� ,-�.. ,�,,.,�,. .. � ...:.-T " _.. , . . -� . - = .
<br /> .. • . ...�... y3�rlt.. ' . ♦ _�... •..ur- .__
<br /> . . � ""�Ailid�Y1lt �., -�.. .•."'A1�eir1WY'inLa o� .F,,.•_ ..-_.�F. ..�- -�-�.r�-�-.�---._.�..�----'-_--�
<br /> _. ..ti#V�f.'.1 qC!". ' "
<br /> _ - —_ - -•� '" ....�,.sYrn:r:,a�: ._-_ _.������ur.a.u��S." , . __ � ._
<br /> ��" !, , ��� �;:Yt, �... ' . � .
<br /> 11 yF., .. � . . . _ ...—_
<br /> . ......._..........�.ziL`�dZiii.�lcS.b.f.:2.,a_'_'",._ _' _...__...._.._.""_._'_�.�_.....W.....—._. • _.._._._—__-_.__..
<br /> r�� •� '•�°�?••�,�� 18. Borrower'e RIgM to R�Inshts. It 8orrower meets ceR�Yi condttione, 8onawer ehall have the dflht to haw�ntoraemx�t __
<br /> _ : , .. . . ,.�t�...�, •
<br /> ' F- dlaconUnyed at any qme pdor to tho �dior ai: (a)8 daya(or aueh other pedqd aa app�aabie Inw m�y cpecify tor reinetatememt)betoro eelb
<br /> ' „� ' ., .. ol the Proper4y pursuarii to any power ot sate nonteinad in thls 3ecudry Instrument; or �b) ontry oi u Judgment entorclnQ thia 8ecudly --
<br /> � :;�a : InDtrumen�fioae conditlone tro tih8 Borrower. (o)paya LendeP a!1 sums wMeh thun woutd be due under thta 8eoudry Inairument nnd the
<br /> �"' ` :,,�, Note te H no aeceleratton Mtd occurred: @) curoa any dehutt ot eny other covenant or apreemente; (o� p�ye �B expeneee inaurre8 in
<br /> , ��? � enlorcinp thla 8ecutUy tnatrument,Includtnp, but not Ilmfted to, t�sonnble attomeye' teea; and (d) t�kea wah RcUon ae Lenda� mey =
<br /> �;.;. +, �;� ', raeontby requke to asauro that ths Wn ot thta liaeurily �naGum�nt,Lender's dphte In the Prop«ty and Borrowar'e obAp�tlon to p�y the�
<br /> • �• ewne eecured by thia Secutity inotniment ehnli conNnue unehanged. Upan rainautomnnt by Borrower, this 8eouiity IneUUmer►t and the
<br /> r obligaqone eacured hereby shaN remain tuly eHeatNe aa 11 no aaaelen0on had oaourred. Howsver,thls�tght ta retnotate ohoil not apply In �-_ -
<br /> � "' the caee ot ecoeteation under panpraph 17.
<br /> - 18. Sd�ot Noto; Chmq� of Lofn 8srviasr. Tha Note or e parttaet intaresc In the Noce (togethc�r wtth thts 8ecurlty _,
<br /> . � Inatrument)may be eold one or more timea wfthout pdor noUee to 8omower. A saie may reauft in a ahange In the entKy (known as tha
<br /> �� •Loa�Bervlcer')that ootieata monthly piymenta due under tho Nota�nd tMa Sewrky Instrummt. There aiso may be one or more ehanges —
<br /> •�� ' • 01 the Loan Senieer unreleted to a aate of the Note. It there ts a ahenga ot the Loan 8ervicer, Borrower will be gNen wrttten noUee ot the =_--
<br /> �� .. ' change in aecordance wfth poragreph 14 above and appftcablo�av�. Tho notice v�iU atete the name end addreas of the new Loan 3ervicer -__
<br /> � and the addresa to whlah paymeata ahouid be made. The noUce wlil Nso aonteln any other tntormntlon roquired by appiioabie tew. -
<br /> � 20. Haurdous 8ubstanasa. 8orrower sheli not eauae or pam►ft the preaence, use, dlaposal, otorage. or reiease of arry _ __-
<br /> �� Hererdous 8ubetances on o�in the PropeRy. Borrower ahall not do,nor atlow enyone else to do,anything attecJng the Propetly ihat is in m:�__
<br /> vbiation of any Environmentai Law. The preaeding two sentenaes sfiaq n�t appy to the preaence,use,or storage on the Properiy ot ematl A
<br /> �� ' 1' quantidea ot F9azaMous Subatancea that are generely recognized to be eppropriate to normal resideadal uses and to meintenance of the
<br /> , . . �:.`
<br /> ... d• Proi�eAY. _._
<br /> . .. ,. ��
<br /> ' � BoROwer shali prom ghre le�der wdtten aoUce of an inreati aUon, cleim, demsnd,tawauR or other aaUon by an govemmar�tal or
<br /> - ----...__.. .......--�--..: PtN Y 9 y �;�..
<br /> " } regutatory agency or pfirato parly invoNing the Properiy end sny Hazardoua 3ubstance or Environmental Law ot whiah 8orrower has acNai
<br /> � knowiedge. iT BoROwer leame, or is notifled by any govemmentai or reguiatory authorily, thet any removai or other remedlaUon ot any ��=
<br /> Hezardous Subatance attecUng the Property fs neceseary. Borrower shali prompUy take aN necesssry remedta�aaUons In accordance with
<br /> Envlronmsntel Law.
<br /> As used In this paragmph 20, 'Hezardous Substances' are those substancea deflned as toxlo or hetardoua subatences by , -k
<br /> Environmental law and the following substances: gseoline, kerosene, other flemmaao or toxio petroieum produata, toxio peattddes end c
<br /> he►blcldes, volattle solvents. msterlats contatning asbeatos or tormaidehyda, and redloaoUve materiais. As used in thia paragreph 20,
<br /> 'Environmentat law' means lederel Iewa and laws of the Jurisdlcdon where the PropeRy Is located thai relate to heafth, safety or =
<br /> environmentet proteation. t
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Barrower and Lendar further covonent and agree as follows: �
<br /> - 2!. QC�8l8l8l�OA; F38!l18d189. l.91fi18! 8h911 �fyg AM��e to BOROWA� prior t0 acceteratlon followJng � ..
<br /> � . Borrower's breaoh Of any covenant or agreemerit In this Securtty Instrument (but not prio�to acaeleratlon `
<br /> under paregraph 17 unlees apptiaable law provides otherwise�. The notiae shall apectfy: (a) !he deMuR; Y�'"
<br /> �,.
<br /> (b) the ac4ion requtred to cure the default; (c) a date, e�t lesg than 30 days from the date the notice la _
<br /> glven to Borrower, by which !he default muat be oured; and (d) that faiture to cure the detault on or
<br /> before the dete spectfled in the notice may result tn aace�eretton of the sums seoured by thts Seourity
<br /> Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice ahalt fu�ther Iniorm Borrower of the�ight to reinstate after
<br /> acceleretion and the rtght to brtng a aou�t action to aeaert the non-exletence of a default or any other .,
<br /> defertse of Borrower to acceteratfon and sale. If the deteult Is not cured on or betore the date specffled
<br /> in the notiae, Lender at its opiion may require immedtete peyment In tull of all sums aecured by this
<br /> Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remadles
<br /> � pe�mitted by epplicable law. Lender shatt be entitled to coliect all expenses Inaurred tn pursutng the
<br /> � remedies provided In thia paragraph 21, including� but �ot Ilmited to, �aeaonabte attor�eys'fees and costs ;
<br /> of tttte evidence.
<br /> If the power of sate ts invoked. Trustee shall reaord e notice ot defautt in each county in whtah any
<br /> �-, Aart of the Property Is loceted and shatt maii copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by appltcabte �
<br /> law to 8orrower and to the other persona prescribed by appitaable taw. After the time required by
<br /> appliceble lew� Truatee ehali give public notice of sete to the persons and In the manner presortbed by
<br /> appltcable Iaw. Trustee, wtthout demand on Borrower, shali sell the Property at pubHc suctlon to the
<br /> highest bidder at the time and place and under the terma designated i� the �otice of sale in one or more
<br /> ' parcels and in any order Trustee determines. T�ustee may poatpone sate of all or any parael of the
<br /> ' Property by public announcement at the time end ptece ot any prevlousiy scheduted sate. Lender or its
<br /> designee may purchase the Properiy at any sete.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymant of the price bid. Truatee shalt detiver to the purchaser Truatee's deed '
<br /> aonveying the Property. The recitals In the Trustee's deed aheil be prima facie evidence nf the truth of
<br /> . the atatements made therein. Truatee shalt appty the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all �
<br /> costa and expenses of exercising the power of saie, and the sale� including the payment of the Trustee's �
<br /> taes actually t�curred, not to exceed 3 �'o of the principat amount of tho note at the time of the •
<br /> dec�aratio� o! default, end .-easonabte attorney's feea as permitted by law; (b) to ali sums secured by this !
<br /> . Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legatiy entitled to it.
<br /> 22. Reeonvoyance. Upon payment ot atl sums secured by this Security Instrument, lender shali request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and ahall surcender this Secudty Instrument and all notes evidenang debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee
<br /> shail reconvey lhe Property without warranty end without charge to the perso�or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall
<br /> pay any recordetlon costs.
<br /> , 23. Substttute Trustee. lender, at its opUOn, may irorn time io time remove Trustee and appolnt a successor trustee to eny
<br /> � 1 _......, ..,.�..... .,�
<br /> � � � IfU9ieC eppoinieU nertluntirr uy mi inai�unte�ii ici.i�i�e� iii iiie Gvui�iy �ii a::Gi ii�a.°icGu�:j ���5.-�-��::� :C:...�...,... ..�.�......��.^.:��9.^.�� ...
<br /> � Ihe PropeAy, successor truslee shell succeed to all the titte. power and duNes confened upon Trustee herein and by appllcable law.
<br /> , 24. Requeat for Plotices. Bortower requests lhat copfes of the ndices of detault and sale be sent to 8onower's address which
<br /> . �
<br /> is the Property Address.
<br /> • , 25. Riders to thls Seeurity Inutrument. If one or more riders are execuled by Borrower nnd recorded together wlth this
<br /> ! ' �� Secudly Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider sha0 be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> covenents and agreements of thls Securlty Instrument as tt the rlder(s)were a part ot thls Security Instrument.
<br /> . �a0r 4 c�c fi•nn 7U1B`!-?0
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