__�_ ____ ____ _
<br /> ��a.� -:..iu,s�. _ __ . ...
<br /> �• �.� �. ••���.��6+�• �]'`.. `�.. , / ' -`,' -
<br /> AI�\�K
<br /> . ..-.
<br /> f1 . ll.x��ldii��•_'^'^..`�t, . . .. � .__.. _�_-_ _ „
<br /> _.a�:��.�.. � - yrw.ti,��.=� .._.. �
<br /> ..4.,. �
<br />�;. ° : •:�:>F•�;:;� � go�rowa m�y curo sach• d�tauR and �einetats, ae pravW�d in p�pQnph 18, by oewefnp ths action ot proo�dfr►p to br �� —
<br /> �r, .t.•:_�;,:..•���if . 6amlae�d vAlh�tuilnp th�i,(n Lenda'a qaod faith d�tennMiaUon,pFBCIIJtJ09�Ai1ta`ItIiN O1 NIO O01TOY1fJ'0 II1tCiC3f M II10 PI'OPit�l OT �
<br /> v,.,�n...�;.:___,�� 01�i�f t11ttA111t1 IMpakR1l�It 01 th0 YM Creilt3d by thls Seour[ty tnatnement or Lenders aecurity int�nat Botrow�r eh�ll u�4 be In
<br /> � ,;; . J dehwN if Borrow�r,durinp tht lan appNutton proo�ss,Qav�mttwwYy 4atn or inar,cunt�Intomxtbn or sLt�nla to Lwtdw(at �,
<br />- � ,..,.-..�.,.�• ,, U11M to provtd� Lend�r with�ny mRtuW htotm�tbn) in aonn�otion v�ith th�lan wid�nosd by tho NoU, hdudlnp� but no! �
<br /> .. ' � .�r : • ' imtta,l W. cvPreaentatlon� aonceminp BoROwws ooaup�noy of the Pmp�rty as a pr(nclpN natdmai. N thl� 8�aurily
<br /> ._,�,.., InsWmmt b an a leas�hotd�8ortowu shd compy with vl th�provisbns of tM Uue. it 8ortow�r acqutra iN tIW to th� �
<br /> ;;:-�- - --.; --.. '"': Properry,the leasehold�nd ths toe�tfe ehaG not mxp�unla�Lani.r�y�zee to the`r��wi wr�Jny. r, _ `-` • ..
<br /> ., . _ ,.;... . ,�" 7.Prot�atton of L.�nd�r's Riphts in th� P�op�rty.tt earowe� hYa to p�rlam th�oovenonta and aprc:r��sct�ta � �_— ,
<br /> ;:h'9f�[.- ,T�r
<br /> .,. contatned In this Seoudty Instrument,or then Is �lpRi proaNdtnp that mry slpnManty atf�ct Lendw'r dphts In th�Prop�dy
<br /> • , t (suoh as �proceedinp in baniwptay,prob�te,tor aondemnaqon o�todeituro w to entures�ws or�epulatlons),th�n Lender nx�y (� _
<br /> ,� ; ' do �nd pay Qor wh�rver ts eeaeaeary to proteat the value ot the PrapMy and Lendere Mghte tn the Praperty. L�nda'e aotions __
<br /> <� ' may Inciude paying any auma eeaured by a Hen whtah hae ptfotfry over thia 8ewrity �natrument, �ppeain8 In eouA, P�Y�O ,��
<br /> • roasonible attomeya'tees and csterhp on the Property to meke repeiro.Atthouph Lender may Wte action unde�thla panar�ph �-.
<br /> � 7. L.ender doea not have to do ao. �' -
<br /> ~�V'^_=._.-_" ._
<br /> � My amounte disbursed by Lender under parapraph 7 shnli become eddiGonal debt of Borrower aeoured by thte 8aou►fty ;:;:,:;I�_
<br /> ^ � Instrument Untesa 8ortower and Lender agrea to athm tcrms oi pnyment, thase nmounte aheN beer interest hom the date of TM R�;�•_,-;_
<br /> .: �� dlaburoanent at the Note rate and shnll be payeble,wRh interest,upon no8ce hom Lender to Bortower requesUnp paymant ,`..�;,t,�_�=::
<br /> � ° 8. MoKgage Inwranee. tl Lender►equUed mortgage Insuranoe as e condldon of ineidng the toan aeoured by thts .:.:ii.;�J_�"
<br /> Securfy►Instrument,Bortower shell pay the premluma required to melMain the moRgage Insuranca in etteat.B,br any�enson,the `���` "':`�,...��
<br /> �.:;��:-�._..,.. .
<br /> � mortpnge Inauisnce coverage required by Lender lepses or ceases to be in etleot, Bortower sheq pay the promtums requtrod to ,- ,��-�-
<br /> obtaln covaaga aubstanUalty ciquNalant to the mortgage Insuranee previously in eTteot,et a coat subatnntlstly equbatent to the �' <;,;-._
<br /> . . 4 • _-
<br /> cost to 8orrotler of !he mortgage Insurence prevlousy in eitect, irom an altemate moRgage insurar e�pP►aved by Lender. If - •-- -
<br /> aubstantially equhralent mortgaga lnsurence eoverage is not avallable,Borrower shalt pay to Lender eaah month a sum equni to ;;' �r,-_
<br /> _ . . -=--- a�e-twerth ot the yearly natSgags i�surancs pramium bdag paid tsy Bass�o:lcr tivhen tfic lneu�nce corerege lepe«rJ o►cr�n+�ad tn -,..a_.: - -
<br /> , " be tn eHeot Lender wlll acoept,use end retain these payments as a taas reaerve in Ileu of modgage inaurance. Loas reserve •-
<br /> „ paymeMs may no longer be requtred,at the opUon of Lender,M mortgaga inaurence ooveraga Qn the emount and for the pedod °��� _"
<br /> ., th4t Lender requirea) provided by an insurer epproved by Lender again beoomes avaAeble and is obtelned. 8orrower eheD PsY • ___
<br /> the premlums requlred to maintain moKgage insurence in effect, or to provtde a loss reserve, unUl the requirement to�mortgage �� ���;,
<br /> . Inaurence ends in acaordance wrih eny wdtten agreement between Barower and Lendet or appilcabte taw. • •''`'•--
<br /> 8. InBpeCtlon.Lender or its agent mey meke reaso�ebie enUles upon and InspecUona of the P►uperty. Lender shatl gNe � �: -
<br /> Bonower noUce at the tkne ot or prior to an Inspection specHyAng reasonable eause!or the inspecdon. , • 'fi�
<br /> � 10. COedemnatlOn.The proceeds oi any awaM or etaim for demages, dtrect or eonsequenUal, ir►eonneotlon v�th any
<br /> condemnaUon or other taking of any part of the Property, or tor conveyence tn Ileu ot condemnadon,ere hereby assigned and ' ;
<br /> '. ehall be pald to Lender. �• '
<br /> ---- - -_ - _=- In the evant of a totni ieking �f ihb Fioperiy, tha procneds shait bo app�ed !o tha sums aecured hy this Securtly . _
<br /> ___ - ....
<br /> � �� Inatrument,whether or not then due,wkh eny exceas paid to Borrowat. �n the even4 of a partlal taidng of the Property in wMob -
<br /> the 1eU merket vatue ot the Property(mmedlatey betore the teking is equai to or greater than the amount of the aums seeured �
<br /> � by thls 3ewrily Instrument Immediatety betore the taWng, un�esa Borrower and Lender otberwise agree in writing, tho sums _
<br /> secured by thia Se�urity Instrument shali be reduced by the amount of the proeeeds multipNed by the totlowing irectlon: (a)the ,+'
<br /> totet amount ot the suma aecured immedtatery before the teking,drlded by (b)the tair merket velue of the Property immadtatey ':,.��
<br /> betore the taking. My balance eha�i be paid to Borrower.In the event ot a partiai taking of the Prope►ty(n whioh the fair market
<br /> vaiue of the Property immediatety betore the tek(ng is tes� thcn ihe amour.2 ot:h: t:�rts sec�r� l:ssrna!I»!=;h�t�'Q•h°ta�1n8• - _• __ •_
<br /> unless Bortower and Lender othenvise agree in wdting or uniesa appllaabie taw othetwlse provtdea, the proceeds ahail be
<br /> i applled to the suma secured by this Security Inatrument whether or not the sums are then due. "
<br /> � It the Property Is abandoned by Bonower, or B, after notice by Lender to Borrower thet the condesnnor oftere to make nn -_
<br /> iaward or settle e ciaim tor dameges, Borrower falis to reapond to Lender wkhh 30 days after the date the noUce is given, � •
<br /> i Lender ts authorized to coliect and appiy the proceeds, at fts opUon, elther to restaraUon or repeir oi the Property or to ihe
<br /> sums secured by this Securtry Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �� Uniess Lender end Bortower otherwlae agree in writing, any appAcadon ot proceeds to pdnctpal shail not extend or
<br /> postpono the due dste ot the monthy paymenta referred to In paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot suoh payments. 4 • $r
<br /> � 11. 8orrower Not Reieased; Forbearanae By Lender Not a Wafver.Extension ot the Ume tor payment or ! -
<br /> t modlficeUon of amortization ot the sums aecured by thia Seeurity InsVument granted by lender to any succeasor in interest of I �
<br /> i Borrower ahail not operete to release the liability oi the original 8ortower or 8ortoww'�suc�cesaors In Intdtest. Lertder ehail not � ;;�;
<br /> be requtred to commence proceedings agafnst any succesaor In Interest or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlae
<br /> modHy amortizaQon of the aums secured by this Securtty Instrument by teason ot any demand mado by the origlnal Borrower or I ..
<br /> ; Borrower's suceessors In interest. Any forbearance by Lender In exerclsing any tlght or remedy ehali not be a waiver ot or
<br /> predude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> j 12. Suaeesgors and Asalgns Bound; Joi�t and Severat Uability; Co-signers. The covenants and � •
<br /> agreements of thls 3ecurlty Instrument shait bind and beneflt the successora and assigns of Lender and Bonower. subJect to the
<br /> , provlafons o!paragreph 17. BoROwer's aovenants and egreements shall be Jotnt end several. Any Borrower who co•signs th�s
<br /> 3ecuriry Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co•signing this Securfty instrument only to mortgege,grant and convey
<br /> that Borrower a Interest In the Property under the tertns of this 3ecu�fty Instrument; (b) Is not personally obligeted to pay the
<br /> suma aecured by thfa Security Ins►rument: and (c) agrees that Lender end any other Borrower may agree to extend,modity.
<br /> forbear or make any accommodationa with regard to the tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note wfthout that Bortower's •
<br /> consent.
<br /> � 13. LOan Cha�gee. Ii the Ioen secured by this Securiry Instrument Is subject to a Iaw which sets maximum Ioan
<br /> . charges, and that law Is finelly Interpreted so that the Interest or olher ban charges collected or to be collected In connecUon
<br /> with the �oan exceed the permitted Iimits, then: (a) any such Ioan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduce
<br /> the Charge to the permitted Ilmft; and (b) any sums already collected from BoROwer which exceeded pertnitted Iimits wfll be
<br /> retunded to Bortower. Lender may ehoose to make this retund by reducing the principa� owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to Borcower. If a retund reduces principal, the reductlon wfli be treated as a pattlat prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment aherge under the Note.
<br /> � 14. NOtIC68. My nollce to 8ortower provided tor in this Securfty Instrument shali be given by deilvering k ar by maliing it
<br /> -- _- _� '-'.�a.....ti�� n�� ^^::��eti�a 1ye al.a�u� tn fhn Prnnprtv Addr43s
<br /> • O�/ ef9t Giaeo awn uiiieio6 oy�r°ni.d`vib i6:i icyu�iw uoo .. a.w. ...,� . .... ..
<br /> or eny other address Bortower deslgnates by notice to Lender. �My notice to lendsr shall be gNen by Ilrst class maB to
<br /> � lender's address stated here�n or any other address Lender deslflnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provlded for in thls
<br /> � Secudty Inatrument ahall be deemed to have been glven to 8onower or Lender when gNen as provlded in thls paragraph.
<br /> • � 1&. Gtoverning Law; S6ve�ebllity. Thls Security Instrument shell be govemed by tederal �aw and the Iaw of the
<br /> ;; Ju�isdlction In whfch the Propetiy Is Iocated. �n the e+ent that any provlslon or clauso ot thls Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> tonAlcts wfth appllcable Iew.sueh contllct shatl nat attect other provlslons of thla Secwity Instrument or tho Note whlch can be
<br /> � '� given eftect wlthout the confNctx�g provlsion.To this end the provisions ot thls Secunty Inswment and tha tVote are dedared to
<br /> ' be severeble.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy.Bomower ahatl be glven one conformed copy ot the Note and of thls Securlty tnutrument.
<br /> ' f1116.LMG112/9J1 Papr 3 015 � i-i,�
<br /> � �
<br /> t • •
<br /> y60Uy
<br />