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IlT-...i .� �.� . ��.1 W.. <br /> l :.. � . �..�_�..��.�.�a ___- <br /> ��. � . t� � -- � ,��t . y - �m-m-wmaT <br /> ..t � /t,3-!'b' �._ — • . � <br /> , __ _t^CLrF.Fi .... <br /> Yl ral�.� - _—_ —--- . <br /> — --� _—_ __ iwR�+..,�.,..�...T�_ —'� __ _' _ _ - <br /> _ a.riii.r�.� , ..a��' .. ' . • . ._ <br /> •i���� . . . � . <br /> ' °'""; � <br /> . . � ' +r..v�. •: ,... <br /> �'� r..i a-. . . , . . . <br /> , ... �.� . <br /> . . •i <br /> ...,a ' '' c.�. <br /> ' �'�:. <br /> . <br /> ,... <br /> .' '-' � � '..y. n - '.'_i._"' . <br /> �, . ........-�2:.:s"�AdM��""'�au,.:dk:`�:..__.._. •� ' '------------ ":M� <br /> �> ��w����1�� <br /> o. <br />- � . .,.�• , �: ''Y. Prot�etl�j� t�?Lon�oe'� Wl�hi� In tho Propaety. if Borra:rcr tn!la ta perfortn thu covenente end aQroemes�tn conte!neci!n =- __ <br /> _�:t��:.:.' � thle&ecurriy I�sin�ment, or thare le a lepal proceedinp thit tnay etyniHccnty��ect Lertder'e dphte!n the P�operry (suoh�e e procrodlnp trt <br /> � • ,y;�`~,s:kx��;".'' 6aniwptay.prob�te,far eondamn�tton or torteiWro or to entarae t+�w�or tepiei�tlon�),th�n Lender m�y do ond p�y far wrhat�ver ts niaiury - <br /> to,protaat!ha wiue ot the PropMy and Lender'a dghis in the FropMy. Landsr's actians nwy Melude pqMp�ny wm�sxured by a It�n <br /> - '..s �t���,', whlch hia pdo�lty over Rhis 8saurfty Inetrument,appear(np(n court,paylnp rau�4ble attomey's tesa md entalnp on ths P►opeRy to mak� <br /> , ��.,,_ . <br /> �s•: rep�ks. Atthou9A Landar may Uke aetlon under this parapraph 7,Landar doaa not hae to do so. � ___ ___ <br /> ' , My nmounte disbursed by Lenele►under thle pnregrnph 7 etuUt beaame addhlona debt of liom�wer aeourad by ihfa 8ecurity tnatrumsn� �__ __ <br /> '�• '..� ; Unieae Barower and Under a�rN to oth�r terma ot ptyment,thea�unounU shafl bar IMwat irom ths d�te o4 dlabunNmnt�t th�Notr <br /> < - rate and eh�ll be p+ry�bb,�vilb Intxeat upon noUce hom Lendet ta 8ot�ower nquesdng payment. <br /> . ' . 8. Maetpq� insunnc�. It Lenda mquired mortQape ineurance �a a condlUon of makiny the lotn escurod by thta Seaurily <br /> •• • inetrument,BoROwar ahoil pay the premiuma raqutred to malntnin the modQape ineu�anee In,lor any re�aon,the mortp�gs in:wance <br /> � eoverepe requlrod by Lander lepaea or ceasea to be (n 6tfect, Bortower ah�A pay the promluma requlrod to ubUin aaverape subaUnUaly <br /> � �� equivatent to the mortgage Insuanee provtouay in eftect,at a eoat eubauntklry equM�tsnt to the coat to Borrowar ot the mort9aps Inaurana <br /> . „ ` previouery in ef(act,trom an atter►Nte mortg�pe inaurer approved by lender. if eub�tantlaly equNa►ent moRpaye Inauranee covertge la �o! �-:-- -_ __ <br /> " avaikble, Borrower aheN pay to Lender eaah month s eum equnt to one-iweltth of the yosdy mortgige (neurutae promium bdnp p�id by <br /> � _,__- - <br /> Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effeat. lendar will aeeept, uae and retaln theae payments�a a oat _._ <br /> �> reaene in Ileu ot mortgage Insurnnce. Loas maerve paymenta may no lonpa be roqutred, at tha opUon of Lender, if moKyege Ineuranee -- <br /> coverege Qn the amouM and tor the pedod that Lender requlres)providod by en Ineurer approvad by Lender ngaln beaomes malitbte and Ia — <br /> � � obtained. BoROwer ahall pay lhe premiums required to mainteln mortgage ineurenca �n etfeot, or to provlde e loae �eaerve, untq the _ _ _ <br /> ' • requirement for moRgage Insuranea anda(n aacurdance wHh any written egreamer�t belween 8orrower and Lender or appliable Itw. �� <br /> �-- - <br /> � . �J. ID8poCtlOf1. Lcnder or ite agent may meke►essonab�e entrtes upon and Inapeadone ot the Properiy, Lendar ehall gNe Berrower �;^n;.:_ __ <br /> '� notice et the tlme ot or prbr to an inspeation speeHyAng reaROnable eause for the inspeoUon. +� ,.� ._ <br /> - • - - Tha racac� ot an avren! or otelm /er rlwmagns, dlrect or consequenUal, in conneetlon wlth eny �` __ <br /> �. :.. .. . .. -- i8. Ccr��d8:�tnB4io�. p Y <br /> ' i� condemnadon or oth9r taldng oT any paR oi the PropeAy,or tor conveyance h Qeu ot condemnadon,are hereby aes ign e d an d s h a t l be pa i d r.''•:-••�:- <br /> � • , to Lender. �c..'-_�:.:�. <br /> � In the ever�oi a total tektng of the Pmpe�ty.the proceeds ahall be epplted to the sums aecured by thfs Security instrument,whether or �;,,�*.�� <br /> not then due,wlth any exeess paid to BoROwer. In the event ot a partiat taWng of the Property in whkh the teir market vaiue ot the P�ape�ly - <br /> . Immediatey beTore the taWng ts equa�to or greater than tho amount of the sums secured by thls Sewrtty Instrument immedlately before the ; <br /> ;� taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wdting,!he auma seeured by this 3ecudty(nstrument shaH be reduced by the amount ��"�_` <br /> ot the roceeds mulU lled b the fotiowin haadon: (a)the totai amount oi the sums sewred Immediately betore lhe tektng,divlded by @)the �,. ?•�� <br /> i , P P Y 9 ., �..�:�, <br /> fetr market value of the Property Immedlateiy before thR taking.My balance ahal�be paid to Borrower. In the event ot a paetiai taWng of the :'ar�� <br /> • Property in which the falr madcet value of the Property immedletely betore the taWng Is Iesa than the amount of the sums secured immediately ' °':-�` <br /> __ - bet�re the teking, unlesa Bortower and Lender otherwlse agree in wdUng o� unlesa appllcabie�aw othenvlse provldes, the proeeeds shali bu -_��j' <br /> � appiled to the auma secured by this 8ecurily Instrument whether or not the aums are then due. �`�„'��_ <br /> If the Property is abandoned by BoROwer,or H,after notice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor oHera to make an award or settle `��-;�. <br /> a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender wkhin 30 deys aRer the date the noGce Is gNen,Lender fs authodzed to coliect and ' 'P�' :; <br /> appty the prooeede, at Ite�opUon, ekher to restoraUon or repalr ot the Properly or to the sums secured by this Sewdty Instrument, whether �,g� i <br /> ��',,_.: <br /> or not then due. "1``� <br /> Unless Lender snd Bortower othenvise agree In wriUng, eny application ot proceede to principal shail not extand or postpone the due •"�•;`�- <br /> •. ..,'�'R <br /> ; date ot the monthfy payments �efc�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the emount of sueh payments. _ ,.�:`?�• _ <br /> � 11. Borrowor Not Released: Forbearanae By Lende�Not a Walve�. Fxtension ot the ume tor payme�it or :.���=�;ti� <br /> modiflcatton ot emortizaUon ot the sums secured by this Securfty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Intereat of Bortower shali .• <br /> not operate 10 re�ease the NabNRy of the odgfnal Borrower or BoROwer's successors in interest. Lender shall not be requtred to commenoa �- • ;;;�, <br /> proceedings agelnst any auccessor in Interest or refuse to extend tNne tor peyment or otherwise modlly amortl�ation ot the sums seeured by r,:__ <br /> this Securiry lnstrument by reaeon of any demend made by the orlglnai Borrower or Bortower's successors fn Interest.Any torbearance by , <br /> Lender In exerclsing any dght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Asstgna Bound; Joint and Several Uability; Co-elgnere. The covenanca and agreementa ot , . <br /> ' this Security Inatrument eheli bind and beneftt the suacessors and asalgns of lender and Bortower,subjeet to the provlsiona at peragreph • :: �:,� <br /> 17. Borrewer's covenents and agreements shall be joint and severa�. Any BoROwet who co•signs this Seaurf.y Instrument but doea not , :�Y <br /> t; execute the fJote: (a) is co•sie�ning tfilR Security Instniment onty to mortgage,grant,and eonvey that Borrower's interest in the Property under _, <br /> y the tertna ot thls 3acurity Instrumenh (b) ia not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this SecurNy Instrument;and(a�agrees that . <br /> Lender and any other BoROwer may agree to extend, modify, forbear or meke eny accommodetions wilh regerd to terms oi thls Securfly � <br /> InsWment or the Note without thet Bor►ower's consent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. It the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subJect to a law which sets meximum loan charges,and that <br /> law ia flneUy interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges coliected or to be coNected In connectlon with the Ioan exceed the <br /> ��� permitted Iimlts,then: (a)any such loan cherges shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduce the cherge to the pem�itted Ilmit: end <br /> (b) any sums eiready coAected hom Borrower which exceeded permitted Ilmits wiA be refunded to Borrower. lender may ohoose to meke <br /> this refund by redueing the principei owed under the Note or by meking a direct payment to Bortower. Ii a retun� reducea princlpa�, the � . <br /> reduction wlii be treated as a parllai prepeyment without any prepayment charge under the Note. � <br /> 14. NOtIC68. Any notice to 8onower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be gNen by delivering It or by mailing it by �rst � <br /> ciass mail unleas eppllcable law requkes use of another method. The �otice shatl be directed to the Propc�ty Address or any other address � <br /> � Bortower deslgnatea by not�e to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by tirst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any <br /> �1 other eddress Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower. Any�otice provided tor in this Security �nstrument shall be deemed to have been <br /> � <br /> gHen to Botrowe�or Le�der when given as provlded in thls peragraph. <br /> 1S. G10V8��i11g 18W; Severabi�tty. This Secunty Instrument shaM be govemed by federal �aw and the law ot the Jurisdictlon in <br /> � which the Property Is Iocated. In the event that any provislon or clause ot thfs Security Inslrument or the Note eontlicts with applicable law, <br /> such conflict shflN not aNect other provislons of ihis Security Instrument or the Note which can be gNen eHect without the conflfcting <br /> ' provlsion. To Ihis end the provislons of thls Securily�nstrument and the Note are declared to be severable. <br /> . , 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shell be given one contomied copy ot the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 7ransfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. It all or any part ot ihe Property or any tnterest in <br /> ; ft Is ootd or trensterred (or It a beneficlat Interest In Borrower Is sold or transterted and Bortower Is not a netural person) without Lenders <br /> � p�ior wNtten consent Lender may, at Its option. requlre Immediate payment in fuli of ail sums secured by this Security Inst�ument. However, <br /> this optlon ane� not be exercised by Lender it exerclse Is prohibited by federet iew as ot the date ot this SeCUriry Instrument. <br /> � If Lender exercises this optfon. Lender shall gNe 8orrower notice of acteleratlon. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 <br /> days hom the date the notico is deWvered or mafied within which the Bortower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. II <br /> Bortower tafis to pay these sums prbr to the expiratlon of thls perbd.Lender may invoke any remedies permttled by thls Secunty Instrument <br /> , '• � without turther nolice o�demand on Borrower. <br /> , I <br /> � Pagr J of 5 f�rm 3�78 V�9� <br /> .r � ' F10791M(3(919�) <br /> , 117441 t.t9 I <br />