- - _ �.....o.k.' - - �.iRir ..�.�,. _ - _'tt - --._ .. - --
<br /> - ::t - �%$�:�v.[i?��.h}�i,7:r� f y:�.r� ���� i<r�e.- _ •rt. (�F .'-k ��G�.':s::.^ . :7' � � � � i_f�Pq` �9i.7�'�'.^-. -� - _
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<br /> ��- ' r'W .a..�. • ' � ° �, {� R��F.�,S�ii.:yY?'��. , .. t�ftlf-.i (s5..}�¢ ),. ��Z - _ � . _
<br /> t ir'�' .. w ,p•�ti;. .iif A :� �`!r;t��-r�U 1` , y..
<br /> . . • �,i- i _� r�.a.. , ' , ' {��. t� � ? ��. o . ..
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<br /> �;++orll� rlifiP.�wAR'Nti"r� . ' ' -. . .. � .
<br /> . '. , �:�7a,. � ' - - � _.
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<br /> _. ...... -..................-..�.�...__..,.._... . ..n
<br /> I (d) Bnne!lc/ery may olnot to anuao tho Tiast Aropery or eny pert thareal to be aold anda�the powor ol sate,end!n sunh event, ' �
<br /> BenetJclary o�7rustes shafl plvo 8uch aoifoa of delaulc and nodce oi snle ae mey be then requlred by law.Thereallo�,upon the � ,
<br /> � oxp!►allon ot auch Bme and�10 piWn�{01 sucb rtodco ol eale ns may G►en be iequired by/ew,Tivatee,at tha time end place speailled ,
<br /> by Iho nofico of sale,sha//sel!suoh Tiust Prope►ty,o�eny part thereof spoc�Jlad Gy Benellclary,et pubJlo auctton b ths highoat .
<br /> ^� btdder/o�cash!n lawlul money ol tha Un11ed Stetea o!Amartoa.Upun recelpt of pa�ment of the p�lco brd, 7ruRtea shaH apply the , _
<br /> ,. plocQSda!n the followln�or�fe��{1)to tho c�st end expenses o1 exemising tha power ol aols and ol the sa►a.Inaluding bert not llmltod .
<br /> to,buateo's feES or not more than SS00.00 plus one-hall o/one percent of the gross sale pdce,end reasanr�ble attomey laes,(111 ro
<br /> ' � � tha Mdabfedneas,and pll)the�xcoss,If eny,to tho pe�son o�parsons legally endGed thereto. • ::
<br /> . . All coste s��`pe8s���ru�sdo d�e(ns aience,nanrmey ees andhcourt costs8�e/De and consd�ndebtednesa secu�he►eby.tlUe ,
<br /> r�•
<br /> fses,ePP � -
<br /> �� 27. Duiles ot Tiustca.TruStar agons thnC . . . . .. --
<br /> �.. •. '
<br /> i�- ° � (a) DuUes and ohll nHons o/Tiustee shaJl tre determ/ned solety by the expresa provlslons of thls Deed of Tivat and Tiustoe ahall not be � ,
<br /> -- li��►8 exCeQt r�thep°�lamanat,nf sueh dudes and obllgadons es are speclAcally set lorth hereln,and no lmplled covenants or _ _
<br /> _ � obllgatlona ahall ba lmposed upan Tiustee, �
<br /> � (6) No provfslon of thta Reed ot Tiust shall requlre Trvrstee fo expend or dsk its own lunda,or otheruvise incur any 1lnancial obligatlon in
<br /> •• fhe pe�lom►a»ce ol any oflts dudes hereunder,or ln the axe�dse of any o�lts dghts or powe�s.
<br /> „ (c) Tiustee may consu/t wlth counsel of its own choosing end the advlse of such counset shall be lu!!snd complete autherizeaon end
<br /> , O proteadon In the iea/sect o1 sny ecUon teken asuffered bylt hereunderin good/elth and rellance thereon,arrd �
<br /> (d) 'Pnrstea shap not be llable lor eny ectlon teken b;r ft/n good/aitll and reasonebty 6elleved by it to be auUra�ezed or�rlt�in its
<br /> " � : � � dlscr+eUon o�dghta or powers confe�red ufran ft�y tPrls Qeed of P►ust. . . ,
<br /> ' • ;;� . . ,� 28. Seau Ag►earaent and Flxture Flli�g.TPi1s Qaed o1 Tnrst shal!cons�tute a securiJy agreenr¢m arc�fixture Nfing unde�tha pro•risions o1 .
<br /> ;`�, ' ��" Trost�peny.to�th�v wf3!►at�ot���cPenY o1 Tnuta�elther s m1►ar ord�sstm�ar m ne�samo�eroweor h�erea er fxate�e�o o»rthe � , •
<br /> ° • � �ivat Propsny. � . � � ,
<br /> 28. Futura3 Ad�ra�res�s.tip�o�+�e4uact oD Taaestor,BeneBclary.et BeneNGary's opU¢�r►.priar Co futl cmt�»vayan�e of the Tiust Pra�rty b�Yad af � - �°
<br /> Trustea CQ Tiustor.maY make futuro�dvances to Tiusror.Such tutrrro advances,wdh inter�sAtthi reon.she!!be secuied b�t�ia . - ..",.
<br /> •., Trust.At n�tlnre shall the p�incipa!smount of tl►e lndebtadness soceued by lhls Deed of TiusP,aeut including sums advarcxerB Sa protect
<br /> the security,exceed the rotel sum of S ?sn_nnn nn ,q��nt�s of dlsbursemants made by BerteHclery ro protect tho socmlty. + ~
<br /> •• ;,' , onde�the tertns hereof,whlle dlscrefionary,shall not be deemed ro ba opUonal advances. . +:.`
<br /> • , 3ID. R�conveysnce.Up�n paymenf o/all Inde6tedness secured by thls Oeed of Tiust,BeneNclary shall request�rustee to reconvey the _ . ..'hry '
<br /> � Tveest pnpperry snd ehal!sunender thls Deed o/Tiust and all notes avldencing lndebtedness securod by this Deed of Trust to 7rostee. ,,..
<br /> " Taucst�a shall reconvey tha Tiust PrQ�rty wlthout wenanry and wfthout charge to the person or persons legalty enNded thereto.Such �;�
<br /> R�sscn o�persons shall pay sp casis ol recorda�on,N any. � _�
<br /> '•. ��.--
<br /> 31. SmOstitufe Trustse.BeneNcfary,at!ts optlan,may fio�n time to tlme�emove Trustee and appolnt a Suxessor Trustee to eny Tiustee '. • ;'+�
<br /> appointed hereunder by an lrtsbument recortied!n the counry!n whlch this Deed ol Tiust!s recorded.Without conveysnce ol the Trvst � ��-
<br /> ' piope�ty,the Successot Tiustee shaJl succeed to all UNe,power end dutles canterred upon Tiastee hereln�nd by eppllcabls law. , v��F
<br /> a�
<br /> 32. Miscel/aneous Rights o/Beneflciary.Bene�clary naay st any time and hom tlma Pa tln�e,wftha�t notice,consertt to ffie making of any ' �• �t.�
<br /> -_ __•_= pl8t oi ibce Tnrst PRi�iejiy t►r th&�raaSotr of mty ss:smen!lhetsen!�any!MVenants iesMctlnG use o►occuPency ihereol or ag�ea to �.'.�:,.,.r_._� .
<br /> � alter a�amend the terms of thls Oeed of Tiust My personal propardy remelning upon the Trust Property afte�1he Tiust PioFEny has . :+ �
<br /> . . • been posseased o�occupied by Beneficiary.its sgent or any pnrchaser fo0owing Tiustee's sa�e.faecloswe.or under any�l�ad ln llau � •.,�'��• , s;.� �
<br /> of Tn�stee's sale orfor+eclosa►e,shaH be conc/usivefy presumed to have been abendoned by Ta�estor. ' ��
<br /> 33. Notice to Tnrstor.Frostor hereby requests that a c�py�of any noUce of default and notice oi se/e made or en�auted by Traestee pursusni , J
<br /> . , � to tha��ovlslons hereo�be aent to Tiustor at its m�i!:�g address set lorth herelnabove. .�. � �
<br /> -''�'`��•-���, !N WlTNFSS b^94�IEREOf,thls Desd of�aacs2 Oaas been duJy ex d tha day snd yesr Nrst above►vadnen
<br /> ..,a��,. � . `:r;;�:!,j t
<br /> !
<br /> na e tnrn � �
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA ) Judit� A. Mettenbrink . : �
<br /> )ss. , ",;.f,��i.
<br /> COUMYOF 1 � �'�%
<br /> � � ��-
<br /> . Cn thls—day o/ ,i 9—,belore me,e noiary pu6lic in and/or safd county,personalty came � %
<br /> , ,and � ' -
<br /> oJ ,kr.own to me to be the ldenUaal persons who �
<br /> ' signed dre forec�ning Deed of Trast arr!ac��^w/edged the executlon ttra�,eof to be ihelr vo/untary a��a�d deed,snd the voluntary act and
<br /> deed of said co�p�arabon. ' ,
<br /> WlTNESS my hand end no�a�fal seal on this the day and yea►lest above written. �
<br /> I
<br /> (gEqf� I
<br /> nwu,Y aw,� �
<br /> I •
<br /> I �� �
<br /> �.�, ,
<br /> - � My comm4sm�eRWres I . �.(•
<br /> ' STA7E OF PI�BG4ASKA 1 � ,
<br /> IS��
<br /> coun�n�oF HaLa. ;
<br /> Ronald W.
<br /> . On this 19t 8y ot Avri 1 ,ag 94 ,belore me.a notary pubfic in and to�said county,pe►sonalfy came Me t tenbr inlc . '
<br /> . �d T++,�{f}� p �eLrs.nhrfttT 1+ehanrLand w{fp .knowntometobethe�denhcal{tersonswho
<br /> slgned the loiegotng DBed of Tiust and a��rrawletlged the execuhon dre►eof to tre therr voluntary act and deed.
<br /> W/TNESS mv hand and aafa�effi seal on th�s tha d�y�n�year last atrove written. r,
<br /> -_- -.- .;� . "'� ��/ ,
<br /> ,: 7I
<br /> � ($�AL) ��a� r��[.�,1:'.(/! � 'Cl� �'t� '
<br /> xardr RrarK
<br /> , �a,,� � �,_ 9�
<br /> , ar c«�ssw o.wd:
<br /> . !
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