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<br />_ „ ' � 18. Bo►rowo�'s Rl�ht to H�Instat�. it Borrower meeta cat�in eonditlone, 8oaower eh�ll have the dpht to hnve enforcement
<br />_• � � � , � �Iaaontlnued�t any time prtor to the eadler oi:(a) !3 days(or euch other perlod as applleablo law muy epezity tor retnstetcmenq ba4oro sale wr�°�-��-'-
<br /> • • '- ot the Property pur�w+nt to sny �ower ot eiaie contained In thla 8eaudty InetrumeM: or (b� entry oi s Judgment enforcing thls 8eeudty �_ __ __ ____
<br /> . ~� -, Ineuumen�Thase aondltione aro th�t 9ortower:(a) pays Lende�ail aums whlch than woutd bs due under thte Seoudty�natrument md the
<br /> , . „ Note�e It no aeteleretion had occuRed; (b) wrea any detwlt ot any othw eovertant or apreamente; (o) p�ye all axpmsaa Incumd In
<br />-, �. '• �� '� �. entorolnp lhls 8�audty Instrument, Includinp, but not Nmltad to, reisonable �tlomeye' teea; and (d) Wcaa weh actloa ae UndK mty
<br /> �� �- ' ` reesont b l y requ lre to �asur e t h�t i h e t i e n o f t h l e 8 e w r i i y t n e U u r��e n t, L e a d�t's d g h l a i n t h a P ro p a r t y c n d 8 e rt o�v e r'a o b l l g e U o n t o p e y !he �_____ _ -. _ _ - --
<br /> . _ ■�� _
<br /> eu�na eaound by thia Securlty ineuument ahilt con�nue unahtnped, Upon reNetrte�r►w►t by fiorrower, tbiu Sccurl�y inotrum:nt and tho L�=- - --- �
<br /> � �� " obltpiUone eecured hereby ehall remnin tuUyr eftentive ae M�o�aaelenUon hod ocautrod. However,thfa rtpht to �elnetate ah�ll not�ppy In ��
<br /> „ ��:�--
<br /> the ceee ot aeceieratton unda pnragraph 17. -
<br /> _, '. ° ' 18. 8d�ot Not�; Ch�ng�of Loan Servie�r. The Note or � paNe� interest in the Note (together wlth thta 8ecuriry �s`�.i'�
<br /> ,.���.�__
<br /> .• � Inatrument)may be eotd one or more times without pdor notiee to Bor►ower. A stie mey reault in a oMnge in the enUty (known ae the :°y�:.t�----�_---
<br /> 'Lo�n Serrlaer')that aoileote monthy peymente due under tha Nnte and thla 8ecudly IneGumen� Thero alao m�y be one or moro ch�npea �• � `�"'��"
<br /> ot tfie Loan BeNicer unnlated to a sale ot the Note. It there Is a ohango of tho Loan Suvlca, Bortower wlll be gNen wtltten noUee of the ����`'�`"•''� ��-='��_-_J
<br /> � it,.r'":,��y�.--: _
<br /> ,r chango tn uccordance with paregraph 14 above and nppltcabie�nw. The noUee wIU etete the name and address of the new Loan 8enrlcer . _ _t:____
<br /> � and tha addresa to whiah payments should be made. The nolice wN aiso contain eny other informadon required by appticable fawr. ' �"'�'''�"�--
<br /> _�4,�i�• .��;...x.�r.—
<br /> $.'�.—_...
<br /> Z0. Hasardeus 8ubataneea Borrower ehall not eause or pemat the presence, use, disposal, storage, o� reieaee ot any .,,, „•� '�__
<br /> Hazardous Subatancea on or In the PropeAy. BoROwer shal�not do,nor allow anyone elae to do,anythtng aifeeot(ng the Property thet is in `'«' �t�'•r�. �'�'
<br /> n
<br /> •"+:r.'�''�. ��4�•;�
<br /> �� ,� violatbn of any Environmentai Law. The preceding two sentences shall not eppty to the presenee, use,�r storage on the P reperty o T sma t l . ,,. �'�L__�
<br /> „ ,. . quantiGes ot Hezardous 3ubatancea that are generaily reeognl�ed to bA appropriate to oortnel residenqai usos end to malntenanee ot the , r..:��__
<br /> r,w�_;
<br /> ""
<br /> �pe� '�,�„ �--��_
<br /> " �� • --- - -�- Bormwer ehe!! promptty gNe lencler wdttne netice of any Invesdgaqon. clnlm. demand.lewsuit or other aodon by anY govemmentel or ___, , r �-
<br /> � ' reguiatory agenay or pdvate perly InvoNing the Property and any Hawrdous Substanoe or Environmentet Law of which Borrower has aatua� �-_�._�
<br /> ` .'�x?..._
<br /> know�edge. It Borrower leama, or is noUBed by eny gavemmentet or reguiatory authodly, that eny removn� or other remedlation of eny ��__
<br /> Hazardous 8ubstance eHecGng the Properiy Ia neceseary, Bortower ahaU promptly take ali necesoary romedial eotiona in accordanea wdh �-��-�-
<br /> � Env(ronmentat law. +"'' ��`�
<br /> �-tL�'�`-
<br /> • As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous 3ubstanees' are thoae substenees deftned as toxia or hazardous subataneea by �'`
<br /> L:Y-.=,
<br /> . Env(ronmenta� Law and the (olbwing substanees: gasoiine, kerosene, other flammable or toxia petrdeum produats. toxta pesticides and i,,_..--
<br /> herbiddes, votaUle sotvents, mateAais contalning asbeatos or tortna�dehyde, and redioactNe materials. As used in this paragreph 20. �. ��
<br /> ' •Environmentat Law• means tederat �awa and lawa oi the judsdicUon where the PropeRy is Iocated that reiate to health, eatety or ,-_
<br /> " environmentai proteotlon. � -
<br /> NOH-t1HIFORAA COVENAlUT9. Borra,ner and tender turther covenent pnd ngree as toNowa: ���- _
<br /> 21. Aacelaratlon; Remedies. Lsnder shall glve notice to 8orrower prlor to aacelerallon following '
<br /> Barrower's breech of any aovenant or agreement in thts Secu�tty inst�ument (but �ot prlor to acceteration � .
<br /> ' under parag�aph 17 unless eppiicabte law prevides otheewisej. The nottee shalt specity: (s) the defeult; • �
<br /> �b) the action required to cure the defauit; (c� a dete, not lesa than 30 days from the date tha nottce is : � �,
<br /> given to Bocrower� by which tha default must be cured; and (d) that faiture to au�e the defeuit on or �. •� �
<br /> bwtorw thw datA aneaiflad in the notice may �esutt tn acceleratlon of the suma seoured bv thts Security �.._ ...___.�..._ �
<br /> Inatrume�t and sale of the Property. The notice shall tu�ther I�form Borrower of the right to reinstate aRer •� �� . �
<br /> acceteratlon and the right to bring a aou►t action to assert the non-exiatence of a defautt or eny other "'�.�'
<br /> detenae of Borrower to acceleration and sate. If the defauit is not cured on or betore the date specifled
<br /> In the notice, Lender at ita option mey require Imrnedtate payment in full of all sums aecured by this �t �`�.
<br /> Security Instrument wlthout further demand and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedlea , - ,
<br /> permitted by applicabte law. Lende� ehell be entitled 4o collect ail expenses incurred tn pursuing the � '.'�f�� �,
<br /> � remedies provided tn this paragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to� reasonable attomeys' fees end costs ,: ��,a�
<br /> of titte evidenae. rH'y '" ���
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default In each county in which any •� .• �
<br /> pa�t of the P�operty is loceted end sfiail niaii copies of such n�tiae Ir+ the mannor p:csa:ibed by appUcable ` . ' :-�
<br /> law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicabie law. After the time �equired by • =
<br /> � appiicabie taw. Trustee shetl give pubiic notice of saie to the persons and in ti�e manner p�escribed by � . `
<br /> appllcabie taw. Trustee. wtthout demand on Borrower, ahatl setl the Property at pubtics auction to the � �' � , -
<br /> highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated In the notice of sale In one or more ' :
<br /> parcets and t� any order Trustee determinea. Trustee may postpone sala of aii or eny parcel of the .
<br /> Property by public announcement et the time and place of any prevlously scheduted sale. Lender or ita
<br /> designee may pu�chase the Property et any sale.
<br /> , Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid. Trustee shali deltver to 4he pu�chaser Trusteo's deed
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitats in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of
<br /> the atatements made the�eln. Trustee shatl appty the proceods of the sele in the foitowing order: (a) to all
<br /> casts and expenses of exercisl�g the power of saie, and the sale� inctuding the payment of the Truatee's
<br /> tees actually incurred, not to exceed 3 S'o of the principal amount of the no4o at tNe time of the
<br /> dealaration of default, and reasonabte attorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Inetrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons Iegaliy entitted to it.
<br /> 22. Reeonveyanee. Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Propetty end shall su�render this Security Insirume�t and all notes evidencfng debt secured by this Security instrument to Trustee. Trustee
<br /> shall reconvey the Property without wartanty and without charge to the persan or persons legally entit�ed to it. Such person or persons shal �
<br /> pay eny recordation costs.
<br /> n_.���•_.._ T_..��� . s.�... �i..... •.. �i..... ...... e T...e�m en.l unnnlnl n ai��rnecnr 1n�ataa ttf anv
<br /> ' � iJ. oYYOltWtb �tYOa00• i.ci�uc�, di i.S �i•�-'� ��• .w�n •��.w .v .� �
<br /> r.�..,�. „�a� ..,. -- --
<br /> Tnistee eppolnted hereunder by an Instrument recorded In the county In whkh thlsVSecurity Instrument is recarded. Without conveyance ot
<br /> . � the Properly,successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and dutles conferced upon Trusiee herefn and by appllcable law.
<br /> � 24. Request fnr Notlees. Borrower requests that coples of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bortower's address whleh
<br /> i Is the Property Addresa.
<br /> • � 25. Riders to this Seeurity Instrument. It one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together wlth thts
<br /> � �, ibecurity Insirumeni, the covennnly nnJ 8�t8@�II@11tb ui cach such rider shaN bs inwrporaie3 InW and oha: arrend and supplemsni the °
<br /> � covenants and agreements of this Securlty Instrument as If the rlder(s) were e part ot thfs Securlry Inst�ument.
<br /> i
<br /> . I
<br /> ' v.iqc 1 c15 f.�rm 7U10�9U
<br /> �� � F1079.LM0(5/93�
<br /> � . .
<br /> I
<br /> '�t . —� .. . _. _. . ..
<br /> 117441�t�ty
<br />