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�.,. <br /> _ ��� � . <br /> '1'dGE1'�R Vfll7'H all-the i�oqqx+ave��ts�w at h�eutt�r erxted on ttee pooputy,x�nd�l�.���, <br /> �d fixdues iaps�!a�l�ar a�.of t�c�apertg. ArP.rcplaoramdn�auA sc�rtinda�Jlao i�e c�vai+ad bq this�iaw�� <br /> �['�:a�t6e fanega�ing is rcEuirod roa in this Sc�c:u�ity Iois�napn�t�rhe"I'ta�aty." <br /> BORRQWE�CQVL�I+IANTS tlYat�ca is la�r;ully ae�sed af d�c esr�e ha+eby oonvcyed�ar1�as�e rl�;t�o�aa� - <br /> ' uad egntr,q the Prope,xtg and that ihe�ropeEt�rus�en�be++ed,.c�ce�t 6dr�'af xe�c1- �w�md <br /> ';� vrill defcnd�ai�Iy dre titk to thc Pmpatx ag��i�t ati claims�md deu�eds;s�'�a�e�mm6sanaes�iecari�. <br /> 7'FIlS S�GFII�IPY II�STRU1ti�1�Pl' ama6it� unifo�rt�� i`ot 1►arlioi�al.'pae �d na�-+mnfocfm �ovsma�s with <br /> Wdtbd vari�tiaps t►y jmiie�d�divn to caasdtutc m uniform seGw'ity�t co.�enin�g�e#1 p�peety <br /> L7NIPQRM COV�NAAITS. Bonraw�er�d I.eadcr arvea�t aopid:tgcc�as.folld�: <br /> 1: �'It�+m�t'o�'�ip�1 aad�ntn�t��!'meat ud L�e� Ba�ra+�er�hall Pro�dy P�'!'w1�a due d� <br /> piidd�ip�I vf sfid 3ntero�au dre d�e�ndeacod 6y 1l�c T+tate and�y p�naant�n+1 la�d�+�e m�s iha Natc. <br /> 3: ' �:t�r��d Insar�uaa�. �abject to�pp}ic�lc taw or�a wr�ie�aiaiver by t�Borrawtr�}!�y to <br /> ' L.endcar on il�e'daY�i�r.PaY�tS;are cWe;�rm�r d�c N+ste,'iuyW tbe Na�c ia prud'm fu�.a suar�C"�s°}for tY)Y�Y <br /> Wte�and asecs�eets�rhich;may atc�n prinnty uvet ltns Scctqnt�+Inslt�updr��s a lica oa the Rape+t[y;((►j]!�]�� <br /> Pa3"�nta ar gr�d irents on.fhe P,�+aperty, if any; (c) Y�!' � �P�P�3' � P'�u�: f� �1l� � <br /> �p�ioms.ii a�ry; (s}yearl�.mo:tgago insucan�e p�mi�aris,if a�, aind (f� aiay s�a p�yable b3'Bo�o�r+o <br /> f.�der,3n a�t�Ca witfi#he pi'avua�ts af p�ra�iph 8,m 1i�du oi thc prymeri��tif p�ortga�e i�pt�►;i�d• 7'6s�Bua <br /> itenic ate.caCled"F.i�+4vv Itemg." .L.e�'nnay,at anY time,cqikct snd ho1�Fm�in an amauht t�ot to e.r�do�d�t� <br /> �qount a teader far a ftde�ity relettd mnrt$age Ioan a�y�quice fc�r'Bart�wdr�e�tvw aeoouo�noder tlle fal�re(�rai <br /> F�ate Setx�:emaiE P[aoe�s Act af 19'74 as amended.fanm timc to time,12 U.S.G.��b(�t e�s�g!.("RL5P1e1").��ar <br /> law aha;applias q6 dye.�nds acts a 1ess�r�mt� If so,"L.eodrr may,i�t an�r timc,cdlect�t�d twtd,�in m:�mt ta <br /> ex+card the le#sesr�. Lcnder raay eatimatc t�ic amoa�nt'of �nds duc on R�e batis nf+aurenr da� aad raa�a�t . <br /> �inpau�ofexpendipt�of Euturc F.secow Iteans ar other�rrise in aoc�d�nce with.�k L�w: <br /> The �s�ll be�ld id an igstiwtiart wtro�dcp�sita ate it�red hy r� fedczal.�y, i��y,a�ea�etY <br /> (including Lea�t;it I.r�der is sus�ii aa 3n�tiluqoa�)or in any Fcderai Home Loan Hank. I�dar ab�t�y�!►c Antrda.d�C►�Y <br /> the Es�raw.Ift�. t�ndex may s�ot cl�atgc�rower for hoid'ing�d applying�e Nunds,an��sliY�Y�B�e escraw <br /> �caunt,rn verifyiug:the f?s�mw Item..g. uqless Lender pays ��vcr inte�t�on t1� Hmds and appticsbtc 1aw�ts <br /> I.ender to m�ka such a d►arge. Hovvevcr,Luader may trquirc Bcmow�er m pay�one-tixnc c#iargt for an�d�p�ent re�l <br /> estate tarc cr�cxtin8 s�cvite used by I.e�der in connecfion wit�#�is Man,unless applicable iaw provides o�Cwise. U�SSc�n <br /> agreement is�nade�applicabde law requires ihterest W bc paid,Lender shali rrot 4�e t�ryin:d to pAy Aorrower eny ir�cnc�t ar <br /> ea�nings on;ha 1�unds: Borrbwex and Lendea may agree in writing,�rowcvcr.thst inocrest shall!�p�l oo the Fun�. i�der <br /> sltal�giYe to 8or[ower,wiehnut chacge,an annual�c�wtting of ihe T`urxfs,showinp,credi�and dtbits to die Fv�and dae . <br /> purpraso for which raeh debiL ro the Fwads rvas made. Thc f�nds axe pteaged as ed�tiar�a!�dCmity far sit a�nr,s sccu�cci by <br /> �s Securiry Ins�t <br /> if ihe �nds held by L,endcr ex�d the amounts penttitltd to b� held b�r a(�piicablc law, I�cntler sh�xiO � W <br /> Borrowe�for the axcess Fundc in ac�ordance wit3y the�equ�nents of appticable law. !s�!hr�nne►�(r�tbie 6"vndS�d 6y <br /> C,euder at any time is not x�cient to pay the E.scraw Items wt�n due,Le��:m�ay so�otify 8ortaw�ar;n writing.a� <br /> such case Boriower sltall pay to I.endtr the smount ne�ar� tv muke up the dd"�c�cy. Bonpw�sA811 m�slce up tlae <br /> deficicncy in no mnrG thsn twclve monthly payments,at Lend�r�sole di�cxr,tian. <br /> Upon pay�rrent in firll of all sums secured by this Security lnsirumatt,I.,a�der sl�l!Pror�tlY rofund to Horrowar any <br /> f�nds l�eld by t,.et�d�. If,ander ParaB!-�ph 21;Lender shait acquire a�r s�tl the Ptapert�,l.�dcr,prior to t!rc arxiuiatian� <br /> sale of the Prapetty,shali a�ly any Funds t�ld by L.�nder at 1hC tim�af eCquixitiaa ol'Sab as�eredit aga�nst d�e aa�n,4 <br /> secw�ed by this 5xarity]nasdvment <br /> 3. AppHd�tion oi PMyments. CTniess apptirabk law pmvidcs od3ervvise. �11 paymen��aeivCd by i�aades <br /> P�S�s 1 and Z shatl he applied:first,to anY P�Y�t c�atges dae�r tPie N�te;sccond.ta a�ct�o�mis paJ►able�uader <br /> paragraph 2;thud,tq inOer�cst due;fnunh,to paincipal duc:a�nd Ia�t.m eny lete charges da�under d�e 1VoDe: <br /> 4, �; I.I�s. Brnrower sdall pay ali taxes, asseasmenrs, chargt�, fints �nd impmsidans atmriibuts6�u� the <br /> Prcipeny which may attiun priadty nvesr this Sccurity In.ccrumtnt,and IeasehvW paymeens or ground re�rtx,if�ny. Iitxrowu <br /> shall pay these obligations in the mannet provided in paYagraph 2,cx if not paid in that menna,Barraava'sh�11 pay th�a on . <br /> time dirxtly.ta the person owed paymcnt. Borrowes shatl promptly fiunishto I.ea�alI notices ot'amvun4s tD 6e p�id nad�a <br /> this pxragrapit. If Bottnwer mslces these paymenR&diFr,c�y,Batrower sttail pt+nmpNy fumish io[.e�dea raxipts evidmcin8 <br /> the payments_ <br /> Borrower shall p�nmptly dischazge any lien wpi�h I,as p'iority over this Security ins�ur�ent an#c.RS�wer.tA)agroes <br /> in writing to the paymcnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a mamfer acccpta�ie ta i.ender;(�)c�rnt�sts in gaad faidz d�e <br /> tlen by,or defends against enforc�ment of the lien in�14�a1 prc�ceed'ings w�eich in the Lenda's c►piaian o(�eta�4��pEevent tbe <br /> enforcez�nt af the lien;or(c)secures f'rarn�th:hoader oi the I�en an agreem�t satisfa�+o�ry to Len�der subardina6ng d�e['se�s <br /> to this Securlty Instrumen� If Lander detemtinrs that any pert of thc Prope�ty ia subjrct to a lia�which may adain priority <br /> ove�this Seswity InsW�ment,I.endcr may�►i�+e Barrower a aotice idenafying the�ice► 9arro�'�11 sadsfy the lien cx t�e <br /> one or mnre of the actians set forth above wkhin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. Ha�rd or Pcaperty ins�tranoe. Borrower shail keap ihe improvemarts now cxisting ar hereafler eraxed cx►d�e <br /> � F'c•operty insured against lass by�re,hazards included within d►c tcrm"ea�tended�c�vera$e"and any Whcr h�rds,inclnding <br /> tloads or flooding, for which Lender requires insurai�ce. This insurance sha11'be r�ai�ntain�! �n tFu�ama�na �d f�r d�e <br /> I�unr3lds !J!o �p.�r��''��;�e,) <br /> i <br /> � <br /> 4 , - <br />