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<br /> _ _,_ _._ �-t.�a,�,,, �. . �i�. ,?N:?rx.j�i"�-�.. •� o��' �al'�y'r�'��+�'s�r�i :'s� ,�', �,t�'l�zitn...—.. 4's'I�](1SS�iS£c1� a'[ef
<br /> � i3�?z�'S^ i'. t i r � •;c :�i� .f __"�. _���" y . .��-��'�'��u x -
<br /> � i: �����.�a},:` e'.!1 .��aZfyl: rl� .�ftif'rf ':��S�y� �t �- E�`ti` :'��ti��+1F i!tl'+.�'�l�:e". r' � i•._;- i:-,F.`�. r t. . (j 57 1. .�fil r...�-
<br /> �` .� ��F c i�� •�:'',-'r'� .,t�• x�l,�`." t,� �_ r � t;{ . . . , t.• � 1 `�s�v,�* .
<br /> . '�j\.:y�_ �ty}��5 t�e���� , .•�.rMV�!.St'� ,o;_,. :t'" .��551... :t titi i`,' y 1 ''S��"
<br /> :{t��t�r�tl iPiJ � . '1 . .. . . - - a�:'� ' . - �,`? '' -
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<br /> ..��� ,
<br /> �, . . ....,..�.
<br /> .�3����
<br /> '• ' ' � ....._... --
<br /> � ...--�- -.. .... .__.,-- -....�._.�.... ._.. ..._....,.�—_
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<br /> • � • Bortower mny cure such a datault and reinstate, as pravided in puraflraph 19, by eausinfl the actlon or proaeeding to be � �
<br /> • disMsaed wtth a niling thot,in Lender's qood faNh doterminatton,ptacludos far(eiture ot ihe Bortower's Intemst in the PropoAy ar '
<br /> 3...
<br /> ��' ' '�; �,' other mataldt impairtnent o}tho Ilen created by thts 8oeurlly Instrumont or Lendor's seeuriry Interost. Borrowar ahalt atso be tn .
<br /> • �� ,. ' dei�utt It 8onower,dudnp tho toan appllcatlon procoao,gave matertatly lalae or inaer.urete IniormaUon or atatements to Lender �or "'
<br /> ^ •. (alled to pravldo Lender with any muteriai Info�mation) In connoc�tion wflh tho loan avidencod by tho Noto, includinp, but not � � � '�
<br /> Iimited to, representatlona coneeming Borrownr's oceupancy et tho PropeAy as a pdnclpal rosidenco. If thls 3aeurlry � . ' '"�
<br /> InsWment is on a Ieasehoid, BoROVrsr ehnq comply wl!h all iho provlfltone of tho�easo: If Bonowar acqulros tee tltio to the � '��..
<br /> �� Property,the teasehold and the toa UUe ahaU not motga unteae lender agroos to tho morgar In wdting. �
<br /> � 7. Proteetion erf I.ondo�'s RipMa tn the Properlyt.If eortowur tnlls to peAotm the covenants and agreaments , �'_
<br /> ° � . eonMined In thts Securfty Inattument, or thero is a Iee�ni proceedine�thet may aiQniticently nNact Lenders rlgMe In ihe PropeAy � ��
<br /> �• (such ns a proceeding in bankruptcy, probato, fa condemnatton ar ladelturo or to entorce lewa or►eguiations).then lender mey � ;s,�y-'"
<br /> - do end pey tor whatever is nocessary to protect the vatuo ot tho PropeAy and Lender's dghta In the Property. Lender's eotions � �'. �
<br /> •�� may Indude paying any Butns sewred by a !!en v�hich has pderlty over this S4�curtty Instrument eppeatlnfl in court, pnying i � `-
<br /> •� � reasortabie attomeys'tees end eMering on the Property ta make repalra. Atthough Lendcr may teke actlon unde►this paragraph � F" �.
<br /> 7. Lender does not heve to do so. �
<br /> � My amounts d�@ursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaq become add�tonal debt of Bortower secured by thls 3ewrlry � �i�
<br /> �� - �.
<br /> Inshumant Unless Beeeow�and Lender agree to othe► tertns of payment, these amounte shall bear Interest hom the dnte of � + �
<br /> disbursczsnent at tho t�o4o rate and sPea1 be peyabie,with tnterest.upan notiee from Lender to 8ortower requesUng payment. I Y,.`
<br /> � 8. QIA�R4�g�J0 ��eBUU�PE�O. 1P lcnder �equired mortgage insurance as a condiUon o4 maWing the loan secured by lhts
<br /> Security►lnstrume�t,Bcrro�rer shal aay tPeo premiums required to muintafn the mortgag,e tnsurae�c�e tn eNeet.If,for any reason, tho • ' � .
<br /> � �'�'�� mortgage insurance cmrerage�qu'ved by Len�er lapses or ceases to be in eNee1, Borrow�r sPea.t pay the premlums requ:rec9 to �• �
<br /> . ,;� � � obtein eoveraga substan�atly equivatea�t to the mertcyage insu►ance previousy in ¢Hect at a dost substanUally equivalent to tha ,'•', �
<br /> �;�;..
<br /> .,;,�:;.,;,�;.� � coat to Beaower of 1Q�e mortgage dns¢rance �revtaus{y in et(ect, from an aftemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. tt �,
<br /> :•,�,�;,;••� � substan4'�`y equhralent mortgage insura�ce cov¢rage is not ava�Qs:a.8orroxrer shall pay to L¢ndPr each month a sum eq¢at to ,, :.•1>
<br /> , ,q�.�_�'..:•�; � one4ruetfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pr¢mium being paid tay Borrower when the insurance coverage tapsed or ceased la � ��
<br /> s,•::•,^ � be in eNed. Lender wpl accept, use and retaPa these paymenta as a Ioss reservo In Geu of ennrt�ge tnsurance. Loss reserve _
<br /> '�•'. - ,� {seyments may no longer be requked, at the option ot Lender,R mortgage Insuranee coveraga(�n tAe amount and for the perfod � ` ,�� •�, .x,,�_
<br /> -"�•'� that Lender requires) provided by an insuret approved by Lender agein becomes avaz'lable ared is obtained. �arower sheA pay i � "
<br /> the premiums requlred to maintain mortgage Insurance in efteet.or to provide a loss reserve, untii the requirement tor mortgage ;;�'�:�• �:�-='`*
<br /> :: • � (nsurance ends in eccordance with any written agneement belween Borrower and lender or ap�Gcabte taw. �::•`•"' '�
<br /> :`.i;� �
<br /> • °� 9. IQ8peCtlOf1. Lender or its agent may make reasonable enUles upon and inspections ot the PropeAy. Lender shaA gF�e �?,r�'� S°
<br /> � Bortower noUce at the time of or pdor to an(nspection spedtying reasonable caus¢ier the inspectlon. ' �'t4'�•�Y�
<br /> 10. CondePlluo��a.The proceeds of eny award or daim for damages, e�:rect or consequential, in connecilon with any �_�":;. , ���=
<br /> condemnatlon or oth�r'�aking ot any pert of the Properiy,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnaUon, are hereby assigned and ��� • .. -
<br /> sheA be paid to L¢n�or. .�,;; ,`.;3":— ,
<br /> In the event ot a totai taldng of the Property, the proce�ds shatl be appiled to the sums secured by this Securily ;:����� 1.
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due, with en excctss paid to Bor�ower. In the event of a partial taWn of the Properly(n wfiich ��-�Ss�, 1'-
<br /> Y 9 l _,e�::�
<br /> the fak market vaNe¢�the Property immediately betore the taldng is equat to or greater than the amount ot the sums seunre� y; �.'';.;``,,,. . ; ^ �
<br /> '"Y�� b this Secu Irtst•ur�Ynt immedfat betor� ihe taldn , unkss Borrower an� Lender othervvlse a ree in writin , the sums ° ��i�~��•-
<br /> i , secured by th�SECU�d:�� Instrument shaG be redu�e�by ha amount ot the procaeds mul�p0ed by the toliowtng t�actlon: (a) the ';V '� ��
<br /> � total amount of the s�ms secured immadistey before the teking,dhrlded by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately 'r''t , `f,',•.'',�� ;
<br /> �'���!.' �. �, , before the taldng. My Dalance aha9 tas gsaid to Borrow�. In the event of a patUal tek(ng of the Property in which the lair market i ���};;;�(i..; ! ��`,
<br /> ' ����� � value ot the Property tmmediatety 6eYore the taWng is tess than the amount of the sums sewred lmmediately betore the taktng. ( ''�-+;.:{�• • ���`
<br /> �,'�......�c)•�' ' '
<br /> '�'� ' unless Borrower and Lender otherw(se agree h wrNing or unless applicabte Iaw otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be '•:ti:•y'�� ! •�!
<br /> � � applted to the sums seaured by this Securfly InsWment whether or not the sums are then due. ,���} ' ?i���-
<br /> H the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or it, after notice by Lende�to Bortower that the condemnor o8ers to make an , '
<br /> � avrard or settle a dalm for damages. Borrower faiis to respond to Lenda within 30 days afte� the date the notice is given, , � . � '
<br /> ��;;:�,•
<br /> Lender is authorfzed to cotlect and apply the proceeds, at fts optlon, etther to restoratlon or repair ot the Propetly or to ihe '�;!.:..;+ t , _
<br /> . sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. ' �•�?:�� � :"���:"
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a ree in wrlUn , an Iicatlon ot roceeds to prindpat shaU not exlend or '''!•'��==
<br /> 9 9 Y gPP P -, v,��;_�
<br /> postpone the due dete of the monthly payments reterted to in paragrephs t and 2 or change the amount of such payments. � .'���, ����
<br /> �;,) 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearao��e By Lender Not a Wafver.Extensfon of the time for payment or '
<br /> modiflcaUon ot amortizaUon of the sums secured by this Securfty instrument granted by Lender lo any successor in interest ot � � '
<br /> Borrower shaY not op�ate to release the�iabtlity oi the odginal Bortower or BoROwer s success�rs in Interest. Lender shall not t. � y;?,�. �4�
<br /> I,,t� I be required to commence proceedings against any successar tn Interest or refuse to exter�a i.me tor payment or otherwise l, '{;::'�_�•':! �•• _
<br /> � .I •C1•
<br /> modi(y amotUmUon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason af any demar.r: made by the orig(nal Borrower or �:, ••.���, ��;;
<br /> Borrowers successors in intere.st. My fo�bearance by lender in exercising ar}- nght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or � -,�9'!'
<br /> predude the exerdse ot any right or remedy. ,t:,; . -�'.
<br /> � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several LBability; Co-signers.7he covenants and '�.��
<br /> agreements ot this Securily InsWment shail bind and benefit 4he successors and assigns oi Lender and BoROwer, subject to the ,• ' �'�' �'��
<br /> provisions of paragraph 17. Bortoweis covenants and agreamen3s shail be jo(nt and severat. My Borrower who casigns this ��•�
<br /> Security instrument but does not execute the Note: �al is co-signing thfs Securiry Instrument only to c�ortgaqe,grant and convey •. ' ��
<br /> :,��,+��''�
<br /> thet Borrowers interest In the Property under the teims of this Security Instrument: (b) is not pe►sonaHy cb!i9�ted to pay the �•.�';t:;K:
<br /> � sums seaured by ihis Security Instrument; and fc) agrees ihat Lender and any other BoROwer may ayree so extend,moddy.
<br /> � � forbear or make any aecommodaUons with regerd to the terms of ihis Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's � ��,� �hV!
<br /> ' �+�,, � consent.
<br /> • • 13. L08D Charges. It the ioan secured by this Security InsUument is subject ta a law which sets maximum loan � ,�
<br /> ��` charges, and that law Is finaly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coliected in connection •3
<br /> wilh the Ioan exceed the pertnitted �imits. there (a) any such loan charge sha::�z reduced by the amount�ecessary to reduce
<br /> ,, � the charge to the permitted Iimik and (b)any s:�ms a4eady coliected hom BQ:rower which exceeded pertnitted limits wiU be �
<br /> ,: refartded to Borrow�. Lender rnay choose to make ihis relund h;�reducing the pnndpai owed undcv the Note or by makirtg a '� �
<br /> ,. i ��ec? �tayment to Borcower. li a r�ficnd reduces prmtioat. tro �r��uction wdl be heated as a partiai prepayment withtM any �,•i
<br /> '�'�'• �re�ay�rtent charge ander the Note ,
<br /> ' � 14. NOtiC�S.Any notice to Bortower Rro�:�Jed for in tR�s Security Instrument shaU he gve�by deirvenng�t or by mad:ng it �"
<br /> _..� `�
<br /> by first dass trtaa¢n[ess epp�caD'e taw requ�es use ot anoYher method. Tf�re nohce sAall Ge drected to the Property Address
<br /> ;, r� or any oth�address Borrower d�scgnates by rto6ce to Lender. My notice to lend� sha9 De qiven By first dass mail to ,
<br /> � . � Lender's address stated hen+n ur any othw address ler+der dzs:gnates by noLce to Hnmor�c-r My notice pronaea tor m tms �,-t
<br /> Searity Instrument shall�e deemed to have be2n gi+en to Banower or Lender v�Ncn�ucai as prov�ded in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governtng Law: �BVerAbility. This Securrty Instrument sna:l te govemed by tederai law and the law ot the <
<br /> ' jurisddion in whfch the Property is Iocated. In the event that any prov,s�on or ctause of this Secvnty instrument or the Note `
<br /> ' � contGcts with appi'icable law, such ecnfiid shali not afiect other p�ov�s�ons of th�s Seauity InsUvment or the Note which can be �
<br /> � given eNect without tfie Con�Cting ptovisiort To this end the prov�s�ons of th�s 5earity Inslrument and the Note are declare,d to
<br /> 6e sev�abie. �
<br /> i16. BOrfOw@�'3 COpy. Borrower shatl be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Sewnty Instrument ,
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br /> ; • � /.,.
<br /> � - • ct3t6lM3 rt2.91� �.i: � .•5 �� -')fi �
<br /> � � I
<br /> � � i
<br /> � W7il �
<br /> I —_ _ _ _
<br />