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'*a'�LIM �'tlaW�--wM.H.�MM�•N-;.e..�rwW9M� ' _ __ ��_ <br /> .. , • is.� �!'AY(SKf,'88�tat.' ., �. . .. .. _ _ .�'_-�...� <br /> � c ' � . • �: ._�--- - <br /> �� . : �. � . . ' • .�,ti�4+ ,i�pl;l�(�! - ,t_.- <br /> �x � - � - - _-_ <br /> ' '" not to excnd the med�num tunonnt a landsr 4or�federtAy retated moR9age to�n mty requke tor B9ttowe�e �arow acaount under 1h� <br /> ,.. , taderaf Re��Estate BeUlement Proesdures Aat ot 1874 ae anended trom tlme to tlmo,1E U.S.O.2801 ei eeq.('REBPA'),unia�e anotheo kw ___—_______________ <br /> ,.�� that appllea to�ho Funda eeta a lao8er emounS. tf ao, Lendar m.9y, at eny tlmv,aolicat and hold Funda!n tn amount rto1 3o excee2f the ����:._____.____. <br /> tosser 4rnaunR Lertder may e�itmate tha amou�t at tunda due on the beal� of current data and reaoontbte esllmatea ot expandituros o? <br /> �.�r„ `, _---- <br /> tutare Esaxow Iteme or oiheiwiae In accordenca with epplloable taw. !�- _ <br /> The Funds aha0 be hetd In an Inalitution whoso deposlte are Insured by e tederrJ agenay,Instrumematity,or enttty(ine!ud(ng Lend�r, It U'� ;' _ <br /> � 'w��tt^w4::--_ <br /> Lander Is eucb an inatitutlon) or in eny Federnt Mome Loan Benk Lendor ehail epply the Funds to pay the Heerow Items. Lender msy not ��;_u;_:__----_ <br /> • eharge Berrower for holding and apply(ng the Funds,annualty analyitnp tha escrow account,ar veAtytng the Eeaow Itams,untess Lender °:��_��,�;,;, <br /> :,.�:--. <br /> -. ° �� pays 8orrower iMerest on tho funds and appl!cabta lew per�niis Lende►lo melce such o clwrgo, Oiov�cvcr, Lcndcr rnay rcqulro Borrow�r to .. � .. —'_�'- <br /> , o. �� .,,�;--��-� <br /> pay a o��tMna oharge for an Independent�eal eatate�t repoNng sonica used by Lender In connection vrflh thls�oan,unless applleabte Inw - ���-- <br /> rC ..,.,;:...r.r.�r.1.__,-_, <br /> �.;� : <br /> "' providas otherwtse. Uniess an agreemer►t ia made ar app!loa6ia taw ►equlreo Ntereat to ba patd, Lender shsU not be �equtred to pey ��� - •:--'��4.. <br /> - ` %. � Borrower eny Intetest or eamfnga an the Funds.Bos�orrer end Lender may agree in wdting,however,that tnterest ahail be patd on the Fanda. __ _ �_.•.x�;�,rv_.— <br /> lender she�gfve to Bomawer.without oherga,an annua!accounUng of the Funds,ahowing aredits end debRs to the Funds and the purpose . .. _ <br /> � for wNch eaah debft W the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged ea addidonot secuHly tor uN sums secured by thfs Secudty Instrumen� � � . .• �'"� <br /> If the funds heid by Lendm exeeed the amoante permitted to be hefd by applirable la�v, Lcnder ehdl neeount to Borrower tor the �� • <br /> •• exceas Funda tn acco►dance with the requiremeMs of appllcable taw. If the emount of the Funds heid by Lender at any drne is nat sufftderrt � <br /> to pay the Escrow kems when due, Lender may ao noUiy Borro�r¢r In writing,and, in such caso Bo�rower enap pay to Leadec the amount '� �: <br /> eeecess�.y to make up the deflciency. 8ortower shali make up tho deftcEeacy t�►no mace 4P�an 4we5r� meu►trtry paymcnts,at londer's eote , , . _ � <br /> � � cfis��e. � � , <br /> �;; � Uper►paymer�Y [n tvL o4 aU sums s¢c�ucr! b�p thEs Sx�u►ity lnstrument, Lender shell promptfy teMe�d 40�@iroHrer ar�yr Gunds beld Dy .� . , <br /> E.endcr. Cf,ueed�r g�aor<.gA 21, L¢nifer S�ta7 aCquEPO Cr se3 the �tCg�iy. Lendar,Prier 4m tho acQcc[siVoea or st+!o of the ReoDa�Ry.9P�af3 aPP�' ' :;./'.".,� <br /> ` {_� � ����;Y,,r- . <br /> � mnb F�icDs ho4d by deadar at 4ta r,'.^�a�`r acqubtCon or se!:ns a cse�"t aQairtst the sums secueed�g this Saruril� nstrument. : , . .� ,,�<<�f?r� <br /> '• �� � p� 9..�ppliCati�,i� @���y�at�te�s. Uniess appGpbte taw �:aci�es othen�cise,a0 p�aym�ats cacat�b�r Leredxr under para�raphs 1 snd t �I ;�;�:t��� <br /> ,:.,:��,t:.,. , � .;�•. . <br /> • !`'�'� , 2 shel 6e aop1iod: tirst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; serond, 4o aveiaunts payable undar paragraph 2; third to inte�est ��'�',��;'�:,;�:j',,�;�=';;:,'_� <br /> � . � ' due;laurtfi,to pdncipal due;and Iast,to any late charges du6 under the Note. .: "�� � ���` ' `� <br /> , '�;;�`��-.;1, " � `�� 0 4. Cfiarges; U6918. Bortower shap pay all texea, asseasmenta, charges, flnes and impoaitbns a4tdbutabte to the P�roperty whlah ,,�:',. ,iss4,,,�;,.�� ,._ <br /> ...• �. � <t:,;,':;..:..:�:.4�:;;;i�i,���i.;i� <br /> �t,� , ,;: �) '� may atlatn priority over thls Security Inatrument, and leasehold payments or ground renis.if any. Borrower ahalt pay these obllgallons In the . .. ��>�,,.,,,,F.�ti,;,,; <br /> a,,tt, ;'��'�1..:;i�+';�,y;. ,�1.,.,�.!.,:. <br /> „ � manner �rovided in paragraph 2, or ii not paid in that manner, Borrower shatl pay them on time directty to the person owed payment. • , :,;,,,;:;._ <br /> ,.�..�.i"�4�}..h1._�_t <br /> Bortower shatt promptly iumiah to Lender ali notices ot amounts to be paid under tt�b paragraph. It Borrower makes these payments : . •�,,,._ <br /> :���.• dkecNy. Barower ahaY promptty fumish to Lender receipts evldencing the payments. �� 1�.�:.� <br /> . :v.� .^r <br /> � �,,:`. ` � Borrower ahail promptly dlacherge any Ben which has pdority over this Securrityy Instrument uniese Borrawer. (a) agrees in wdGng to the ._��e; <br /> paymen4 of the obiigadon secured by the Ilen In a manner acaeptable to Lender,(b)conteste In good failh the Ilen by, or defends agelnst � <br /> enforeerrtent of the ilen fn,.legat proceedfngs whiah tn the Lende�'s opinion operate io preveni ihe ent«usmemi ot ihe iian;or(c}s�cures fross: - ,: -�;�`�_:'���' _- <br /> ' ,• � <br /> the holder of the lien an agreement saUsfactoty to Lender subordinaUng the�len to this Security Instrument, it Lender determines that any • ,,, . !' <br /> part d the Property ia subJect to a Ilen whlch may attain prlority over thls 3ecurity instrument,Lender mey gNe BoROwer a noUee identlying `�: ' � <br /> the uen. BoROwer shall saUaty the 8en or take one ar more of the actions set torth above wfthin 10 days of the gMng of notice. , �� : <br /> B. HeLB►d or P►Operty ln8urence. Bortower ahail keep the improvementa now exiating or hereafter ereeted on the Properry � � <br /> insured against�oso by �re, hezards included within the tertn 'oxtendod eoverege' end any other hezaMa, tncluding Ooods or tlooding,tor ' <br /> which Lendar requirea insureneo. Thia inaumnce ehaY be malntalned In the amounts and tor the perlods that Lender requiros. The insurance ��� <br /> , .��� <br /> cartler providing the insurance shall be chosen by BoROwer subJect to Lender's approvei which ahatl not be unreasonabry withheld. If i � <br /> i 8ortower 1aUs to malntaln coverage desc!Ibed above, Lender may, at Lender's optlon.obteln coverage to protect Lender's rights in the <br /> � Property in accordance with paragraph 7. �F' <br /> ' AM inaurance polides and renewais sheli be acceptable to Lender and ahalt include a standard mortgage clause. Lender shaA have the ;,.j���'1. <br /> �ight lo hoid the poAeies and renewais. If Lender requfres. Borrower shaQ prompty gNe to Lende�al receiple of paid premiums end renewal =�% <br /> �� <br /> notkes. In the event of loss.Borrower shatl gNe prompt noUce to the insurance cartier end Lender. Lender may make proot of loss H not °�`� <br /> made promptiy by Bortower. � , <br /> � •;':,:. <br /> Untess Lender and BoROwer otherwise agree In w�ting, insurence proceeds shali be appiied to restaetion or repak of the Properry • . ' " <br /> dameged. B the restoration or repair is economlcaly feasib�e and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or repair is not � • ' ' , �'�':` , <br /> economica0y teasible or Lender's security wouid be lessened,the insu�ance proceeds shau be applied to the sums secured by this Security � � ;��;^i,: <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due, with eny excess paid to 8ortower. It BoROwer abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 � <br /> �. days a �odce from Lender that the insurance cerrier has oHered to senle a claim. then Lender may coliect ihe insurance proceeds. Lender <br /> ; may use the proceeds to repalr or restore ihe Property or to pay sums secured by this Securily Instrurnent,wheiher or not then due. The <br /> � 30-day perlod wGi begin wlien the noUce is given. <br /> . � Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree fn writing,any application at proceeds to principal sheN not exlend or postpone the due <br /> date ot the monthiy payments referted to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payrnents. it under paragraph 21 the Praperty <br /> is acqutred by lender. 8ortower's right to any insurance polides and proceeds �esufling hom damage to the Property prior to the acquisition <br /> sha�pass to Lmder to the extent ot the sums secured by this Security Instrumeat immed�ateiy prior to the acquisiUon. <br /> 8. Occupancy� Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> Appltcatio�; Leaseholds.Bortower shall occupy. establish, and use the Property as Borcower's principai residence within sixty days <br /> i after the exBCUUon of this Security Instrument end shail continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principai residence tor at least o�e <br /> year efter the date of occupancy.unless Le�der otherwfse agrees in writing. which conse�t shati not be unreasonebly withheld. or unless <br /> i extenuating circumstances exist whlch are beyond Borrower's control. BoROwer shaN not desUOy,damage or impair the Property. allow the � <br /> Praperty to deteriorate. w commft waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in detauN ii any tateiture action o�proceeding,whether civU or ► <br /> cr(mNa�, Is begun thet in Lender's good fafth judgment could result m torfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impalr the lien created � <br /> by this Security Instrument or Lender's securfty Interest. Borrower may cure such a detauit and rehstate, as provided in paregraph 18, by <br /> � causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thet, in Lender's good fellh determination, precludes torteilure of the <br /> I Bortowers interest h the Property or other materiai Impairment of the lien created by cMs Secu�iry Insirument or Le�der's securiry Interest. <br /> { Borcower shall aiso be in defautt R Borrower, during the Ioan applicatfon process,gave rnetetleNy false or Inaccurate infortnation or statements <br /> I to Lender(or falled to provide Lender wNh any material Information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. Including. but not <br /> RmRed to,representations conceming Bortower's oacupancy ot the Property as a principa� residence. I; ihis Securiry Instrument is on a <br /> ;�� I leasehold,Bortower shali comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires tee title to ihe Property. the Ieasehoid and the <br /> ; fee 1Ne shali not merge unlesa the Lender agrees to tne merger m writmg <br /> .+i � <br /> 1�• <br /> �� . � 1 '� ?o�: Fcrm 302E 9.SC <br /> I - �' <br /> ` Ft029.LMG(3/9a� <br /> • ��� . <br /> • ,� /•���.�� �i/��..�� <br /> v <br />.._1 I t18tO5�t-t8 ' � - <br /> ' -- - -- - -- — --- <br />