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94��-� �.o��� <br /> �pplic�ble law may �pcc�fy for reinstatement) before saie of the Pbperty pur�aa�jt to any }?ow�r of;alr� Containeci it� this <br /> 5ecurity Ins;rument;or(b) entry of a judgrzent enfor�ing t}�is Sec�nty instru,r.���`. ii►vse�vnditinns arc ti�►ac&�rrawer. (a) <br /> ' pays I.ender all sums µhich then Wou1d � due under this Se�uriey Instn:^}�=r.? �'•r.d the Nnte :ts if no acceitration had <br /> pccurred;(b)cures any default oF any other covcnants or a�rGe¢nenCS:(c)pays oli ex�x:r�es incurred;s�cnforcing this Secu�ity <br /> Ir�strument, including, but not limited to, r�.asonaE.�iC �t��rnC+��S' fees; attd (d) cakes such action as L.ender may reasonably <br /> rcquirc to axsurc that the lien af this�ecurit}�In°trument,i.end:°r's rights+n chc F�opetty and$orrowtr's ablig;�tion to pa7'the <br /> sums secured by lhis Security Instrument shall continun ur►ehanged. Upon rcin�tatemtnt. by Borrower, this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument and the u�ligations r.ecUrr.d herehy staaIl remain full?�effer.tiv�: as if ne acceleratian had occurred. �iowe�'er,this <br /> right to reinstate sha;l no[�,pply in the case vf nrcelerr.tion under p�agr.tph 17. ., � <br /> 19. Smip of Nu7e; Chan�e of Loen Serviccr. 'The Nnte o�' a partiad intcn:sl in the Note (togeLher wich ct:is Security <br /> Instrum�nt) may bc 5old otie ot more times �Hithoui priar notice to $arrnwpr. r�, sale may cesul[ in a c��tr:ge it� the entity <br /> (knn�m as the"Loa.�5ervicer")that collects r.nanth:y payu�ents duE �nder�F:e N�te and this Seewity'Instru�nPnt There also <br /> may be one or more changes af the Loan Ser��icer m�related t�a sal^of the Note. If there is u cha,7ge of the Loarr Servieec, <br /> Borrower will be given written nntice af the change in accordance w•ith paz�tgraph 14.�bove:�nd applicable law. The nnt;ce <br /> will sc�zte the name and address of the ner��Loa.n Servicer�nd the addnss to which payrrrents should be made. The nvtice will <br /> also cone�n any otncr inforniation r�yuired by„�p�ficab,e law. <br /> 2U. Hau�rdou.5 Substances. E3nrrower shall nc�t cause Qr permit�hc prescn�e,use,dis�os::l,storage,0((t�CSS�of any <br /> Fiazardocis Substanccs on oc in the F'raperty. Borrowe.� shall not do, ��or allow anyqne else to do, anything affectr�g thc ' <br /> Pra��y[hat is in violatiou of any En�ironrz�ental Law. 'l"Fe preceaiin�trv�sentences shalt not apply to Ehe presence,���e,or <br /> storage on th�r:cperry of smal]quantities oi F-t 3zardous that a��genera!ly recogniz�d to be approG�w��ta r:omx�l <br /> residE;ntial uses and:o maintenance of ti`�e Prnperty. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender wri.ten notice a:�:►ny investigatic�t�,cl�im,demand,lawsuit or othe; ac•`.ion 6) any <br /> govexnmental vr reguiatory agency or private part,y involvin�! the Properiy ��nd any i�az.�rdous Substance or L:nvi!'ol�rnenGhl <br /> Law of which Borrower has actua] knowledg.e. If Barrowc:r leams, or is notif;ecl by any govemmental or ref;ulatory <br /> authority, tha: any removai or other remedia(iori of any �ia�ardous Substanc� affecting ehe k'co;�erty is nec:�ssary, B.�,r�wcr <br /> shal�promptly take all ne�essary remedia]actions i7 accordance with Environrm:ntal L3w. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substarces"are tSose sabstances d�f�ed as toxic or har;�rdous sutsta�ce�hy <br /> Envimnmental Law and the following suh,tances: ga,>ulin2, kcrosene, o+her (lammabtc or tozic pvtru-eum pr�duce;, toxic <br /> pesticidcs and herbicidr,s, volatile solvents, rnat��rials containin� ist�estos or fonn�ldettyc',r., and r.:dioactive materi�'s. As <br /> used in thi�paragraph 20, "Environmental Law^means federal laws and laws of thc jurisdiccion whece the Property is Ic�cated <br /> that reiate to h�alth,safety or environn�entai protcction. <br /> NDN-UNIFORM COVEIVAN'1"S. Borrower and L��nder fu�ther^over.ant and a��rre as follnws: <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remed'ses. l.ender s�all give notice to f3arrow�.r prior fo accelerntion foitnr�in� Borrnwer's <br /> breacf, o[any covenant cr agreement in ti�.is Securitt� In.stsument (but rot prior to b�ccrlrratian �nd�r parg�raph 17 <br /> unless ap��lirable Paw pravides otherwise). '�`'he nafice shall specify: (al che ctefAUlt;(b�the�ction rcquirc�l to cure the <br /> . i--- �__• yn �__....r...._ •►... .A..s.. ii.i: a9...� :S "iYi.. �,. �..�..���. � {�.. ..,�i.^.�; :.�:L'C�.w:n�lt ».�e�1.M <br /> UCiiflsll� �lJ 'rs uaic� tfva��a i1�uu .iv uaya ua�ic� L.\�G um.�c e.v�.��. (� �d v ��s"�J ^� • � <br /> cured;and(d)that 1a.ilure ta cuce the�efau�t un or bcfpre ttae date specf�e.d in the nu4la:may result In aec�leratlon af <br /> the sr��ns secured by this 5ecurity [nstrument b�nd sgle ad'the Prnperty. The not[ce sh��ll furthcr inform Borrower of <br /> thc right to reinstab::►fter accelersation and the right io dring n cou�t actior�t�Rssert the��on-�xlslence of a default or <br /> any nthpr defense o[�3arrower to acceleration�nd sale.. If the def�ult�s not c;�red on or bePnre the�ate speclfied!n <br /> ihe notice,l.ender at its�ption may require immeiiiate payment in iu9i vi ell suea;s secured by this Securiry InstruQnent <br /> without fiarther demand and may invpke the power o!'�alr and any athe� reahedie:s permitted by applitable law. <br /> L.ender sha111 be �zntltled tA coilect all expenses incurrecl In pur+uin�; thc remecl�es provided in thts puragrgph 2l, <br /> lnclu�ling,brat nud 1�mited t<r,reasonable attorneys'fee:�anv.�cc�ts o[tirle evidence. <br /> IC the p�wer nf s:ile is envoked,'I'rustee shall reco�d n nokice oC deFault in escta county �n whlch any part of the <br /> Pro�erty is lo,�'�ed and sh711 rs�ail copies of sa�ch nutice daa the manRer pr�cribed by applicable law to Borrower an�to <br /> the other pers��rrs prescribcd t�y appiicatnle law. At�er the t9zne rrquired b�•appiicabl�law.'TYastee shall �ive publir <br /> natice of sale tu the persons�ts�9 Yn the manner prescribed by npplb�abie lew. 'Ik�+istee,vrithnut dernand on EEorrc►wer, <br /> shall sell the Pro��erty at pvblic auctinn to Yh�highest hidder►�t the tiroe And piace gnd unde�r the teren�.5 desi�nated in <br /> khe notiee of s�ale i;�one or rnnre parrels and in any order"lYu�slee c9etermines. 'IYi�.qtPe may pastpone sale ot�!1 or any <br /> parcel �i'trie 'Prnpe�ty hy public arannuncement at fhe tlme and ptare ot's+ny previously scheduled sale. I.ender or iks <br /> desi�ice rn�y purch�>sc the['roR°.rty at any sale. <br /> [Jpon rzceipt ot payme�rt of the pric� bid, 'l�cistee shall dcliver to the purchuser 7Yu�tee's deed conveyin� the <br /> Property. The recitnls in ihe'�ustee's deed shall be prima far�e evidcnce of td�e lruth o�the statrmentg made therein. <br /> 1Yustee sha'�I apply the�>roceeds oi tne sale in the follawing order: ta)to all costq and expenses o[exercising the pawer <br /> . <br />