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_ �. ' - _ ..m.-ivs.n.+�r�. _ .�„'}�:`�-... ..`------ . ,.�.��.-.-,-.. -�.... - . <br /> "i :�c�.7,q¢.r.{:.�.s�. <br /> - ._. ._, __-' ----.�_`_.___^_�� �. � �._�_�_._.._.__._ �_.__ .... <br /> ..�Yb ,,.y�• rr+` . <br /> . . � ,. .s�...i. . ... . . , - <br /> � . ; „ i:..,r��� ,.�.' . � ' .. . ,. <br /> ' i <br /> i , .:n, - --�---. _... <br /> - � ,w;;�:'".' . 7«P�ot�ction of L.�nd�►'s Ri�hb tn tt�Prop�rty. If 8ortnwK i�Ye to pertomn the coven�nie�nd�pre�mente sanqinad In <br /> ': •; ' .,,; tt�ta Sauuliy Instrument,or there Is a lepal praceedlnp lhat me��eipntRozntry aReet LendePa dghta In tho Propedy (ouch aa c proeeedinp In - <br /> •, bankruptcy,probeto,tor condemnadan ar faAeifure or to enfarce�awo or reputaUone),then LandEr may do end pay tor whetover is necoaa�ary <br /> to proteot the value of the Propaty and Lender'a�tghts In the Praperty, Lender'e aations may Inciuda paying iny euma secured by a Ilen <br /> �• %� � �^� �; � whloh pdortty over this Seaudly Inakument,�ppe�dnp in coun,paytnp�eieon�ble�ttomey'e feea end entedng on ths Propaty to rMko <br /> , „ y repeiro. Afthoupb Lendar rn�y ttke aatlon und�r this pRrapraph 7, Unde►doea not have to do eo. <br /> � ,���,�.�,�°,,,,,,�;; Any amouni�dhburoed 6y Lender unde�thls pu�prapb 7 ahal b�come addiGontl debt of 8orrower aewred by thla 8ncurity InaWment. <br /> ^ .,} '4�fi'%f�f�r.'.•�?� UnNaa Bortowet end Lenda�pre�to olher tarms of payment,thea� amounte eh�q bau Intxeat trom the d�te of daburaement�t th� Note <br /> _ rata and ahui be payable,with intaes�upan noUca irom Lender ta 8onower requoating payment. � <br /> '±: �,� ,.��,i.�� 8.M�rtpap� In�urane�. If lenda nqutrod mortq�ye fnwnnae�e a aondlUon of mdcing ths Iwn eeaur�d by this 8acudty — <br /> . I�acument,9orrower eh�tl pay the ptemh�na�equlrad to mNnta�the mort�tge inaunnoe{n eifeot. If,for any reseon,ths mort�pe Irtaur�nee <br /> • ' eeorerege requlred by Lender�epaas ar cea�nea to be In etteot, Bartower sh�ll pay the premlums requtrod to obtatn eoverape eubatanUnUy <br /> '' •� '.. equNafent to the mortgage inaurance preNouely In effeot,at a coat aubattntkly equHalent to the coat to Bortower o}ths mortp�pe Inaunnce <br /> " • provloasiy in etteat, (rom sn aitemKe mort�ge Nauror approved by lender. U eubstanUally equhrnient mortgage insurance coverage ts not <br /> �� � ave�abie, Borrower �hell pay to Lender eaoh month a aum equal to on�tweihh af the yearly mortpage inaurance prtimium bdng pald by <br /> •• ' - BoROwer whcn tho tnsurenee covernge�epsed or aanasd to be In eitaci. Lender wlq accept, use en�i retaln theae paymente aa n toae � <br /> ' • resave in 8eu of moRgage Ineunnce. loaa reaerve paymenta mey�o lanper be requhed, at tha opUon of Lender, B mortgage inaunnce <br /> `�' , � • corerage pn the amount and(or the perlod that i.ende��equirea� provided by an ineurer epproved by Lenda again boaomes ava8abte and le --- <br /> � . "' obtained. Borrower ehell pay the p�emiums requtred to matntaln madgsge inauranae (n eNeat, or to provide c toBS �esetve. unttl the - <br /> �' -. requtrement for mortgage Insurence ende In accordanoe wtth any written ngreement between Bartower and Lender or applicabte Iaxr. _ <br /> � 9.InBpeCtlon. Londer or Its agent may make reaso�ebte entrtes upon end inepeadons of the Praperty. Lender shaE glve Borrower �� <br /> nodce at the Ume M or pdor to an Inspeolion epecitying reasonable ceuae tor the inspeallon. �`"4� <br /> �. 70. Condemn�don. The proceeds ot eny awerd or daim tor demages, direct or aonsequentiel, in connecdon with any �_- <br /> - -.__ - - ---�-_ � i.4iide�in'inUBii o�otti�r tai;in8 af �sy �ars at iha i'rapsRy,or !ar ccm�ayarscc in ltcu o!condcrrusatfen,�rc hcrcby asalgnad snd aha!!be petd �" <br /> ._ . .. .... `__.... <br /> to Lender. �u:�` <br /> � In the event of a total taking ot the Ptoperly,the proceeda sheN ba apptled to the aums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whetber or <br /> ' � not then due,wfth any exaese paid to 8orcower. In the event of a parttaiateWng of the Property In whioh tha fair market vatue of the Properiy <br /> • � Immedietety betore the ta�dng Is equai to or greater than the amount oi the sums aecured by this 9ecurity Instrument immedletely betore the � <br /> teking,unleas Borrower and Lender otha�wise agree in writing,the euma sewred by thia 3ewdty Inatrument shap be reduoed by the emount <br /> , at the proceeds mu�iplied by the 1oltowing iracUon: (a)the totel amount ot the sums seeured immedlatey before the teking,dividcsd by(b)tha <br /> ieV market vatue oi the Propedy immedletety before the taking.Any batance shatl be paid to Borrower. In the event ot a partlal taking of the <br /> Praperiy In whioh the telr market vatue ot the PropeAy Immediately before the taking la Iess than the amount of the eums seaured immedietey � <br /> . before lhe taking, uniese Borrower and Lender olherwise egree in writing or unless apppccible law otherwiee provides, the proceeds shell be <br /> appl(ed to the sume secured by this 3ecurity lnstrument whether or not the aums are then due. �f.'a�`. <br /> ___ _._ _ tt the Property(a abendoned by Barrower, a if,after noUce by Lender to 8ortower that the condemner otte�s to meke an award or settle -� � <br /> � a daim tor damages, Bortower fails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days after the date the notice is ghren, Lender Is authorized to colieat and � - <br /> epply the proceeds, et Ns optbn,efther to restomtlon or repalr oi ihe Propeny or to the suma oecured by lhia Security Instniment,whether �;``�"• <br /> ornot then due. ��'' <br /> Uniess Lender and Bortower othatwlse agree in wdting, eny applicaUon ot proceeda to principal shall not extend or postpona the due '���"�°' <br /> dete ot the monthly paymanta referred to In pa�agrephs t and 2 or change the amount of suoh payments. <br /> 11. Bor�ower No! Released:Forbearanee By Lender Not a Walver. Extenslon ot the time tor payment or � <br /> rtadlflcaQon of amortizatbn ot the suma secured by thls 3ecurity Inatrument granted by Lender to any succeaeor in Interest ot Borrower shail �.Sr <br /> not operate to release the Ilabiiity of the odglnai Borrower or Borrower's succeasors in interest. Lender shel{ not ba�equired to commence <br /> proceedings agalnst any successa in Intereat or retuse to extend tlme tor payment or othenNise modity amortizaUon of the sums secured by <br /> tMs Securily Instrument by reason oi eny demend mede by the odginal Bortower or BoROwer's succesaors in Interest. My torbearenee by ' <br /> ' ' Lender In exercising any dght or remedy shallpnot be e waNer ot or preclude the exercise ot any dght or remedy. " <br /> 12. Suecessors end Asalgns Bound: Joint and 8everal Lfabllity; Co-stgne�rs. The coven�nts and a�reementa ot <br /> � thle Securily instrument shali bind and benefit the au�cessore and essigna of Lender and Bonower, subject to the proviafons ot paragreph <br /> 17. Bonower's covenants and agreementa shal be Jolnt and several. Any Bortower who co•signa thfa Securily Instrument but doea not <br /> execute the Note: (a) ta co•signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant,end convey that florrower's Interest In the Propetty under �' <br /> � the terms of this Socutity Instrument; (bj Is not personally obligated to pay the sume aecured by thls RacurNy tnstrument; and(o)agrnes thet _ <br /> lender and any other BoROwer mey agree to extend, modify,torbear or make any accommodaQons with regard to terms ot this Security <br /> instrument or the Note without thet Bortower's consent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the toan seeured by thls Secudty Instrument Is subJect to a�aw which sets maximum�oan eharges,and that <br /> lew is flnaily Interpreted ao that the Intereat or other toen charges collecled or to be collected In connectlon with the �oan exceed the <br /> pertnitted Nmits, then; (a)any such Ioan cherges shaM be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce the charge to the permmed Ilmit;and <br /> (b)any sums aiready collected irom Borrower which exceeded pEmnitted limits wiA be relunded to Borrower. Lender may ehoose to meke <br /> thls retund by reducing the prindpal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bortower. If a retund reduces principa�, the <br /> � reductbn wlll be treated as a parllal prepayment wfthout any prepayment eharge under the Note. <br /> I 14. NOtfC88. My notice to Borrower provlded tor in thls Securiry instrument shall be glven by delive�ing It or by mellhg It by iirst <br /> cless mail unless appllcebie law requires use oi enother method. The notice shall be dlrected to tNe Property Address or any other address <br /> � i Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be gNen by flrst class mafl to Lender's address stated herein or any � <br /> ' I dher address Lender designetes by notice to 8orrower. Any notice provided tor In this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been <br /> � given to Borrower or Lender when given as pruvided In this paragraph. ; <br /> 1b. Ciove�ning Law; Seve�ability. Thls Security�nstniment shell be govemed by federal law end the iaw of the Jurisdiction in � <br /> wl�ich lhe Property Is �ocated. in the event that any provislon or clause ol ihis Security Instrument or the Note conllicts with appliceb�e Iaw. � � <br /> such coniNct shall not aftect other provislons of this Security tnstrument or the Note which can be ghen eHect without ihe conflicting <br /> provision. To this end the provisbns of this Se�urity Instrument aad the Note are declered to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower'S COpy. Bor�ower sheY be given one conbrrned copy oi ihe Note and oi this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. Transfer of the Propeety or a Beneficiat Interest in Borrower. It all or any patt ot the Property or any Inlerast In <br /> � It Is sold or transfeRed(or II a beneficial fnteresl in Bortower Is soid or transferred e�d Borcower Is not e natural person) wlthout lender's <br /> ' pilor written consent, lender mey. at Its optlon,require immediate payment In fuli of aA sums secured by lhis Secudty Instrument. However. <br /> this optlon shall not be exerclaed by Lender ft exercise is prohibited by tederel law as of the dete of thfs Secu�tty Instrument. <br /> • I If lender exerclses this option, Lender shel give Borrower nolice oi acceleretion. The notice shall provlde e perlad ot not less then 30 <br /> ' deys from the dete the nollce is delivered or maiied within whfch the Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry Inst�ument. If <br /> ' 8orcowe►fatls to pay these 9ums p�ior to the expirntion of this penod, Lendcr may Invoke any remedies pertnfried by this Security Instrument <br /> ' without turther notice or demend on Borcower. <br /> � ; <br /> ' I e.qr 3 ot'� I i•rm�DrB 3'•n <br /> r <br /> F�029.LMG (7H4) <br /> . � �� <br /> . C <br /> I � � 11/7yt 1�10 � <br /> . <br /> —� – <br /> � � •� ___ - -- - ------------ <br />