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<br /> perlode thut Lender requires. The insurance cnnier pmviding the ia�;urance shall be chosen by Borrawer eubjeat ta I.enderk
<br /> =—� — approval which ahnll aat be unren.conably wtthheid. !f Borrower fuils to maintnin coveruge deACribed Above,Lender muy,ut
<br /> — � LenderK option.obtain covemge to protect Lender!�rlght�In ihe Property in acc�tdance with pumBrnph 7.
<br /> :;:
<br /> — -- - All ineurance palicies and tenewule ehall be ncceptable tp I.ender und Rhnll include u atandard mongage cluuse. l.ender
<br /> _. _s__ _____.___� shAll have the r�ght to hold the pol(ctes and renawals. rf L�nder requires.eorrower shall pmmptly giv�to I.cnder all receipts
<br /> �----- of paid premiums artd nenewal not(ces. ln the event of loss,Horrowet 4haii give prompt natice�o th�Inxurnnco carder and -- �-
<br /> '-�__ � ' Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promQtly by Borrower.
<br /> � �:_ - __ .,
<br /> :�: Unlesa Lender end Borrower atherwise agree in writing. insumnce proceeds shall be upplied to reFtoradon or rcpair of -
<br /> the Property damaged. if the resstoration or repuir is economicolly feasible und I.ender?� security is not lessened. If the
<br /> r�estotation or mpalr is not economicaily feasible or Lender� xecurity wauld be Iessened, the insurance ptoceeds shall be
<br /> ,�.. applted to the sumR secured by this Security Instntment. whether or oat then due, with any excess pnid ta Harrower. If
<br /> ��, �„ Borrower abiutdons the Prope�ty.or dces not anRwer withfn 30 duys a notice from l.ender that the insurnnce carrler hav �
<br /> - ' �'�."'',. � ,q offercd to settle a claim,then Lendcr may collect the insurance p�aceeds. Lender may use thc proceeds ta repuir or retitarc --
<br /> . �'•t the Pmpecty or to pay sums secured by this Security i'nstrument,whether or not then dua. The 30-duy pedod will be�in when —_
<br /> .�.---- - -
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> " �,..'.,�,��."�:,�`��'' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agc�ec in writing,any applicution of proceeds to principnt shull not extend or --
<br /> �n��h., �� �� postpone the due date of the monthly payments neferred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of the paymen�s. If _
<br /> t� �•����,� �� . under paragraph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender. Borrower's r�ght to uny insurunce policies und praceeds resulting �--
<br /> � ,•;i'�•�;�' •.` :�►, from dsimage to the Property pdor to the acquisitlon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty �__
<br /> ..�.�.,. ........: .:...,. ,�
<br /> ,,,,,p .�,.•, ., .., instcument immediutely prior to the acquisition. -- _
<br /> ��rr -- �•' • ' b. Occupency, Preservation, Maintenance and Protectton of the Propeny; Borrower's Loan Applicationi °°'�"`
<br /> .�°`_ -�, . '�_ L�easehotda. Borrower shnil accupy,estabiish,++nd use the PruNerty us�orrowerfi princtpnt residcnce within sixry days after �,.�f� -- - -
<br /> . �^- - the exeeution ot th�s 5ecunry tnstrument and shuii wncinue to oc:cupy th�Property a+.�Buu�wc�;p�iu�lpai reiidence far at _ . -
<br /> • . leavt one yenr after the date uf occupnncy, uniess [.ender athenvise ugrees in writing, which consent tihall not be °��_
<br /> unreaconably withheld,or unless extenuuting circumstunces exist which ure beyond Borrowerz control. Borrower shail not ";`
<br /> �. destroy.damage or impair tl�e Property.allow the Property ta deterioratc,or commit wu.+te an thc Property. Bortower shall ,.; �+:;�
<br /> � � � " be tn default if nny forfeitune action or proceeding,whether civll or criminul,is begun that in Lender:s good faith Jud�ment . r"' -".-
<br /> '' •• ' could r+esult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materinlly impnir the lien creuted by this Security Tnstrument or ' 1". �•i
<br /> ° ° Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a defuult und reinstute,as provided in pnrugruph 18,by causing the nctlon 'i.-'__.
<br /> . �r. •,�N
<br /> „ , • or proceeding to be dismissed with u niling thut,in Lender�good fuith determinution,precludes farfeiture of the Borrowert , •M
<br /> ,� . intcrest in the Property or othcr muteriul impuirment of the licn cmuted by this Securily Intitrumcnt ar Lenderti security - _
<br /> ..,
<br /> • ;; ., ° intemst. Borrower xhnll ulso be in defuult if Borcower,during the loAn upplicatton proces,, guve muterially false or � -
<br /> • �� inuccurute information or statementh to Lendcr(or fuiled to pmvide Lender with any materic�l informatton)In cannectian with .
<br /> --
<br /> _. , � the loan evidenced by the Note, indudin�, but not limitcd to, mpmsentutions cancerning Bon•ower's occupancy of the `" �
<br /> �� Property av o pdncipat residence. If thi�Se�uriry Instrument is on u teasehald.Borrower xhuU compiy with utl the prov�sions `°
<br /> • " of the leace. If Honower ucquires fce title to the Pmperty.thc leusehold And the fec title shuU not merge untess Lender agrees „ _
<br /> to thc mer�er ln writing. �
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's R1�hts in the Property. If Barrower fuils to perform the covenants und ugreements �;
<br /> • contnined in thix Security instrument, or them is a Iegal proceeding thnt muy +ignificuntl�• uffect Lender's rigtits in the � �
<br /> __._____._�_�_,_.__.___ Property(such us a prc�ceeding in hunkruptcy,probutc,for cnndemnution or forfeiture or to enforce lawti or regulutions). then �►:
<br /> ._.._ .. ._..._. .._ ....__ .
<br /> Lender may do and puy for whutever is necetisury to protect tne vuiue c�i enc rropcny unci iencier: righ�,in �i� Frupr�ty. '- �•_"'; �,
<br /> Lender s actions muy indude puying uny xums xecured by u lien which huti priarity over thi�Securiry In�trument,appearing
<br /> in court,pnying reutianuble nttameys'feer and emering on ihc Property to msike ropuirs.Although l.endcr may tuke action �_• �
<br /> �" under this puru�ruph 7,Lcnder does not have to do.o. ".•�-y
<br /> � . Any Amountx ditibuned by Lrnder under thiti purugraph 7 xhap lxcome additionul drbt of 8orrower xecumd by this ,� •• •.
<br /> Securlty instn►ment. Unlesx Borrowcr und Lendrr ugrcc to nther tcm��of payment,thrsr umounts.hu l l b eur intemst from t h e , ;; ,�,' �
<br /> � date of disbursement ut the Nate rutc und shuU be puyublr,with inte�r.t,upcm noticc fram Lender to Bonower reyuctiting �•'�"%�`
<br /> . , pttyment. ',����
<br /> 8. Mortga�e Ioaurance. If Lender reyuimd mangugc insuruncc a.u condition ot muking tht loun secured by tt►ix r�..::'�
<br /> ` ' Security lnstrument,Borrower shali pay the pmmiumz rcyuireJ to muintuin thr m��nguge insuruncr in effect. If, for uny � _
<br /> � reason, the mortFuFe insurance cover�ge rcquired by l.endcr lup+c+ or ccaxeti to tx in cffrct, 9orn�wcr shull puy the , _
<br /> ' ' � � remiums m uircd to abtain coveru e sub,tuntiuli e uiv,Qent to th� mort�u�� insuruncc mvioust m eftect, ut �.► cost � "`�
<br /> p 9 S Y 4 b b' P Y l ..
<br /> , xubstantiully eyuivalent to the cost to Burrowrr c�f the munga�e in,urance previautily in effect, from un aRemute mnrtguge
<br /> insurer upproved by Lendec If subrtuntiully eyuivalrnt murt�±ugr imurunce covrrngr i,n�n uvnil��blr. Harcower+hull puy tu
<br /> '" . � Lender euch month a sum equal to onc-twrlfth of thr ycurly murtguge in.urunrr pnmium txinE paid by Bortowcr when thc �
<br /> �� . insurnnce covernge lapsed or ceused to hc in effect. [.cndrr will:►ccrpt,u.c and rrtuin thr+e pnymcnt.u,n lo,s m+crve in licu
<br /> of mortgugc inxuruncc. Loxx m,crvr paymrnt.muy no lunEcn c�reyuind,at thc option uT Lcndcr, if mungugc in+u�uncc • .,
<br /> covcrugc(in thr umaunt und for thc�xriixi that Lrndrr rcyuirral pruvidcd by an in�urcr upprovcd hy Lcndcr u�ain lxr�mcr �,
<br /> uvailablc und is obtaincd.Borcuwcr�hull puy the prcmium+rcyuirrd to nuiint�in murtga�:c intiur.incr in cffrrt,ur to pmvidr�t
<br /> ' loss reservc,until the nyuirement fiir murtg�+ge in.urancr rnd+in urcordxncc a•ith uny�vriurn+i�rcemrnt Ixtwcen Borrower
<br /> ., ,ind Lcndcr or s�pplicablc luw. �
<br /> 9. Inspectton. Lcnder or itx ugent muy mukr muwnaMc cntrics uExin and in,pertium�+t'th�Pro�xny. Lendcr xhull
<br /> give Borrower notice ut the timc of or prior tn an inti}xction.�xcifying rcu�onuhle cuu�e ti�r thr in.Exrtiun. �
<br /> r � 10. Condemnntion. Thc prixccd�of uny.tw:ttd ur claim fur d;imatgcw dirrrt�rr rumcquc�itial,in ronncrtion with any i
<br /> timglc Fanuly..Funnlc Nee/Frrddk�tnc I'�IFUN�t 1!�tiTNI'�1F.\T••l'nuumi('���en:mh 9�911 ipdprd„/n�,,�i,•u ;
<br /> r,rcm In►r.Hueuv�Funn+.OK S
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