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'_ <br /> i � �...�_._w. _"-. <br /> 1 . • _ <br /> �1. �` -_ . . ...:. .... . .........:..._'.._'..n._'..__�L::S:.� �. <br /> . . .. -- <br /> -----__._—_...... . _ ..... . . ..... . .. . <br /> ._ ..._._-'--...�.... .... . . . w�:ur.0 <br /> � <br /> .�, ;- <br /> • TOGETHER WITH elt the Improvemcnta now on c�rcafter orected on tho proporiy. and uli onuementa, appuRenancea, and . -- <br /> ' • • tisRtures now or hareafter a paR af tha propctty. NI ropincmn�nW and additlono shnll aioo bo covorod by thia Security Inswment. ' � <br /> Wi of tho torepoing ia rcAcrrod to tn th{a Socudty Inotnimcnt na tho'RropBrry.' y•:_- <br /> BORROWER COVENANTB thut Borrowor Ia Iuwtuty sotted ol the oatato horoby convoyed and hes the �ight to grant end I _ <br /> � tho Pro a end thut tho Froperty ia unoneumbarod, uxcopt tor oneumb►nncos at record. 8onower warmnts end witl I ;, �;�� <br /> . conv�+ P M <br /> ' ' deiond flannnli�r tho UUo to tAo Properiy egalnot all elatmn and damanda, eubjeot to any oneumbrancos of record. -•� <br /> •' � TH18 8ECURITV Itd9TRUMENT combtnon unitorm eovonanta ta nntlonal uso and non•uniiotm covenanta wkh IimNed <br /> �.n.::.- <br /> varlsUona by JudadlaUon to eonaUtute e unitomi eacurity Inntrumont covodnQ reat properiy. �� , ��T <br /> • UNIfOAM COVENANTS. Bortowar ond Lencicr covonnnt and Aproo as loltows: ''��.: <br /> - 9. Pc�tmont o4�eir�alpal and in4ovos4: Propay�on4 un�A I.ato Cht�rgoa.9ortowe►shall promP�N PeY when I <br /> due the pdndpai oi and intorost on tho dobt avtdonccd by tho Noto and any prepayment and lato charges due under the Note. � :°-- <br /> • 2. Funda for Tazos aad Ineuranee.SubJoet to appilcab�o Inw or to a wdtten wahrer by Lender,Bortower ahali pay I �„�r <br /> to Lender on the dey monthly payments aro duu undor tho Noto, unU1 the Nnte la pa{d in full, a sum('Funde')for. (e) yeady e' <br /> texes nnd asaessments whkch mny �irialn pdorlty ovor this 3ecurity InsUument as a Ilen on the Property; (b) yeady Ieasehoid , . <br /> payments or ground ronta on thv PropaRy. it uny; (e)ytsutly hazard or propeAy fnaurance premiums; (d) yearfy fiood inauwnce <br /> premiums,fl any: (a)yearly mortgago inaurance pramfums,R nny;ond (�any sums payabie by Borrower to Lender in accordance ��_ <br /> wfth the provlsions ot paragmph e, in Ueu ot the pnymer�t of mortgage ineurance premluma. These ftems are caQed 'Esaow I <br /> items.' Lender mny, at any dme, collart and hold funds tn un umount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender tor a . <br /> tederaftiy reitited mortgage loan may require tor Bortower's escrow account under the federai Rea�Estete Settlam�nt IRroc�clures <br /> AcR o41974 as amended hom Ume to time. 12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('RESPA'). untess another Iaw that ap�'�es to tQ�e �unds I <br /> �' seYs a tesse�r amount. tl so, Lender may, at any tfine, coAect und hdd Funds in an amount not to exce�d the tesser amant. ; ,, � <br /> � L�rnd`r may¢st�mate the amount of funda due on the basis of cuRent deta and �easonab►e estlmates o4 exQendiWres ot tulure <br /> � Escqo�+r Rems a�otherwise in accordance wilh appUaabie taw. 4 �� ,. • <br /> The Furtds shail be held in an Instltudon whose deposita are insured by a federal agency.instntm¢nqality. or enUty(Includng <br /> ' . � Lender, ii lend.�r is such nn tnstkuUon)or in any Fedoral Nome Loan Benk. Lender sha!I ag�ty tPeo Fuods to pay the Esaow ..','r� -- <br /> •• . � ftems. lender mray �ot charge 9orrower tor holding and appyfng the Funds, annualiy Anaty�ng the es�ow accounG or verilyfn9 � <br /> the Escrow ttrms. unless Lender pay8 Bortower intereat on the Funds and app!icab'a tar� pertns2s Lender to make such a �' ' „ <br /> charge. However, Lender may requhe 8ortower to pay a one-time charge fer an independent real estate tax repoRing service � � <br /> � used by Lender in connecdon rAth this toan, uniess appiicable law prorides otherv+iae. Unless an agreement is made or j � ' <br /> � �'`�'� '�' aRgicable law requires IMereat to be pald. Lender shaq noi ba required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. �` t= <br /> ,. . ��;, � 8orrower and L�det may agtee in w�1Ung, however. that Interest shell be peid on the Funds. Lender shali give to B�rrower. ( . �= <br /> r�ithout cherge, an annuai accounUng of the Funds, showing credits end debita to the Funds and the purpose for�cvhicP� each ' — <br /> ' � � debft to the Funds was made. The funds are pledged as addiUonai security tor ati sums secured by the Securfty instrument � �� <br /> If tha Funds heid by Lendet exceed the amounts pertnitted to be heid by applleabie Iaw. Lender shatl account to Borrower <br /> ( tor the excess Funds in accordance wfth the ►equhements of applieabie tew. II the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any � .�'� <br /> �•�`•'�'�'�' tim2 is oot suNident to pay the Estxow ttetns when due, Lender ma so not Bortower in wridng, and, in such case Bortower I _ <br /> ;.�_.:_�� Y HY . ,S"..'" a, <br /> ��1��,�:`•'f � shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defldency. BoROwer sha0 ma0co up the detidency in no more ihan I ���,�, <br /> twelve monthN Lenders sole distxetlon. , ,":�, 1 �` <br /> Upon paymen4 in futl ot ell sums secured by this Seeumy Insuument,lender si�an prompiiy�esiur�� io Dottovres an� funds , '�-__ <br /> � held by Lender. It,under paragrepA 21. Lender shatl acquire or selt the �ro�erty. Lender, prior to Ehe acquisiUon or seie d the ,`"�;;,���i., „�`,h,;' <br /> Property, sha0 apply any Funds he�d by lender at the tlme o}acauisldon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this , "�f•a -. � <br /> 3ecurity�nstrument . _',�q <br /> 3. Appllcallon Of Pey171@flt8. Untess applicabie law pmvides otherwise. aU payments received by Lendu under .Fz <br /> anarsgraphs 1 and 2 shatl be applied: first to any prepaymant charges due unde�the Note:second,to amounts pai:a�'e wder i <br /> ' i paragraph 2:third,to Interest due:fourth,to pdndpal due; end iast, to any late charges due under the Note. i , ! , <br /> ;�� 4. Cho�P�ms; Uef18. Bortower shatl pey all taxes, assessmPats, charges, fines and impositions att�ibutable to the � �� : . <br /> Property which may attafn ptiority over tfiis Security InsWment, and leas�hotd payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall � s�� . <br /> pay these obBgaiions in the manner provtded in paragraph 2. or H not paid in that manner. 8orrower shall pay them on tlme ; <br /> •: r•;�, direcUy to the person owed payment. Bortower shali promptly iumish to Lender all noUces ot amounts to be pefd under this , <br /> ,�<,i.�'•• ! . paragraph. �f Borrower makes these payments directy. Bortower sha�i promptly fumisP� to Lender receipts evidencing the ,�, <br /> �?� � peyments. �'` <br /> � '��'��`� ' Bortower shali promptly discharge any Ilen which has priority over this Security I�sUument uniess Bortower. (a)agrees in � <br /> .�i-"_`.': <br /> � writing to the payment of the oblfgaUon sewred by the tien in a manner acceptabte to lender. (b)contests In good fafth the � �• , }-- <br /> lien by. or defends against entorcement ot the Nen in, Iegai proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the E�, <br /> :.�t'� entorcement of the li�: or(c) secures from the hoider of the lien an agreement seUstactory to Lender subordinating the lien to � <br /> '�;,j�:,:' t'�is Securfty InsWment.It Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject to a Iien which may attein priority over this .fc"ti <br /> • Sgcurtty Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice Identifyfng the lien.Borrower shaA setisty the lien or take one or mae of , <br /> -•� tne actions set torth above withfn 10 days ot the giving of noUce. . <br /> 5. Haza�cE or Property Insurance. Bortower shall keep the improvements nbw existing or hereafter erected on the y 7 <br /> " Property insured against loss by fire, hazards inGuded wfthin the term 'extended coverage' and any other ha2ards,induding �-�<,}, <br /> floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be mainlained in ihe amounts and tor the perlods F � <br /> � �`� ' that Lendet requlres. The insurance cartier providing the insurance shall be chosen by '�orrower subJect to Lender's approval �'; <br /> �_��_:. . I <br /> ':- ,��• ..+' `i which shalt not be unreasonabty wAhheid. If Bortower fails to malntain coverage desc�:bed above. Lender may, at Lender's � <br /> ��'�<'.`'° � opUon,obtain coverage to protect Lender s dghts in the Property in accordance wah parag:aph 7. <br /> � • All Insurance poiides and renewats shail be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standa;tl mortgage ciause. Lender %"_ <br /> "�•` �� : shall have the rfght to hold the po�iaes and renewals. If Lender requires.8orrower shall promptly Qve to Lender ail receipts of ,• <br /> ; ,,., ''' <br /> pafd premiums and renewai�oUces. in the event of loss. BoROwer shail gNe prompt notice to the ins�rance carrier and Lender. , - <br /> �_ender may make proot of Ioss M not made promptiy by BoROwec �.'•� <br /> � �'' Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwlse agree In wct:r.a. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or �eoair of the !',�.. <br /> • prpperty damaged,H the restoratlon or repair is economica:.y feasibie and Lender's security is not lessened. If the?�storaiion or • "�'_;' <br /> '�� repair is not�c�aomically feasibie or Lender's security wouid be Iessen�d the+nsurance proceeds shal:be appiied :v ti�e sums <br /> , secured by t[1�s Sewrity instrument, whether or �ot then due. with a:�g encess paid to Borrower. I� 8on•ower a�bandans the <br /> .t Property. ot does �ot answer wfthin 30 days a notice from Lender that the msurance carrier has ottered to settie a tJa�m.ih¢n <br /> , ,;,', Lendet may collect the irrsurance proceeds. Le�der n�ay use the proceeds to repa: cr restore the Property or te pa}r sums -� <br /> secured by this Sewriry tasfirument.whether or not then due. The 30•day penod �.�!• beg��when the eotice is given. ,��4 <br /> •��r;:<<, , Uniess Lendet and Bartower otherwise agree in writing. any application of �-a:.Peds to principai shall not extend or ' <br /> � � • ;-'� postpone the due date of the monthly �ayments refened to in pawgraphs t artd 2 or change the amount ot the payments. �� •'� <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Bortower's right to any insurance poticies and proceeds resulti�g trom <br /> , ���,t;1 damage to the Properiy prtor to the acquisrt�on shali pass to LenCer to the eztent ot the sums by this Security Instrument <br /> ��i•'�'� immediatety prior to the acquisition � <br /> .� 6. Occupan�. �P�servatiorv. Rlfaiuo4@wa,uc�e an� PP�t��4io�co �U 4Do� Properly: Borr�+ers i.o�an <br /> e►pp�ica46�ey; L.0�0PCalt68. Bortower ShaII oCCUpy. establish. and use the Property as 8orrower's principal residovice wrth�n <br /> sbdy days et4a the exec�tion ot thfs Secu�y �nstrument and shan connnue to occupy the P►operty as Bonowers pnnugal t. <br /> r�idence far at�east one year after the date of occupancy. unless Lender othervrise agrees in wrrMg. which consent shall not . <br /> '' , be unreasonaDly wRhheld.or unless extenuating crrcumstantes exist wh�ch are beyond Borrower's conlrol. Bottower shall not <br /> ' destroy. dama9e or impair the Property. allow the Properiy to deterlorete.or commit waste on the Property- Borrower shall be in <br /> • detauft H any torteitute action or proceeding. whether dvil or crimcnal. is begun that in Lender's good faAh judgment could result <br /> ' in torteiture of the Property or otherwise matenally impa�r the lien created by this Securily Instrument or �ertder's secuMy iMerest <br /> � � L�,� . <br /> • � ' F'3�5�N3(�Y9?i ��r r � " . <br /> 9&�+ <br /> 1 � <br />