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<br /> �� � '�,i• �1� • r�s� _ifi +{��i t` t� ' `�t';^:.� t ..5� .��`1 ;t i. �y�b ��t:
<br /> !.jYt`i��`r' , � :J� � �� c .� �•Y ;��,L•:;.::}�; iy:V:•).. _�- i �t- �}4 l e�xi�y� r:q�( � r. _ i
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<br /> y " r( \ -� �.t- . . . .- . 1 . r l� .��:r�''" '�.�t .,^'.�" �i � t-�' + i- . � �, '::�:t��.��,t;•'.�`:�'�r.. P�i�r i A�rc—
<br /> I t�,} �!Sj .l5 L !`��..��' ! ���}}^` _, . . . . . ' - l SI:.. a. . . ^E;:�. �1j� . f���!
<br /> � _tfir.�� C t . 'r�l�Mro+� , 1. - . . , .iA��
<br /> ,..7/... .. . � � �
<br /> . . � � ' —.�'�"-'._ . .i , _ . ' � �o_
<br /> ` 2,.��':y�--
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<br /> ' ... . ' . . u.'itOf�
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<br /> .
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<br /> ' ............. .............._....... .., . . ...._...:_........�"-..��_ ' ." •
<br /> - ' � ..x-a.-
<br /> � • 17. Trenetoe af the ProperQy or a 8eneilatal Interost In 9orrowe�. It aq or sny part of the Properry or •� _
<br /> � • � any Interast In It Is eotd or ttansfer►ed (or it e bsneii�tat interest in Borrower Is sold or tranaterted and 8ortower is not a naturet ,
<br /> person) w11hoW Lertder's pdor wdrien conaont,Lender mny,at its opUon.requlro Immedlate p�yment in tuU of an sums sewred by —
<br /> '. thls 3oeurlly Inetrumcnt. Mowovor, thin option shult nat bo exerciaed by Lender if exerclse Is prohlbited by federat law as oi the ���'� . �_
<br /> • • data ot thla 3ocudty Inatrument. ' • �,;��,
<br /> � • It Lendur exereinoo thlo opt3on.Lender shall gNe 8ortower noUce ot aacoleratlon. The noUee ahali provida e perlod at no4 --
<br /> ' � • tess than 30 dayn ftom the dato the �otiae Ia delNered or maiied wfthln which 8ortower must pay uti sums secured by thla ,�FS
<br /> � Socudty Instrument. It Bortower taits to pay these sums prior to the exylmtion of thls perlod. Lender may invoke any remodiea $
<br /> " pe�mitted by thia SeourNy tnahument without fuAher noUce or demand on Bortower. S .��
<br /> • 1$. �o�eai�or'o RlgM to �,totn�4ato. it 8otro4�er mvota eertatn condillons, Borrower shai! heve the dght to hnve �R _-
<br /> entotcement ot thls Seewity Instrument dlaconUnued at any Ume pdo�to the eadier ar (a) 8 days (or such other perlod as �
<br /> " applicabto law may ePecNy for relnstetement) betore sale ot the Property pursuant lo any powe�of sale contained In this Sewdty :�i "
<br /> ' � Inabument; or @) entry ot a judgment eniorcing this Secur{ty tnstntmer�t.Those conditlons aro that Borro�v�: (a) Qsys lender ell � •.��-
<br /> sums whleh then would be due under ihis Sewrity InsVUmeM and the Note as fl no aeeeieratlon had occurted: (b)cures any �j
<br /> defauft ot any other cover+ant or agreements: (c) pays aU expenses incurted in enfordng thls 3ecuriry Instrument.Inciuding,but Frs�
<br /> not limited to,reasonable attomeys'tees;and(�takes such acUon es Lender mey reasonably require to assure that the flen of � :;
<br /> thls Seeurfty Instrttment, lc�der s dghts in the Properiy and Bortower's obUgaUon to pay the sums secured by thfs 3ecurily t ' '
<br /> • instrument sPeaU ccntinuo unehranged. Upon reinstatement by Bortower. tD�(s Securily Insirument and the obligaUona secured I .
<br /> herehy sRat1 rematm tufiy eftectiro as H�o acceterallon had occu�red. However, this dght to rainstate shap not appiy in the case � ; -
<br /> oi eco�:eia&on und�r�ar�qrapA 17. I , ;
<br /> � 1�. �G0 Qs$I�U�YO; �CG�f1g9 Of L08t1 $�n►i�0v. Tite I�tote cr a a Rartiat irit¢rest in lhe Note (logethet wi1N ¢4is �, r �
<br /> � Securit�/Instrum�4)may be sold one or more Umea without prior notEce to 8orrower.A sa!e may resutt in a change in the entily '
<br /> � (known as the'Lman Servtcer')that coltecta monthty payments due under tCeo Note and th(s Seauily Instrument There atso may . , _
<br /> � be one or rteore �Aareges of the loan Servicer un�e►ated to a sate ot tCea POote. ff tP�ere is a change af the Loan Serviax. ; `,;:_; �'•• +_
<br /> � Berrowe►wiq be g�ven v�ritt¢c►noUce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 atrove and applicable taw. The nottae wilt '" ,::;;,�,,�%'. "
<br /> ' � state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whieh paymxn4s shauld be made. The notice w�I also �,' �r:'-:". ' .
<br /> ,..,. � ;A
<br /> contain any o1h2r tniortnatlon required by appl'roable law. �"��-�
<br /> 20. HBE�OUS SubsffiQC9S.Boaower shaU not eause or pemrr�t the presenca,use.disposai,staage,or ret2�se ot " -�
<br /> • 0 any Hazardous Substanoes on or N the Properly. Bortower shall not do, aov allo�v anyone eise to do.anything aNectoig th� I �—
<br /> + 'd' Propaty that is in dotatbn ot eny Envlronmentel Law. The preceding two sentences shatl not appy to the preser�ce, use,or � ^ ,����
<br /> I � storage on the Propeety of smait quarytities of Hazardous Substances thet are generaJy �ecognized to be approprlate to a�omi2J ; ���'�`
<br /> resfdential uses and to maintenance of the Property. •'=�—
<br /> ` �,--,_—
<br /> I Borrower shatl P�P1N 9�e Lender w�tten notice oi any investlgation, ctaim. dertand. Iawsuit or other adion by any i ;;��� ; ,
<br /> � govemmentai or reguiatory ag�cy or prNate party InvoNing the Property aeed any Hamrdous Substance or Environmentel Law of � . � -- ��
<br /> which Bortmver Peas aetuai Imovrledge. It Bomower leams. or fs notified by any govemm�ta�or regutatory authoriry.that eny '� � .��
<br /> _ 1 removat or other remetl�auon ot eny Mazardous Substance a�fed.�g P�opaty p ����ry. aorrr,a+er sha9 ixoss�tl� tske r�! �
<br /> au � . ... .:,._._— { , .. _:��.
<br /> ,.��� I necessary remed:af actions in axordanee with Environmernel law. �, �s.; '
<br /> ;,;1,•`i';�;'� " ] As used in tP�is paragraph 20.'Hazardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subsmnces by ' .���;.�i I � •�
<br /> �� �'�� '� � Environmentat laYV and the to0owing substances: gasoline, kerosene, oth¢r flammabte or toxic peM►leum products, to�c i �,�z�'��� ytj�
<br /> �,a pestiddes and herbiddes,volatile solvents.materiais eontafning asbestos os f¢r�aldehyde,and tadioacWe mal�ials. As used in ; • �••• r.t
<br /> paragraph 20, 'Eenvironmental Law' means tederal iaws and Iaws of tQ�e jur,is<d�aUo� where the PropeRy is Ioceted that relate to � �=.� ;;`�+,' ��� �'���`
<br /> hcafth, safetyr or environmentsl protection. � ' �'�� �
<br /> .;:r;:,, ;������:� �:'�.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower and Lender further covenant a�d agree as toliows: � • '`•, '�'"�� •`• �
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shali give nmttice to Borrower prior 4o acceteration ` '����;,•::.'�� {
<br /> foilowing Borrower's breach of any covenar�t or agreemnmm8 in this'Security insMumeM (but not ' '
<br /> � �)��'—'.
<br /> prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 uniess appltcable law p�ovides othervrise). The notice . � `��
<br /> shall specHy: (a) ffie defauR; (b) the action �equi�ed to cure the t6�u1� (c) a date, not tess ffian ,•.,.. �s-�' �
<br /> '','�.',��` 30 days from the date the notice is gtvan ta Borrower, by which tQ�e default must be cured; and Y��
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the defauR on or before the date specNied in the notice may resuR tn � �.,
<br /> acceleratd�ro of the sums secured by this Security Inshu�enent and sale of the P�operty.The notice . � ��
<br /> shall fua�9nmP i�orm Borrower of the rfgM to reinstat�aff��r acceteratio� and the right to bcing a { -
<br /> �ourt ac48on to asseR the �on-existence � a defaui� or an other defense ot Borroer.�r to ,
<br /> y �':r
<br /> acceteration and sale. tf the default is aot �mred o� or before the date specified in t6�a vasm2ace, . ' �_'���°
<br /> Lendler a4 its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secared by this S�c�rity � `
<br /> Instrumm�a8 ��aothout further demand and may invoke tin� power of sale and any other �emedies �'�
<br /> permitt�c� by ap�tica6te Iaw. Lendler shatl be entitled tm �collect ail expenses incu�red in pursuir�g .�
<br /> .��1.,.. the renoe�3ies provided in this paragraph 21, includi�g. but no! limited to, reasonabte attorneys' '�`�„�
<br /> .. �,•� , Qoes and cos4s of titOcr rovidence. � �,�
<br /> ' if the power of saPe is invoked, T�ustae shall ��cord a notice of default in each county in � •�
<br /> which atngq �art of the Property is tocated a�d shaUO moail copies of such notice in the manner ,
<br /> � prescri�md k�y�applicabte la�v to Borrower and to the ottu�e persons prescribed by appiicabte law. 7
<br /> � d44ter the 4ime required by applicable taw. T�nastee shall give pubtic notice of sate to tha �eTSOtns '.k
<br /> and in the manner presc�ibed by appticatno� Qazv. T�ustee, without demand on Bonower, ��u�76 seil .
<br /> i 48ae Pr�p�rZy at putslic auction to the high�s4 bidder at the time a�uod place aroal under ��„o �arms � �
<br /> • '•' desig�oa8� iro the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any ore�ec 4a�stee d�4�e�ines. .
<br /> ' ,�..�,...� T►usR�� r�rz�l postpone sate of �U� mr any parcel of the �rmpe�t9� &�y pulsl6� 2���s:�ancem�rrt at the ;•°i�
<br /> �;�; time arn� place of aroy preorimcnsPy scPOedenBesi sate. LeuadmP 6P 3�s ��si�ne� cnay puP�C�ase the '" �
<br /> ,.� � ��ope�y at any sate. '• �
<br /> `.•��,:.. •' .
<br /> Upon recetpt of payment of the prcc� fb".d. Trustee sPoall �@Yimcoe to the purchaser Vvucstee's z
<br /> ���J .. ahs D.wr.e.h. The �eriMlc iw !hn Trnae4�m's tdo�� �Q9a11 l79 orima facio evldence ot -
<br /> � yppy �r�r��tv��iia w.v ..��.�.�7' ...� .��.��� '"" `"_ ..__ ' ' — _
<br /> t�o ttvanitUn �f the statemeMs made therein. Trus4ee �fl apply the procee�9s of the sale in tOs@
<br /> f�flaariwg order. (a) to all costs and eu{�eaas�s af ex�rcising the power of saLe, and the sal�.
<br /> iwcluding the pa�nnent of 4he Trustee's ffe�s acYually incurred, �ot to exceed ihree �
<br /> °'o of 4he principal amourrt of the
<br /> • note at the time of the dectarztiac� af ef�fiaui4. and reasonable attorney's fees as permilted by taw: �
<br /> '. � (b)to atl sums secured by tt`�is Sacurity Instrumea� and (c) any exc�ss to the pe►son o� perscns
<br /> ' legalry ernitic3d to iL .
<br /> . Ft3T6.t,N3�t1�57' �» s • _ F"G� �-./G' � �-
<br /> �`<, �
<br /> + -- - - - -. - - - -
<br />