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--�r�r:�. - <br /> .. a•-____.__,.,...,.._. - - � _ <br /> , .. .. . �}. . 1_.,� -"� � -- - - ---------- <br /> ,�. . . . � . � . � -`_... � ---°'- <br /> _ .n, � ---- _ <br /> .. ..�- .. .. .a.r.. , _.-1� - - -_ <br /> : n�,7.. rs��:�.r/;,;�r �t <br /> � �}�� �r .a'�.r,..`� -• • � o • ' - - <br /> �P` � ..IlPJ 1,'•:f,xe..'q.s -�t-i: ''t1.. ' � "_ <br /> I., . .� . . . . � . " . __ <br /> A, - <br /> � ' " <br /> ' . • r ..1 . .. a. .. .. ._..�._.. - <br /> - ". �' ...�c+1u.a•1.w:.Ya'.�._. � � .. , .. . .. <br /> _ -' -........,...i.>�un.Y.�ltireYru�.�...W...._._.__�.:..__�n1Y � '.'-"'--- � ------- _.. <br /> ° � � �� � TOL�THER WITH �il th� rovemonts eow or h�raatte�ereoted on the ro <br /> ;.;; �P P P�!►� �►nd �N a�a�nent�� aPpurton�ncfe� md <br /> , ifMurea nnw or herenRer e pirt ot the propLrty.Ni ropt,�aemEr►te end additlona ehatl alao be coverad by thts finaurtty Inotrumrn4 � e,�,:,�;—__�------— <br /> ' AN at!he torepolnp le roterred to In thte 8acuriry inaUument te the'Propaty.• <br />_ " , �- BORNOWER COVENANTB th�t 8orrowe�1� kwtuity s�l7ced of th� at�U hr�by conry�d�nd hes th�tlpbt to prant�nd •a► ---� ------- <br /> ; , . `:'.•}; conv�y th� Property �nd that th� Prop�rty�S unoncumb�r�d, uca�pt fm maumbrmcn o}raooM. Bortoww w�rr�nU and wiN 1 <br /> • detend penenlly th�titt�ta tht PropeAy apthst aN d�ime�nd dwnond�,subJaat to�ny�rtoumBranen of teaord. �► <br /> �:�..: �:;,••, „'.;, THIA BECURIN INS?RUMENt aombha unHortn covemr►b for natlonat w� u�d rton�unHonn aov�n�nt� wkh Wmlt�d <br />- : ��. . . . variaUone by judsu�allo�i to con�t�te a unifotm sccur!!y In�hutrsatt cnvetMa tr_!propeAy. _ <br /> n � _,,,.1 <br /> - - <br /> _� -_ <br /> . - - UNIFORM C01fE1V1iM'8. Boutowcr and Lcndnt covcnAnt nnd apraa no totlaws: � ' - <br /> _ � . . +l. Paym�M ot PrinotpNl and intsnst� Pnpsym�nt �nd Lat�Ch�r��s.eoROw.r sh�p prom�r p�Y whm = <br /> , due ths princ{p�f ot u�d Intahat an the dabt evidanaed by ths Nete and any p�payment�nd f�ts ahupes dut und�►th�Not�. � �:�---° <br /> • � 2. Funds for Tax�s�nd Insunnee.8ubject to appkcebie taw or to a w�itten w�lvar by Lender,Bo�ower ehaY pay �"l��?=" <br /> � :;:we:"'.� <br /> ' to Lander on the d�y monthy paymante tro due unde►the Nots,u�ll ths Note la p�d In h+N,a sum('Funda•) toc p) yMrly � -•��- <br /> �".�-- <br /> � taxea and saeeasmente whioh mny+�tWn pdodty over thls 8eourNy leatrument�s a Ben on the PropeAy; �) Ywy Uasehotd • r�cas_---- <br /> +•-•°_-°- <br /> � � ^ payme�ts or ground renta oo the Propary,H any; (o)yeary hwrd ar properiy tnaur�nae promiuma; (cQ yearly Aood hsuranoe •••4�^�— <br /> .:,._:-�:�_�_ <br /> premiums,(t�ny; (e)yeary mortgage lnauranee premluma,H any;�nd (�any euma p�yable by Borrower to Lendar In aeeoMinw :�;rr-__-__-__ <br /> � with the pmvialone ot paragreph 8, in Neu ot the payment of moRpape ineuranee pramiuma. Theae Itema are otMsd 'Eeaow ' �-��=•-": <br /> " �... • Items.' Lender msy, nt any Ume, cotleot and hold Funds In an aroount not to excead the rttnximum emount a lendx lor• . ,-'"`;�,�;-�.,:.. <br /> , " federety retated mortgage loan may roquire for Bor►owa'e oscrow acaount under the tederal Real Cstnte 8ettlement Procedures � ,,.��«��=--_�:--- <br /> Aat oi 1974 as emended from tlme to Nme, 12 U.S.O.@ 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'),un�ess another Iaw that appqea to the Furtda , ��- •�� `J=`°`���� <br /> sets a tesaer amount. It oo,Lender may, at any Uma, coAect and hoid Funds k�en emount not to exceed the lesaar amoun� ��°��.,.�,!��r— <br /> Lendcr may esUmate the amount of Funds due an the basis of arrent data and reasonab ie ea tlmates o f expen d i tures o f l u t ure � v='���'"` ' '�r'`: <br /> � Escrow Items or otherwise In aecordnnce wkh appifcab►e bw. • .. ...• '�-,��---� _ <br /> • The Funda shatl be held in an tnstiGrtton whose deposits ere insured by a tedera�agenay,lnatrumentaliry,or entity pnc9udinp �,c:�.�:��-r;=,=_ <br /> ; :• , �• ---- <br /> , Lender, M Lender is such an InsUtudon)o�In any Federai Home loan Benk. Lender shaU appy the Funds to pay the Eeaow -• •� � ���" '"— <br /> _..: .�. . . <br /> �� •••- - <br /> Items. Lender ma not charge 8onower for holdin and n tha Funde,an+w ena eri�i g ..._ ' __``R__ _ <br /> Y 9 aPPh� 9 eiht Nzit�B tha esaotiY eacount.or v n l.._.,_ <br /> � the Eserow Itema, unless Lender pays Borcower interost on the Funda and appitoab►e law permfts Lende►to make suoh e • �" <br /> charpe. However, Lende� mey requlre Bortower to pay a one�Ume eharge tor an Independent real estete tex reporting eenrice �=��L��- <br /> uaed by Lender in conneadon with this loan, uniess appltcabie Iaw provides otherwtse. Un�ess an agreement is made or �'` '��� <br /> ` TM"'�� - <br /> appNcabie iaw requlres Interest to be paid, Lender ahall not be required to pay 8orrower any hterest or eamings on the Funds. ,�'��y�.��4,. <br /> • BoROwer and lender may sgree in wrfdng, however, that Interest sheil be paid on the Funds. Lender shail glve to 8orrower, .' •,�,,=���.,: <br /> . wRhout charge, an ennunl accounting ot the Funds, ahowing eredits end deblta to the Funds and the purpose tor whloh eaah a"'=== <br /> debit to the Funds wna made. The Funds are ptedged as addiGonai secu�ily for ait suma secured by the 3eeurfly�nsWme�4 '"?h- <br /> ' . It the Funds heid by Lender exaeed the amounta permitted to be heid by appticable Iaw,Lender sheli account to 8arrower ' � <br /> ' tor the exceas Funds in accordance wfth the requirementa of appllcabie Iaw. If the smount ot the Funda held by Lender et any = <br /> •• dme is not sufflcient to pay the Eac►ow Items when due, Lender may so notNy Borrower In wrlting,and, in suoh caso Borrower }f— '— <br /> shatl pay to Lender the amount neceseary to make up the defldenay. Borrower ahaA meke up the defldenay in no more than � ����.,�± <br /> —...3��96:- - <br /> MreNe monthy payments,at Lender's eate dlscretlon. <br /> Upon peyment in 1uU of ail suma eecured by thia Securriy insWment,Lende�shail promptiy �efund to Borrower any Funda " <br /> held by le�dor. If,�under paragraph 21.Lender shail acqulre or sell the Properry,Lender,prior to the acquislUon o►sate of the . <br /> Properiy,shall appy any Funds he�d by Lender at the Ume of aequlsHlon or sele as a credR agatnet the 3ums secured by this , <br /> 3ecurity�nsuument ' <br /> 3. Applieation of PBymente. Unlesa appllccibie Iew providea otherwise, all payments receNed by lender under • , .= <br /> . paraoraphs t and 2 shail be apptied: flrst,to any prepeyment charges due under the Note; seaond,to amounte peyabte unde► �� <br /> paragraph 2;third,to intereat due;tourth,to prindpat due;and Iast,to eny Iate ohargea due under the Note. � • <br /> I 4. Cha�ges; Ltene. Bortower shall pey all taxos, assessments, aharges, tinea and impoaftlons attributab�e to the •• <br /> Property whbh may attein pdorily over this 3ecurily Instrument,and leasehotd payments or ground rente,R any. 8ortower shail r 1 I <br /> pay these obOgatlons in the manner provided fn paragraph 2, or H not paid in that manner,Bortower shali pay tham on dme <br /> � directiy to the pe�son owed payment. Borrower shall prompty tumish to Lender all notlees ot amounta to be paid under this � �s."�•• <br /> i paregraph. If Borrower makes these peyments directly. 8ortower sheil promptty fumiah to Lender reaeipis evidenc(ng the , . <br /> paymenta. ' <br /> I Bortower shatl promptty disaharge any I�en which has priority over this Securtty InaWment unlesa BoROwer. (a)agrees in > ',t,�'��� <br /> writkig to tho payment ot the obllgatlon secured by the Ilen in a menner acceptable to Lender, (b) wntesta In good fafth the � ,.'.�.�� <br /> � Ilen by, or delends agalnat enforcement of the Ilen in, legal proceedings whiah in the Lendei s opinion operate to prevent the y,�;� ^ ; <br /> � entoreement ot tfie Iien;or (o) eecures from the hoider of the Ilen an agreement satlu}actory to lender subordinating the Ilen to i � .. � <br /> this 3ecurtty Instrument.It Lender determines thet any part of the PropeRy la sub�ect to a Ilen which may attain pdorfty over this , ,� <br /> � Security InsUument, lender may give 8orcower e noUce identHying the Nen.Bortower sha�l setlsty the Ilen or take one or more ot � :*- <br /> the aetions se�foAh above within 10 deys of the gNing of notice. � 1= <br /> 5. Hazerd or Pfoperty (nsu�attae.Bortower aheq keep the knprovementa now existing or hereaRer erected on the ` .;� <br /> , Property insured againat loas by flre, hazards Inc�uded wRhin the tertn 'extended coverege'and any other hazards,�nc�uding . . _ <br /> , floode or ftooding,tor which Lender requlres Insurance. This Insurance shall be malntalned In the amounts end tor the petlods <br /> that Lender requlres. The Insurance cartier providing the insurence sha�l be choaen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approvat <br /> whlch ahati not be unreasonaby wRhheld. It Borrower tails to maintaln coverage deacribed above, Lender may, at Lender's ' <br /> optlon,obtaln coverage to protect lender's rlghts in the Property tn acco�dence with paragreph 7. <br /> Atl Nsurance poilcles and renewatc shall be acceptable to Lender end shall tnc�ude a standerd mortgage clause. Lender <br /> ahall have the►ight to hold the policlea and renewals. If Lender requlres,Bortower shaW promptty gbe to Lender aN recelpts ot <br /> � paid premiums and renewal notices, In the event of loss,Bortower shall give prompt notice to the insurance cartler end Lender. <br /> Lender ma;make proof of loas H not made promptty by Bortower, <br /> � Unleas lender and Bortower othe►wise agree tn w�iting. Insurance proceeds shaN be applled to restoratbn or repair ot the <br /> • Property damaged,H the restoration or repalr is economlcally feasible and Lender's securlty {s not lessened. If the restoratlon or <br /> repeir Is not economicaly teasibie or Lender's securiry woNd be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shaU be applled to the sums <br /> secured by this 3ecurfty Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borcower. It Borrower abandons the <br /> Properly, or does not answer withln 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance cartter has oHered to settle a claim,then <br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rapak or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured by thfs Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day period wflt begin when the notice Is gtven. <br /> U�less Lender and Borrower othervvlse agree In writing, any appYcatlon of proceeds to pdnclpat ahall not extend or <br /> , poatpone the due date of the monthly payments reterted to In paragrephs t end 2 or change the amount o} the payments. N <br /> under peragreph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Bortower's rfght to any Insurance policles and proceeda resutting hom <br /> - ; damage to the Property pnor to the acqwsnion shaq pass to Lencfer to the extent ot tne suma ty tnia secumy instrument <br /> � ' Immediately pdor to the acqulsitlon. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance end P�otection of the Property; Bor�ower's Loan <br /> Apptieatton; L.8�89hO1d8. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as 8onower's principei residence wRhin <br /> sixty deys after the executbn o1 this Security �nstrument and shall conU��e to occupy the Property as Borrower's princlpal <br /> � ; � resldence ta at Ieast one year after the date ot occupancy, unie�s Lender otherwise agrees h writing, which consent ahall not <br /> be unreasonably wfthheid, ar uniesa extenuating circumstances exist whtch are beyond Bortower s control. Borrower shall not <br /> � � destroy,damage or impair the Property,albw the Property to detedorate,or commit waste on the property. Bortower shaii be In <br /> ' � detauft B any torteiture ecUon or proceeding, whether clvN or crimtnai,Is begun that in lenders good tafth Judgment coutd resuR <br /> � tn foMetture of the Property or otherwise materlaly Impalr the�len ueated by this Securfty Inatrument or Lender's security Interest. <br /> '{� <br /> , � -�^�"- <br /> j : F1�16.LM0(12/UJl Pnq�•7 0�S � <br /> i <br /> + I <br /> i <br /> � � 9� - _l <br />