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<br /> � • 17. T�an�Twr of the Pr�perty or � 8m�flalal Ir�t�r4�t�il�5�rowe�. tt ar any puc ot the Fropeny or � -- -- �'��
<br /> �.,:��
<br /> • any lntereat in ft is soic� or tranete►red(or tt�beneAatal intete�t tn Borrower fs sold or tmnateRed and 8orrower b not t n�tual '-'`-_
<br /> � , ° peraon)wlthout Lender'e pdor writtert consanR Lender mny,at Its a�llon,requiro Immedleta psyment tn NI of eq euma aeaured by :;r�.,',.�,;^-.-;"_-
<br /> . this 8emirtiy Instruma►� Howere�.thts opUon ehaU not be exaalaad by Lender it�cerctse is prohibried by tedaal kw ae ot the .,•',:, ,.,, W.F,,�,.._:�-
<br /> . �� date of thla 8aourity Instrumont
<br /> � � �t LmQer e�xe�aleea thia epuen,LendRr aholl glve Borrower notioa of aaoetonUon. The noUoe ehaN provide a palod ot not
<br /> ..
<br /> � leas than 30 days hom the dnto the noUce ls de�Ncsred or mnUod wtthln which Bortcwe►must pay a!1 surr.a secured by thls
<br /> ,� 9aourtty Inatrument B Barower tallo t�o pay theae aums pdor to the expirstlon of this pertod, Lender may irnoke ar�y�nedlas
<br /> permftted by thia Saeurlty InsWment wtlhout(urthe�noUca or demend on Bortow+x.
<br /> 18. Borrow0r's Right to �iolnstaic+. tt Borrow�me�ts cettah►condidons, Boaower shall heve the dght W httvo
<br /> ento�ment of thia 3ecurity Inatrumant dlacontlnued at any Ume pdor to the en�ter ot (a) 8 dnyts (or euch other petlod ae
<br /> . uppllcnble taw mey spody for reinetatement)batoro eate of the Properly pu�uant to any powar of sale contalned in thle Sts�urity '
<br /> �nstrumont;or(b) entry ot a judgment enfotaing thia 8aeudy�nstrumen�Those condfUons ate thut 8omiwer: (a)pays Lender aU •
<br /> • aums which then would be due under this 3eairity instrument rtnd the Note na It no acceleraUon had occureed; (b) cures eny
<br /> deteuB of any other eovenant or agreements; (o) paysi ali expenses incurred In entordng this 3ecurtty�nsWmont, including, but
<br /> �ot Umked to,reasonabte ottomeys'tees:and(�takes such acUon as Lende�may rasoneb�r requlre to usaure that the llt�04
<br /> thts Soeutiry loatrum�t, l�der's dghte in the Prop�ty and Borrower's obpgaUon to pay the euma secured by thEs Seaitlry
<br /> � t�atrtiitteot shatl conUnue unchanged. Upon refnstatement t�y Bocrower, thts Security Instrument and the oElh�on, aeaire� ,
<br /> hpr�Dy sRe�p renmic►4�ty ef(ecWe as It no acceteraflon haa o�cvnred. However, tt�Ls dght to refnstate ah�it neY cigpty f�4P�o caso • .;;r
<br /> ot e,ccuesedbon urtder paregrepA 17.
<br /> ��. ��i0 Q�ff U04�Oi ���10 � �� �O�A��de.T`�s Note or a t�P� intetest fn the [�tofe �tmgether wfth thts �
<br /> Se<xcctty Instr�m2rr�►nap C�se'A oeo or cnnre t,'Fncs rril�eout�:sar nottce to 8orrower.A:.m'�e amy a�esutt in a el�nge In thQ entiqr ;
<br /> (hrtcwn as the'Laan S�rtcc�")4Peat coi:�c.s ma�rhty Rayments due under the Note and this Sac�.�r Instrument Th�e atso rnay ''�'
<br /> be one or rrtore w�Rart�s;s o4 tRe Cvan SzrNas untetated to e sele ot the Note. If there is a chenga of the Loan 32�uGcer. •::;�:"�
<br /> Botrower wBl @o r,�ir� wtilten noUce af the ehange In accordence with paragreph 14 above and appAcable tew. The oottce wCi �, ' s • •�.;
<br /> state tho memrv serui eddreas of the new Loan Setvicer and the address to whloh payments should be made. The notice wiA also +k'' �
<br /> coet�fn er►y o2R� Uifom�atlon It. .. ," ^;•..
<br /> re4uhed bY aPP6cabie law. ' �"`��
<br /> �m. I�YaxBfdouB Sub8t8t1C98. Borrower shall not cause or pemik the presence, use,dlsposai.atorage,or�eies�s0 04 '��;�,,��:
<br /> +�.•..,;s
<br /> any Hamrdous 3ubstences on or in the Property. Borrower shatl not do, nor aAow anyone elao to do,anylhing aftectlng the ,_ ".,o
<br /> Property that is in vlotatlan ot any Environmentai law. The preceding two santences sha8 not appy to the presence,use,or � ,.�
<br /> storage on the Pmperty of smail quant(tles ot Flazerdous Subatances that are generaNy re�wSnked to be appropriate to norma! ;� �'•, .
<br /> residentfel uses and to meh►tenence of the PropeAy. •:;•�;
<br /> Borrower shaU promplly ghre Lender w�itten noUce oi any InvestlgaUon, deim, demand, lawsuR ot other actton by eny � ''t�J�;.
<br /> . govemmentei or reguiatory agency or pdvate perty invohring the PropeAy end any Hezardous Suhstence ot Envirot►menffiI Law of •ti--
<br /> which 8orrower has aatue� knowledge. it Borrower leams. or is notHied by any govemmentel or regulatory authorfly, that arry °�:.?';�'�
<br /> removai or other remedletion of any Herardous Substence aftectlng Property ia necessery, Borrower ahatl prompUy teke aU -�* AW
<br /> necsssary remedlal acttona in axordance wrih Environmentet Lsw. , ,'
<br /> As used tn thfs paiagreph 2a,'Hazardaus Subatanc�s' are those substences deftned as toxic or haiardoua substanoes by � ���-
<br /> Environmentel Lew and the foliowing substences: gasotine, kerosene, other flammable or twdc petroteum produaTs, toxie . �;,.,���
<br /> pesUddes and herbiddes,volatlle sotvents, materiafs conteintng asbestos or Mrmetdehyde,and radioactive matetiel8. As ueed in � �;Y�?;��'=
<br /> � peragraph 20. 'EnvUa►mental law'means federai lews and lews of the jurisdtctlon where the Propetry ts looeted that relate to " y, �-_—
<br /> ' heaith,safely or envlronmentai protedion. ' --
<br /> ' NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ��
<br /> � ..;:.
<br /> , 21. Accete�ation; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Bor�ower prior to ACCBIB���BD ' •�rf•:t�+�
<br /> � foilowing Borrower's breaah o! any covenant or agreemer�t tn this S��uv�ty InatrumeM (b�et m�4 °�:�,i;��___•
<br /> I prtor to aacei�ration under paragreph 17 unless ap�liaable taw provides otherwise). Tho notice , ' . '� �_-
<br /> shail specNy: Qa) she defauR; (b) the actton required to cure the defaui� (c) a date� not tess than ��
<br /> 30 days borro the date the notice ts given to Borrower, by whicb the detauit must ba aured; and °�%�
<br /> (d) tha4 failuae to cure t0�e defauk on or beforo the date speaffied ire the eotice may resu�@ iro
<br /> accele�ation of the sums seaured by this Securit� Instrument and eale of the Property.The tn�4Dce .
<br /> shali fuRhe► antorm Bor�ower of the right to reinstate after aaceleration and the NBht to bring a �
<br /> court action to assert the non-exist�nce of a defautt or any other defense �9 Borrower to ,
<br /> acceleration ahd sale. tf the detautt is not cured on or before the date speaffie� in the notice. • .' -
<br /> Lsnder at its option may requlre immediate payment In tull of ali sums secured by th(s Sscurity ��.,�:�:;;,`-::1
<br /> instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any o4her remedies ' .:,�,;;,;. '3`
<br /> permitted by applicable lew. Lender shatl be entitled to collect all expenses tncurred in pursuirtg � �
<br /> the remedies provided in this paragraph 21. including. but not limited to. reasme�abte attomeys' „
<br /> fees and coa�s ot tkle evidence. -
<br /> If the poawer of sale is invoked, Trustee shall �ecord a notice of default in each couMy in �
<br /> whaxh any part of the Property is located and shall mait copies of s�nch �otice in the m:�eer
<br /> p��scribed bg� applicabie taw to Borrowre� and to the ott�er persons prescribed by applicabte taw. � .
<br /> � After the tauroca vequired by ap�iecaaCuPm Ba�nr, Trustee s�aCG � psubiic �otice af sat0 4o the persons `
<br /> and in the tan�rtne�er prescrlbedl ��a���!l�u;able laar. Tro��ie�.mc-ii:I��eet demand on BorQ�wer, shall setl
<br /> � Q�e P�opxevAy+ a2 public� r�aott6me 4�Qea� i�oghese faS�E��v a't tt�:� C4�� ano�1 �lace and under the terms
<br /> �osignatred i� tlse mm�Ftir.� aMf sale in one ar mremze �aa7s�7s a�sE ia� arrys �valer Trustee determobon�s.
<br /> 4rastee m�a� �osH���n� �a!� a�P aQi er any pav�8 mf tVe� �r��.e�/ 4t� p��31ic announcemeea4 att 4gt�
<br /> 46Qne and �Ua�� �f a�oy� p�reviowsC��y $�P�eduled sale. l.�ucd�a ar i� d�stgr�eo �y purchase S�se
<br /> Property at aa�y sa0e.
<br /> Upon receipt aE ,��,meew4 m�it 80r� price bid, Trustee sF�atl eCeo�r�v �0 4➢�rr� ��u�ltaser TPecsBos's
<br /> t�c'� cot1C►�yfia�g R�° �°m�p, �?Qj/. �QC� p�;itats in the T�uStOe's qeetc sQe2ttc �e ��itr[�o�eia evc�"s7x��
<br /> 4W� 3vac�Pn a4 tt�,'�o ��it�ac�4s rwar�°o ttv?rein. Trustee shall appty the pvac��ds a� 4Pc� saCo [n t�
<br /> falCaw6vcg� cr.v�d:av: (a) to atl ca�s ai2� expenses of exercising the power mf saiQ, and t0�� sat@.
<br /> inctud6rcg ift� payenent of the Tn�sYoo's fees actualty incuRed, �ot to exceec0 4tu��
<br /> I % of the principai amount of the
<br /> � note at the time ot the declaration of defautt. and reasonabte attomey's fees as permitted by law:
<br /> ! (b) to al! surtns secured 6y this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons
<br /> � legally eMitied to �.
<br /> � ,
<br /> i
<br /> �'3t6 U.'G iti.93 c�: d •5
<br /> � • � t
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> as,•;
<br />