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<br /> �'
<br /> �� . 18. Borrm+v�r's Rlat�to Reln�tOt�. It Bartower maate certain conditlone, Bor►ower ehail have the dght to hsre entorceme�ll
<br /> �• . dteeonttnued at any tlme pdor to the na�:er or (a)B d[syn (or euah othor period aa applicablo lev�mny epadty tor re!natntemmt)botore nala ��,:�„��,a._�.-„-_.
<br /> of tha Properiy purauant to any po�vcr of sa�o contatncd In thls Sacurtty Inatrument; or (b) entry of a Judgment entorctnp thts Soourl!!y � - _s�__
<br /> �''�"�" lnsWmnnt.fiose aandlttonR aro that Bo�ower. a pnye Lend�r eQ oums whlah then wouid be due under thie&ecudty Inatnment end thn ��r , .
<br /> '...._ �� 4..—_ ' — 4 S�T'� _—_ '
<br /> � NMe ao it no naeoleratlon had oaouROd; (b) curea any defauft of any other covennnt or egroamenta; (o) payo a tl expeneos Iflourr�d f n .,.� ..�;.;�:___-
<br /> ' entoralnp thla Beaudty I�etnrment, inctuding, but not lMited to, reasonabla attomoys' feea; and (d� takes such aaUon as l�nder may . • • . �;�;r�},°-
<br /> reneonabty require to asaure that tho tlen af thle i4ocudry Instrummt, Lendor's dghta in the Properiy and 8ortowe�'s obltgaUon to pay the , _ ,
<br /> suma saaured by this Securfty InoUument ahali aonUnuo unchanged. Upon retnstatament by Borrower, thie 8ecurlty Inatrument and the , , ' .�`�'""%+1�`r'�-:
<br /> '�"_--
<br /> ',���,
<br /> obAgaUons securod her�by ehetl rematn luly efi�cihie aa ii ao accctcmtlon had occurred. kowwer, thia rlpht to relnetate ahtli not eppty In � _ - -,
<br /> the oaeo ot accoi�ration under paragraph 17. _
<br /> 19. 5810 O� NOta; Change of Loan Sorvicer• The Note or a partt�il interest in the Note (togethet wRh this Secudty .
<br /> tnaUumentj r�wy be soid one or mors Umes without pria notice to SoROwcr. A sata may rosuft M a ohanga In ihe entriy(known as the �' .: —�— �• ,
<br /> " •Loan 3stvicer•)that ootieats monthy peym�ts duo under the Note and this Securtty Instrument. There rillso may be one or morm ahengea '
<br /> of the Loan Senricer unreisted to a sale of the Noto. ff th�ere Is a cRange ot 4ho koau► SeNfcer,Bo�rower wtll tre&ven wrftten nottcv ot 1ho . ,
<br /> ehango in sccordsnce whh paraarsPh 14 ubove r�rtd apP'-cable[aw. The notice wfU state the namo artd�ddress ot 4L�e Row 4oan S�vtcer ',.,_: .. •
<br /> artd 4�te�dd�ss ta wh:ch�aym�Rs sPrnutd bo mac�e. Yhe noflro wCl�lso confain any othcr fnfam�aJion requtrnd bY aP�s'-`ca,bPo taw. .�•.,..,.:,,. �
<br /> ��. ��rt��oba$qpQ�'tp�COEs. Soiror+er shai not cause or pertnit the presence, use. �spose�, storage. or reteaso oP eny ?:;,ci'�•�;,,;'�h1'�;r';r'0;:�::si_:�:�':
<br /> }�n5';:�:.
<br /> Ff�aus�r.bs�artces on pr tn t�e Property. Borrowe�shaq not do. nor aiiow anyone else ta do, anything eftecting the Piroperiy that is in ,;�,Si•,!s;i:;;::4�.�°ri�`�;ly".�::�.•'•'.':,,
<br /> • ..����':'.;1j;;..°:a:. .s ,.�.. ,_
<br /> � vtotatlon of any Ernironmental law. The preceding two aentences ahell not appty to the presence, use, or storage on the Property ot ema�� .,. y',:;,. r.
<br /> � • ' � � quantitlea of Hezanious Subatancea that are generaly recognized to be approprlate to normal residenUai uaes and to maintenance of the ; �v; ,,,•:::�
<br /> ';�r. �;`;,,. . ..
<br /> •,•.,:�
<br /> Property. �,�`������:.
<br /> ..,,ti ���"��: .
<br /> . � Bortower shail prompty gNe Lender written notlae of any tnvestlgeUon, ciaim, demand,Iawauit or other aation by eny govemmenlai or s_ ..•
<br /> .'�"t,"`•��'.�i and en Hezardous Subatence or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual ��� '"�•..
<br /> � regulatory agency or pdvate party invoivhg the Propetty Y
<br /> ��'�'� "' vemmentet or regulatory autborHy, that eny remove� or other remediaUon of eny , �' "`
<br /> � knowledge. Ii Bortower�eama, or is notttied by any g� � „
<br /> � M Hamrdaus Substance aflecting the Property is neceasary. Bortower shail promptly take all necessary remedlal actbns In accordance with „ � ,
<br /> Envlronmentat Law. �'• `
<br /> i As used In this parag►aph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances dafined as toxio or hazardous substencea by � •�..+ .
<br /> � Environmental Law and the tonowing substances: gasaW�e, keroaene, other flemmable or to�do peVoleum producta, toxlo pestiddes and ;�„'c�;:
<br /> � herbicides, volaUie eoNente, mate�lais contatning aebeatos or formaidehyde. and radioactive materiais. As used in thia paragraph 20, .� ,.
<br /> •Environmental Law' means tederet lewa and lawe d the Jurisdiatlon where the Property Is tocated that reiete to health, aetely or ' , ��
<br /> envlronmental proteotlon. 7� �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. 8ortower and Lenderfudher covenant and agreo as toliowa: __p���� -
<br /> 31. Aecala:silan; �9!!!@��BL+= L.�nder Bh811 phl9 ItOtIC6 !O 8orrower prior to aeoeleretlon foflowing
<br /> Borrower's b�eaob oi any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prio�to acceter�tion , �- - ��. y
<br /> under parag�aph 17 u�less appliaable law provldea otherwise). Th� notice shalt specNy: (a) the defaul� . � `
<br /> (b) the action �equired to cure the detaul� (c) a date, �ot less than 30 daya trom the date the notice is , '�;�• �
<br /> given to Borrower, by which the default must !�e aured; and (d) that fallure 4o cure the default on or � �;•� •
<br /> }•�� �" f
<br /> before the date specffted in the notice rnay result in acceleratlon of the sums secured by thla Security ,
<br /> Inst�ument and sale of the Property. The notice shali further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after ,;..�' .
<br /> aca�teration and the righ4 to bring a coud aation to assert the non-�scistence of a defauft or any other y�.
<br /> det�nse of Borrower to acc�teration and se1e. If the defauft is not auv�d on or before the data specHied -� �
<br /> in the notice. Lender at i4s option may require immedtate payment in full of all sums aecur�d by this j ��
<br /> 8ecurtty Instrument without further demand and may invoko the power of sale and any other remedies � .;,,Y
<br /> permitted by applicable iaw. Lender shatl be entitled tm coftect att expenses incurred in pursuing the .'::;.,�v���
<br /> remedies provided in this paragraph 21, inaluding, but not lfmited to. reasonable attorneys'frees and costs •:, ,,.,,,.�'
<br /> � ot title evidence. +1 , 'y��•,�
<br /> , �• i: i.,:� •s,
<br /> ' H the power of sale is invoked, Trustea shatl reco�d a notice of defautt i� each county 3o which any t � '' " . . ;��Z;f;,•? :
<br /> pa�t of the Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in !he manner pr�scribed by appticable � ,;�!:•: ��::'
<br /> taw to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicab�e �aw. After the time requlred by �' ��.'���,�:���
<br /> app8oab�e law, Trustee shail give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by ' , . ; �' '
<br /> appltcable iaw. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, sha11 setl the Property at public auctton to the i -
<br /> highest bidder at the time and place and under the te�ms desig�ated in the notice of sate i� one or more I �,_°�..', .
<br /> parcels and in any order Trustee determtnes. Trustee may postpone sate of all or any parcei of the �:. .
<br /> Property by pubiic announcement at the time and piace of any previously scheduied saie. Lender or its �.,�
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any saie. �' '
<br /> Upon recetpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shatl deliver to the purchaser TPUatee's deed
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitats in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facte evidence of the trnth of
<br /> the atatements made therein. T�ustee shail apply the proceeds of the sate in the foltowing order: (a) to all
<br /> cos4s and expenses of exercising the power of sate, and the sale, inctuding the payment of the Trustee's
<br /> fees actuaity incurred, noi to exceed 3 3'0 of the principal amount of the note at the time of the
<br /> declaration of defautt, and r�asonmble attorney's fees as permitted by taw; (b) to atl sums secured by this
<br /> ; Security inst�ument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legaily entitled to it.
<br /> 22. Reeonveyanee. Upon payment of all sums secured by th�s Security Instrument. Lender shail request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> PropeAy and shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and al notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee
<br /> j shail reconvey the Property wAhout wartanty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shail
<br /> i
<br /> pay any recordation costs.
<br /> I23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at fts option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appofnt a successa trustee to any
<br /> _ � �_�.....��_ G.. �.. �..��.....,....� .e.....ao.l in Iha r.rwntv fn wfiich thiR Securitv Instrument is recorded. Wdhout convevance of
<br /> �- -"' ----'-'- -
<br /> naa�w aprv�nat.. �w�o..��..o. ..� ..�.......�.............__"_'--' . . -
<br /> � the Property,successor trustee shatl succeed to all the titie.power and dutfes conferted upon Trustee herefn and by applicable law. ,
<br /> � 24. Request for Notices. Borrower requesis thet copies of the notices of default and saie be sent to BoROwer's address which ;
<br /> is the Property Address. �
<br /> 25. Riders to this SeCUrity InBtrument. It one or more riders are executed by Borrower end recorded together with this
<br /> i
<br /> I Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be tncorporated into and shell amend and supplement the
<br /> covenants and agreements of this Secudty Instrument as if ihe ride�(s)were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> Fdgc 4 cf 5 F:.,�.:c�e�sc
<br /> F7029.LM�(3/94)
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