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<br /> ... --- _ __, 9,�- �.020a3
<br /> � �.�° upplicable law may spccify for reinstatement)before sale of thc Property pursusnt to nny power af�ale conwlned 1n thtn -------
<br /> "�'' ' Security Instrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Inxuument. Those conditionR ure thut Borrower. (a)
<br /> pays I.ender ail sums which then would 6e due under this Security Inatrument and the Note as if no acceleratian had
<br /> ,. :
<br /> . occumed;(b)cures eny default of any other cavennrtts ar agreementx:(c)puya all expensea incumed in enforcing thlR Secudty
<br /> . . � Insttument,including.but not limited to, mnsonablo saorneyR'fees; i+nd (d)utkes such acdon su� l.ender may reaFanably
<br /> require w sASUre that the Iten of thIs Security l�sm�ment,Lcnder's right�in the Property and Borrawer's ubligatiun to pay the �•----- �•------...____.__
<br /> ' -'•••� •�;� -'-��"° , sums secured b this Securiry Inxuument shult ca�Qnue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Borcower. this Secudty
<br /> . . . — • __
<br /> Z insuument and e obligatione secured heceby ahall retnain fully elfccdve us lf no accelerat�on had occurred. However.thix
<br /> _. _ -_ ,. _ .. -
<br /> , Y,� ,,,���,�, ; dght to reinetate shall not apply in the case of accelerntIon under pnragrnph 17. _
<br /> '�;;,�f,,•,,,,;s,���.�,� 19. 3ale of Note;Change of I.oan Servlcer. The Note ar n partinl interest in thc IVote (tagethcr with th3A Secudty
<br /> -:;•.��`?-•�� a'�'� Instrument)mny be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bo�rawer. A sale may result in a change in the entity
<br /> . ,,.:i . ;,`..,♦'j �
<br /> " (known es the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Inatrciment. There so
<br /> ��.•.-'.:;,, ' . ,.: ;'. ; � may be one or mo�changcs of the Loan Servicer unrelated to n sale of the Note. If there is achange of the Loun Servlcer.
<br /> ' '� • : , , ,.� � HoROwer will be givep written nodce of the change in accordunce with par.agmph 14 above and applicable law. The nadce
<br /> �, --_ _
<br /> � ,,�; ,. ' . ., � wili statc tha name and address of the new Loan ScrvIcer and the address to which payments shauld be made. The notice w
<br /> �1,� •• also contain nny other information required by applicabla law.
<br /> i ' � 20. Hazardous Substisncea Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,storage.or release of any
<br /> �. � ' �• � Hazardoua Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrawer shall not do,nor allow anyone else ta do. anythin� affecting the -"
<br /> Property that is In violadon of nny Environmental Law. Thc preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or �.��
<br /> � � � storage on the Property of small quantides of Hezerdous Substances that arc generaily recognized to be appmpriate to normai ����-
<br /> � . .> _ i residential uses and to mafntenancc of the Property. ° __
<br /> �14fi
<br /> ` � Borrower shall pramptly give Lender wc itten notIce of any investigAtion,claim,demand,lawsnit a other acdon by any �, _,
<br /> - r � �, ;. � govemmental or regulatory agency or pnvate party invotvins the Propeny and any Har.nrduua Sub,tmw� or�r�vlranmcatal = __
<br /> Law of which Bottower has actual knowledge. If Horrower learns, or is notified by any �overnmental or regulatory �'f���`;.;:,
<br /> � � uuthodty,that any removal ar other remediation of any Hazardous Sut+stunce affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower "� __ _
<br /> ' ;,:: shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with 8nvironmental Law.
<br /> n ` As used in this purusraph 20,"Hazurdous Substances"are those substances defincd as toxic or hazardous substances by •
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or toztc petrdeum produc�s,toxlc +t�„ ;�'�
<br /> pesticides a��d herbicides, voladle solvents,muterisls containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radiouctive mater�als. As , ; ^ -_�.
<br /> . used in this para�raph 20."BnvIronmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated _.
<br /> .. that relate to health,safety or environmental protection. �'"'!
<br /> NON-UNIFOR2N COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender furthe►•covenant and asree as follows: .�;� ,
<br /> � 21. AccelereHon; Remedies. I.ender shall give nodce to Borrower prior to acceleradon followins Borrower's � �-
<br /> __ __.__� ' breach of any covenant or agreement in thts Security Instrument(but not prior W acceleratton under paragraph 17 ' -
<br /> untess applicable lasv provides otherwise). The noUce shatt specit�: (aj the de[auif;ib)ihe u�ttu►t Fec�uired to cure the ' ' �
<br /> • default;(c)a date,not leas than 30 deys from the date the nottce is given to Borrower,br which the dePault must be „�,
<br /> i' � � cured;and(d)that failure to cure the detault on or befoi�e the date specifled in the notice may result in acceleradon of
<br /> •�, the suma secured by this Security Instrument and ssle of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of �� ..
<br /> • ' the rlght to reinstate atiter acceleration and the rl�ht to bring a couct action to assert the non-exlstence of a default or .;
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defnult!s not cured on or before ihe date specitied in � • .;� �
<br /> " � � � � I the notice,Lender at its opUon may require tmmediate psyment in tLU of alt sums secured by this Security Instrument �+ �
<br /> wlthout further dernand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. �,��,
<br /> • 1 Lender shall be entiUed to collect ell expenses incurred in pursutn� the remedies pravEded in this paragraph 21,
<br /> . I incladtng,but not limited to,masonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. '' 3�:;,
<br /> If the power of sale is Invoked,lYustee shall record a nottce of default!n each county in whtch any part of the ,,° ,
<br /> I Property is located and shall maU coptes of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicabte law to Borrower and to =�'�
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable law. ARer the time required by applicable Iaw.Trustee shaU give public ��� �`� �-
<br /> " ' noHce of sule to the rsons and in the manner rescribed b a licable law. 'Ilrustee,wtthout demand on Borrower. �'.%��
<br /> shull sell the Property at publtc auctton to the hlghest bidder at the time and piace and under the terms designated!n r��.`' �
<br /> the notice of sale tn one or more parcels and in any order'iirustee determinels. Trustee may postpone sale of all or a»y ,
<br /> _ . parcel of the Property by public announcement at the ttme and place of any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or Its :
<br /> " designee may purchese the Property at any sele. ., ,.
<br /> � Upon recetpt ot payment of the prlce bid.lYustee shall deliver to the purchnser'11�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. Thc recttals in the'I�ustee's deed ahaq be prima fecte evidence of the truth of the stutements made therein. �, _
<br /> 'Ilrustee shall apply tIm proceeds of the sale in the followin�order: (a)to all custs and expenses of exercising the power •
<br /> i . '
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