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�. <br /> .�__ . _ <br /> .� r., . <br /> . , ,, . , , <br /> _ . <br /> " �' • I ti/�:`i . " , . ��._ <br /> • , { . . . . "� � <br /> ' . _'• 1 ' .�i' _ <br /> " � . � . .. .. . . ��.� �. , " '"'.� <br /> . _�_._..__. <br /> _i . <br /> � , . . }.. . . . . -.- . .. <br /> � �-..ytl ��..a' - . . . . _ ._... . <br /> ._._� g � 1(�19�1i3 �� `- -_- <br /> -��' - not to oxowd 4ho rnaxknum �mouni a lendw tor�tederdty �dated �nortgaps fan trwy raquk�tor �orrowar'a asaow account e�ndK the <br /> � (odorxl Real Esut�8eitlament Procadura�Act ot 1874 ae nmendod 1ro�n tlme to tlmo, 12 U.S.C.2Q0/ et seq. ('R�NPA'),u�tosa anothoT l:r� --_-- <br /> " th�t�ppNta to tht Funds sets a �naear amount. I}ao, Lendx m�y, �any time,colleot and ho�d Funds !n an amouol not to exee�d tho <br /> Na�e� �moun� Landar r►xy �stim�te tho uoount ot funds �ue on th��basla o1 current data and �s�aonab�s eatirnite�df expendRur�s ot <br /> + Ntun Eaarow tiwn�or otherv�iae!n accordancs with appllabte kw. <br /> Th�Funds �h�N be h�id k►an InsUNtlan whoae dapo:ite us Insurod by a t�d�nl�penay, InetrumenUltty,or entity pncludtnp tand�r, M <br /> - " ;�;,:;�., Y. �� -- Laitder le suc7►cn i�stttvdon) or tn cny Fcdsral hton+�toarr Bank. Lcmdtr ehn.N e�f�+y ihe Funde to yy ths Eacrow Items. Landa may not ,_________ _ <br /> f�., �A�, aAups Banower for hotd(np and epplying ths Furtds, annua(iy anoryz{np tha esuow aecouns, w vcrifylnp tho Eaerov,► ttcmri,unlrao Lcndcr - - <br /> z <br /> ��`� a � paye Bartowar IntMSSt on the Funda and appNcabte law pertMts Lender to make euah� oh�rpe. However,lender rtwy roqulro Borrowa to <br /> ; �� � ' � 'i pny a onatime charpe for an Independdnt rcai eaUNta tnx mponNg eervice uaed by Lender U eanneation with thla lom, untaas�ppYabts Itw -- <br /> � proddea othawiae. Unteaa an agreement la made or epplleebie Iaw mqulroa Interest to be pald, LFnder ahaU not be roqulred to p�y <br /> � � • • � Borrower any lntaeat or eemings on tha Funds. Bortower ind lender may agree In wrftlnp,howEVar,that Interost ahaY be paid on the Runds. _ <br /> - ' � i7 Lendar ahall gbe to 8orrowar,wrihout aharge,nn ennusl tccounUnp of the Funda,ehowin8 aedits nnd deb(ta to the Funds and the pu�poae <br /> ' ° tor whiah acb debit to the Funda wes made. The Funds are pledged as additional esecurity tor a0 numa aecunsd by t�ls Securily Inetrument. _- -.- -_ -- <br /> if tha Funda hdd by Lender exceed the amounta �ertnitted to be hNd by nppticable law, Lender ahall aceount to Borrower tor the <br /> • ,. -°�,--- <br /> � • exeesa Furtda tn acaordnnca with the requirements ot pNcabie taw. ti tho amount of the Funds hetd b Lender at an tlma ia not aut8dcmt <br /> .. , ep Y Y ��,-�=- --`- <br /> . • �• to pay the Eserow Itema when due, Lender may so noUy Borrowa in wriUng, nnd, In euah caee 8a►rower shali pay to Lender the amouM �:°---- <br /> ,� necessary to maka up the defldency. Borrower shat� make up tha defldency in no more than tweNe monthy paymenta. at L�der's sole ;�Y�-''� <br /> dlscreUon. �� . - <br /> eo <br /> Upon payment tn tull of aY sums aecured by thta SecurNy Inatrume�t, Lender ahail promply refund to 8orrower any funda hetd by ��,"_?�'~�__ <br /> •• ° Lender. If,under paregreph 21, Lender ehall acqutre or seU the Property, Lender,PAor to the ncqulslGon or sate ot the P►opeAy, ehali apply ,:;;,;,;^�r: - <br /> z.�-,:_ <br /> -- •—� ._ . ---- aray Funds hsld by Lcssda a!the Ume ot ecquls�len or sele se a creAft againet the aums aa�arpd by thia Snc�.�ty instn,.,en� _�!�_;.�_ - <br /> 3.Applteatlon of Paymente. Unleas eppiicsble Iaw provides othenerise,att paymenta recolved by Lender under parag�apha 1 and �• � _ <br /> 2 shaU be appiled: eny prepayment charges due undar the Note; second, to amounts payabie under paragraph 2; third to interest <br /> ' "� due;tourlh,to pdndpai due; and�ast,to any Iate cherges due under the Note. _____ <br /> , 4.ChYrges; L18ne. BoROwer sfiall pay all texea, assesaments, charges, flnes and imposfdons attributabte to the Properry which <br /> may attaln prlorily over thta 3ecuritv Instrument,and Ieasehoid payments or ground rents, it any. 8orrower shaM pay these obYgaUons!n the �•�f `��� <br /> v manner provided in paragraph 2, or M not peid in that manner. BoROwer shall pay them on tkne direotty to the pereo� owed payment <br /> Borrower ehatl prompUy lumish to Lender all nodcea of amounts to be peid undar thia paragraph. It Borrower makes these payments ,r <br /> � direatiy,Borrower shall prompty tumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments, • � <br /> Barower ahali prompUy disoharge any tien whbh has p�loriry over this Securily Inatrument unless 6onower. (a)agrees in wrlUng to the ^ .� •_, <br /> --- -- - payment of the obllgaUon securetl by the fien in e mannar accepiabie io Lenda, �i�y coniests {n gaad tatih ihs ISsn by, or d�lcnds agaMn `_'�j- <br /> entorcement ot the Ilen in,lega�proceedings whioh In the Lender's optnion operate to prevent the enforoement ot the Yen;or(oj aecures from �- <br /> the hoider o► the ilen an egreement saUsfactory to Lender subordhadng the Iten to thls Sewrily Instrument. B Lender detertnines that any ":,. .;,i'= <br /> part ot the Property is subjeat to a Ilen whioh may attein priorky over thls Ser,udry Inshument, Lender may give Borrower a nodce IdenUtytng x`�;:': <br /> the Ifen, Borrower shalt satlaty the Yen or take one or mae of the acUona aet forth above within 10 days of the ghring ot noUce. �c:Y� <br /> { '�� <br /> S. Hezard or Property lesurance. 8orrower shal keep the Improvements now exisUng or hereafter erected on the Property _ ` <br /> inaured against loss by flre, hezards induded wlthln the term'extended coverage' and any other hazarda, inciuding floods w flooding,for :-•�����-- <br /> whlch Lender requires tnauranee. This insurance ahail be maintained In the amounts and tor the pe►iods that Lender requires. The insurance <br /> .;^� <br /> cartier providing the fnaurance shall be chosen by Borrower aubJect to Lender's approval whlch shall not be unreasonebty wlthhetd. If , <br /> Borrower tatls to matntaln coverage described above,Lender may, at Lender's optbn, obtain coverage to proteG Lender's �(ghts in the <br /> Pruperty in accordsnce wfth peragraph 7. <br /> AN Insurance policles and renewals shall be acceptaNe to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lbnder shall have the � � ' <br /> ' �fght to hold the pollcies and renewe(s, It Lender requires, 8atower ahell promptly give to Lender ali reeeipts ot pald premlums and renewal <br /> nodcea. In the event ot Ioss,8oROwer sheil give prompt notke to the Inauranee cartler and Lendoc Lender may make proof of ioas It not �':� <br /> made promptly by BoROwer. ' � <br /> '' Unlese Lender end Bortower oiheiwise agree in wiiting,Ineurance proceeds shaq be appllad to rastoraUon or repair ot the Property _ " <br /> damaged, If the restoradon or repelr Is economically feasible and Lender's security Is not �essened. �t the restoratlon or repair is not I �� � <br /> � economlcaUy teaslbie or Lender's secudty would be lessened,the Insurence proceeds shali be applled to the aums secured by thls 3ecurlty <br /> Inatrument,whether or not then due, with any excess peld to Bonower. It Bortower abandons the Property, or daes not anewer wlthin 30 I <br /> days a notice from lender that tho insurance cartier has oHered to settle a clalm, then Lender may collect the insurenee proeeeds. Lender „ <br /> mey uso the proceeds to repalr or reatore the Praperty or to pay sums secured by thls Security Instrument. whether or not then due. The i <br /> 30•day period will begin when the notice Is given. � <br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree In writhg, any epplieation o1 proceeds to principal shall not extend or poatpone the due i <br /> date oi the monthiy payments referced to in paregraphs i and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. Ii under peragraph 21 the Property , <br /> • is acqulred by lender, Borrower's�ight to any Insurance policles and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prbr to the acqulsition <br /> - shall pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by this Seeurity Instrument Immedlately prior to the acqulsition. <br /> 6. Occuqancy� Preaervation� Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> � Applteation; LeesehOld9.Borrower shail occupy, establlsh, and use the Property as Borrower's principal resldence within sixty days <br /> after the execulbn of thls Securlty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borcower's principat restdence for at least one <br /> . year aNer the date ot occupency. unless Lender otherwlae agrees In w�iting, whlch consent shall not be unreasonaby wlthheid, or unlesa <br /> , extenueting circumstances exist whlch are beyond Bonower's controt. Borrower shaA not destroy, damage or impeir the Property.ellow the <br /> Ptoperty to deterlorate,or commit waste on the Praperty. Borrower shall be in default if eny torteiture aation or proceeding,whether civll or <br /> I crlminei, is begun that In Lender's good felth judgment cou�d resuN In torfelture ot the Property or otherwise meterieMy Impalr the Ilen created <br /> by this Secutity Instrument or Lender's security Interest. Bortower may cure such a detault end relnstate, as provided in peragraph 18, by <br /> ' � causing the actbn or proceeding to be dlsmissed wNh a ruling that, In Lender's good fafth determinatfon, preciudes torteiture af the <br /> ' Borrower s Interest In the Property or other material impeirtnent of the Ifen created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. <br /> ' Borrower shall elso be In defauit ff Borrower,during the loan eppllcation prxess,gave mate�ially false or Inaccurate Infammtlon or statements <br /> � to Lender (or falled to provide Lender with any mateHal Information) In connectlon with the loan evidenced by the Note, Inciuding, but not <br /> � � ; Iimfted to, representatlons conceming Bortower's accupancy ot the PropeHy as e pdnclpai resldence. If this Securily Instrument is on a <br /> ' � • ieeaehold, Bortower shaN comply with all the provisions of the �ease. If Borrower acquires tee title to the Property, the Ieasehoid and the <br /> � � i� tee tftle shaN not merge uniess the Lender agreea to the meryer in writing. <br /> � <br /> + , � <br /> Pagc 1 of 5 Pcrm lU20 9/90 <br /> � � I F1028.1M6 t9H�) <br /> � : <br /> ' � ti'ddt Ut9 . <br /> � __ . —__— _ .........� __.__ _ .. .._._ . ..___ ..__ <br />