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<br /> ;�4_ 10�33
<br /> ,� ��.- candemnutiari or ath�r tnking af i►ny pnn of thc Property,ar fur conveynnce in Ifeu of candemnntion.are hereby nasiBnea nnd
<br /> — —� sliall bo pnld to L.ender.
<br /> . In the event of�t totul taking of thc Property. thc procecdx xhuil be ap}�licd ta thc Kuma xecured by thie Se:curity
<br /> - Instcurnent.whether Rr not thcn due.with uny exceK!►paid tu Barrnwer. In thc event af a paslat enking af the Propeny in
<br /> -- --; which the fuir murket vulue of thc Prupeny immcdiutcly befnro tho taking IK cyual to or grcutcr thun thc amount af the suma
<br /> - --� �ecur..d by thl��udty Insttumcnt immediately b:.forc the tAlcing.unlru:aotrovlcr and Lemler oslser�vlxe agree In tivrltfng, --�- ----
<br /> ,- � the sums secured by tMs Security Inxtrument shall bc rcduced by the amount af tho prareedx multipNcd by thc fallawing
<br /> �� - - - frncdan: (u)the catal amaunt of tho�ums necurcd immediately bcCare thc tnktng.divtdcd by(b)the fnir mnrket vniue of thc �`-- ' - '" -
<br /> - � Propeny immedintely befare the taking. Any bulance xhall be�aid to Borrawer. In tho event af a purtiul taking of tha
<br /> _.t i Property in whtch the fuir market vulue of the Property immcdiutely l�fare the tubing ix Iess than thc nmount af the�umR
<br /> secured immediately befare the tuking, unlasa A�rrower und I.ender othenvtne agree in w�iting or unlexs upplicable law
<br /> , otherwl�e provldes,tha proceedg shatl be applied to the guma xecured by thia Security lnstcument whether ar nat the sums are
<br /> � thendue.
<br /> �� If the Proporty is ubsutdoned by Borrawer,or if,uttcr notica by i.endcr to Borrower thut tha condemnor affcrc�ta muke
<br /> I un award or settie a ctaim for diunages,Borrawer fi►ils ta rexpond ta i.ender withfn 30 duys aRer the date the notice is given.
<br />�• I l.ender is authoriud to collect and apply the proceedx.ut its option, elther to restorutlon ar repuir of thk Property ar to the
<br /> ' sums secured by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br />� � •f,yr' r � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrIting,any upplicatfon af proceedx ta principul shull not extend or
<br /> i�; .;. ;'' I postpone the due dnte of the monthly pnyments referred ro in purn�raphs 1 and 2 or chun�e the wnount of such paymentx.
<br /> ��, ll. Borrower Not Reteased; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. �xtensfon of the time for puymcnt �r
<br /> .�. '��:;,°., , modif icatian of amortizstlon af the sums secumd by this Securlty Instniment grnnted by Lender ta uny successor in interest
<br /> . ��;�,�'._..; �.: ,_ � of Rartower shail nat operate to release the liahility of the originnl Borrower or BormwerE xucce�cor� in inter�st.L.ender ____ _
<br /> - ' �' __ ___ gheli ncu t�e required to commence proceedings again�t sny wucce4tior in inter��t or mfu�e t�Pxr�nd rim� fnr pnyment or . _
<br /> ;°�.at�.; '.'- " . otherwisr.modify umortizution of the sums xcurcd by thix Securiry Instrument by muson of any demund madc by the originsl
<br /> Borrower or Horrower?s cuccessors in lnterest. Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercising uny dght or remedy shnp not be A
<br /> ' �. . , •• waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right ar remedy. _
<br /> � • ,•• ' 12. 3uccessors and Assigna Bound;Joint and Severai Ltabiltty;Co-signere. The covenants nnd agrecments of this
<br /> ' ., Securiry Instrument shail bind and benefit the�uccesson and atisignti of Lender and Borrowcr,su6ject to the provisions of
<br /> .. : ,+ puragraph 17. Borrowert covenants und ugreements shuq be joint and ,everul. Any Bonower who co-rigns this Security
<br /> �� ° Instrurnent but does not execute the Note: (u>is co-st�ning thix Security Instn�ment only to mortgu�e,�runt und convey that
<br /> Bortower's•interest in the Property under the terms of thix Serurity In.r•trumenr, (b)i.r•nat personnlly abligated to puy the sums
<br /> , secured by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt;and(c)ugmex thut Lender und uny othcr Bor�ower muy ugree to extend,modify,forbenr -
<br /> .., „ or make uny uccommodutions with regnrd to the termti of ihis Security instrument or the Note withaut thnt Borrowert - __
<br /> consent. u�__
<br /> --- t3. I.uas Clsarges. ff thc loan sccurcd by thir 3��urity in�trunient is tiuhj�ct to a taw which�cts inaxirnum toan �� �'j-°°
<br /> _.. __ _ �...,._
<br /> ` • charges,and that luw is finully interpreted xo thut the intere+t or other toun churgc,rollected ar ta be�collected in connectton "��-.
<br /> with the lonn exceed the permitted limitx,then: (u)uny such Ioun charRr shuli be mduced by the amount necessury to reduce -�,�-_�
<br /> ' � the cbarge to the permitted limit;und(b)uny sumx ulr�udy collectcd from Bormwer which excecded permitted limits wiU be ••'r,.---�
<br /> � , refunded to Rorrower. l,endcr may chooxc t�>mnkr this refund By rcdurin�z the prinripul owcd under the Note or by muking u ..�i
<br /> dircet payment to Borrower. If u refund reduce+principul,the mduction will Ue treuted us a purtiul prepuyment without any
<br /> '_------'`-`-- t�ra ♦r n r �no nn�in��hw 1Jn n --....••:•.•.
<br /> -�- ...._,,..- ps m_nt_hs. t_. ..,-_.-
<br /> — --............... r•- � o-_..__. ..._.... . .
<br /> 14. Nottces. Any notice to BoROwer provided tnr in thi� Security In+trument ,hull tx given by cklivering it ur by ° �
<br /> muiling it by first class muil unle,s upplicublc luw myuinx utie of unother methai.The notice rhnll be directed to thc Property `=-
<br /> � Address or uny othcr nddre+s Borrowcr de.ignutcs hy noticc to I.cndcr. Any nuticc ro Lendcr xhull tx�giv�n by first ctusx ' .°v
<br /> muil to Lender's uddress xtutcd hcrcin or uny other uddrr.ti Lrndcr dc.ignutr�.hy notire to Borrowcr. Any nnticc provided for -
<br /> <� � •• in thiti Security In�trument shull tx deemcd to huvc lxen given to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this °
<br /> - puragruph.
<br />-• . 1S. Governing Law; Severubility. This Scrurity Insirumrnt .hali tx govemcd hy f'edcml luw und thc luw of thc
<br /> , � jurisdictian in which thc Pmpcny is loratcd. In thc rvcnt thut uny provi.ion or cluu�c of thi+Sccurity Inxtrument or the Note .-
<br /> conllich with upplicublc luw,xuch conflict shull not uffcct othrr provisium�>f thi,Security Intitcumrnt or thc Notc which r�n �
<br /> : ; � Ix given effect without the conflicting pmvisiun. Ti� thi.rnd the provi.ionti of'this Security In.trumcnt and the Nate ure
<br /> s `� " ' dcclarcd to bc sevcrablc. - •.
<br /> • . 16. Bnrrower'�Copy. Borrower xhall tx givcn one c�mfonnrd ropy��f'thc Notr und of thiy 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> , 17. Transfer of the Property or a Henefirhtl(ntcrest in Horrower. If ull or any pun of thc Property or uny intcrest in ��
<br /> it is xold ar trunsferred tar if u beneficial intere.t in Bom�wer is,u1ct or tr:m•frrnd anJ Born�wrr i.not c� nuturnl person) � .
<br /> ' witlWUt Lendcri prior wriucn ronsrnt,Lcndrr muy,ut its opti�m,rcquirr immcdiatr paymrnt in full of'ull tiums secumd by ,
<br /> . . this Security lnstrument. Howcver,thi.c�pticm.hull ncu lx excrcisrd by Lender if exrrci.�i.pn�hihitcd by federul luw uti uf •
<br /> thc date of thix Sccuriry Instrument.
<br /> . I f Lendcr exerci.e,thi,option,Lendcr chull�!iv� Bi�rrowrr nutirr of aeccicr:uiun. Thr noticc �hall providc u period of
<br /> � not Icss thnn 30 duyx from thc datc thc noticr ts Jclivcrrd or muilcd within�vhich Borruwcr muxt p:ty�Il.ums�rcureJ by this '.
<br /> Scwrity Instrumcnt. If 8urcowcr tiiil, to puy thcu �um+ prior tu thr cxpiratiun ut thi. prri�xi, l.cndcr muy invokc imy
<br /> mnudiex pertnitted by this Securiry Inxtrumrnt withciut f'urthcr mxirr�rr drmanJ un E3urrower.
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to ReinstAte. If Burru�ver meM� crrtuin runditiunw fic�rrowcr .hall hirvc thc right to huvc
<br /> :'� .. cnforcement uf this Security Instruman di�continurd at tmy tim�pri��r tu tl�r e:�rlier ol': 1a)5 day. (or.ruch othcr Fxricxi a+
<br /> tiinglc I�amil�--Funnle�fuc/Fnddlc�1nc C\IFQNM I\ti7'Kl'�lF.V'1'..Uni�onn ct��cnum. 9/40 ����i.er�7 n/n�,�.�,•�i
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