docum+ent
<br /> � 7rustOr sPraff Compty wRh and shel!cause 8ny and ell guarantors of the/ndebtednass seCUred he�eby lo comply w�th,or be�n
<br /> compf�ance w�,the following hnanual covenants�(7his pa�agraph shatl not appty�t covenants and requrrements are not set
<br /> ' lprih he►errt.)
<br /> � 15. SClredule o�Leases 1Nithrn ten(10)d8ys 81te�demand.Trustor ShBU turnish to Benefic�ary a sChedule.cemi�ed to by Trustor.semng
<br /> fofU►al!/eeSes ot the Trust Properry,o�eny pofion mereol,rnclud:ng m eaCh Case.the nama of the tenants or occupa�ts.a descnph�n
<br /> ! of the space occuAled by such tenant or orcupant,rhe�entat payab►e ta such space.and such vmer�n/o�mat�on and documents w�m
<br /> respect to such leases and tenartc�es as Benef,c�ary may reasonably repuest
<br />