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<. .w...._ .�.,.e„Y,�...�.... .µ __�.��-.� � <br /> ��r•.. �T� �t r��'f'' fd� - .C�,s.��. '�"N+mqsrxaC"}�� ;;�,;i'F,.n{9. .v� '},,�' ".— -�— :-,�;.-'••;-`,..::.. � .- � y- "7'�i t t.:�O r <br /> , ,� ..5� .1 �����jh *. �: � �� :li :h•;1., �'�'>.�_ �•�:. •.5�,'.�tt;l� },t ;� C -�- i,s- 3' �f .!�,['.,..r:.�:`.. o -_ <br /> '.a . . .}a.i:, � � �r, n t1' .t� �e?i. ..�F•:'-�;•. 't t'�. �'t' T_�� �o �'if-. yVL � � y *. <br /> . . , �l.• - S� � L . 1. �r �}�l 1; I` - ,` � f? eK }i.i7'S - <br /> . a _0 � .1' .�':i.. �l�' f L�i�ir . { , , i 1 �� .� itl.^'1.� �x �fy ��A'ti <br /> , . _ . t _.i{'is] i��t.i�Ky ', 1 �f�sc�i�r���j���y��jty� J�� •iv�1.' . .7.: �5,.:� t�tF �i�4�'lkt�,�9t-���'� . <br /> :r • •< � q <br /> ��' - . , ...•.,�.µ . ,...�,.d�_.�',... ,,� ' ' . • , ...... ... .:'f=�d��S��'44�i�. � , '� . . •«+1* -:. .._.... , �.- <br /> , �yEV7Y7M ,+w..ot�. rn . _ n ..-.. _ ..N ...',�:�, . . Y~i�� _'.;r_." <br /> ., 1 �,"�"'r`�" We.�- '� ,� , . - . ..... 'j ��-— <br /> �;, ; } � � . . <br /> , y��y�� .. , , <br /> ,, <br /> �.J�_.�:_.�w.+..-_•.-;. . '...................�._..__.- ..._...... .. . .._.......�.............'_""...._...__._ , . .�...._ ..t�..� _... .. ..... -_ ._. <br /> /;". <br /> .�. <br /> . . . {ti."5--- <br /> 7. Peot�otloe of Lstlder'B Rlghts in tho Prop�tlyl. It Borrori�r talla to peAorm the covenanto and egreements contained In <br /> � •� ' � thto $�ounty Inetrumcr�t,or thcro Ia n Iogai procesdine ihat may algnllloantry affoat Lcndor's dphta in tho PropaAy (uuoh ns a proceedinfl In ' - <br /> � baniwptay,propata,tor condemnnt�an or IoRclture or to enlorc€�laws or rogutuUona),thcn Lender mny do and pay tor whetever is nocosenry . -_ <br /> •- " to protoat the vatue of the PropeRy and lender's dghte in tha Prupuriy. Londer's acttona may Inaiude pay�ng eny aumo secured by e Ilen . ; . <br /> �vhioh liea prlodty ovor thl�8eaurity Inatrument,appeadng c�courL paying reaeonablo attamey'8 feos and enterinfl on tho Propedy to make . . .. <br /> � repaire. Allhough Lender may take adlon under thts paragraph 7.Lender doea not hnve to do oo. r °- <br /> ' My amounte dls6ursed by Lender under thls paragreph 7 ehall become eddlUonal debt of 9ortowor sscu►ad by this 3ecudy inotrumen� � � <br /> � Untese Bortowcr nnd Lander agree to otha terma ot payment. theae amounts shal�bear interest from tha date of dlabursement at the Note i� � <br /> • reto and shall bo payabio,wfth Interest,upon noGce 4rom Lender to Borrower requeating payment. P <br /> t: <br /> 8. Mortgege Insuranae. If Lender requlrec!modgage insursnae as a condlUon of making the Ioisn secured by thla Securtty � ,r <br /> '� Inatrument,BoROwer shail pay the premtums requ�red to maintain the mortgage insurance In eNect.It,for any reason,the mortgage insuranee ��_ �. _ <br /> aoveraga requlred by Lender Ispses or eeases to be in etleat. BoROwer sheli pay the premlums required to obtaln coverage substan�aliy ;� <br /> equivaienl to tNe n�ortyage Insurance prevbusty In etfect, at a cost substar�tksity cquNa�cnt to the cost to 9ortowe►of the mortpage Insurance <br /> proviously in etfeat, irom an eltemete modgage Insure►approved by Lender. If substanUaity equlveient mortgage insuranae coverage is not , <br /> avallabte, Borrower ahall pay to Lender each month a sum equai to one-tweHth of the yearty mortgage inaurence premium being paid by � <br /> Borrower when the Insurance coverage tepsed or caassd to be in ei(ect. Lender wlll accept, uae and retain these payments as a Ioss <br /> resene tn Ileu of mortgage insurance. Loas reserve payments may no tonger be required, at the opUon o1 Lender, if mortgage Insurance , <br /> coverage Qn the amount and 4or thc�period that Lender requlres)provided by an insurer appraved by lender agatn becomes availabie and is S.. <br /> � obtat�ed. Berrower shat! pay the premlums requlred to maintein mortgag� tnsurance in efTect, or to provide a Ioss �eserve, until the ;,.�:: :,.�; <br /> I reQutrem¢nt for mortoaga insuranee ends N accrordance with any written agreement between 8ortower and 4ender or appYcable l�w. �,., ••, . ,: ,�".� :..:. , � <br /> 91. B�1S���4Q�n. Lender or its ag�nt may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shaA give Bortower ,.��,, �:.;�;.:,�.,�;;`�;,'" �,;:� <br /> , ; no4ice at the ttme of or prior to an inspecilon speci(ying reasortabie cause tor the ins es'tion. ?•�':''�'' '' '''�%� '.'�•'`F"•'�;;`�::�, <br /> P . ,�� � , 4 , _ � � � <br /> c :;�•t_. " • � 9�. C�UlQ�07pt11841m,p. The proceeds of anH award or ciaim tor damages, direct or consequentlal, In connectian wfth any = �{� •��rd ', .;�1,p 7„�, <br /> � r��� condemnatloo or othur laking of any pavt ot the F�apert�r, or tar eonveyance in Ileu of condemna2ian. are hereby assigned and ahall be paid ��/ r G(,�;��' <br /> --i •. •� t0 Leflf�Bf. .�s i - _.����7�1 !�� ��ti-- <br /> �'a In the event of a totel taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applled to the si�ms seaured by this Security Instrument,whether or � ��.��• � ,._ <br /> �.•�,.`.:�:�,:�•.`��',,� � not then due,wRh any exceas paid to Borrower. In the e�ent ot a partialt�taking ot the Property in which!he tair market value of the Property ?.,;� � � , . <br /> �°:'���'• immediately before the taking is equal to a greater than the amount ot the suma secured by this Security�nstrument immediatety betore the '�� <br /> ;,.�,��:.,.r`i�,''.;;;..,��1� teking, uNeas Hortower anQ Lender othervdae agree in w�itNg, the sums secured by this 3ecurily instrument shall be reduced by the amount ; , <br /> ' � � of the proceeds muiGpiled by the following fracUon: (a)the total emount ot the sums secured immedlately betore the taking,divided by (b)the , <br /> � fair market vaiue of the Property Immedlatey betore the taking. My ba�ance shaA be paid to Borrower. In the event ot a partlal teking ot the I .. ,„ <br /> � � Property in whloh the fair marlcet vatue ot the PropeRy Immediatety betore the teking is Iess than the amount ot the suma sesured knmediately �. :=: <br /> . betore the tsking, uniesa BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree in wrfHng or unless applicabte law otherwise provides, the procseds ahaN be jr ; . .^'' <br /> applled to the suma aecured by this 3ecudty Inshument whether or not the sums are then due. �i. <br /> It the Property Is abandoned by Bortower,or fl,after notice by Lender to Bor►ower that the condemnor offere to make an award or setUe � __� <br /> a cialm for damagos,Borrower taNs to respond to Lender wNhin 30 days efter the dete the noUee Is glven, lenaer ta autnonzed to coifeci and �• -=- <br /> � --�% <br /> appiy the proceeda,at fts option, efthsr to restoration or npai�of the Property or to the suma secured by thls 3ecuriry�natrument, whether <br /> or not then due. • �� ��; <br /> Uniesa Lender and Bortower otherwise agree h wrtttng, any applicetlon of proceeds to pdnclpai shail not extend or postpone the due ?�r <br /> date of the monthiy payments reterred to h paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount ot such payments. ,t; <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released:Forbearance By Lender Plot a Watver. Extension ot the nme tor payment or <br /> modiflcaUon of amortizaqon oi the sums secured by this Security�natrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest oi Borrower sha�l ,, ���� <br /> not operate to release the�Iabillly oi the aiginel Bonower or Bortower's successors in Interast. �_ender shall not be required to commence ' f';'� <br /> proceedings againet any successor In Interest or refuse to actsnd time tor payment or otherwise modHy amortization oq the sums secured by � � a ' <br /> i thie Securily Instrument by reason of any demend made by the origlnai Borrower or Barrower's successors in interest.My forbea►ance by � <br /> Lender in exerdsing any�Ight or remedy ahai►not be a waNer of or predude the exerclse of any right or remedy. �� <br /> 12. Successors and Asstgns Bound; Joint end Several Liebility; Co-signers. The covenants and agreemems of ; _�;- <br /> � this Securtly InsWment shal► bind and beneflt the auccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provistons of paragraph ��" <br /> 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shali 6e Joint end several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security InstNment but daes rtot <br /> ", execute the Note: (a)Is co•signing this Security Inslrument onty to moRgage, grant,and convey thet 8ortower's interest in the Property urtder , , <br /> � the tertns ot this Security Instrument;(b)is not personaliy obligated to pay the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument:and(c�agr�es that . "' ' <br /> Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, mody. forbear or make any accommodations with regard ta tertns of ihis Security �.� t;i ' <br /> � <br /> � � �' Instcument or the Note wlthout thet 8orrower's consent. � ' <br /> �� 13. L08D ChetgAB. It the ba� secured by this Seeurity Instrument +s sub;ect ta a law wh�ch sets maximum loen charges,and that <br /> � . law is flnaly Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in cannectton with the Ioan exceed the <br /> • perrnitted Iimks, then; (e) any such loar. charges shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permftted limft;and ' <br /> • (b) any sums atready collected from Bortower which exeeeded permitted limits w:il be re(unded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make ! <br /> this refund by redudng the principal owed �nder the Note or by making e direct payment to 8orrower. If a refund reduces principal, the � <br /> reducUon wfll be treated as a partiat pre�ayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. � <br /> 14. Notices. My notice to 8o�ower provided for h thfs Securily Instrument sheil be given by delivering ft or by maiting it by first , <br /> " ciass rtiall untess applicsble law reqa�res use of snother method. The notice shall be directed to the Properry Address or any other address <br /> Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to lender shall be given by first ciass mai to Lender's address stated herein or any <br /> other address Lender designates by notice to 8orrower. My notice provided for in thfs Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been <br /> ghren to Borrower or Lertder when given as provided in thls paragraph. <br /> ! i8. Governing; Severability. This Secunty Instrument shall be govemed by federai law end the law of the jurisdiclion in <br /> � which the Property is located. In the event that any provBion or clause o(this Security instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law. - <br /> � suCh Conflict shall not affect other prorisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which csn be given eftect without the conncting <br /> provision. To this end the provisfons of this Securiry Instrument end the Note are declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shaN be given one conformed copy ot the Note a�d of this Security Instrument. <br /> � 17.Transfer of the Property or a Beneficlal tnterest tn Borrower. If aII or any part o}the Property or any interest In <br /> R Is sold or transterted (or if a beneticlal interest In Bonower is sold or trensferred and Bortower Is not a natural person)without lender's <br /> prior wrltten consent, Lender may, at Its optfon. require immediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument. However. <br /> thls optlon shall not be exerclsed by Lender H exercise is prohlbited by federat law as of the date ot thls Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exerGses this optfon,Lender shell give Borrower notice ot acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 <br /> days from the date the notice Is delivered ar malled withln which the Borrower must pay aII sums secured by thls Securily Instrument. I1 ._ <br /> 8orcower taifs to pay these sums prlor to the explration ol this pe�od. lender may Invoke eny remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument <br /> S ��;.'� without further notice or demand on 0orrower. <br /> ' 7�' <br /> ,�� <br /> . , � �' - <br /> ,,,'� � Page 3 0l 5 Fcrm 3078 y/90 • — <br /> - i F!Oi9.LM0 S31941 � . <br /> .'� .'` . 1 ,�\'`,I �� � _ <br /> �` <br /> I t 78105-t-10 � " <br /> � �� � ��. <br /> . . . <br /> . <br /> ' ..� . � I ---= - . . . <br />