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9�4� �.���.� <br /> cpndern.r�atinn ur ot;�cr taJ�ing of any part of the Propery,or fcr conveyance i�t lie.a r..f cor�demnatioi�,are hereby Tssigned und <br /> shall hc paid to L ender. , <br /> In the event af a total r,rD:ing of t}:e Property, the proceeds shall ts� ap�iicd to the sums s°cured by this Security <br /> Instrument, w}�ethcr or nat theti due, with any excess pai�:� to 13orrower. I�� the event of a�artial taking af the Property in <br /> which the fs.xir market valuc of tiie Pmperty i��imediatcly bef�rr;the taking i�ec�ual ta nr�reater ihan the am�unt of the sums <br /> secured by thi, Security instn�,ment immediately before the ta;cing, unless F3orrower and L.ender othecwise a�ree in writing. <br /> [hc sums scr,ured by this Security Instrument �ii�zll be reduced by the arn�unt of t�ie proc:ecds multi�:�'ied by tha following <br /> fr.iction: (a)the totaI amoant of ih�sums seCUr�:d immediately betose che t�4ir�g,divided'oy(b)the fai�•m�rket value of the <br /> Propeny immediat�i,y before the �.akin�. Any �alancc shail t��e paid to Bonower, in tl�e event vf a partial ta}cing of the <br /> Properry i� which the. fair rriarket value of the Proper�y irnm�s:iately befvrL the iaking is less than chz amount of the sums <br /> secv;�d immediatety before the tal�:ing, unless Bc�rrower and C.ender ott�etwise agree in writing ar unl�ss applicabte law <br /> ottiicnvise provides,the proc:e�s sha;l be app!ied ro the cums secured by this Security Inst�l+ment vvhether or nat the sams are <br /> �en due. <br /> If che Property is abandaned by 'Borrower,or if, after notice by Lender to Rorrczwer tttat the candemr,ar oft'ers to make <br /> an award or settle a claim fur d�mages,Borrower fails ta respand t4 Genc��:r within 30 dr:r�,�s a5ter thz dnte the notice is given, <br /> �,endcr is authorized to collect nnd �pply the pracceds, r�t ias o�tion, ecthr,r to restotation ar repair of the Froperty or to the <br /> sums sccure�l by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not tnen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Bonbv�er vtherwise agree in writing, any appliration of proceeds to.principal shall not extend or <br /> post�one;he due date of►he mor.rhly p�aVcnenes refer�ed to in paragraphs 1 �u�d 2 vr chang�the srnount of such pa,y�mencs. <br /> 11. Barrower Flot �ele�aeti; �orL�earantti By I..e�de�' Nut a V4alver. Extertsion af che time for �aymen[ or <br /> mc*dification a:amortization of i�c surns sr�ar�cl by t�iG ,°,ecurity Instntmen+i grftnted by I.ender to anv successnr in ir.terest <br /> o;Sor,ower shall not a�rate to *elease the Nabilicy of the rniginal Borrower ar Borruwer� successors in interest. Lendcr <br /> sha:i not be requ�red to �c�mmence proceeciin+;s against any su:�essor in in[erest or refuse to extend tirne for payment or <br /> oiherw:se mpdify amortization of the sum�sec ured by this 5ecuritv�nstr.�rnent by r�a�on of any demand made by the originai <br /> $orrv�:ver nr F3orrower', succe�son isi ir:crest. Any f�rbear�►nce b.� I.,endar in exercising�uiy right or remedy shall nns be a <br /> waiver of ar pr�clude t!:e exercise of any right or remedy. ' <br /> 12. Succes.<.ort:�nd Assigns Bou��d�Jnint anti Several [.iahilil��;Co-siRners. Thc cnvenants and agrcemcnts of thiti <br /> Securi'y Instrumcnt shall hind and hene�t thc sue�essors and assign�o"Lend�r anc; F3arruwer, suhject to the pravision� of <br /> ��nragr�ph (?. Bnrro�✓er's covrnants and a�reemcncs Sh�l1 hc jc�i►tt ��nd -evrral. Any Rormw�ei wha cn-signs Ihis Sccurity <br /> Instrument but does not execute tL•�Note: (a) is co-si�nin�;ihi5 Security ]�..trumcne nnly to mnrtgagc,gr:►nt and c�>nvey th�t <br /> BorrawAr's inter�st i��the ProJ>erty under:he terms or thiti Security instrume:it; (b)is not per��mnlly c,hligated to�::y She sums <br /> secu.rcd by this Security Instrumcnr and(c)agrees that i�ender and any oth.r Borrower may agrec to extend,mcxlify,forb�ar <br /> or rn�+Ke any ac�:o�r��nr�daiions wiin regard ia inc ierms oi inis Securiiy Iflti(RlTI1Ct1[ ui ii►z vvic :+-itiiaut i�wc ,hv�'::ur; <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Loan �CharKes. if thc loan S�;cured i�y this Securiry i��tr+��-�ent i�. ;�hject to h law whirh sets m�ximurn loan <br /> charges,-�nd d�at]aw is finally intcrpreecd�a thac the interest c�r c:;c.--_��F cnar�;ei collectecf nr to!�e collected in connection <br /> w�th the lazn excPed the perniitled liinits,th:.n: (al any such Inar�ch.ugc shall t�reduted by the a��zount neces5ary to reduce <br /> tF�e charg�.,to thc perm;tted limit; and (b)aRy rums already c�llected from Bc�rmwer which exceede;i rermittcci limits will he <br /> rcfunJed±�►�orrowcr. ►.encler may chc�nse ro makc�his ref�ncl by redurin�thc princinal owrd under thc Nc�te ur by m;�king h <br /> clirect payment to Liorr:�w�r. If a refund reduces �rincipal,the reduction wifi be ts�tateci a� �►partial prepayment without any <br /> pre.paymr.rt chwr�a��n�ier the Notc. <br /> Iq. N�''ice:. P,ny notice ro Borrower provide.i fa� in this Security [nstrume:tt �.",all be given hy dclivering it ar �,�y <br /> mailing it t 'irst,�11ss mail unley5�pplicanie taw requires use nf ano[her tnethad.�re natice shatl be directe;.i to the Pro(�er:y <br /> A�<�n�,s or .•.ny oeh�,-r address Borrower desi�nates by n��tice to Lender. Any' n�ticc to Lender shall be �iven by Crst clu��s <br /> ns�.ii►o L.c r,der's add�ess stateti herein or any ocher address!.ender designates by notite to Bormwer. Any noFice�rovided ;'ur <br /> in :his Security lnstrc�mczt shal) bc deemed to have been given to Borrower or [.ender when giv�en as provided in tl:is <br /> parag�ph. <br /> 15_ �nvernin� Law; 5everability. This 5ec�rity lnstru:nent Shal! be gnvcrned hy fede*ai Inw a��d thc law oi t�ie <br /> jurisdirtion in which the �=m�>erty �s 1o�-ated. Tn thr.event t'tat any nr�visiom or clause of this$ecurity Ir.stniment or the Note <br /> confli;:ts with applical�le Iw�v, such ronflict shall nvt affect other pro��isions of this 5ccuriiy[nstrument ar th�Note which rh;� <br /> be givcn effect wi�h�ut the conflicti��g provision. Tv this e�d the pr:�visions of this Security Instrument and ihe Note ar�: <br /> dcr_l:`�Ci�ID bC SCV(.T�hIC. <br /> lb. I3orrnw�r's Copy. B��rrowcr shall br.given on�confonncd copy c�f the Note anct�;this Securiry fn�trument. <br /> 17. 'I'ransf'er P.P the�'ropc�ty or z�r3ene�cial Ynterest in L3urrower. If all vr any part of thc I'roperty or any int�retit in <br /> it is sold or trznsferred (c�r if a L�^neficial intcrest in Bormwer is sold or transfcrred and Borrower is not p n�tural person± <br /> without Lcndcr's priar written consent,Len�er may, at its option, requirc immediate}�ayment in full of all sums Scc�lred hy <br /> this Sccurity Instavment. How'ever,Shis option shall not be exercised by Lender if cxereise is nc�cihibited 6y federal law as of <br /> the Giate of thi.5 Security lnstrument. <br /> If Lendcr exe:rcises this opt;an,Is�nder shali give $orrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall providc a pericxl��' <br /> not less than 30 days fmm the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower rnttst pay nll sums s�CUr�ed by 1l��s <br /> t�ecurity Instrument. If' Borrower fails t�� �ay thesc sums praor to the expiration of this period, Lendcr mny invokc any <br /> ri:�nedies pc.rmitted by this Security(nstnament withvut further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 1$, 13orrnwer's Ri�hk fv Reinstate. If �arr�wer eneets certain conditions, dvrrower shall have the right to h.�ve <br /> en:orcement oF this Security Instrument discorit�nucd mt any time prior t��the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other pe:iod us <br /> Single Family--Fannk ATasJFYeddk Mac UNIFC1�tM 1iV,S'f'RUMENT�-Uniform Covenants 3�'90 (paR<4 ufb paR�a) <br /> , ' . • <br />