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�4- 1���35 . <br /> periods 8�a[Lzr,�:.r rec;uires. 7't�e insurance carric�ptoviding ihe ia�surance sh.�'..• !��c+�.:scu by Borrower subjeet to Lender's <br /> approval which shall not be ur,reasonably withheld. Tf Bnrrvwer�'ails ta nraint�;r,ti nti•^�a�e�iescribtd above,1,ender may,at <br /> L.end�r'ti vption,c>btain coveragc c�pmtect Lcnder's ri�hts in the Prvperty in accnrdanrr with}.�ar�graph 7. <br /> All infiui�ncc pnlicics and r�^newals shAli be acceptahlP in 1�RC�^r�r.d sh�l! ine.l�.�de e stan.'fud mortgage ciau;e. 1..encler <br /> ghall huvc�hc right to hold tha policics and renewals. if I..endcr requires;Barrc�w�^r shall promptiy�ive to Lende�all rcceinks <br /> of paid premiums and �-enewal notices. ln the event of loss, L�ormwer shult ���e prompt notice ta the insurance c�arrier and <br /> Lender. Lender may make proaf p,f loss if nat made prorrtpsly by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower ntnerwise agrce in writing, insurance prc�ceed� shall be a}�plicd to restoration or rcp�ir of <br /> ihe Pro�rty damaged, if t�ie restoration or repair is economic�tly feasia3e a;s:� �.ender's �ecurity is nat le�.sened, lf thc <br /> restor�tion or repair is nnt cconomicalty fe:si�le or I ender's security would l� l�sened, the ins�rance procecds shalt be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Securliy Tns:rttment, whether cc not IhPn due, with any excess paid to Borrawer. If <br /> $orrower a'aandans the Proper�.y, or dces npi ans�v�- wiihin 3v daya a notiec from Lender that Ihr :ns�rence carrier has <br /> offered to settle�claim, then Lec:der may collecf thc in�urattce procee�s. L.ender may usP the pmcceds to repair or restor� <br /> the Property oc to pay sums�;:ured by this Security instrument,whether or no:then due. 'I'h�3t3-day Feric+d wi�l begin when <br /> th�notice is giver.. <br /> Unless Lrnc"�r :►nd �iorrnw�r��therwise a�ree in writing, any a�plicatican nf procerds ta principal shall nnt �xtend or <br /> pastpone the due date of the monchly payments referreci to in jxaragrap?is 1 ar,d 2 or change the amount a(the paymr�its. If <br /> und�r pxragraph 21 the F�r�perty� is a�yuired by L,ender, Boirower's right ca any insur.m�e.�oticies and proreeds resultin� <br /> from uamage to tA�e iProperty pr'or to the acquisition s�all pass to Lender to the ex+'nt a.f tt�sums s�curea h,y this Security <br /> Instrume;�t immeeiiaiely prior to tt=.e acquisition. <br /> �. i:ccupancy, !'res�rvatioR, I�Iaintenance a�d• Yrotertian oP th� Property; �urrower's Loan Appl[ration; <br /> Lea.�haids. gorrower shall occvgy,�stablish,and use the�roperty as I3orrower's princi�+al;esidence within sixty days after <br /> the esecution of this 5ecurity ?nstrument a�nd shall �ontinue io occupy the r`'roperty as $orrower's pri�tci��' residence `^r a[ <br /> least onP year afiar th� dace of occupancy, unlcss Lender oth�nvise a�re�s in wricing, which c4nscnt shall not be <br /> unreasor�ab!y withheid,or unless extenuating circumskances ezist �which are ��eyond Borrqwer�s controi. Borrower shat! not <br /> siescroy, damage or imp�ir the Pro=rerty,a.l�ow r�e ProFerty to deceriarace,or cnmmit wa.ste on the Prr.,ger!y. Borrower sha(t <br /> be in default if ar.y forfeit.�re action or prc�ceeding, whether civii or criminal, is t�gun shar in Lenrer's gned fa:th;uu�,ment <br /> could result in forFeitur� oti the I'raperty or otherv�ice matcrialiy impair the, lien created by iftis Securixy lrrirument or <br /> Ler.der's security:nterest. Bprro�•er may cure suclt a defauft and reinstate,as prnvided in para?ra�h 1 S,by cavsing ltic act�on <br /> or prc;ceedin�IO}]C CI1�I11155ed Wit� �s naling that, in Lcndcr's good faith determir,ation,preCludes forfeiture of thc E:«rrower's <br /> intc�se in the �roperty or n?hcr material impairment of the iicn created by thi� Security Instniment or Lencfer's s�.cir �ry <br /> intcrest. Borrower sha]! also be in c;�fault lf BUiT6WEP, during the lo:tn applic�tlir,n proccss,,�1ve m:►terially fr�lsc �r <br /> inacc�uate infonn�tion or statements to Le��de�(or failed to provicie Lender w�th any niaterial inform�tin�t)in conneCtion svit":� � <br /> the Inan cviclenccd by the Notc, �ncluding, but not lirniter? to, repre�cnr�tions concerning Bnrmwer's occupanta� c�F the <br /> Pro�rty as a�rincipal residence. If this Secaritw I►zstrument is on a leasehold, Barrawer shall comply witlt all th�:�7r�;vi����n� <br /> oF the lease. If i3c�rrower acquires fee title co the PraperEy,the leasehotd and th^fee tillc s��ali nn'.rnern,c:ur.!��s:� 1 ��r.•..ier,:�r�•� <br /> to the mfrr��er in writing. <br /> 7. i'rotecti�n nf I,ender's li's�hts ia� !he Prop;rty. If '�orrowcr fails tc3 �xri'c�r,�� r'ne coven.a���, �nd anr.. .,.•r�:., <br /> contained in this Sccuritv Instrurnent, or there 'ss <� ie�ai p�oceedin� that r�ay significantly nfg?CI I..endr�r's rights ir, t;ir, <br /> Property�(such as, oroceedin� in bankruptcy,p*obate,for cat�dcmnation or fnrfeitur�or tc�enforce laws nr rcgul•�It6�15}, Lh�.� <br /> Len�cr may do a� � pay for whatevcr is necetisary to prntect the value of the Prt�perty and Lencler's right� in the E'm�eRu.. <br /> Lender'a actions may includ^, paying �ny' surn� secured 6y a lien w3iich F�as priority nver this Security Instrumr.nt, ��pearinr <br /> in court, j�aying reasnnablc attorneys'tccs and cnterin�; on ehe lprnperty to make repairs. Althaugh l.,ender niay take :+ction <br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender does nat have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disburscd by Ler.der under this paragraph 7 shali became ndditional deht of Bor.mwer sccurcci hy this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument, tJnle�s Borrowcr and Le�dcr agree to other terttts of payment,lhese amount�chall hear intcrest fmm the <br /> datc of disbarsemert at the I�ate rdte and shal! be payable, with interest, �spon notice frori Lender to Eorrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> S. �ort�aKe Insur�n�e, if Lender required mortgaGe insurance as a conditia�i of makin� ttie lonn securcd by thi�: <br /> Sec!�,-:'y .tnstrument. Borrower shall pay the prentiums rey�!'sred tn maintnin the mortga�e i��st:rancr, in effect. If, for any <br /> reason, the rnort�aEe insurancr. covcragc required by i.,ender I;�pses or ceases to be i{t eCfect. Bnrrower s��nll pay the <br /> premiun�s requircd to ��btain cvver��e suhst:�ntia,�y equivulent to the mortgage insurance �reviously in effcct, at ❑ cost <br /> substantially cquivalcnt �o thc cost tn Borrowc-�f�he martgage irsurance previou5ly in eCfect, fram :u; :i'c�rrnatc mortgage <br /> insurcr��pprovcd by Lendcr. ff substantia!!y eyuivalent mortgage insurancc cover,isc is nnt:►v�ilablc, (3�,nowcr sh:rll pay tc� <br /> L,ender each mc�nth a sum equal tp n��c-twelfth of the yearly mvrtgage insurance prcmium hein��paid by E�orrower when Ihe <br /> ir�surar;ce coverage I�psed ar cca�;:d to t�e in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these paymcnts a�a loss recerve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. f.n�s rescrve payments m�y no longcr 6e rcyuircd, nt the nption of Lcndcr, if annrtgsi�c insurnncc <br /> covera�c (in thc amount and ior ttte p�;riod that Lender rcyuires)provided by an insurer approVed by Lendcr�guin becnmes <br /> uv�ilable and is��btuinPd, i3orrower sh�ll r ay the premiums reyuired ro main¢ain martga�e insurnn�e in effe�.t,ar to pmuide a <br /> loss r�scrve,u!:iil the reGuirement for mortgc�gc insurance ends in accordancc with any writttn a�rcement tx±twee�,t gorrower <br /> anrj.Lr.ndc�:or aPplicable law. <br /> �. [nSpecYion_ Lender or it.� �gent may make masonable entries upon and ins�ctions nf the Prnperty. Lender shall <br /> g���e B;�rrowee notice�t the timc of c�r prior to un inspection specifying reasonable ca�se for the ins�:ction. <br /> 10. [:ondemna2ion. Thc procceds of 7ny award pr cluim for damages,direct or, in conn_:ction with nny <br /> Sin�le family--Fann(r�fadFYeddie Mnc S1NIF'bRM INSfRUM!�M'1'--Unifnrm C��v�nanrc 9/40 (,na,er.i r�j6�rn;prs) <br /> r-mu ln,h.��IWetuexn ldtmi4 Inc.� � <br /> h i?TM.i�r f,��M:1�5.2W1:f97 C7 YAX B167B1•�131 <br /> � <br />