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- _ ._ _' _ �' `_.__ �.,.ran•. � � . .. .. . • ...... <br /> �F`' y T . n,� ' . <br /> y'.. ` I ��� .� i�, ,Vl'�r.+'� .• . -. O . <br /> fi . <br /> . "i+'����.,�"""" .'::'�� .._ ' <br /> ---s .. ,. ,. <br /> _ ..�.__`.._ae1L���r� � .. .. <br /> � W��'°"�°""° , not to Axc«d th�m��num amount a I�ndar tor i��drrsNy rN�bd rnptfltpr tan m�y r�uka for Barow�r's �sarow �r,ount and�r tha <br /> tedercl R�al Eetnie 6eMc�nent Prooscluro��laS oi 1814 �e Amended hom tlrta to Itme,12 U.B.(�.2601 et e�q. {`RESPA'), unl�sa anathor Mw <br />— ' �`'�'�' thet appAee to the Funde eete a�le�ner eimonnt p so,lender may, et any time,eotleot and hotd Funde In an amount eot to exceed the <br /> �";`•"":'�'`, . leaner�mo»nt Lendr mry�stim�ts the nmount ot Nnds duo on the baeta ot ouRent dat��nd rp�eonabte aetim�tes of expenditur�s of <br /> Nturo Eecrow iteme or othawls�fn soaord�nc�wftA appkabb kw. <br /> 'the Funde �fiaN b� h�ld In an in�titutbn whoa d�{wslt��n Intund by�ird�nt a�t►ay,Instrum�ntWry, a�n1Ny (indudlnp L�r►dK N <br />' Lmdw le �uch qn InslDuUon)ar In any F�d�rni Hom� lan Buik L�ndK thdl appiy th�Fund�to pty ih�E�crow ftwns. I.�nd�m�y not <br /> . ah�rpe BaROwer for hoidinp and applyAnp th�Fund�, �nnu�Ny analyr�in9 th�etcrow account,or v«Itylnp tM�Esorow It�m�, uMo��L�ndu <br />_ . . . . ..:t�' paya Borrowu Intera�t on tho �unds Qnd nppAenbto!aw petmito Lcnder to m�Iro auah a chnrQo. Mov�aver, Lertder m�y rcq�dro Aarcewr.n to _ <br /> , p�y a an�tMne eht�p�t¢r an Mdepmd�nt nr!atnt�tue roporthp�eevloe uaed by Undr In eonn�aUon wNh this loan,unla�appNc�bk t�w <br /> ` - " •-�^�� provldea otbarwtaa, Un.eas an �preeme� Is rr�de or�ppNabte kw requiroa intenn to be p�id, Lender shaN aot 6e roquked to p�y <br />- ..F,.' ,. . <br /> Bottower aroy Mterost or etminps on the Funda.Barowx and Landx rrKy aprae tn wrilk►g,howover,that Mteraat ahaN bs ppid on the Funde. <br /> �. f, ,. �.'` Lende�etwtt pNe to Barowa,without ohuQe,m wenuet eeaounUnp of the Funda,ehow(np o►edite and deDfte ta the Funda md the purpots <br /> _ , tor whioh eaoh deb(t to the Funda waa mede. The Funds aro piedgec!an addltionil eeeurtiy for all euma ceeured by tN�Sea�rfty InatrumenA <br /> � ' . If!he Funds held by Lender exneed the artlauMe pormitted to be heid by tppNcebte law, Lendev eheil aacount to sortower for ths <br /> • ;y; T , , . .. excess Funde in accordance with the requirementa of appltcab�e(aw. It the amouM of the Funda hdd by Lendar at any time is nat eufAcimt <br /> �" to pay the Eecrow Items when due, Lender m�y so�otlly Qorrower in wddng,and, M euch ctae Borrowe� ahall pay to Lender the�mount <br /> Jj .' neeeasary to make up the defidenay. Barowa shaQ make up the doflafenoy in no more than tweNe monthly paymente,at I.anda�'e aole — <br /> " dlscretlon. <br /> � � Upon paymeent N tuti ot ail euma secured by thfs 8ecurity �nstrument, Lender shail prompUy refiend to 8orrower any Funda hNd by <br /> � , , Lender. It, under pamgraph 21,Lender ehatl acquUe or ne11 the Properry, Lender,Pdor to the acqulattion or sele of tha Property,�fiaq apply <br /> � � eny Funds hdd by i.ender at the Ume oi QequisNion or eele ea a credit egelnat ttre suma aecured by thls 3ecurity InsWmanl. ° <br /> ,. `, � 3.Applieatlon of Paymonts. Unteae epptioeWa Iaw providea othetwise,all paymente teeeNed by Lender under parayrephs 1 and °- <br /> f � 2 ehell be appiled; flret, to eny�repayment oharga due under the Note; second,to amounta payable under paragroph 2;third to intereat --- <br /> . " dua;lourth,to pdnclpd due;and last,to eny late aharges due under the Note. �" <br /> ' �� •� 4.Ch9►gea; Lfena Borrower ehell pay d taxea, assessmenta, ohargea, flnen and Impositions attdbutable to tha PropeAy which �- <br /> . _ may attain prloNty over this 8ecudty Ustrument,and�eaeehotd payments or ground rents, 8 any. Borrower sha�i pay these obllgaUons in the = <br /> ' manner provWed In pnragraph 2, or It not paW tn thet manner, Borrower shali pay them on Ume direoUy to the person owed payment _ <br /> 8orrower shail promptly tumiah to Lender all notkas ot amounte to be patd unde►thia paragraph. It Borrower makea theae paymenta �-}� <br /> . direatly,Bortower shal promptiy fumiah to Lender recelpte evidencing the payments. �:s-= <br /> Borrowsr ahall promptly dleaharge any Ilen wMlah hes pdority over this 3ecurity Inatrument unleae Bortower. (a)agrees tn wrttinp to the �..;y <br /> .. ' , payment ot the obpgaUon secured by the Ilen h e manner acceptebte to Lender. (b)contests In good fekh the Ilen by, or detenda agafnat <br /> --��_�-==_ <br />