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<br /> � . � 97. T�anaf�v o4 thv P�opsrly or � Bsn�ftotal Intu�st tn Borrmwsr.if atl or eny put of the PPOperty or ----n---..�
<br /> . nny Intereot In It is uold or ttunntermd(er iY e beneflo!ai Intarest in Borrower la eold or trsnaterred and 6orrowct ta not�nnturcl (� �_,��_.M4i.,.
<br /> person)wNhout Lendar'e pdor wr4ttu+conaent,lende►mdy,at fte optlon,requiro Immedtate peyment fn fuii o}aA sums saairod by � �:.;.-;���,,,,
<br /> thla 8ecudty inatrumenl. However, thla op0on ehNi not be exeroleed by Lenda B exerclee Is prohibtted by fedenl faw u ot tha � `�____ -
<br /> - d�te of thle 8ecurity Inetrum6nt. �`"�
<br /> If Landar exerefaea thla o Uon, Lender eh�M yNs 8o►rower notiae o!�eceieratlon. Th�notbs eluA rovlde a perlod ot oot � "'�""s'v�...=
<br />- p P �,�.:�::.:r=-
<br /> teee then 30 d�ys irom ths dats the noUes 1�ddN�rW or m�N�d wlthln whiah 8ortown muet p�y�q wme uound by W� !"'�-�_��_�-
<br /> �� ° 8ewrfty Inetrument. It Bortower faUa to p�y thwe eunsa pdor to the expk�tton of thla period. Lenda may invoke eny r�uQfaa ���-''�� '
<br /> _ ..�.t.�,;.,
<br /> , permltted by thia 8aourity Inetrument wllhout tunher noUos o�damtnd on Bortower. : ,:•�:;:'"��r��
<br /> 18. Borrowlr's R1gM to R�Ittstat�. It Borrower meets aertain aoadklona,Borrower e��p h�ve the dph4 to fuiva � ' `'�'�' �`���.
<br /> entoroement of thla 8eeudty Inetrument dlaconlhued et any Ume pdor to�he earller of: (a) 6 d�ya (or auah othe� patod�e •
<br /> eppUoabte lew may epeeity for reinet�tement)beto�e aite of the Property purouant to any pow�r ot aaie aonWned in thla Beaurlry
<br /> � InaVument;or (b)entry of e Judgment e�loroinq thle Securiry inshumen�Thoae conditlons �ro that Borrower: (e)paya Lender til ' .. �
<br /> auma whioh then wouid be due under thls Seairiry Inatrument and the Note as H no aoaelerutfon hcd oceuRad; (b) auroa any .
<br /> detault of any other covenant or agreementa: (o) paya atl expeneea Incurted in enfordng thla 3ecuriry lneWmenl, Inctuding, but .
<br /> � not ilmfted to, reasonebie attomeys'tees:and(� lakea auah satlon as lender may roascnaby require to aesure thet the Iien of
<br /> tNis 3ecudty Instrument, lenders dghts in ths Propony and 8orrower'e obligabon to pay the suma seoured by this Seauity ,
<br /> inatrument shall contlnue unahanged. Upen reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry InsWment and tha obAgationa eecu►ed
<br /> • hereby sheil remain fuAy etfective as if no accderadon had oecuned. However,this tight to relnatate sheU rtot nppy in the caee ' „
<br /> ot aeeeleraUon under paregraph 17. �• �• �
<br /> ' 19. Ssle of Note; Change of Loarf SOrvICeT.The Note or a a partiat fnterest in the Note (together with this
<br /> 8ecurity inatrument) may be sold one or more tlmes without pdor notico to Borrower.A eale may resuR In e ohanpe in the entfty
<br /> r'.�' . i {knnw�aa the•Loen Servlcer')that colie�s montt�y payments due under the Note and this 8ecu►1ty�natrument. There atao may _
<br /> be one or mare ahangea of the Loen Servicer unretated to a saie of the Note. If there is a ohenge of the Loan 8etvioer, °"F� �`°; -
<br /> Borrower wlit be given written notice of the ahe�ige in accordance with paragraph 14 a6ove and appYeable taw. The notico will -
<br /> atate the name and address ot the new Loan 8ervker end the addresa to whish payments ahouid be made. The�odce will etso •• �'
<br /> contaln any other Intortnatlon required by appNarble law. " �?�
<br /> 20. Hazardou8 8ub8tanC8s. BoRawer shail not cause or permft the presence,use,dfsposei,storage, or rdease of .�,�_.
<br /> ' any Hazardoua 3ubatencea an or In the Property, Borrower shail not do, nor allow enyona eise to do,anylhing a i t e o dng t he ° �'f
<br /> .;� ' Property thet fs In vlolation of eny EnvtronmeMal law. The preceding two sentences ahap not appy to the presence,use,or � 1�-
<br /> storage on the PropaAy of smeU quanttdes of Here►dous 3ubsisnces that are generaiy recognlzed to be appropdate to nom�al , .
<br /> residenNal usea and 4o melntenanco ot the Property.
<br /> ' Borrower shall prompUy gNe Lender w�dlen notice of any investtgaUon, ctaim, demend, lawauft or other acUon by eny ^ _—.
<br /> govemmentai or regulaiory egar�ay ur piivete paKy lnvoNhsg iha t'ropscty and any Hezetdous Su4atenc� or EnYironmentJ!gw of ;,�z
<br /> which Borrower has aatuai knowledge. Ii Barower leams, or is notifled by any govemmentai or reguiatory authoilty,that any
<br /> . removai or other nsmediation of any Hazardous Substance eNecting Properly is nncessary. BoROwer shall promptly take a�l ,'.~r -_
<br /> necessary remedlai acUans in acaordence with Envkonmentnl Law. �;���;;; -
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous 3ubstances' are those substanaes deRned ae toxio or hetardoua substancea by �� ` „ -
<br /> Envlronmental Law and the following substences: gasollne. kerosene, other flemmeble or toxlo petroteum products, toxta •• _
<br /> pesticides and herb�cldes.votatAe soNents, materiels aonteininq asbeatoa or fwmaidehyde,and tadtoaadve matetlais. As used in • --
<br /> I paragraph 20, 'Env(ronmentai Lew' meane federal lews and �aws ot the jurlsdiation whcre the Properly ia located that relate to „ ;
<br /> ! heafth,aetety or envlronmente�protectlon. •�
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borrower and Lender turther covenant end ag►ee as to�lows: � --
<br /> 21. Acceteratlon; Remedles. Lender ehalt give notiae to Borrower prior to acceleratlon
<br /> following Boerower's breaoh of any covenant or agreement in thts Seeurlty teatrument (but not
<br /> prior to acceleratton unde� paragraph 17 untess applicable law provides otherwlae). The notice
<br /> ` � ahali s ect (a) the default; (b) the actlon required to cure the default; (c) a date� not lesa than '
<br /> � p �'
<br /> 30 days from the date the notice ts given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and �. +!��
<br /> �� (d) thet faliure to cure the defauit an or before the dete speclfted in the natice mey �esui� tn '_�
<br /> aaceleratton of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and safe of the Peoperty. 'Phe aotiCe �� .
<br /> � shall further Iniorm Borrower of the rlght to reinatate aitar acaeleration and the �IgM to bri�g a
<br /> court actlon to assert the �on-existence of a defauit or any other defense of Borrower to _
<br /> aaceleratfon and sate. If the default ts not cured on or before the date specifted in the notice�
<br /> Lender at Its option may require imrnediate paymen4 in full of all sums seoured by thi8 Setsurity ' �' �
<br /> � Instrument without further demand �nd may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedtes '
<br /> � permttted by applicabte taw. Lender shall be entitied to collec4 all expenses incurred in pursuing
<br /> the remedies qrovided in this paragraph 21, Inctuding, but not limtted to, reasonable attorneys' .
<br /> : fees and costs of titte evtdence.
<br /> ;� if the power of sale Is invoked. Trustee ahali record a notice of defautt in each cou�ty in
<br /> ,� whtch any pert of the Prope�ty ts tocated and ahati mall copies of such notiae in the manner
<br /> � prescribed by appticable taw to Borrower and to the other persons presc�ibed by applicable law. �
<br /> Atter the time regulred by appliaabie taw, T�ustee ahall give public notice of sale to the pe�sons ,
<br /> and in the manner prescribdd by appiicabie taw. Trustee. without demand on Borrower, shall seli f
<br /> the Property at pubtic auction to the highest bidder at the time and place end under the terms � .
<br /> idesEgnated in the �otice of satn in one or more parcels and in eny order Trustee determtnes.
<br /> � Trustee may postpone sate of ati or any parcet of the P�operty by public annou�cement at the
<br /> time and piace of any previousty scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee mey purchase the
<br /> � Pronertv at anv sale.
<br /> ' Upon �eceipt of payment of the price bid. Truatee shall det(ver to the purchast�� Trustee's
<br /> deed conveying the Property. The recttata in the Trustee's deed ahal� be prima facle evidence of
<br /> the truth ot the atetements made therein. Truatee shall apply the p�oceeds of the sule in the
<br /> foltowing order. (a) to all coste e�d expenses of exercising the powe� of sale� and the sale,
<br /> Inctuding the payment of the Trustee's fees actualiy incurred� not to exceed three
<br /> 9b of the principat amount of the
<br /> � note at the time of the deciaration of default, and �eesonable attorney's fees as permitted by taw;
<br /> ' (b) to all aums securad by this Security Inatrument; ond (c) any excess to the person or persona
<br /> tegalty entitled to It.
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