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<br /> :..T,�:�r';.�;. °.- • .• Barraw�r m�y�vvrn suah � dN�wR ��d nhet�te� aa P�idM In peraqr�p�18;h������ion ae pracaidlnQ to Isa
<br /> `=�''!_'�'��J . dl�Msa.d wtth��uAnp t�L In i.�nd�ts�d Istth detertNn�ttan�PreducNa forf'+kua W the�artowK's htrrnel in th�ProReAy ar .
<br /> .� ':i•••: �;r " 02hM m!►LMIOI ifl�lliP111M1t Ol th��M1 oreatOd by th{s 80ou►In1 IDtUItq►Mll oi LNIdN"�t�Oti�My M�fNl. BOtlOWN' thtN �ItB ti0(0
<br /> ,�.��w.�.�,.�D. . a.e�w eoROwe�,durk�n tM lan eppllo�tlaa Rroeass�O�ro metetiRYY Ws�or inaacu�xt�IntomMitott et stat�ttt�Qe to ta�t�dat(c�r ,
<br /> � ° teiled ta pravtdo Lenda wfiAA �nr nxteiW Inlormriion) in eannentlon wltr the lom Mdenc�l by th� Not�,Mtt�uudiny,�ut na!
<br /> ., .�° Wnitad to. npreaentatlons conarmktq 8orrower'a oacupancy ot th� Rop�rty an • ptkic�t ra{d�nw. H tNb Bsaurfry -
<br /> �.--�— ineirurit�nt f� an a i�settatd. Barra:vcr shaN�sSy r.ilh e!! tho p�!ans of!ha�as. !!@atra�t�ei�uY� le3 i�l.� to tM - -
<br /> � � �� Raparry.the Ieaeehold�nd th�tee Utio ahaM not merpe untess Lenda ayroes to tha m�ngar tn wrltinp.
<br /> , " 7. Probatian ot 6�ond�r's Rtphte tn tho P►op�Ry.1f BoTrov�er hN� to p�tom+tAs coven�nt� �nd a¢�nonu
<br /> conM�nc�ht thfa i4r.curtty tnetrument, or tbero la e leaf proceedL�g that mny stgnMotntf�►tikWWo4 tandet'o rlphte in the PtopaRy =-
<br /> ' ' (aucA aa a pmceeding h baniauptcy,pmbate,tar condemnatton or fodeituro or to entoreo kws or reguletiont),tHen Lenda nwy `�
<br /> do and psy tor whatav�ta r�aceasary to pmtoct tho vaMoe oi the Properly�nd LendePe dghte h the PtopeAy. Lende�'e aeUon9 --_.
<br /> " msy indude paying eny euma aawred by e Nen which hne prtority over thta 8eeudry lnatrumarit, appe�r(np M aourt, p�yln0 ___-
<br /> reasonaWe attomeys'teeu+nd ente�►g on the PropaAy W mulce repshs. Nthough Lende�mey uke aatlon under thl� pvagraph _
<br /> 7.t.ender does eat have to do so. �'�t::
<br /> My nmou�is dis�ursod by Lendar under pnragmph 7 ahali become addtttonN debt of Bortower secured by thia 8eenrily
<br /> Insllument Ih��s 6onawer and Len�Jer aflree to olher terms ot pnyment, theao amounts shaA bau intereat trom the date ot
<br /> d2s�urs�,�4 m4 4frto�toCO rt►to end eha0 be payable.with IrY�exs�.u�pan noHoe trem L¢nc�ro I�ecrv�r�eque�in9 WY�� �,:.'.
<br /> f�. Il�d�rr8� A��tnv8w'�tb�. ii Lender�equfred moa6',�aga GP►suxu,��o ma a c�d�'�n c4 i.nat�ireg� Rtto!wn s�curod by this
<br /> � S2aufiy t�i�a[maeceA.t�orrower shafl pay the�:a�ntvicers 'ccd Lo�i�43�o c�a"�ag�ic�svt�au:o is►2tte�8.LF,tor any rosson.the
<br /> 0
<br /> , er.aPt�t�a irnsv.eateco eoverege required by Lae�er I�s2s aa c�asas to @m tn et',�.'f, 0ertowtr shat�SRQ�o�rt4�tma requlrad to `
<br /> o�el� e�r�go substenttB�H�/ equNalent to tRo mc�(nsutanCe prorE�^,J.y tn eHect. at n cost sstlID�ste�etf�'T/¢�'�uJ'�sE to the s<�.
<br /> cust !o BorroYrer of the mortgaga insurance prevEousS�/� �tteet, from an attemate mortgage insu� u�pgcorc�f Q/ Ilcr�r. Pf �•
<br /> �c�sres�!!y e�uhaient mortgage insuranoe cove+aga fs eQ4 araileble.Berrower ahe8 pay to Lender eacts anm�s,tn �ssrr.►e�quai to ``•�
<br /> m,ae�t�e;�°6h et the yearly mortgage insulanee premi�m Cn�ae��ald by Borrowsr whEn the insurar�co�a�aa ee�sed to
<br /> ba fi e21'mc9- t�e+ider wID aecept, use and retaU�these�aaltmrmts as a losa resene In Yeu ot mortga�t��ce. Loas resdve
<br /> paymEnts aby cro langer be nquEred,at the eptlen ot dc��2r.ft mortgage Insurance ooverage(tn Uua mrma�mi and tor the pedod
<br /> that Lender requires) proNde�by en tnsurer epproved t� t.rmder agah� becomes availab!e end is a�f�ed. Bonower shoU pay
<br /> `:;,;....• the premlums required to m��GZtn mortgage insuraftce ic� .c-Ti�t,or to provide a toss reserva, untU the requirement for mortgage
<br /> ,�.�;;��'.`�. . Insurence ends in eccordaaeere r��1+any wriiten agr�m.�RMZ�nreen Bortower and Lendr�ar�gpllcabla law. . {
<br /> ��.�';;'�';,�� " � 9. It18p9CtlOn.Lender or i��yani ma�r raake rc3aso•aable entries upon and tnsgc�c4tctas of the Properry, Lender shail ghre
<br /> • BoROwer noUca at the time of or pdor L'o sR�ecdon specftyfng reasonabie cause for the InspecQon.
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The pros:eo=ts o7 any award or daim tor dameges, direct or consequentlai,in connecdon witf� arry
<br /> condemnation or other teWng of eny part of the Properiy, or tor conveyance in Ileu of eondemnaUon, are here5y assigned end .
<br /> sha0 be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the event ot a totat teking of the Property, the proceeds shaq be applled to the sums secured by thfs Security
<br /> ' Instrument,whether or not then due,with ar�y excess psid to BoROwer. In the event of a partiat taWng of the Property in whl�h
<br /> the falr mnrket value of the Properiy immedletety before the taking is equat to or great�than the amount af the aums sewcrea ,
<br /> by this 3eairity insWment immadiatety betoro the taldng, uniess Borrawp* and Lender othetwise agree in wriHng, the sutn� ,„�
<br /> ' secured by this Security inswment shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multlQ�ed by the foilowing iractl�o: (a�the :.�.•� .
<br /> ,;�.',�•��. toml amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking,dHided by (b)the telr merlcet vsilue ot the Property immedtatdy
<br /> , �;; .' , �1 before the taMng.My balanae ahall he paid to Bortower.In the event ot a paRial taking of tha Prapeny in whiah tha tair meiket
<br /> vatue of the Propetty immediatdy betore the taMng is Iess than the amount of the suma secu►ed immediatety betore the taldng.
<br /> ',� uniess 8orrower and Lender otherwtse agree in w�ttng o� un�ess appticeble Iaw otherwlae provides, the proceeds ehaD be
<br /> eppUed to the aums secured by this Seauity 1nsUUment whether or oot the sums ere then due.
<br /> K the Ptoperly is ebandoned by Borrower, or if,after notice by Ler�der to Botrower that the condemnor oflers to make an
<br /> awerd or setde a dakn for damages. Bonower taiis to respond to Lender wRhin 30 days after the date the nodce is gNen, ,
<br /> Lendet is authotized to coliect and appy the proceeds,at fts option, elthet to restotatlon or repair ot the Property or to the .
<br /> suma secured by this 3ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unieas Lender and Borrower othervvfse agree in writing, any appGcaUon of proceeds to ptinGpal shalt not extend ot
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthiy payments reTerred to In paragrephs t and 2 or change the amount of such paymea�te.
<br /> � 11. 8orrower Not �ieleased; Forbearenae By Lender Not a Waiver.Extens�on ot the time Ior payment or
<br /> modficatlon of amordzaUon of the sums secured by this 3ecurily Instrument granted by Lender to any sucoessor in Interest of
<br /> ' � 8ortower aheU not operate to retease the �inbllity of the odginel Bortower or Borrower's successors in interest lender shaA not ;�':;l
<br /> ' �� ' be required to commence proceedNigs against any successor in interest or retuse to e�dend Ume for payment or otherwise ` .
<br /> modily amortlzaUon of the sums secured by thls Security instrument by reason of any demend made by the o�Sginal 8orrower or ^�r"
<br /> Bortovrer's successors in interest. Any torbearance by Lender in exerdsing any �ight or remedy ahatl not be a waMer of or � ��.
<br /> predude the exerGse of any dght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joi�t and Several Uabifity; Co-signers. The oovenents and
<br /> agreemenis ot this Securily Instrument shati bind and beneflt the successors and asslgns of 4ender and Bortower,subJed to the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 77. Borrower s covenants and agreements shali be joint and severai. My BoROwer who co-slgns this
<br /> Security Instrument but does eot execute the Note: (a)is co-signtng this Security insuument anly to modgage, grant and convey
<br /> that Borcower's interest in the Property under the tertns ot this Security Instrument: (b) is not petsonaly ablfgated to pay the
<br /> sums secured by this Securiry instrument: and (c) agrees that lender and any other Bortower may agree to extend, mod�(y,
<br /> torbear or make any accommodatlons with regard to the terms of this Securily inatrument or the Note without lhat Borrowers
<br /> j consent.
<br /> 13. 1A81t Chefge8. If the loan secured by this Secwity Instrument Is subject to a law which sets maxlrtwm loan
<br /> cherges.and rJ�at Iaw is finatly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to me coVected in connedfon
<br /> � with the lo�.� �.�veed the permilted limits. �;�a�: (a)any such loan charge sheli be reduced by the amount necessary to teduee :
<br /> tfie charge to the permEtted limit: anQ (b) any sums a'r�dy ceileetec! from Borrower which exceeded peimftted li,r.'s wiU Be
<br /> ••eiunded to Botrower. �c�crdza�may choase to makQ th;s re`.::�i by reduang the prinapai owed undcv lhe Note er I�.,� _^�aking a
<br /> ?�rect peyment to BaROwer- ft a refund reduces pnnopa.�. Cne reduciion wili be treated as e partfal pr¢paymeM �a.:��:�t eny
<br /> �orepaymertt G�arge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Ik��18E��8.My noUce to Borra�ac-r provided tor in this Secwty Instrument shall be given b�+ �d[uping it or by ma�Tmg�2
<br /> by first ctass mail unless app6cabie law requires use of another metl�od The notice sha11 be direc7cd bo the Properiy Address
<br /> or any other address BoROwer designates by �otice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be given by fetst class mail to
<br /> Lender s address stated I+c�rn.m or any other address Lender designates by noUce to Borrower. My notiee proweecl tor�n tn�s
<br /> Security instrument shali Lt� deemed to have been gnen to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> l�s. G�v@fQ1if0� Leciv; S6vei8bilily. This Securtty InsWment shall be govemed by federal law and the !aw of tAe
<br /> lurisdicfion in which the PropeAy is tocated. In the event that any pro,��son or dause ot this Securdy InsLUmeit or the Note
<br /> � confi�ds+vdh a¢plieaBte law, sueh tonftiCt shall not aHect other provis�ons of this Setutity InsWma�t or u1e Note whith tan he
<br /> �ven eifect withuut the confticGng prov�sion. To this er+d the provisions of tlns Sewnty Instrument and lh�11ote arn dec,lared to
<br /> � Bct sevc�able
<br /> 1�. I$BetYG�v�@Y'S��y. Bortower shatl De gnen one conrortnQa co�y of t7�e Ro1e und o+U�is Seu,rty Instn�ment.
<br /> i � i �
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